Tuesday, May 12, 2015

SAL Seminar: Aristotle's GOLDEN MEAN

Remember the classic line of Vizinni (Wallace Shawn) from the Princess Bride:  "Ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?  Morons!"

Despite the brilliant comedic value of this classic line, there remains much for us to learn from the Great Greeks of yesteryear.

In today's post, I share two video clips that discuss one of Aristotle's most famous philosophical premises, which has since become known as the GOLDEN MEAN.  Clip one explains what the Golden Mean is.  Clip two expands upon the principle and relates it back to Self-Action Leadership.

If you are receiving this message via e-mail, the video clips will not show up below. Just click on the blue title -- Aristotle's GOLDEN MEAN -- at the top of your screen to access the video clip by visiting the actual blog site.


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