Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Future of Character Education in America

Dr. Chris P. Neck
Associate Professor
Arizona State University
A colleague—Dr. Christopher P. Neck, Associate Professor of Management at Arizona State University—and I recently had a new scholarly article published in the Journal of Leadership and Management.

This paper outlines a bold vision for the future of LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER, and LIFE-SKILLS education in the United States and beyond. 

Dr. Jordan R. Jensen
Founder, CEO
Freedom Focused LLC

Paper Abstract

In a variety of ways—e.g. educationally, ideologically, administratively, culturally, and politically—the United States is more divided in 2020 than it has been since 1860. These fractures have negatively impacted everything from political discourse and cultural attitudes to workplace mores and familial relationships.

More recently, said fractures have spilled onto city streets and government spaces in the form of radical violence. While the reasons for these divisions are many and varied, they are—like most problems—ultimately impacted by (if not fundamentally rooted in) EDUCATION. 

This paper introduces a theoretical framework for educational, ideological, and administrative BALANCE in the twenty-first century. Its primary aim is the long-term development of leaders, managers, educators, parents, and citizens who are more educationally and ideologically balanced and, in-turn, more focused on and committed to their own personal and professional growth (and that of their colleagues and subordinates) than they are in political posturing or partisan promotional ploys. 

This balanced approach is called SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP, or SAL for short, and is a derivative of Self-Leadership (S-L) and Action Research (AR) Theory. SAL represents a common-sense, character-centric, and heuristic compromise that practical parties on all sides of the current socio-political divide may reasonably embrace and promote for the benefit of rising generations and anyone willing to accept its tenable tenets. 

The ultimate goal is for SAL curricula to become a unifying, pragmatic go-to tool for leaders and managers of all kinds—including politicians, administrators, educators, and parents—who seek to promote personal and professional growth in (as well as unity among) their constituents, colleagues, subordinates, students, and children.

With that little taste, would you like to read the entire article?  If so, then Click HERE and scroll down on the homepage to download a COPY of this ARTICLE.

This link will take you to the Freedom Focused website. Scroll down on the homepage to access all FOUR of the Self-Action Leadership supporting scholarly articles.

-Dr. JJ

June 23, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 217th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 216 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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