Wednesday, September 7, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article IX: Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, & Organizational Structures

This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE IX: Statutes of Authority, Chains of Command, & Organizational Structures.

9. The Absolute Authority and Categorical Supremacy of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC).

9.1.  All Corporate Power and Authority is vested in the FREEDOM FOCUSED CORPORATE CONSTITUTION (FFCC). 


9.2.1.  The practical power and authority vested in the FFCC will be personified, facilitated, and exercised by three (3) separate, co-equal, branches of authority. These three branches include: the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO), the EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM (ELT), and the INSPECTOR GENERALSHIP (IGS).  


9.3.1.  The Chief Executive Officer is the premier figurehead and primary visionary and voice at Freedom Focused. He or she serves as the principle director and supervising Agent of all Freedom Focused activities and initiatives, ensuring they are undertaken in accordance with the spirit of the law as enumerated in the FFCC. 

9.3.2.  A Freedom Focused CEO must be at least 45 years of age and have an accredited Doctoral degree in a relevant field of study — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged and voted on by the ELT.

9.3.3.  A CEO's term of service is FIVE (5) years.

9.3.4.  A CEO may serve for a maximum of three (3) terms or fifteen (15) total years (consecutively or interspersed).  

9.3.5. At the end of a CEO's first or second term of service, he or she will decide whether to serve another term or step down and nominate another candidate for CEO. If a second or third term is sought, it may be secured by a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT. If a 75% affirmative vote by the ELT is not secured, additional candidate[s] will be nominated by members of the ELT and additional votes will be taken until a 75% affirmative vote is secured.  

9.3.6.  Upon the completion of a CEO's third term, or upon his or her voluntary resignation, an outgoing CEO will nominate a replacement candidate from the ELT to become the new CEO. That nominee will then be voted on by the ELT. If that nominee is approved by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the ELT, he or she becomes the new CEO. If that nominee is not approved by a 75% affirmative vote of the ELT, the outgoing CEO will continue to nominate additional nominees from the ELT until a 75% affirmative vote of the ELT is secured.

9.3.7.  A new CEO received his or her Oath of Office from the Inspector General (IG).  

9.3.8.  A CEO possesses the authority to hire and fire at will at any level of the organization.

9.3.9.  The ELT or IGS may reverse a CEO's hiring or firing decision by a three-fourths (75%) majority vote. 


9.4.1.  The Executive Leadership Team (ELT), consisting of C-Level Leaders, reports to, assists, and upon the attainment of a body of EIGHT (8) full-time members, serves as a co-equal executive branch to balance the power and authority of the CEO and Inspector Generalship (IGS). 

9.4.2.  A full ELT consists of 13 full-time executives. Ten (10) of these members serve as C-Level Executive Officers under the supervision of two (2) Executive Supervisors (the President and Chief Operating Officer [COO]), who serve under the direct supervision of the CEO — who supervises the entire body, but does not vote as a member of the body. This executive chain-of-command and organizational structure is formatted as follows:

Note: CND = Corporate Numeration Designation

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO)...............................................CND: 1.1

          PRESIDENT..................................................................................CND: 1.2

    • Chief Training & Consulting Officer (CTCO)......................CND: 1.3
    • Executive Leadership Board (ELB) Chief (ELBC)..............CND: 1.4
    • Chief Sales & Marketing Officer (CSMO)...........................CND: 1.4
    • Chief Research & Development Officer (CRDO)................CND: 1.4
    • Chief Philanthropy Officer (CPHO)

          CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER (COO)....................................CND: 1.2

    • Chief Facilities Officer (CFACO).........................................CND: 1.3
    • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)..............................................CND: 1.4
    • Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)............................CND: 1.4
    • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)..........................................CND: 1.4
    • Chief Legal Officer (CLO)....................................................CND: 1.4

9.4.3.  An ELT of EIGHT (8) or more members may veto a CEO or IGS decision by a three-fourths (75%) vote of its full body.

9.4.4.  ELT members must be at least 35 years of age and have a Master's degree (or higher) from an accredited university — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by the Human Resources department and the CEO.

9.4.5.  ELT members term of service is FOUR (4) years.

9.4.6.  ELT members may serve for a maximum of five (5) terms or twenty (20) years, consecutively or cumulatively. 

9.4.7. A President or COO will be sworn into office by the CEO. Other ELT members will be sworn in by either the President or COO, depending on which team one is on — as designated by 9.4.2. 


9.5.1.  The Inspector Generalship (IGS) consists of a minimum of THREE (3) and a maximum of SEVEN (7) accredited Juris Doctors at least 40 years of age. 

