Sunday, February 15, 2015

SAL Case Study: The Joe Jensen Story

Read About a Real Educator 
Who is Making a REAL Difference

Politicians, pundits, and other persons of power love to talk about public education in America and point out its many pressing problems.  Sadly, for many, their main concerns with the "system" often involve structural inequality, lack of money, standardization, unionization, and a litany of other issues that have little to do with the heart of the matter--which involves helping the students themselves become good citizens that productively contribute to society.

Make no mistake, structural inequality, lack of resources, and other issues can present real challenges.  They are, however, not primary issues; they are secondary issues.  The root of most educational problems in America virtually always lies in a lack of knowledge, competence, character, and caring on the part of the educators themselves.

Even the most lavishly funded and structurally equitable schools will never realize their full potential if their leaders and teachers lack character--and an understanding of the fundamental principles that lead to long-term student success. 

Conversely, even the poorest funded and most structurally inequitable schools can achieve remarkable things if the teachers and administrators that lead them possess character & competence and really care about their students. 

Dr. David G. Anthony, CEO of Raise Your Hand Texas
In the words of Dr. David G. Anthony, CEO of Raise Your Hand Texas, and former Superintendent of the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District (among of 25 largest in the USA) in Houston, TX:
"I look at results that answer the question: how do we best serve kids? The simple goal of education is to make people better. We need to make adults better, and we must make students better. That’s the only goal I’ve ever really had."
Educators like Dr. Anthony are, in my experience, not a dime-a-dozen, and when you find them, they are worth their weight in gold.  I recently came across an article about just such an educator.  His name is Joe Jensen -- soon to be Dr. Joe Jensen -- the Principal of Orem Junior High School in Orem, Utah.

Principal Joe Jensen, who, aside from making big
waves in the world of education,  is also a husband,
the father of six, and an avid athlete who has
finished the elite Leadville 100 mountain
biking race
 an impressive 7-times.
Joe is one of the finest self-action leaders I have ever met.  His personal capacity, competence, and integrity as a leader and educator have initiated quantum changes at his school.  Even more impressive, his unprecedented accomplishments come at a Title 1 school.    

Freedom Focused exists to develop and promote leaders like Joe Jensen in the field of education and beyond.  If I have anything to say about it, his inspiring story will eventually touch all corners of this nation, which so desperately needs educators like Joe at the helm of our nation's public schools and districts.  I invite you to read his inspiring story and share with your personal network.

Click HERE to READ the Joe Jensen Story.

Next Blog Post: Tuesday, February 17, 2015  ~  The Unabridged Case Study of Felicia Cockrell

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