Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Magic and Power of Synergy

You are probably familiar with the famous acronym T.E.A.M., which stands for: Together Everyone Achieves More

This cooperation cliche is often just that—a cliche. And while it makes a good classroom poster or workplace buzz word, rarely is it fully exposed for the priceless gem it really is. Indeed, there is enormous meaning and power in this simple statement. 

The acronym T.E.A.M is a simplistic encapsulation of another word that is likewise jam packed with meaning and power.

The word is: SYNERGY 

In the fields of leadership and human resources, SYNERGY is a term used to describe the possibilities and potential of human beings when they work together effectively and harmoniously. More specifically, it has been described as a process that unfolds when: "the whole [becomes] greater than the sum of its parts."* 

1 + 1 = 3 (or more)

According to Dr. Stephen R. Covey, when SYNERGY is unleashed, one plus one can equal more than two; and in some cases, much more than two. What exactly does that mean? It means that two or more people working well as a team can always accomplish more together than they ever could if they invested the same amount of time and effort separately

The phenomenon of SYNERGY can be seen in any relationship, group, team, department, organization, community, state, nation, or world when its respective members figure out how to work together effectively and harmoniously. Doing so is not always easy. But for those who succeed in spawning SYNERGY, any marriage, friendship, partnership, or any other kind of human relationship, team, or organization realizes heights that would be unattainable without it. Conversely, the absence of SYNERGY is just as noticeable, albeit in a negative sense. 

Think about it for a second...

From your knowledge and experience, what is the smoothest running organization that provides the best customer experience and service? Whatever your answer to this question might be, that organization has almost certainly figured out how to create massive amounts of SYNERGY as a result of their leadership, culture, systems, and practices.

My personal answer to this question would be two fold: Buc-ees and QuickTrip convenient stores. And if you have any experience with either of these two convenient store chains, you know immediately what I am talking about.

The SYNERGY is so strong at Buc-ees that whenever I get within parking distance of its big, adorable beaver logo, I swear the heavens open and multitudes of angels begin to sing. I suppose the fact that I love convenient stores about three times more than the average person deserves some credit for this seeming angelic chorus; nevertheless, the SYNERGY is thick and strong wherever a Buc-ees is built. And I've had to face up to the fact that angels simply don't sing as loud or long at other convenient stores.  Although much smaller in scope, QuickTrip convenient stores offer similar service, quality, and cleanliness. Back in 2012, I had a chance to conduct a professional training seminar for QuickTrip at their Corporate Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was impressed at their facilities and the way they valued and treated their employees. The whole experience has remained a positive memory for me.      

What sets Buc-ees and QuickTrip apart from the hundreds of other convenient store brands throughout the United States and beyond? While there are many answers to this question (i.e. clean bathrooms, professional and efficient customer service, expansive customer-centric product selection, etc.), it is SYNERGY that ultimately drives the desirable outcomes that keep customers coming back again-and-again to these stores—and avoiding their competitors in favor of them.

The leadership, culture, systems, and best practices employed at Buc-ees and QuickTrip maximize the productivity and quality unleashed by their impressive array of human capital (managers and employees). They also tend to attract top talent because of their reputation for higher pay, standards of excellence, and brand supremacy. Yet, in the end, the people who work at Buc-ees and QuickTrip are just human beings like the rest of us. As such, the real difference can be explained in their capacity to consistently generate SYNERGY.  

SYNERGY is a driving force behind all above-average and superior team performances. And the same can be said of individual relationships, like marriages, friendships, and even business partnerships.

I never ceased to be amazed at the power of SYNERGY that has been unleashed in my personal marriage.

I do not have a perfect marriage; no one does. However, it is pretty good, and the productivity and progress that has occurred in our relationship, family, personal lives, and careers the past 13 years since Lina and I tied the knot on 8/8/08 has been a beautiful and productive experience. 

On our own, Lina and I each have individual talents, abilities, and capacities. Moreover, we are both capable of accomplishing significant things independent of each other.

However... as we have worked together effectively and harmoniously, the difference—meaning the surplus productivity, progress, and prosperity derived through cooperative SYNERGY—is noticeable and the results have been highly desirable in both of our lives.

In short, our mutual commitment to continually helping and serving each other as EQUAL PARTNERS has been an ongoing source of satisfaction, success, and of course—SYNERGY.

The united, proactive, and intentional convergence of our two separate lives, talent sets, educations, proclivities, and strengths has empowered us to get more done in less time, ease the stress and burdens of each other, and progress in our lives and careers far better and faster than we could ever have done all on our own. In fact, my own career wouldn't even exist—at least not in the same way—if it weren't for Lina's successful career. Moreover, Lina's career—to say nothing of our children's well being—would face a slew of added challenges and stresses if I was not able to be a stay-at-home Dad.