9.5.2.  The Inspector Generalship (IGS) is established upon the ELT's attainment of a body of at least EIGHT (8) members. The IGS serves as a co-equal executive branch to balance the power and authority of the CEO and ELT. 

9.5.3.  The Senior member of the IGS is known as the INSPECTOR GENERAL

9.5.4.  Junior members of the IGS are known as INSPECTOR DIRECTORs (ID). 

9.5.5.  Lieutenant Inspector Directors are known as ASSOCIATE INSPECTORs (AI). Like IDs, AIs must have an accredited Juris Doctorate degree.  

9.5.6.  Associate Inspector's assistants are known as INSPECTOR ASSISTANTs (IA). IAs must have an accredited bachelor's degree — or demonstrate commensurate knowledge, experience, and intellectual acumen. 

9.5.7.  Seniority of the IGS begins with the IG and continues in descending order with each ID based on the date of his or her initial appointment (swearing-in) to the IGS (longer-serving IDs have seniority over shorter-serving IDs).

9.5.8.  The CEO nominates all candidates for IG and ID. A CEO's nomination is confirmed by a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT.  

9.5.9.  Corporate Numeration Designation (CND) of the IGS is as follows:

  • Inspector General (IG): 1.2
  • Inspector Director (ID): 1.3
  • Associate Inspector (AI): 3.5
  • Inspector Assistant (IA):  5.5

9.5.10.  IGs and IDs serve ONE (1) term of 25 years, consecutively or cumulatively (or until one voluntarily resigns or is impeached).

9.5.11.  An IG or ID may be impeached by the CEO or a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT or IGS.  A CEO's impeachment of an IG or ID may be reversed by a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT or IGS. 

9.5.12.  The IGS is responsible for the legal, policy, and procedural oversight of the entire Corporation, including the CEO, ELT, and ELB. The primary function of the IGS is to interpret the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) to ensure that every Agent, Group, Team, Department, Division, Organization, Company, and Corps within the Corporation is operating in compliance with the spirit and letter of the law as set forth in the FFCC. 

9.5.13.  The IGS possesses the authority to establish its own staff and departmental policies and procedures regarding the ways and means by which it carries out its corporate-wide functions. Oversight of these P&Ps is the shared purview of the Chief Legal Officer (and ELT member who serves independent of the IGS), the Chief HR Officer (CHRO), and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  

9.5.14.  All formal decisions handed down by the IGS  must be unanimous.  

9.5.15.  Inspector Directors will take direction from, and serve in a subordinate role to, the IG, just as a vice president would be subordinate to a President, and a President would be subordinate to a CEO.

9.5.16.  Inspector Generals will be sworn into office by the CEO.  Inspector Directors (IDs) will be sworn into office by the IG. 

9.5.17.  The IGS will adjudicate inter-organizational conflicts and/or other issues involving individual or collective nonconformity to the FFCC.  

9.5.18.  Prior to the official establishment of the IGS (upon the attainment of a full-time Inspector General [IG] and two [2] Inspector Directors [ID]), interpretation and enforcement of the FFCC will be the collective responsibility of the CEO and the ELT, with the CEO possessing final decision-making authority.  

9.5.19.  The Inspector General (IG) will attend every official ELT meeting presided over by the CEO. If the IG is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, he or she will send at least one ID in his or her stead to ensure that the IGS is always represented at official FF executive meetings. While IGs and IDs do not possess a vote on the ELT, they may, like the CEO, provide at-will commentary, feedback, and questioning. 

9.6.     Co-Equal Veto Power of the ELT and IGS

9.6.1.  Due to a CEO's broad and sweeping decision-making power and authority across all aspects of the corporation, he or she does not need a veto, but can be vetoed by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the ELT or unanimous vote of the IGS.

9.6.2.  The ELT may counter-veto an IGS veto and vice-versa, but neither body can veto the other body's veto of itself.   

9.7.     Corporate Hierarchical Numeration

9.7.1.  Freedom Focused Agents are assigned hierarchical numbers that correspond to their level of authority within an organization and their hiring chronology. These two numbers are designated as a hyphenated decimal. For example, Dr. Jordan Jensen's number would be 1.1-1 because, as the CEO, he has a Corporate Numeration Designation (CND) of Level 1.1 and he was the first agent "hired" at Freedom Focused.  

9.7.2.  An Agent's first number (decimal preceding the hyphen) can and usually will change over time based on one's promotional status. An Agent's second number (succeeding the hyphen) will never change unless one leaves the company (or is fired) and is then re-hired at a later date.  

