Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Two New Publications Now Available for FREE Download

I am pleased to announce the availability of two new publications, both of which are now available as FREE downloadable PDF's at our website.

The first publication is a scholarly journal article introducing the Self-Action Leadership Theory.  It was recently published in the Journal of Leadership & Management.  This article was co-authored by Dr. Christopher P. Neck, University Master Teacher at Arizona State University and Dr. Rodney J. Beaulieu, Assistant Professor at California State University San Marcos.

Click HERE to access the Freedom Focused website and download the article (SAL Theory Publication).

The second publication contains three chapters from Part 2 of my upcoming book ~ Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom ~ which will be available at Amazon.com in coming months.

These three chapters highlight my own Self-Action Leadership journey whereby I was able to successfully apply SAL principles to overcome serious challenges I faced involving mental illness, romantic relationships, and failures in my early professional work.  This personal narrative contains the following three chapters:

Chapter 1: OCD is Hell

Chapter 2: My Rocky Road of Romance

Chapter 3: Career Crucibles

Click HERE to access the Freedom Focused website and download my personal narrative.  The link to the PDF download is entitled "Jordan's Self-Leadership Journey," and can be accessed by scrolling slightly down the page under the section "Jordan Jensen, Ed.D., CEO & Founder."

I wrote and included these chapters in my new book not only to demonstrate the power that Self-Action Leadership can have in a person's life, but also because I desire to provide help and hope to others who may deal with similar struggles.  As such, feel free to share this narrative with family, friends, or others you believe may benefit.

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