One specific, outlying, and memorable example of the power of synergy in our marriage took place shortly after we tied the knot in 2008. We were able to save $20,000 on tuition Lina's senior year of college (2008-09) at Georgia Tech because she was able to secure State residency by being married to me, a Georgia State resident. Later, Lina's successful career proved a primary driver of eliminating our combined student loan and business debt. 

Bottom Line: we continually help each other, magnify each other's strengths, and minimize each other's weaknesses; and the result is the creation of a huge amount of productive SYNERGY in our personal lives, professional careers, and family relationships.  

One of my favorite things about the creation of SYNERGY is that we as individuals can avoid some of the things we least like to do by helping each other based on our unique, individual competencies and proclivities. For example, I am not very good at, nor do I like: cooking, managing money, and doing taxes. Lina is better at these activities and doesn't mind them the way I do. On the other hand, I focus more on doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and attending to yard work—and I am more than happy to oblige in these ways in order to avoid the aforementioned tasks.

We both, of course, still have to do our fair share of hard and/or unpleasant work tasks on a regular basis. For example, I still cook sometimes and Lina still does dishes from time-to-time. Nevertheless, by completely committing to our mutual lives together and continually helping each other until the work gets done, much time is saved and enormous amounts of SYNERGY is produced along the way. The result of this SYNERGY is that both Lina and I are farther ahead in our lives together than we could ever hope to be separately. For this, and many other reasons, I dearly love Lina, and enjoy being married to her. 

"Thee lift me and I'll lift thee; and we shall both ascend together."

 Old Quaker Proverb 

Marriage, of course, is not always readily possible (or even desirable) for everyone, and even when it is, it comes with a measure of adjustment and difficulty. But when it works—meaning, when two people mutually commit to making it work—it can be a truly magical, rewarding, and satisfying experience. And I have experienced enough of this magic to give thanks everyday to God for my wonderful wife and life partner. And I will do everything in my power until the day I die to nurture, cultivate, perpetuate, and prosper this sacred relationship.

Does this mean marriage is always easy for Lina and me. Of course not! Does it mean we never disagree? No! If two people in any relationship never disagree, I would wager at least one of the two is almost certainly not thinking for oneself, or is failing to consistently speak one's own mind on matters that arise. Nevertheless, despite any and all difficulties or issues that arise, we have mutually committed—and even covenanted—with each other and with God that we will always value the sacred union of our marriage above and beyond any disagreement, no matter how seemingly pressing or significant in the moment. This conscious, committed, and mutual dedication to this common cause has thus far enabled us to successfully navigate any bumps in the road, and everyone faces bumps in the road of marriage. Lina and I certainly have. That's just real life.

I could go on to detail other, different friendships, relationships, and business partnerships that have been similarly blessed by the magic and power of SYNERGY, but I think you get the point.  

In summary, consider some of the secrets and obstacles to SYNERGY, as follows:

I will add to this list the importance of never giving up when the cause is worthy or the relationship or team is worth saving—and more often than not, it is

Whatever relationships, teams, or organizations you find yourself a part of, aim for SYNERGY. While it is not always readily achieved, it is worth continually working towards, striving for, and never giving up on. Why? Because if you are willing to persistently and patiently pay the price over time, the rewards of SYNERGY are rich, highly desirable, and include payments of compound interest.  

Much of what I have learned about SYNERGY has been a result of personal experience as well as reading the work of Dr. Stephen R. Covey. Dr. Covey rightly teaches that NATURE itself is highly synergistic, and therefore provides us with a plentitude of natural examples of its genius that we can readily observe and apply. He also teaches the possibility of intra-personal SYNERGY, and suggests that the pursuit of SYNERGY within ourselves—created among the disparate parts of our own mind, heart, body, and spirit—is as desirable and important as the pursuit of SYNERGY among others with whom we live and work. This principle is a vital component of the SAL Theory and SAL Model, and invites self-action leaders to approach the leadership of their lives holistically with a balanced focus on all aspects of their nature (i.e. constitutional, spiritual, moral, mental, physical, emotional, social, and financial)

To bolster your own understanding of SYNERGY, I recommend you begin by reading about HABIT 6 in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. In conjunction with having read this article, studying Dr. Covey's work on SYNERGY will provide you with a springboard that will propel your understanding and application of this incredibly valuable personal and interpersonal phenomenon. When properly applied, you will begin to see your own relationships and organizations become further impacted by the magic and power of SYNERGY. And the results will be truly transformational and life-changing in the very best of ways.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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*  Covey, S.R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Fireside. Page 263.

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