Wednesday, November 30, 2022

You Tell on Yourself

As human beings, we are all OPEN BOOKS that continually
provide clues to others about who we are and what we value
based on what we choose to think about, say, and do in our lives.
Today's post features a cherished SAL poem from days of yore, which is, of course, where most of my favorite poems come from! 

Before I share this wonderful poem, I'd like to ask you a question:

Did you know that you are always TELLING on YOURSELF?

That's right... 

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are continually spilling the beans about who and what you really are to everyone with whom you meet and associate. Everything you say and do—and everything you don't say and do—provides clues to others about your background, education, personality, character, desires, opinions, viewpoints, etc.    

And did you know that your attitude and actions speak more clearly, cogently, and concisely—in other words, more accurately and authentically—about YOU than your words could ever hope or dream to do—even for the slyest of silver-tongued wordsmiths? 

In other words, whether you know it or not and whether you like it or not, you are a relatively OPEN BOOK for others to read, peruse, study, and scrutinize at their leisure. And other people are always reading, perusing, studying, and or sizing-you-up from their own unique frames of reference. 

It is also true, of course, that the vantage points of others come packaged in varying degrees of accuracy based on the extent and integrity of their own unique experiences, education, and character; which is why self-action leaders are cautious and disciplined in determining whose vantage points they choose to care about and heed. They understand that YOU end up becoming like those people whose opinion you care about most!  

Who are the five people whose opinion and view of you do YOU care about most?  

This simple question is an introspective SAL query worth pondering.  

Are you more committed to a virtual (fictional) reality
about your life and career than you are to reality itself?

My purpose in exposing these truths today is not to induce within you a panic attack, or to dissuade you from ever going out into public again (SMILE). My objective is simply to encourage you to reflect upon this REALITY and then consider whether the story your current attitude and actions is telling is the tale you want to be told. 

After all, one of the single most telling hallmarks of self-action leaders is their determined and continual dedication to REALITY—no matter what. Such dedication is a strong indicator of common sense, self-security, and mental hygiene. As M. Scott Peck, M.D. so incisively declared: Mental health is dedication to reality at all costs. (1)  

"Mental health is dedication to reality at all costs."

—M. Scott Peck, M.D.  

My Grandfather Smith holding my mother,
circa 1948. Hyrum W. Smith, co-founder of
FranklinCovey Company, my Mom's older
brother, is the little boy in the bottom right.

When my mother was growing up, her father (my maternal grandfather) had a saying he used to repeat to his seven children, and it went like this:

"Don't judge other people; but remember that they will always judge you."

One of my favorite poems from yesteryear further captures and articulates this principle. This poem is sometimes labeled as "Anonymous," although Marie Losavio has also been cited as its author.  

It goes like this: 

You Tell on Yourself

You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
    By the very manner in which you speak,

By the way you employ your leisure time,
    By the use you make of dollar and dime,

You tell what you are by the things you wear,
   By the spirit in which your burdens you bear,

By the kinds of things at which you laugh,
    By the records you play on the phonograph,

You show what you are by the way you walk,
    By the things of which you delight to talk,

By the manner in which you bear defeat,
    By so simple a thing as how you eat,

By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf:
    In these ways and more, you tell on yourself.

So, there really is no particle of sense,
    In an effort to keep up false pretense.

Despite the TRUTH and REALITY contained in this insightful and playful poem, it never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go to try and hide the truth and cultivate pretenses in an effort to mask reality— instead of owning up to and then dealing with it.

However temporarily painful it may be to fess up—and face up—to reality and the truth, my life's experiences have taught me that it is infinitely preferable to the disastrous long-term consequences of continually dealing in deceit or sticking your head in the sand. Moreover, the achievements, growth, and joy that accompany a complete dedication to reality and truth are worth more than any monetary price you could possibly attach thereto.  

Freedom Focused is eternally dedicated to TRUTH & REALITY—about ourselves and everything else in the world and universe. The sooner we choose to dedicate ourselves more fully to such things, the sooner we can progress along our way to higher levels of Existential Growth, which is where we can access the greatest degrees of real FREEDOM.   

How dedicated are you to REALITY and the TRUTH? 

I invite you to consider this question and ponder the honest answers thereto. As you do so, I further invite you to be courageous in identifying where you may be dealing in deceit or putting your head in the sand in your own life and/or career—and what deleterious consequences you are suffering (or may yet suffer) as a result. Finally, I invite you to consider how you might make one, small, but important step towards a fuller embrace of reality and truth in your life and career—TODAY.    

I promise you will not regret making such efforts, but will rather reap the delicious fruit borne of your willingness to live more fully according to the way things really are.   

Dr. JJ

November 30, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 294th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 123rd consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 293 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks


1.  Peck, M.S. (1978). The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 289. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Magnificent Ms. Marie

Marie Pinschmidt in her lovely home
in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
As promised, this week's blog post features Ms. Marie Pinschmidt—wife, mother, musician, business professional, painter, writer, neighbor, friend, and my unofficial Florida Godmother!

It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I share Ms. Marie's life and career story with you today. 

