Friday, November 6, 2015

I'd Rather See a Sermon

I love poetry.  One of my favorite 20th Century quatrains comes from a stanza of Edgar A. Guest's verse.  It reads:
I'd rather see a sermon
Than hear one any day;
I'd rather one should walk with me
Than merely tell the way.
These famous words of Guest's explain why I chose to include such intimate details from my own life's Self-Action Leadership journey in my new book -- Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom.

Me as a teenager: pale, lanky,
 homely, nerdy, and goofy;
 but extremely driven.
Ever since I was a teenager, I have felt a powerfully compelling -- even an obsessive -- need and desire to positively influence other people.  By the time I was in my mid-teens, I knew I wanted to someday write a best-selling self-help book.

Over time, however, I found that I would never successfully accomplish my goal of "talking the talk" until I had actually "walked the walk" over a long period of time.

Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending on how you look at it), the past 20 years of my life has afforded me the painful opportunity of facing three separate sets of deep and penetrating trials the likes of which I, as a boy, never would have imagined I'd face in the future.

Life is often like that -- full of unexpected adversity and other crazy twists and turns such that real life sometimes ends up being even more interesting and dramatic than the most dramatic presentations of the cinema, or the printed page.

I wouldn't wish the crucibles I've been through on anyone.  What I do know is that everyone ends up facing their own, unique challenges in life.  We are all alike in that way.  You can try and run from your problems, but in the end, you can never completely hide.

It is often said that hindsight is 20/20.  In hindsight, I wouldn't trade my struggles for anything because of what they have helped me to become.  Nor would I wish to ever return to the hellish onslaught they brought into my life.  Perhaps you can relate as you've struggled to work through your own issues in life.

Dr. Jordan Jensen's New Book
I wrote Self-Action Leadership in hopes of giving the world a new kind of self-help book -- one that provides as much empathy as it does instruction, and one that seeks to help others by sharing what I've learned from spending the past two decades studying and working on MY OWN problems.

I still have a LONG way to go in my own SAL journey, but I can say with satisfaction that along the way, I have discovered the existence of a few priceless principles that are universal in nature and can lead us human beings out of the mangy morasses we often find ourselves mired in during our mortal sojourn upon this Earth.

Perhaps my experiences -- and the lessons I've learned through studying and working out my personal and professional problems -- might in some way be of service to you or someone you love, care for, or work with.

If you are interested in learning more about what I've both experienced and learned, I invite you to read my new book, which shares all of these things.

The world is full of big talkers.  Heck, I am one of them.  But, if you are looking for a self-help guide that strives to "show the way" rather than merely tell you what to do, be, and where to go, you might find this book a worthwhile read.

Dr. Jordan Jensen Today
Click HERE to buy a Hard Copy of Dr. Jensen's BOOK

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Challenges with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Part 1)

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Challenges with OCD (Part 2)

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Victories over OCD

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Rocky Road of Romance

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Career Crucibles

Click HERE to buy an E-version (Nook) of Dr. Jensen's BOOK

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