9.7.3.  Human Resources is responsible for assigning, tracking, updating, and archiving Agent CNDs and former Agent CNDs.

9.8.     Arenas of Stewardship

9.8.1.  The Freedom Focused corporate mission targets 13 arenas of education, training, and service. Each of these 13 arenas has a separate Company dedicated to its stewardship. These 13 arenas are divided into three umbrella groups categorized as: Students, Citizens, and Organizations.  

    • Company 1....................PreNK   (Pre-natal [parent prep] and preschool-age students)
    • Company 2....................Elementary School   (K-5th grade)
    • Company 3....................Intermediate School   (Grades 6-8)
    • Company 4....................High School   (Grades 9-12)
    • Company 5....................College   (Undergraduate Students)
    • Company 6....................Graduate Studies   (Graduate Students)

      • Company 7....................Individuals  
      • Company 8....................Families 
      • Company 9....................Mental & Physical Health & Wellness 
      • Company 10..................Humanitarian Aid  
      • Company 11....................Private Sector  
      • Company 12....................Public Sector 
      • Company 13....................Community Outreach   

    Note: Community Outreach is primarily focused on helping the homeless get the help, medical and dental attention, psychological and psychiatric counseling, and education they need to enter or re-enter the work force.  

    9.9.     The Executive Leadership Board (ELB)

    9.9.1.  The aforementioned 13 Arenas of Stewardship are led by 13 Executive Vice Presidents (CND 2) who comprise an Executive Leadership Board (ELB). The ELB is led, in turn, by an ELB Chief (CND 1.3), who serves as a C-level member of the Executive Leadership Team and reports directly to the President of the Company. 

    9.10.     The Nature and Primacy of the Group Unit

    9.10.1.  The primal functional entity at Freedom Focused in the GROUP. The fundamental essence of everything that happens at Freedom Focused begins, proceeds, continues, and ends at the Group level.

    9.10.2.  Each Group consists of no less than two (2) and no more than five (5) Agents. 

    9.10.3.  Each Group will have an Executive Officer (EO) and Facilitating Manager (FM) appointed to lead the Agents and manage the work functions and processes of the Group.

    9.10.4.  Complete Groups will have have five (5) Agents, consisting of one EO, one FM, and three Action Builder's—or members of other corps, as per the function and need of each Group.  

    9.10.5.  Prior to attaining a sixth member, a Group splits to form two Groups of three Agents each. 

    9.10.     Hierarchical Unit Structures

    9.11.1.  As an organizational body, Freedom Focused is organized into eight (8) different hierarchical units, as follows:
    • Agent = 1 self-action leader (Agent maximum = 1 Agent).......................................CND Level 8
    • Group = 1-5 Agents (Group maximum = 5 Agents)..................................................CND Level 7
    • Team = 1-5 Groups (Team maximum = 25 Agents)..................................................CND Level 6
    • Department = 1-5 Teams (Department maximum = 125 Agents)..............................CND Level 5
    • Division = 1-5 Departments (Division maximum = 625 Agents)..............................CND Level 4
    • Organization = 1-5 Divisions (Organizational maximum = 3,125 Agents)...............CND Level 3
    • Company = 1-5 Organizations (Company maximum = 15,625 Agents)...................CND Level 2
    • Corporation = 1-13 Companies (Corporation maximum = 203,125 Agents)............CND Level 1

    9.11.2.  As an organizational body, Freedom Focused is comprised of two (2) primary functional entities consisting of Executives and Executors.

    9.11.3.  The function of Executives is to LEAD and MANAGE. Executives are organized into two sub-entities referred to as CORPS. The FIRST CORPS consists of Executive Officers (EOs), or just LEADERS for short. The SECOND CORPS consists of Facilitating Managers (FMs), or just MANAGERS for short.

    9.11.4.  The function of Executors is to TRAIN, CONSULT, and BUILD. Like Executives, Executors are also organized into two sub-entities referred to as CORPS. The THIRD CORPS consists of Professional Trainers and Consultants (PTCs), or just TRAINERS and/or CONSULTANTS for short. The FOURTH CORPS consists of Action Builders (ABs), or just BUILDERS for short.  

    9.12.  FIRST CORPS: Leadership

    9.12.1.  Corps insignia: Silver or Gold Quiver
    Corps Logo: Silver Eagle
    Corps Gemstone: White Diamond

    9.12.2.  The LEADERSHIP CORPS—also known as the Freedom Focused First Corps—consists of Executive Officers (EOs). These "Leaders" are responsible for leading and directing various units throughout the Corporation beginning at the Group level.