Part of my passion in doing so stems from the deep respect, admiration, and love I have for my dear friend; and part of it stems from the fact that her life and career have been so thoroughly marked by Self-Action Leadership practices at nearly every turn.

As you read about her adventurous, accomplished, and fascinating story below, see if you can pick out the elements of SAL principles and practices yourself... and then thoughtfully consider how you might allow Marie's truly stellar SAL example to positively influence and productively inform your own life and career.   

A sampling of some of Marie's many beautiful paintings
Marie Bush was born in 1928 in Southeastern Ohio, where she grew up one of seven children with four brothers and two sisters. Interestingly enough, I also grew up one of seven children with exactly four brothers and two sisters! This familial factoid is just one of many life experiences and interests that I share with my wonderful friend.

After graduating from high school, Marie got her first job at a medical clinic working as an "elevator girl" (an errand runner). But she didn't stay there long because she soon received a promotion to assistant receptionist. After just one month, she was promoted again, this time to secretary and stenographer, a position that required her to learn medical shorthand and terminology.

One of Marie's many masterpieces.
After working at the clinic for four years the office manager got married and vacated her position, and you can probably guess who the doctors chose to take her place! As the Office Manager, Marie took over many general duties including payroll and bookkeeping—back in the days before computers. 

She served as an office manager for a dozen years before being promoted again, this time to General Manager of the entire 10-doctor, multi-specialty group clinic, a position she would hold until a very special event in her life would take her in a new and exciting direction.  

During her ascent up the career ladder in a medical clinic, people would sometimes ask Marie: "When are you going to grab one of those doctors to marry?" But Marie never had any desire to marry a doctor. They were too busy and married to their careers. 

The elegant Marie and dapper Norm made a very handsome
couple capable of capturing the attention of an entire room
whenever they were together.  
But that was before she met and fell in love with Dr. Norman Pinschmidt—an ophthalmologist in the group. In her own words, "I did not want to marry a doctor; but Norm changed my mind!"

Thus began a beautiful love story that would endure for nearly four decades prior to Norm's passing.  

Marie and Norm were married in Southeast Ohio in 1961. They adopted two children—a son and a daughter—in their first few years of marriage.  

In 1965, Norm joined the prestigious Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans and later became a full Professor of Ophthalmology at Tulane University Medical School. It was in these favorable and prosperous circumstances in New Orleans that the Pinschmidts would live and work for the next 11 years.

More of Marie's many finished works of art.
But, as is often the case in our mortal journeys, life throws us "curve balls" that inevitably interrupt the peace and/or prosperity that we work so hard to obtain and sustain. In 1977, life threw an especially painful sinker the Pinschmidts way when Norm had a heart attack and subsequent stroke that affected his field of vision, forced his retirement, and forever changed their lives.

The next quarter century was markedly different than the first 16 years of their marriage as Marie spent the better part of her life and time looking after Norm and the children as caregiver and parent. She details this difficult, but meaningful part of her and Norm's life together in a memoir entitled, Life Interrupted: When the Doctor Becomes the Patient

Click HERE to visit Marie's website and buy Marie's Memoir: Life Interrupted.  

A life-size portrait of Norm, painted by
Marie, hangs in her home office.
In 1978, a year after Norm's forced retirement, the Pinschmidts moved to Gainesville, Florida, where they lived for five years. In 1983 they moved to Savannah, Georgia where they lived for several more years before relocating to North Carolina. Then, in 1998, they moved to Palm Beach Gardens, where Marie presently resides. 

Despite the challenges of caregiving in Norm's later years, Marie's love never waned, nor did it waver. To the contrary, her love actually grew deeper as they continued their unique love story in an effort to care for one another through difficult times.

Then, in 2000, Norm passed away from a rare disease called PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy). Marie never remarried, and keeps a lifesize portrait of Norm, which she painted herself, close by as she carefully guards her true love's memory deep in her heart.

Theirs was a rich and authentic love story that Marie speaks of tenderly and unapologetically. She further credits her progress as a painter and writer to Norm's loving encouragement. After all, he was the one who urged her to pursue painting lessons upon hearing Marie express interest in pursuing her talents in the field. That encouragement and support would last the rest of their lives together—and on up to the present day—as Marie continued (and continues) to blossom as an artist and author. 

In illustrating this loving support, Marie explained that it was hard to learn how to paint at first and she often considered quitting. She said one day she came home from a lesson in tears, but Norm always encouraged her to keep going. 

Pinschmidt first began taking painting lessons when she was in her mid-thirties; and she has painted ever since! She initially studied extensively under the tutelage of Cuban artist, Leopoldo Giraudy, who had served as the personal artist of Fulgencio Batista, former President of Cuba prior to the Castro Regime forcing its way into power in 1952. During her time with Giraudy, she focused on portrait painting and techniques of the Old Masters. In addition to being instructed by Giraudy, Marie further studied Modern Art Theory at the University of New Orleans and attended several portrait seminars by John Howard Sanden, an instructor at the Arts Students League in New York City.

To date, Pinschmidt's prolific and ongoing output includes scores, if not hundreds, of different paintings—many of which she has sold privately, or through public art galleries.

