Sunday, May 3, 2015

Get Dr. Jordan Jensen's new Book FREE: 2-month Window

Dear Friends & Colleagues:

Like many of you, I have deep concerns about the direction our Nation & World is trending. For more than a decade, I have been racking my mind and heart in an effort to produce something educational that might give a voice to all those yearning to “do something about it.”

Last Friday I completed, and submitted to a publisher, a book I have been working on since 2003. The book is called: Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom (A Personal Leadership Resource for Businesses, Schools, Families, and Individuals).

I have spent literally thousands of hours over the past 12 years reading, researching, interviewing, writing, editing, proofreading, presenting and polishing the message in this book. I believe the importance of the message merits the kind of total effort I have invested.

Prior to the book’s official launch on in a couple of months, I am offering a FREE electronic copy of this book to family members, friends, and colleagues. If you are interested in receiving your FREE downloadable PDF of this manuscript, please reply to this e-mail with the word “YES,” and I will send you an invite to my Dropbox folder whereby you can access the downloadable file. Or, if you are reading this via a blog post, just send me an e-mail with the word, “YES” to…

If you like the book, feel free to share copies of the PDF file with your own family, friends, and professional network.

The purpose of this book is 5-fold:

  1. Inspire a Renaissance of American Patriotism & Greatness
  2. Promote Personal Responsibility & Self-Reliance
  3. Restore the age-old, classical acceptance of a real Right & Wrong
  4. Eclipse the Postmodern Era with a new AGE of AUTHENTICITY
  5. Provide a comprehensive Theory & Model of self-leadership that provides a holistic roadmap to Personal Growth that will lead to organizational effectiveness and the achievement of the goals stated above. 

Here is a sampling of what some of the EXPERTS are saying about this book: Click on Names to learn more about each endorser.

Praise for Dr. Jordan Jensen & Self-Action Leadership

"In Self Action Leadership, Jordan Jensen has assembled a leadership masterpiece anchored steadfastly in true principles of philosophy and human behavior. In wonderfully written prose, Jordan reminds us of who we are and what it takes to live and lead with honor. Moreover, he challenges us to live up to the high calling of being human beings with a special mission on this Earth. To accomplish our mission, we must do two major things: grow in our sense of personal responsibility, and in turn, care for others and help them to do the same. I grappled with these two areas in a primal way during more than five years as a POW in Vietnam. Now I’m thrilled to see how Jordan has laid out SAL by using the vehicle of story to illuminate his own, unique journey of transcending adversity. In so doing, he has inspired us all to become who we are capable of becoming. Bravo!”

Colonel Lee Ellis
U.S. Air Force Retired. Vietnam POW survivor (Hanoi Hilton). President & Founder of Leadership Freedom® LLC and FreedomStar Media™ Author of Leading With Honor: Leadership Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton.

“There is no more important contributor to your own effectiveness than how you lead yourself. If you want to learn a great deal about the latest thinking on self-leadership, read this book.”

Charles C. Manz, Ph.D.
Nirenberg Professor of Leadership, The University of Massachusetts, and the Father of self-leadership in the Academe

“Jordan Jensen has written a thorough, intense, and illuminating autobiographical volume about how to lead self.”

James G.S. Clawson, Ph.D.
The Darden Graduate School, University of Virginia, and author of Level 3 Leadership: Getting Below the Surface.

"A deeply personal and richly emotive narrative, Self-Action Leadership takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery, providing one of the most detailed and applied treatments of self-leadership concepts currently available."

Jeffery D. Houghton, Ph.D.
West Virginia University, Associate Professor of Management, and leading self-leadership scholar.

“Reading this book may be the most worthwhile thing you do this year. Its presence in the literature is a service to our Country.”

David G.Anthony, Ed.D
CEO of Raise Your Hand Texas

“Jensen’s message is germane to civic leaders, business professionals and workers of all kinds, educators, students, parents, and children—in short, to EVERYONE.”

Christopher P. Neck, Ph.D.
University Master Teacher, Arizona State University

“Anyone who seeks greater insight into their inner struggles, and desires the tools to overcome those struggles—to master self, will find this book a must read!"

Bruce H. Jackson, Ed.M, MBA, MA, Ph.D., MPA
Founder and CEO of The Institute of Applied Human Excellence, and author of Finding Your Flow: How to Identify Your Flow Assets and Liabilities—The Keys to Peak Performance Every Day

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