    Note: Technically, ALL Freedom Focused Agents are part of the Leadership Team because everyone is expected to be a self-action leader who effectively leads and manages him or herself according to the principles set forth in the Freedom Focused Constitution. In a functional sense, however, official unit "Leaders" are those who directly supervise other self-action leaders in addition to themselves. 

    9.12.3.  The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) serves as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO)—or Corps Commander (CC)—of the Leadership Corps.

    9.12.4.  Leaders at the Division Level (and above) must be at least 35 years of age and possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited university — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by Human Resources in consultation with EOs involved in a hiring decision.

    9.12.5.  The primary function of Leaders is to develop and supervise other leaders, managers, trainers, and builders they are called to serve, direct, and lead. Their primary focus is the "People" in their units. They teach, train, coach, mentor, guide, direct, and SERVE those they lead. They initiate and facilitate individual and collective goal setting within their units and serve as a liaison between those they lead and the leaders to whom they report. The objective of leaders is to influence their subordinates to remain focused on the Freedom Focused Vision and Mission in conjunction with the SAL Theory and Model as it relates to their own personal and professional progress and Existential Growth.

    9.12.6.  The secondary function of Leaders is to assist Managers, Trainers, and Builders by facilitating work processes related to the FF Vision and Mission, their own positional stewardships, and other targeted objectives within one's Group and other units. At all times, and at all places where they may be, Leaders stand ready to help out in whatever ways may be needed to get the job done within their designated Group and other units.  

    9.12.7.  The LEADERSHIP CORPS is commanded by a Level 1.1 CEO. A Corporation consists of separate Companies (up to 13 total). Rank Insignia: Six (6) silver arrows in a silver quiver. A single diamond is also set on the quiver to further designate the CEOs status as Corps Commander of the Leadership Corps (FF FIRST CORPS).

    9.12.8.  The CEO directly supervises, and is directly assisted by, the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). The President and COO are designated as Level 1.2 Executives. Rank Insignia: Five (5) silver arrows in a silver quiver. The COO also has a ruby set onto one's silver quiver to designate his or her status as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO)—or Corps Commander—of the Facilitating Manager Corps—or MANAGEMENT CORPS (FF SECOND CORPS).   

    9.12.9.  The President and COO directly supervise, and are directly assisted by members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). ELT members are designated as Level 1.3 Executives (CTCO & CFACO) and Level 1.4 Executives (ELBC, CSMO, CRDO, and CPO, which serve under the President; and the CFO, CHRO, CTO, and CLO, which serve under the COO). Rank Insignia: Four (4) silver arrows in a silver quiver. ELT members who also serve as Senior Commanding Officers (SCOs)—or Corps Commanders (CCs)—as in the case of the CTCO (FF THIRD CORPS) and CFACO (FF FOURTH CORPS) also have a sapphire (CTCO) or emerald (CFACO) set onto one's silver quiver to further designate his or her status as a Corps Commander.  

    9.12.10.  Each Company is dedicated to one of the 13 Freedom Focused Arenas of Stewardship and is commanded by a CND 2 Executive Vice President (EVP) and member of the Executive Leadership Board (ELB). A Company consists of 1-5 Organizations and up to 15,625 Agents. Rank Insignia: Three (3) silver arrows in a silver quiver. 

    9.12.11.  Each Organization is commanded by a CND 3 Senior Vice President (SVP). An Organization consists of 1-5 Divisions and up to 3.125 Agents. Rank Insignia: Two (2) silver arrows in a silver quiver.

    9.12.12.  Each Division is commanded by a CND 4 Junior Vice President (JVP). A Division consists of 1-5 Departments and up to 625 Agents. Rank Insignia: One (1) silver arrow in a silver quiver.

    9.12.13.  Each Department is commanded by a CND 5 Director. Each Department consists of 1-5 Teams and up to 125 Agents. Rank Insignia: Silver Quiver with zero (0) arrows.

    9.12.14.  Each Team is commanded by a CND 6 Captain. Each team consists of 1-5 Groups and up to 25 Agents. Rank Insignia: Golden quiver with two (2) golden arrows. 

    9.12.15.  Each Group is commanded by a CND 7 Group Leader (GL). Each Group consists of 1-5 Agents. Rank Insignia: Golden quiver with one (1) golden arrow. 

    9.12.16.  Each Agent is commanded by a CND 8 self-action leader. Rank Insignia: Gold Quiver with zero (0) arrows. All Freedom Focused Agents are considered self-action leaders, and therefore receive a gold quiver insignia pin following their completion of basic training—even if they end up wearing a different insignia for their functional position.

