Saturday, October 3, 2020

Exciting Announcement!

Attention: Family, Friends, Neighbors, StudentsColleagues, and Fellow Citizens

As the Founder and CEO of Freedom Focused LLC, I am pleased to announce some exciting news regarding the Freedom Focused Blog.

The Freedom Focused BLOG 

is now a Standardized WEEKLY Publication!

Beginning last Wednesday, the Freedom Focused BLOG is now published Once-Per-Week, EVERY WEDNESDAY.

We are living through a time of great trouble and turmoil. Moving forward, the Freedom Focused BLOG will serve as a weekly pedagogical proclamation of Peace, Positivity, Productivity, and Possibility.

Previously, the FF Blog served an ancillary and peripheral role in the growth and progress of the organization and was published more randomly and sporadically as corporate needs arose.

No more!  

From this point onward, this platform will serve a seminal and fundamental role in the message and mission of Freedom Focused.

As such, you can expect to receive a  FREE  Self-Action Leadership-oriented article in your email inbox EVERY WEDNESDAY morning forever into the future—or for as long as I have something to say about it; and I plan to serve in my current role until the year 2040. 

Our Vision and Mission at Freedom Focused is simple in theory, even if it is not always easy in actual practice: we aim to change the world by qualitatively and substantively increasing the personal and professional GROWTH and FREEDOM of individuals everywhere. How do we plan to accomplish this? Through life-changing character education initiatives and substantive life leadership and personal management training.

Meaningful macro changes don't happen overnight. I've been working to build Freedom Focused since 2003, and am personally committed to at least two more decades at the helm of this exciting new training organization. Big changes occur only when individuals take many small, but meaningful actions over long-periods of time.   

Nearly three-quarters of a century ago, my Grandfather spoke to a group of university students at the end of World War II—another time of great trouble and turmoil.

In his speech, he said something of great significance. 

And I quote: 

"Not infrequently you hear this: 'What can I do to help world peace? Here I am, one lone, miserable individual. I cannot have any influence. I cannot do anything which will help. I am powerless.' 
"That, of course, is just nonsense, for the peace of the world rests upon the collective individuals in the world; it does not rest upon nations; it rests upon the individuals in those nations. Do not think that your lives are unimportant. Do not think for a moment that you can exert no influence because you are young or because you are few. 
"We have got to get away from the foolish notion that quantity is the important thing in influence. You know you can go into the laboratories on this campus and you will find that very minute amounts of particular substances can exert tremendous influences. One individual courageously choosing his own conduct in face of all odds, doing right, can exert a tremendous influence. Let us choose so that every event that comes into our lives will be enriching so that we will be bigger than any event, come whatever calamity may. We can so choose that it will not destroy us. [Each of us] can have FREEDOM in his own sphere. Each can contribute importantly to FREEDOM."  

Have you ever felt that way? That you are one, lone, miserable individual and there is nothing you can do to help world peace, or any other macro movement leading to positive change? If so, I invite you to become acquainted with the message of Self-Action Leadership and FREEDOM by reading this BLOG each Wednesday moving forward into the future. And if you want to take a BIG step beyond that, then I invite you to SHARE this BLOG with your family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues and invite them to sign up for it also.

It's a pretty good deal when you think about it.  For the price of $0.00, you can access a weekly blog written by an author who: has published SIX (6) books and hundreds of articles in newsprint, academic, and other periodicals, has a bachelor's degree in English, a doctoral degree in education, over 4,000 hours of professional training experience throughout the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and 41 years of varied and unique life experiences, including successfully confronting and managing mental illness, deep relational obstacles, and profound professional difficulties.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.    


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

Click HERE to learn more about our Vision and Mission at Freedom Focused.

Click HERE to buy a copy of the Self-Action Leadership Textbooks


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