A cherished painting Lina and I bought from Marie, which now graces the
wall in our upstairs hallway. This piece was inspired by an article and photo
about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, published in the late 1990s.

My wife Lina and I like Marie's work so much that we recently purchased two (2) of her paintings for our own home: one for the upstairs, and one for the downstairs! These two glorious works of art now grace our home in a lovely way and add much to the overall ambiance we are aiming to create in our private living space. Every time I walk past either painting, I feel my spirit uplifted by the majestic scenes crafted with such skill, craftsmanship, and love by our dear friend.

In time, this student of art became a teacher as well. Over the years Marie has taken on a number of students as individuals or in groups. In fact, at 94, she recently took my seven-year-old daughter—who loves art—on as a new student, much to the joy of Kara, and much to the gratitude of Lina and me.     

Marie's six (6) published books
Her adventures as a writer started much later than her career as a painter. But age has never prevented or impeded Marie from making the most of her golden years. In fact, she has published six (6) books to date—all of which were written after the age of 70!

And her range as an author is impressive: she has published both fiction (novels), non-fiction prose, poetry, and memoir.  

Her journey as an author began much the same way as her career as a painter—with Norm's blessing and cheerleading in conjunction with seeking out formal instruction. In the late 1990s she enrolled in a two-year writing course in fiction and non-fiction. The course was entitled "Breaking into Print" and was taught by Karen O'Connor, a famous author with the Long Ridge Writer's Group in Connecticut. 

As was the case with her painting, Marie affectionately credits Norm's encouragement in helping her to also become accomplished as a writer. During her formal studies, she would read her assignments (including poetry) to Norm who would tear up and say: "That's beautiful." 

After passing the correspondence course, she began writing for magazines, including The WriterThe Artist, and Country Magazine. For the past 15 years, she has been a featured columnist in the PGA National Community Association Newspaper (PGA CAN).

Art books in Marie's personal library
In addition to Norm's encouragement, Marie also credits hard work, determination, consistence, and persistence to her progress as an artist and writer. When reviewing her body of work, it is obvious she has invested many thousands of hours into becoming the accomplished painter and writer she is today. And her shelves full of art books evince her passion for reading and studying in a never-ending quest to learn and improve.

Serendipity has also played its hand over the years in her overall education. For instance, one day she was in Barnes & Noble bookstore when she happily—and seemingly coincidentally—came across a book entitled, The Artist Way, by Julia Cameron—a famous writer and artist. According to Pinschmidt, reading Cameron's book helped her a lot in her creative journey. 

Click HERE to buy The Artist Way by Julia Cameron.

There is no question in my mind that such seeming coincidences occur, and are the purview of serendipity and/or Providence, or, as artists and writers often say: "The Muse."

I've experienced this metaphysical phenomenon countless times in my own journey as a writer and thinker. Indeed, on many occasions just the right resource has seemingly fallen right into my hands at just the right moment to help me start, finish, or further tie together a poem, chapter, section, article, or element of the SAL Theory or SAL Model.

Two more of Marie Pinschmidt's masterpieces
Dr. Stephen R. Covey had a similar experience while wandering through a university library in Hawaii one day back in 1979 during his time away from home on an academic sabbatical. The book that seemed to magically fall into his lap on that occasion contained a nugget of wisdom that served as a trigger-point to the development and composition of his magnum opus: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey published the 7 Habits ten years later in 1989. Since then, that one book has sold nearly 20 million copies, become one of the most influential books of the late twentieth and early 21st centuries, and directly influenced the development of the SAL Theory and SAL Model.

It has been more than two decades now since Marie lost her beloved Norm, but she has not let her loss or grief slow her down or stifle her output and joy as an artist and painter. At 94, she continues to live a vibrant life full of productivity, contribution, service, and love. And every month I look forward to reading her new column in our neighborhood newspaper, PGA CAN.    

If you are interested in perusing Marie's art or reading one of her books, you can visit her website at

Note: Her website is currently having some technical issues and is undergoing some work, so you'll want to check back soon for improvements and upgrades.  

If you would like to reach out to Marie with a specific inquiry about her work, you may email her at

Oh, and one more thing...

In enumerating Marie's many accomplishments as a painter and writer, I almost forgot to mention another of her many talents—MUSIC!  At this point, it probably won't surprise you to learn that Ms. Pinschmidt also plays the piano beautifully—even at age 94.  

Click HERE to watch a video of Marie playing the piano for me during our interview last month, a few weeks after her 94th birthday.      


Dr. JJ

November 23, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 293rd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 122nd consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 292 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The SAL Textbooks: A Book Review from a Wise Senior

Since I was just a little boy, I have always been drawn to Seniors and appreciated the insights and wisdom their life experiences bring to bear—something they are usually willing to share if we seek for and then draw it out through sincere relationship building.