    9.12.17.  When an Agent is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality work in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new Agents will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove an Agent's black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of an Agent's worthiness to have it removed. A new Agent has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.

    9.12.18.  Executive Officers may hire deputies/lieutenants, specialists, administrative assistants, and other staff members on an as-needed basis with the approval of one's superior officer and Human Resources. HR has oversight over all hiring decisions throughout the Corporation and will work closely with Executive Officers and Managers in making hiring and firing decisions. Once a candidate has been approved by HR, final decisions regarding hiring rest with Executive Officers and Managers.     

    9.12.19. Unit Executive Officers possess veto power over all decisions made at lower levels within their hierarchical line of authority and jurisdiction. The IGS can veto the decision of any Executive Officer deemed to contravene the letter or spirit of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC).  

    9.13.     SECOND CORPS: Management

    9.13.1.  Corps Insignia: Silver or Gold Target.    Corps Logo: Golden Eagle.    Corps Gemstone: Ruby

    9.13.2.  The MANAGEMENT CORPS consist of Facilitating Managers (FM's). These "Managers" are responsible for managing and supervising the work processes and procedures of the Corporation, Companies, Organizations, Departments, Teams, and Groups they are assigned to supervise. 

    Note: ALL Freedom Focused Agents are technically part of the Management Team because everyone is expected to be a self-action leader who effectively regulates, disciplines, and otherwise manages oneself. Thus, individual Agents are responsible for effectively managing themselves according to the principles and practices outlined in the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) and the Self-Action Leadership Theory and Model. 

    9.13.3.  The Chief Operating Officer (COO) serves as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO) or Corps Commander (CC) of the Management Corps, also known as the Freedom Focused SECOND CORPS.

    9.13.4.  Managers at the Division level and up must be at least 30 years of age and possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited university—or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by Human Resources in consultation with EOs making the final hiring decision.

    9.13.5.  The hiring and promotion of managers will be done by the Executive Officers within each unit with the approval of EOs two (2) hierarchical levels above the unit at hand.  

    9.13.6.  Larger units may have multiple managers perform different functions within a single unit. Multiple managers within the same unit will carry the same official rank and CND. However, Executive Officers have the authority to assign differing functions, objectives, tasks, authority, and unofficial hierarchical rank among various managers within his or her unit. 

    9.13.7.  The primary function of Managers at ALL levels is to assist the Leaders in meeting targeted objectives by supervising and facilitating the work undertaken by Trainers and Builders in the Groups, Teams, Departments, Divisions, Organizations, Companies, and the Corporation they manage. Their work involves the management of policies, procedures, tasks, processes, schedules, goals, etc. Their primary focus and stewardship should be on the "Processes and Things" in their unit.  

    9.13.8.  The secondary function of Managers is to assist Leaders in developing other Managers, Trainers, and Action Builders within their designated unit[s]. They serve as a liaison between the Leaders and the Trainers and Builders. Like Leaders, Managers stand ready to help out in whatever ways may be needed to get the job done within their designated Group and units. 

    9.13.9.  Corporation Managers supervise at the Corporation level (CND 1.5). Their function is to manage "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in the Corporation and to assist the CEO and ELT as requested and assigned. Rank Insignia: Silver target with five rubies placed in three rows — with two rubies on the top row, one ruby on the target's bullseye, and two rubies placed on the bottom row perfectly aligned and parallel with the top row.  

    9.13.10.  Company Managers supervise at the Company level (CND 2). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Companies and to assist Executive Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. A Company consists of 1-5 Organizations. Rank Insignia: Silver target with four rubies — two on the top row and two on the bottom row perfectly aligned and parallel with the top row — that form a square.   

    9.13.11.  Organization Managers supervise at the Organizational level (CND 3). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their organizations and to assist Senior Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. An Organization consists of 1-5 Divisions. Rank Insignia: Silver target with three rubies — one ruby at the center-top of the target and two rubies at the bottom corners of the target to form a triangle. 

    9.13.12.  Division Managers supervise at the Division level (CND 4). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Divisions and to assist Junior Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. Each Division consists of 1-5 Departments. Rank Insignia: Silver target with two rubies placed parallel to each other in line with the bullseye, but evenly spaced in between the bullseye and the edge of the target.  

    9.13.13.  Department Managers supervise at the Department level (CND 5). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Departments and to assist Department Directors as requested and assigned. Each Department consists of 1-5 Teams.  Rank Insignia: Silver target with one ruby placed in the bullseye position.  

