Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Drafting Your Own Declaration of Independence & Constitution

The past few months, we have been posting video clips of Dr. Jordan Jensen's recent live seminar taught at Lone Star College of the Woodlands (Houston), Texas.  Today's post features the final three clips that have not yet been highlighted on the Freedom Focused blog.  The FIRST CLIP, Fire & Ice, offers a word or two on the precarious times in which we live.

Play clip to hear Dr. Jensen speak about Fire & Ice 

The SECOND CLIP provides another preparatory message for the upcoming 4th of July.  In it, Dr. Jensen describes the process of drafting a personal Declaration of Independence and Constitution -- an art he has adapted from the two awe-inspiring documents penned by our Founding Fathers.

What vices, bad habits, onerous genetic traits, and other undesirable inclinations and predilections trouble you in your life?  Composing a Self-Declaration of Independence and Self-Constitution provides you with the opportunity to identify areas of change and then produce a plan to make change real in your life.

Play clip to hear Dr. Jensen speak about composing a Self-Declaration of Independence & Self-Constitution  

The THIRD CLIP emphasizes the need to teach Self-Action Leadership--first to yourself, and then to families, neighborhoods, communities, schools, organizations, states, nations, and the world-at-large.

Self-Action Leadership MUST be TAUGHT

: If you are receiving this message via e-mail, the video clips will not show up below. Just click on the blue title -- Drafting Your Own Declaration of Independence & Constitution -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site.

Having come to the conclusion of the film clips from Dr. Jensen's February 21, 2015 live seminar, we will proceed -- beginning next week -- to continue publishing Jensen's book (Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom) one section or chapter at a time, beginning with Book the Third -- The Self-Action Leadership Model.

We recently submitted the SAL manuscript for publication.  We are looking forward to launching the hard-copy version of the entire book later this summer.  In the meantime, we will continue to provide serial installments of the book online via weekly blog posts.

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