Gardening with my Grandmother
Ruth Pingree Smith (1907-1992)
Centerville, Utah, circa 1985
I suppose my adoration of Seniors began with the quality relationships I shared with my two grandmothers, born in 1907 (maternal) and 1919 (paternal). I credit my maternal Grandmother Smith for instilling within me a love of books and great literature as I spent countless hours in her home library, which was endowed with many thousands of volumes—enough to fill an entire room on every side from floor to ceiling. She also taught me about a great many other things, including gardening, as the accompanying picture illustrates.

I acknowledge my paternal Grandmother Jensen for loving me, spoiling me (in all the best ways), and helping me learn and appreciate the art of good conversation, as over the years I enjoyed many lovely tête-à-tête's in her neat, tidy, and comfortable, yet humble home. I will never forget one conversation in particular when she shared memories of making homemade soap with her mother—as well as her experience watching the first airplane fly over our hometown in rural Utah back in the mid-1920s. The unprecedented event cleared out the entire elementary school as scores of children and their teachers and administrators ran the four miles to where they saw the plane land. It still amazes me to reflect upon the dramatic changes that have occurred in the world in just the past few generations, as evinced by the remarkable differences between my life and the lives of my grandparents. 

As a teenager, I enjoyed the friendship of Hortense Rice, a widow in her upper 80s who lived in my hometown. Hortense was a member of my local church congregation but was too old and frail to attend services regularly. I would often visit her on Sunday afternoons after church. In return, she would shower me with sugary treats; if she was trying to keep me coming back, it worked! We would visit about all sorts of things, including how much the world had changed over the course of her life. Sometimes her grandson, Mike, would join us and play the piano while the two of us would sing hymns to Hortense—something she loved very much.  

Dorothy Rasmussen Adams
I have written in the past about my dear Aunt Dorothy (pictured left), including my adventures working on her ranch and how she taught me the power that picturesque natural vistas possess to "restore our souls." To this day, Dorothy Rasmussen Adams (1910-1998) remains one of the loveliest and most inspiring human beings with whom I have ever had the pleasure and privilege of associating.

Later on in college, my sister and a group of friends and I would often visit a convalescence home filled with lonely Seniors. Our hearts would routinely fill with satisfaction and joy as we brought smiles to the faces of those aged citizens facing a variety of challenges and discomforts in the twilight of their mortal lives.  

Since then, I've moved several times around the North American Continent, and everywhere I've gone I've had the opportunity and privilege of meeting and associating with wonderful Seniors. Indeed, I cannot think of a time or place where I've lived or worked where I haven't made the acquaintance and/or friendship of some wonderful aged friends.

From "Dotty Mama"—a 90-something piano playing prodigy in Georgia—to our upstairs neighbors in Newfoundland whose snow I would help shovel; and from a sweet German immigrant woman in Texas— who had grown up during the dark days of the Third Reich—to one of our children's kind Sunday school teachers in New Mexico—everywhere I've been I've collected wonderful friends whose hair was gray, silver, white, or gone!   

My time in Florida has been no different. Florida, in fact, has brought me an added abundance of opportunities to associate with Seniors because Florida is such a popular destination for retirees. We actually live in a neighborhood consisting mostly of retired Seniors, and that is one of the reasons I love it... and feel right at home! 

An extra special senior friend of mine writes for our neighborhood newspaper—a monthly publication for which she serves as a columnist. Several months ago, I picked up the paper and began thumbing through it for the first time... and that was my first introduction to Ms. Marie Pinschmidt and her inspiring column, entitled: "Let Me Tell You..."

In the parlance of the famous 1990s film, Jerry McGuire, you might say that Marie "had me at" Winston Churchill because that was the subject of her article that first month I came across her work; and anyone who knows me well knows of the high regard in which I hold Britain's famous war-time hero.  

Lina and I with Marie Pinschmidt
and one of her paintings we purchased
In ensuing weeks and months, I have gotten to know this remarkable Lady who is now my dear friend. And although I'm not Catholic, I have taken the liberty to adopt her as my unofficial Florida Godmother... and am honored that she likewise considers me something akin to her godson. This new and sweet connection reminds me of my Texas Mom and Dad (Frank and Candy McLane) another Senior Couple who were like parents to me when I lived in the Lone Star State—far away from my own parents.  

Marie Pinschmidt recently turned 94. She is only a couple of years younger than Queen Elizabeth II, who recently passed away to great worldwide fame and fanfare. Avid readers of my blog are well aware of my feelings for her Majesty, the late Queen. Click HERE to read my recent tribute upon her passing.  

Like the Queen, Pinschmidt is an incredibly refined, polished, intelligent, and articulate Lady and human being. Her home is elegant and immaculate—so much so, in fact, that I feel as though I am stepping into a palace or temple whenever I visit her. As a musician, professional artist, and published author, Ms. Marie is also a very talented, driven, focused, and accomplished individual.

Next week's blog post will further highlight Ms. Marie's incredible life story and the remarkable body of artistic and literary work she has produced over the years—and mostly after the age of 70, proving that the greatest souls among us never really retire or die; they continue to work, teach, and serve until their passing day—and then their memory and legacy lives on forever in the lives of those they taught and touched.    

Volume 1 of the Self-Action Leadership Textbooks
Despite her many remarkable accomplishments, perhaps Ms. Marie's greatest achievement of all is that she actually read the entire Self-Action Leadership textbookboth volumes—over a thousand pages of personal leadership literature!