    9.13.14.  Team Managers supervise at the Team level (CND 6). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) on their Teams and to assist Team Captains as requested and assigned. Each Team consists of 1-5 Groups. Rank Insignia: Silver Target with zero rubies. 

    9.13.15.  Group Managers supervise at the Group level (CND 7). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Groups and to assist Group leaders as requested and assigned. Each Group consists of 1-5 Agents. Rank Insignia: Gold target with one ruby set in the target's bullseye.   

    9.13.16.  Agents supervise at the individual self-action leader level (CND 8). Their function is to take complete responsibility for one's own self-management and to assist Group managers and Group Leaders as requested and assigned. Rank Insignia: Gold target with zero rubies. All Freedom Focused Agents are considered self-action leaders, and therefore receive a gold quiver insignia pin following their completion of basic training—even if they end up wearing a different insignia for their functional position.

    9.13.17.  When an Agent is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality work in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new Agents will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove an Agent's black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of an Agent's worthiness to have it removed. A new Agent has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.

    9.14.     THIRD CORPS: The Professional Training & Consulting Corps (PTCC)

    9.14.1.  Corps Insignia: Arrow.    Corps Logo: Silver Fox.    Corps Gemstone: Sapphire

    9.14.2.  The Professional Training & Consulting Corps consists of Professional Trainers & Consultants (PTCs). These "Trainers" and "Consultants" are responsible for facilitating training programs, giving speeches, providing consulting work externally for clients and customers, and leading internal training seminars and workshops for corporate Agents and units.

    9.14.3.  The Chief Training and Consulting Officer (CTCO) is a member of the ELT, carries a Corporate Numeration Designation (CND) of 1.3, and serves as the CORPS COMMANDER of the Professional Training & Consulting Corps (PTCC), also known as the Freedom Focused THIRD CORPS.

    9.14.4.  Trainers and Consultants must be at least 30 years of age and have a bachelor's degree from an accredited University — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by EOs making the hiring decision. 

    Note: This age-standard may be lowered for individual courses that require less life and career experience to properly and effectively facilitate (viz. youth and young adult training courses) or for other, relevant reasons. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the CTCO. 

    9.14.5.  Trainers and Consultants will perform no more than 100 external trainings or consulting sessions that are more than 50 miles away from one's home within a year's (365-day) period. This stipulation exists specifically to foster familial love, togetherness, and unity, all of which can be hindered or even endangered by excessive business travel.

    9.14.6.  The primary function of Trainers and Consultants is to effectively deliver world-class content and provide cutting-edge, professional consultations that yield successful results and high levels of customer satisfaction (externally) and efficacious Agent development, improvement, and growth (internally). 
    9.14. 7.  The secondary function of Trainers and Consultants is to market and sell products and services that further serve clients and customers they train. 

    9.14.8.  The tertiary function of Trainers and Consultants is to assist Leaders, Managers, and Builders in whatever ways may be needed to get the job done within their designated Group and units. In other words, in the case of training or consulting schedules that are not fully booked, Trainers and Consultants may be drawn upon by other Corps leaders and managers to assist with work elsewhere within the organization.

    9.14.9. Hierarchical leadership structures within the PTCC will follow the same pattern as other Freedom Focused units, with the Chief Training & Consulting Officer (CTCO), a member of the ELT, serving as the CORPS COMMANDER.

    9.14.10.  There are eight (8) different trainer levels (designations) at Freedom Focused. Reaching a given level is contingent on personal achievement (viz. experience), as follows:  Facilitator Assistant (FA):  Level 0 — CND 9.  Not an official training level, this designation is assigned to personal assistants of Freedom Focused PTCs. FAs must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma. They assist with training sessions as directed by their supervising PTC. FAs are akin to student-teachers in the classroom. Rank Insignia: Left half of a golden arrow fletching.  Facilitator Trainee (FT):  Level 1 — CND 8.  This designation is assigned to newly-hired PTCs in preparation for PTC Boot Camp (PTCBC). It is also for PTCs who have facilitated less than 500 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Full golden arrow fletching (left and right side).  Junior Facilitator (JF):  Level 2 — CND 7.  This designation is assigned to Facilitator Trainees who have successfully completed PTC Boot Camp and have facilitated 500 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Golden Arrow.  Senior Facilitator (SF):  Level 3 — CND 6.  Junior Facilitators earn this designation upon successfully conducting 1,000 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Silver Arrow.  Master Facilitator (MF):  Level 4 — CND 5.  Senior Facilitators earn this designation upon successfully conducting 2,500 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Silver Arrow with one sapphire. 

