Thursday, April 30, 2015


In last week's post, I shared the video clip on Postmodernism. Today, I follow up that video clip by providing two additional clips that provide the answer to the troubled age of postmodernism that has dominated American Society in post-World War II generations. The answer can only come in a whole new age that is destined to eclipse postmodernism. The name of this age is: The AGE of AUTHENTICISM.

If you are receiving this message via e-mail, the video clips will not show up below. Just click on the blue title -- The AGE of AUTHENTICISM -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site.

Self-Action Leadership Seminar clip

Dr. Jensen's Education Speech clip

New Self-Action Leadership Book Coming Soon!

You may have noticed that I have published blogs more sporadically the past few weeks. This is because I have been busy at work completing the manuscript of my new book: Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom. I will be submitting the manuscript to the publisher on Friday, May 1st. I hope to have hard copies available within the next 4-6 weeks.

Now that the book is finally done, I will return to a posting blog articles on a consistent schedule. With the book nearing its completion, the plan moving forward is to post a blog once a week. Tentatively, blogs will be published on Tuesday, although it may occasionally come on a later day of the week. I intend to continue publishing a weekly blog post for the rest of my career with Freedom Focused.  I hope you will choose to remain a subscriber indefinitely as well.  Thank you for your interest in and support of this material! Without you, the reader, my work would have little meaning.

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