I say this, of course, with my tongue-in-cheek, but the fact is that it has been very difficult to get others to read through, much less pay attention to, my work. The reason for this is simple: the SAL texts are not quick or easy reads, and unfortunately, we live in a world where people are not only very busy with their own lives and careers, but are also quite distracted by a deluge of information and a tempting array of sensory stimuli parading all around them on social media and their cell phones. Simply stated, it's easier and more convenient to spend one's times popping in and out of a potpourri of click-bait traps than it is to undertake a serious study of anything meaningful or substantive. 

Consequently, most people don't do much of anything that is difficult or outside their comfort zones unless they are faced with some kind of external deadline or pressure to do so (e.g. a formal school or work assignment). Thus, incredibly important—but not urgent—tasks like reading and studying to develop one's own personal leadership capacity tends to fall by the wayside for all but the most proactive among us (1).

David G. Anthony, Ed.D.
Former Superintendent of Cy-Fair Independent School District
and former CEO of Raise Your Hand Texas,
outside the Texas State Capitol in Austin. 
The irony of this SAL textbook conundrum is that those rare few who actually do read the complete work have all responded in the same way: they are glad they did it, they enjoyed the texts immensely—one reviewer even compared the autobiographical sections to a "page-turner novel"—and are eager to share what they discovered and learned with others. 

In the words of Dr. David G. Anthony, a career educator and former Superintendent of one of the largest public school districts in the United States, who wrote the Afterword to the SAL Textbooks:

"When Jordan originally invited me to review an 802-page manuscript of a previous version of this two-volume set, I balked a bit, wondering when I would possibly have time to review such a tome. It is interesting to note how some of life's most important, rewarding, and ultimately enjoyable tasks initially appear so uninviting. In the end, I opted to set myself to the task, and I am so glad I did."

Like Anthony, Pinschmidt was kind enough to write up a book review for me that she plans to publish in our neighborhood's newspaper next month. She has also given me permission to further publish her words on the Freedom Focused blog today.

I have reprinted it below for your enjoyment and edification...

Marie Pinschmidt is the author of SIX (6)
books and numerous articles.
Hope for the Future through Self-Action Leadership

One of the many pleasures I have enjoyed while living in PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, the past 25 years is meeting interesting and often fascinating neighbors. One of these accomplished and productive persons is JORDAN R. JENSEN, who, with his delightful wife and three young children, recently moved into a home just a few miles from my condominium. I am a columnist for our neighborhood's monthly newspaper and I met Jordan and his family through my work as a writer. 

Jordan is the Founder, CEO, and Master Facilitator of Freedom Focused LLC, The Center for Self-Action Leadership, a professional leadership training organization. He is the author of several books and hundreds of articles that have appeared in a variety of different newspapers and periodicals, including multiple academic journals. A skilled writer and educator, he has facilitated training events throughout the English-speaking world. He holds a bachelor's degree in English as well as a doctorate in Education. I have just finished reading Jordan's "Magnum Opus," which includes Volume 1: SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP—A Theoretical Framework for Existential Growth, and Volume 2: SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP—An Action Research-Based Character Development Model.

A talented musician, Ms. Marie sits
at her piano in her elegant living room.
At age 94, I am long past the stage of life for collegiate course study. Despite this fact, my friendship with Jordan motivated me to give his textbooks a shot. Somewhat to my surprise, I found the books to be fascinating from page one-on. Like many other reviewers, I find his writing masterful, even poetic. And speaking of poetry, you lovers of verse may be interested in knowing that he has also published an anthology of his own, original poems in Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection, published by authorHouse and available for sale at, or by clicking HERE

Dr. Jensen's leadership books are anchored in true principles of philosophy and human behavior. They contain not only the requirements to lead in the professional world, but also how to live successfully with dignity and honor in one's personal life. As we all know, in modern society we often find leaders who excel in their endeavors but fall short in the categories of honor and integrity. 

These books helped me revisit my long life with renewed interest and to evaluate why I succeeded in certain areas and failed in others. I'm sure most of us have those moments of introspection. I wish his teachings had been available when I was just starting out in my adult life. In these two volumes Jordan has gifted his readers with his personal and candid history of survival during many trying times, including chronic mental illness (OCD and depression), to evolve as a great educator and courageous human being.

An accomplished professional artist,
Pinschmidt is pictured here in her home studio.
His books are a combination of textbook, autobiography, memoir, and inspirational survival story, and should be in the permanent collection of every library, high school, and every other institution of learning, business, etc. Our young people would need no greater comprehensive training in their business, professional, or personal future than to read, study, and internalize the SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP textbooks. 

For those of you who have "been there and done that," you will enjoy the exceptional writing, poetry, and quotes from inspirational people throughout history who have lived exemplary lives of leadership.  

Jordan has published six books and hundreds of news and other articles and blogs. He has also worked with thousands of people in hundreds of audiences throughout the U.S., Canada, and the UK. A husband and father of three, he is also a triathlete, having completed 13 marathons and one 70.3 Ironman triathlon.