    9.14.10. 6.  Executive Facilitator (EF):  Level 5 — CND 4.  Master Facilitators earn this designation upon successfully conducting 5,000 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Silver arrow with two sapphires.  Senior Executive Facilitator (SEF):  Level 6 — CND 3.  Executive Facilitators earn this designation upon successfully conducting 7,500 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Silver arrow with three sapphires.  Facilitating Grand Master (FGM):  Level 7 — CND 2.  Senior Executive Facilitators earn this designation upon successfully conducting 10,000 hours of client or Agent trainings, seminars, workshops, speeches, or consulting work. Rank Insignia: Silver arrow with four sapphires.

    Note: An additional sapphire is added to a PTCs silver arrow for each additional 2,500 hours of training, speaking, or consultation accrued.  Chief Executive Facilitator (CEF):  Level 8 — CND 1.5.  Also referred to as the "Corporate Facilitator Laureate (CFL), a Master Facilitator (or higher) may receive this singular designation and distinction within the CTCC. It is bestowed by the CEO (and in some cases is the CEO), with recommendations being offered by the CTCO and others, as requested by the CEO. It serves as an honorary title granted to the lead facilitator within the entire corporation. Rank Insignia: A diamond is added to one's silver arrow in addition to however many sapphires one has earned up to the point of one's appointment as CEF. A minimum of 2,500 training hours is required to serve as CEF/CFL.  

    9.14.11.  When a PTC is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality training or consulting in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new PTCs will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove a PTCs black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of a PTCs worthiness to have it removed. A new PTC has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.

    9.14.12.  PTC terms of office (service) last for two (2) years with no term limits.  


    9.15.1.  Corps Insignia: Gold & Silver Bow     Corps Logo: Golden Fox     Corps Gemstone: Emerald

    9.15.2.  The CONSTRUCTION CORPS consists of Action Builders (ABs). These "Builders" are responsible for efficiently and effectively accomplishing all technological, engineering, facility, clerical, custodial, groundskeeping, and other functional tasks not assigned to Leaders, Managers, and Trainers/Consultants. Builders execute functional day-to-day tasks in pursuit of mid-term goals and long-term objectives in support of the Freedom Focused vision and mission. 

    9.15.3.  The Chief Facilities Officer (CFACO) serves as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO) or Corps Commander of the CONSTRUCTION CORPS, also known as the Freedom Focused FOURTH CORPS.

    9.15.4.  The purpose of the Construction Corps is to tangibly build and functionally support the day-to-day operations of Freedom Focused at all levels—and throughout all four CORPS—within the organization. Without these essential members of the organization, everything would be mere ideas, blueprints, meetings, trainings, and workshops. Builders are therefore an indispensable part of the organizational body, and must be consistently affirmed, validated, valued, and appreciated by all other Agents throughout the other three CORPS. In a sense, all Freedom Focused Agents are part of the Construction Team because everyone is helping to build the organization and aid in the construction of human lives through the pedagogical and practical pursuit of Existential Growth. Leaders, Managers, and Trainers, however, do not officially receive the prestigious title of "Builder" as do those who officially and operatively serve in this noble position and vital function.  

    9.15.5.  The CONSTRUCTION CORPS includes eight (8) different positions/titles that are earned over time as they put in the required time and are recommended for promotion by their supervising EOs and FMs. Specific Action Builder position titles include:  Trainee (T)   Level 0 — CND 9.   Trainees (T) take the direction of their supervisors to help in the accomplishment of specified work tasks. Their relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) ranges from zero days (new hire) to one (1) year.  Rank Insignia: Gold bow.  Specialist (S)   Level 1 — CND 8.  Specialists (S) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of Trainees in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least six (6) months of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from six (6) months to three (3) years.  Rank Insignia: Gold bow with one emerald set in the middle of the bow.  Senior Specialist (SS)   Level 2 — CND 7.   Senior Specialists (SS) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least three (3) years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from three (3) years to five (5) years.  Rank Insignia: Silver bow.  Field Expert (FE)   Level 3 — CND 6.   Field Experts (FE) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least five (5) years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from three (5) years to five (8) years. Rank Insignia: Silver bow with one emerald set in the middle of the bow.  Junior Engineer (JE)   Level 4 — CND 5.   Junior Engineers (JE) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least eight (8) years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from eight (8) years to eleven (11) years. Rank Insignia: Silver bow with two emeralds set in the middle of the bow.  Senior Engineer (SE)   Level 5 — CND 4.   Senior Engineers (SE) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least eleven (11) years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from eleven (11) years to fifteen (15) years. Rank Insignia: Silver bow with three emeralds stacked vertically in the middle of the bow.  Master Engineer (ME)   Level 6 — CND 3.   Master Engineers (ME) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least twenty (20) years relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM.  Their work experience ranges from twenty (20) years to twenty-five (25) years. Rank Insignia: Silver bow with four emeralds stacked vertically in the middle of the bow.  Chief Engineer (CE)   Level 7 — CND 2.   Chief Engineers (CE) focus on specified work tasks and/or the supervision of their subordinates in accomplishing a variety of work projects. They have at least twenty-five (25) years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere) and have been recommended for hiring (or promotion) by an EO or FM. Their work experience ranges from twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) years. Rank Insignia: Silver bow with five emeralds stacked vertically in the middle of the bow. A diamond is added to their bow for every five (5) additional years they work beyond the twenty-five 25 year mark.  Chief Executive Engineer (CEE)  Level 8 — CND 1.5.   A Chief Executive Engineer (CEE) is the second highest-ranking Action Builder next to the Chief Facilities Officer (CFACO and CORPS COMMANDER of the THIRD CORPS). He or she works closely with the CFACO in directing the overall efforts of the Construction Corps. A Chief Executive Engineer must have at least 15 years of relevant work experience (with FF or elsewhere). He or she is nominated for the position by the Chief Facilities Officer (CFACO). A Chief Executive Engineer does not have any term limits, but may be replaced by the CEO, ELT, IGS, or CFACO as necessary. Rank Insignia: Silver Bow with fiver emeralds and one diamond stacked vertically in the middle of the bow (the diamond is on top of the stack of five emeralds). 

    9.15.6.  When an AB is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality training or consulting in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new ABs will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove a PTCs black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of a ABs worthiness to have it removed. A new AB has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.

    9.15.7.  AB terms of office (service) last for two (2) years with no term limits.  

    9.16.  Cross-Functionality

    9.16.1.  It is permissible for an Agent to simultaneously serve in more than one function (position/title) and/or in more than one CORPS at a time, and thereby be awarded more than one rank (commissioned or non-commissioned), thereby allowing for the acquisition of multiple uniforms to be worn at relevant times and places as required.

    In addition to this statute, all Agents, upon being hired, will receive both Gold Quiver and Gold Target Rank Insignia. This is because ALL Agents qualify as self-action leaders and self-action managers on an individual (Level 1 — CND 8) basis. This grants everyone—at least in an informal and honorary sense— membership in both the Leadership & Management CORPS (First and Second CORPS). However, an Agent should not display one's gold quiver or gold target on one's uniform unless one's primary position and function lies in the Leadership or Management CORPS. Rather, one should wear the CORPS Insignia of one's primary position and function.  

    9.17.  Additional Structural Mandates

    9.17.1.  Members of the Leadership, Management, and Training Teams may be personally assisted administratively, clerically, or otherwise by various Action Builders from the CONSTRUCTION CORPS. If few in number, these executors may become members of the Leader's, Manager's, or Trainer's individual Group, commanded by the Executive Officer (EO) or Facilitating Manager (FM) being served. If many in number (as in the case of a General Staff), individual Action Builders will be assigned to separate Groups of five Agents or less.  

    9.18.  Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT)

    Corporate training and hierarchical mores will reflect the attitudes and paradigms of high-functioning Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT) at all levels of the organization by incorporating the core belief taught by Longfellow that, "Nothing useless is, or low; Each thing in its place is best; And what seems but idle show Strengthens and supports the rest."

    Note: Longfellow, H.W. (1912). The Poetical Works of Longfellow. London. UK: Henry Frowde (Oxford University Press). Page 186. 

    9.19. Nepotism Clause

    9.19.1.  No Agent will serve under the direct supervision of an immediate family member (mother, father, brother, sister, or wife) or spouse of an immediate family member. Additionally, no Agent will serve under the direct supervision of an uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, first cousin, or spouse of a first cousin. This prohibition applies both up and down the chain-of-command for two hierarchical levels deep.  


    Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE ten (10): Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures.

    1. Vision and Mission
    2. Rules
    3. Oaths of Office
    4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
    5. Organizational Pillars
    6. Values and Standards
    7. Core Paradigms
    8. Agent Code of Conduct
    9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
    10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
    11. Long-term Goals
    12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
    13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

    Dr. JJ

    September 7, 2022
    Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

    Author's Note: This is the 282nd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 111th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

    Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 281 FF Blog Articles.  


    Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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