To learn more about his textbooks and professional work, visit If you would like to receive his FREE weekly blog articles every Wednesday, just email him at Lastly, if you are interested in buying his comprehensive Life Leadership textbooks yourself, you can do so by visiting and searching for the words: "SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP," or by clicking HERE.  

One of Marie Pinschmidt's many masterpieces
on canvas, created entirely from her
rich and vivid imagination.
Once again, the Holidays are knocking at our doors and the above-mentioned books could be a life-changing gift, especially for the young adults on your list. Keep in mind that I have touched only briefly on the insightful lessons to be learned from Jordan's books, and the hours of joy his writing has given me.

I cordially wish all of Dr. Jensen's readers Peace and Goodwill now and throughout the New Year. Thank you, Jordan, for the opportunity to read your books and contribute this review.  

Marie Pinschmidt
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
November 14, 2022


Remember to tune in to next week's blog to learn more about the remarkable life story of Ms. Marie Pinschmidt.

If you would like to peruse her website in the meantime, you can access it by clicking HERE.  

Dr. JJ

November 16, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 292nd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 121st consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 291 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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1. See Stephen R. Covey's books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and First Things First.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

"HELL's ITCH": A Life Lesson Learned

Ty Guy's First Day of Pre-K
August 10, 2022

This past August, the youngest of my three children—my 4-year old son, Tyler—started VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten). This means that three times a week (on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays) for five hours per day, my workday is now kid-free.  

Now I'm not gonna lie...

As much as I adore and cherish my three precious children, this daddy daycare reprieve after nearly SEVEN (7) YEARS of sauntering patiently along in the "Stay-at-Home Dad" saddle has been sorely welcome and nothing short of HEAVENLY!

I have chosen to spend much of this newly acquired free time working out in an effort to finally get back into the kind of physical shape I enjoyed before the COVID-19 Pandemic, which influenced a depressing 20-pound weight gain that has been difficult to shake.  

Living in the paradise that is South Florida, I have made it a priority to try and do at least ONE workout per week at the Beach, and so far, I've been pretty consistent in reaching this fun and convenient goal.

I first saw the ocean on the Oregon Coast back in 1986 when I was six years old—and I've been in love with oceans and beaches ever since. Since those early days, I have visited scores of different beaches in a dozen U.S. States, several foreign countries, and a number of spots throughout the magical Caribbean. In short, the beach is one of my favorite places to visit. It is one of my truly "Happy Places" on this Earth.   

Growing up in the high dry deserts of the deeply landlocked Intermountain West—far away from any oceans—made me love the beach even more, so moving to the Atlantic Coastline of South Florida has truly been a dream come true for me. 

My new kid-free weekly visits to the beach are beautiful, peaceful, soul-restoring, productive (in terms of exercise) and full of solitude (which is something I need and cherish in my life and career as a writer and thinker). In short: it's MAGICAL; and I love every minute I get to spend there. Aside from taking time to relax my mind and exercise my physical body, I've even started to develop a decent tan—which leads me to the topic of today's blog post.  

The day I went to the beach and
sowed the seeds of "Hell's Itch"
March 9, 2022

Earlier this year—before I started developing my tan—I was a pretty pale fellow who was just dreaming of a browner hue gracing my skin tone, which, in its lustrous and natural genetic state, bears a striking resemblance to Casper the friendly ghost. I had enjoyed tans at various junctures of my youth, but have remained largely fair-skinned as an adult.    

On Wednesday, March 9th, around the middle of the day, and before my little son had begun VPK, I decided to take Tyler to the beach. With my tanning dreams in mind—and recognizing that there is no time like the present—I decided to take my shirt off for just one hour and thereby begin the gradual process of acquiring that elusive tan.  

The hour passed peacefully as Ty guy and I dug in the sand, swam in the water, waded in the waves, and otherwise enjoyed our time together at the beach. When the hour was up, I consciously put my shirt back on, and we shortly thereafter returned home.  

A few hours later I began to realize it would have been wiser to have started off with 20 or 30 minutes shirtless in the sun instead of an hour. By sundown, I knew I had a pretty significant sunburn and began to apply aloe vera gel and prepare myself mentally for the inevitable discomfort that would likely follow in coming days.

At this point in time, I wasn't too worried because I had made this mistake before, and so felt as though I had a pretty good idea what was coming. There would be a few days of discomfort, and then some mild-to-moderate itching as the burned skin peeled off and healed itself. I figured that with my aloe vera gel in hand, working through this sunburn would be much like previous sunburns I had experienced in my life, which weren't too terrible to deal with.  

My experience on Thursday and Friday was pretty predictable along these assumed lines. My sunburn was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. I had, after all, experienced worse in the past.

All that changed on Saturday morning when I unexpectedly and suddenly developed a sunburn-related itch all over my back the likes of which I had never experienced. This was not one of those typical "skin-peeling, sunburn starting to heal" sort of mild-to-moderate itches. No, this was something altogether different, and much, Much, MUCH worse!

The itch started out somewhat mildly, but quickly progressed to a moderate—and then severe and painful—itch.  "No problem" I said to myself: I can just cake a bunch of aloe vera gel on my back and I'll be fine. 

I knew I was in trouble when my cure-all aloe vera
gel proved useless in combatting my excruciating symptoms.
In this particular case, however, the aloe vera gel did not solve my problem. In fact, it seemed to make matters even worse. By the time I figured this out, the itch had become so severe that I hopped in the shower in hopes that cold water would in some way palliate the awful symptoms I had begun to experience. 

While a cold shower provided some measure of temporary relief, it did not solve the root problem. As soon as I was out of the shower, the severe itch would return and I would apply more aloe vera gel, but to no avail.

Growing desperate, I tried applying liberal quantities of benadryl (anti-itch) cream, but like the aloe vera gel, it provided such minimal relief that I would soon be back in the shower washing it all off with cold water in another desperate attempt to quell the horrifying symptoms that had begun to overtake me.  

Words are inadequate to fully capture
the agonizing symptoms of Hell's Itch
As more time passed, the itch grew increasingly worse. Before I knew it, I found myself in bed involuntarily contorting my body every which way and then on the ground writhing around in indescribable agony in vain attempts to somehow find relief from this completely unprecedented misery.

Words are, quite honestly, inadequate in capturing what I was feeling at this moment.  It was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

The two best words I can find to describe it is: absolutely HELLISH!

It was so bad, in fact, that I began to wonder if I should call 911 and request that emergency services come immediately and assist me. What I really desired was to be given some kind of potent anesthesia that would completely knock me out and, quite literally, "put me out of my misery" until professional doctors could find a cure to this ailment that was as horrifying as it was mystifying.  

At this moment of climactic agony, I prayed for help—any help—to ameliorate the absolutely agonizing sensations that were pulsating through the skin on my back from this sunburn-induced hellish itch.

Shortly thereafter, my prayer was answered when I found the solution to my problem—an extraordinarily counterintuitive solution, I might add.  

Using the Internet on my smart phone, I was able to fumblingly and bumblingly locate an article about a sunburn-induced affliction known as "Hell's Itch" where I began to access good information about the affliction that had so completely consumed me.      

According to one website, "Many people describe [Hell's Itch] as the worst pain they've ever experienced, with some women comparing it to labour. Thankfully, it's fairly rare which is why you've probably never heard of it before" and helped explain why I had never experienced it before (1).

One victim described it this way: "It felt like I was being stabbed by the sharp point of a thousand compasses, while lemon juice and itching powder was rubbed into the wounds" (2). Others have described "it as if fire ants are crawling and biting at the affected skin" (3).   

Dr. Cory Stewart suffered a bout of Hell's Itch after vacationing in the Caribbean.  According to Stewart:

"It was this deep itch you couldn't do anything about. ... You feel like you are going crazy and nobody believes you. [Stewart explained that when his wife came home to find her new husband tortured by something as simple as a sunburn, her disbelief only made the ordeal worse.]  ... Nobody can understand or believe you unless you've gone through it" (4)

From my own experience, I can tell you that Dr. Stewart is NOT exaggerating. In my 43 years of living on this planet, I can count on two fingers the experiences I've had that come even remotely near to the agony I experienced upon contracting Hell's Itch. And like Dr. Stewart's wife, Lina was similarly incredulous when she saw what an animated and dramatic scene I was making... and all because of a little sunburn!  

Don't take a hot shower with a sunburn,
 unless you have Hell's Itch, in which case
you will be eager to feel the burn!
Scanning through the details of the ailment, I was able to finally find THE REMEDY, which was so completely counterintuitive that I never would have thought of it myself. 

The solution to Hell's Itch is to take a HOT SHOWER... and I mean as hot as you can stand.  

Of course the last thing you want to do when you have a bad sunburn is to take a hot shower. Despite this reality, I can honestly say I couldn't wait to try this purported solution out myself—that is how bad Hell's Itch is: you'd rather scald your sunburn with hot water than suffer another second of the much more debilitating effects of the affliction.  

Within seconds of learning this information, I hopped into the shower and turned the water to as HOT as it would go. The hot water on my sunburned back hurt—of course—but I can honestly say that it felt almost soothing by comparison to the symptoms of Hell's Itch.  

As the hot water began pouring over my aggrieved back, I almost instantly began to feel a measure of relief—despite the smart of the hot water on my burned skin. And the longer I let the hot water cascade down my sunburned back, the better I felt. This strange and counterintuitive method was actually working! It was as if the hot water was killing the "fire ants" that were eating away at my skin all over my back. The relief that poured over my mind and heart at this realization was exceedingly welcome and filled my soul with gratitude-filled hope.  

After several minutes of enduring the hot water as it mildly scalded the sunburned skin on my back, I realized that almost all of the symptoms of Hell's Itch had disappeared, so I shut off the water, dried off, and collapsed into bed where I gave way to my exhaustion and fell into a peaceful slumber. But before I did, I laid there in astonished gratitude with another prayer of thanks pulsating in my mind and heart for being so serendipitously blessed to find the solution to such a distressing, egregious, perplexing, and unprecedented malady.  

March 12th, 2022 was the first and last time I have ever experienced Hell's Itch. I hope and pray I don't ever experience it again. I don't know why it hit me this time around, especially in light of the fact that I've been sunburned many previous times in my life. But I am sure relieved to know that there is a solution to this truly hellish predicament if I do ever contract it again.  

Fortunately, I now have a good enough tan that I can go shirtless for an hour at a time without any problem—although I limit my still somewhat pasty, white, dad-bod to an hour or less of sun exposure in the simple hope of avoiding skin cancer down the road!  

My experience with Hell's Itch provided me with a powerful Life Lesson Learned. I now know what this affliction is—and more importantly, how to remedy the problem if and/or when it arises in the future to me or anyone else I know.  

This experience also provided me with a few Life Lesson reviews and reminders, as follows: 

1. The importance of PACING... don't bite off more than you can chew!

2. Don't forget to pray!

3. Sometimes the answers to life's deepest questions and the solutions to life's greatest problems are counterintuitive.

Knowing how pasty and white my dad bod was back in the March of this year, I should have known better than to expose my bare back to the noonday sun for an entire hour on day one of my tanning program. In hindsight, I should have started off with 15 or 20 minutes and then built up my tan gradually from there while never exposing my skin to more than it could handle or that was safe.

This same lesson can be applied to virtually every other life or career undertaking. Simply stated: PACING is Essential if you seek to achieve authentic results in a safe manner.   

I have often had to learn this lesson the hard way in my life and career. For example, as an inexperienced distance runner in high school, it took me many years to learn an important lesson about competitive running, and the lesson was this: it doesn't matter who is in first place after the first hundred yards or the first lap of a race; what matters is who is in first place at the end of the race! In other words, it doesn't matter how fast you are if you don't properly pace yourself for the duration of the race. 


There were many times when my enthusiasm as a runner trumped my experience and maturity as a runner. The result was to find myself in first place early on in the race only to fall back and get passed by other, more disciplined and better paced competitors later in the race. I can tell you that the pain and embarrassment of falling back later in the race always outweighs the excitement of being in first place early on.

Thus, it takes more than mere enthusiasm to be successful: it also requires effective pacing strategies intermingled with discipline, hard work, and persistence over long periods of time (patience).  

Secondly, there is POWER in prayer and other, similar forms of mental and spiritual-oriented practices, such as meditation and the mental and verbal application of positive affirmations. It is worth noting that my sincere supplication of the Almighty preceded my discovery of a solution. Nonbelievers may claim it was the Internet Search, not my prayer, that made the difference, and they are at least partially correct in asserting this claim. Nevertheless, I've had so many positive personal experiences with answered prayers (more than I could possibly recount) to keep me enthusiastically praying for the rest of my life! I should note also that it took several searches before I arrived at the correct solution to my problem. Hence faith (and prayer) without works is usually dead, just as scripture so cogently declares. And it is the WORKS portion of the equation that the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model is primarily concerned with. 

At Freedom Focused, we don't ask or require anyone to be a believer; but as an individual self-action leader, I will never shy away from sharing my authentic personal experiences and offering them up as anecdotal data points—for whatever they might be worth to others; and we encourage others to do the same, regardless what their belief systems do or do not include.   

Just as you must tear down your muscles in order to
build them up, life is full of counterintuitive solutions
to our most difficult and complex challenges and problems.
Lastly, sometimes the answers to life's questions and concerns are very intuitive. For example, don't touch a red hot stove or it will hurt! Or, cool water and soothing aloe vera gel are usually best for helping to soothe a painful sunburn.

But there are times when the exact opposite is the case, such as when HOT water is required to quell the far sterner consequences of Hell's Itch, or...

  • When you must break down your muscle fibers in order to build them up, or...
  • Let go in order to hold on, or...
  • Shut up in order to more effectively and persuasively speak up or out, or...
  • Change course in order to more efficiently complete a course, or...
  • Cut ties in order to heal frayed connections, or...
  • Stop aiming at success in order to achieve even greater success (5), or... 
  • "Try hard not to try so hard" (6) in order to finally achieve an elusive goal or objective, or...
  • Stop chasing after life and give life a chance to catch up to you.  

In said situations and circumstances, all of us must be willing to do the difficult, counterintuitive, and often painful work that Natural Law demands in order to accomplish desired ends.

Self-action leaders are so committed, dedicated, and willing.

Are YOU?  

Dr. JJ

November 9, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 291st Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 120th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 290 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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5. Viktor Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning taught his students to listen to and follow their consciences rather than merely "aim at success."  He assured them that if they would do so, that "success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think of it" (Frankl, V. [1984] Man's Search for Meaning. New York, NY: Washington Square Press, page 17)

6. Advice given by an exasperated nurse (played by Kathleen Freeman) to an overly enthusiastic orderly (played by Jerry Lewis) in the 1964 Hollywood movie: The Disorderly Orderly, directed by Frank Tashlin.  

Seeds of Self-Help

    Chapter 2 Seeds of Self-Help   This chapter tells the story of my introductions to and experiences with the self-help and personal devel...