Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Dr. JJ's Rule #10: Be a Creator, not a Critic

In the history of mankind, Dickens' famous quip: "It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times"
has never been truer than NOW.
In a previous article, Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living were shared.

Click HERE to access JJ's 13 Rules.

This week's blog post addresses Dr. JJ's RULE #10, which states:

Be a DOER, not a drag; a CREATOR, not a critic; and an EXAMPLE, not a judge.*

As a token of my commitment to be an example of a DOER and CREATOR, pick up at least one piece of trash each day that I did not throw down and read, write, recite, or do at least one thing each day that contributes to my own (or someone else's) personal wisdom, freedom, and Existential Growth. 

Click HERE to read The Power of Picking up Trash, a previously published Freedom Focused blog post.    

Freedom Focused Agents are BUILDERS
Our world is filled with finger-pointers and critics. We need more creators who take complete responsibility for everything in their OWN lives and careers.  

There are plenty of people ready, willing, and eager to play the blame-game and tear down other people and things. 

We need more courteous, confident, courageous, compassionate, and constructive builders.

Freedom Focused is an organization of builders. We do not seek to bruise or bully, but to bolster and build. Our desire is not to add to the current chaos, but to contribute to causes worth living for. Our aim is to use our education, expertise, and talents to craft something truly magnificent in our nation—and beyond.  

How do we strive to accomplish such lofty aims?

For starters, we begin early, often, and always by.....  improving OURSELVES.   

What Our World Needs...

Our world has too many leaners;
It needs more LIFTERS.

          Our world has a crass cache of critical curmudgeons;
          It needs more CHEERFUL CREATORS.

                    Our world has a surfeit of finger-pointing judges.
                    It needs more authentic EXAMPLES of personal HONESTY and EXCELLENCE.  

                              Our world has too much debauchery and drug abuse
                              It needs more DISCIPLINE and DELAYED GRATIFICATION.

                    Our world is too oft marked by hatred, division, and vicious vitriol
                    It needs more LOVE, UNITY, and volitional VIRTUE.  

          Our world is plagued by partisan politics and puerile polemics
          It cries out in desperation for more STATESMANSHIP and BALANCE

Our world has so much potential yet to be realized;
What are YOU doing TODAY to help it yet rise to that potential?

When the flames finally grow too hot,
Freedom Focused is here to help

At present, our world is on fire. For three decades, FREEDOM FOCUSED has been storing up ENERGY and WATER to combat the inferno through EXAMPLE and EDUCATION.

We stand READY, WILLING, and ABLE to boldly confront and successfully combat whatever comes our way...
          Just as soon as we are called upon to serve.     

NOTE: This article is the 12th in a series of 22 articles on the subject of LIFE RULES.

Click HERE to access quick links to the other 21 articles.   

-Dr. JJ

December 15, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 243rd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 242 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks


* Quote from Stephen R. Covey ("Be a light, not a judge")


  1. I can say that this principle has really helps me at work. I am an engineer, and at times it's tempting to follow the crowd and point to others for failures or disappointments. Instead, I own those failures and challenges, grab them, wrestle them to the ground, solve the problem!

    1. Glad to hear it, Gordon! You are an excellent Self-Action Leader. -JJ

  2. Having given birth to and summarily raised 7 children, I experienced a very special kind of "Education" that can NOT be gained in a classroom. Being a Mother, or Father requires daily PRAYER, Patience, Fortitude, Strength (Both physical, mental and emotional), and action, not to mention at least a hundred other adjectives, including teacher, psychologist, doctor etc..

    To fully learn how to access the knowledge and expertise required in guiding precious children and assisting them in reaching for the stars, growing daily, and one day being able to survive on their own, REMEMBER,...... Parents eventually die, and if they have not given their children the tools necessary to do well in life, a parent has utterly failed at their stewardship. (I'm not minimizing the value of books and structured education that can seriously aid a parent), but the actual test and final results occur in the walls of a home where strong, common sense value's are taught, and practiced daily.

    To have the privilege of guiding a child and giving that child the ability to reach his or her best and highest potential, is the greatest gift we can give to anyone.

    Dr. Jensen's wisdom can and will, without question, help all who are willing to put into practice his council, and expertis. Following the principal's he teaches will, without question benefit all you do, not only blessing you, but also empowering you to bless and lift those around you.

    As you have influence for good on others, they will in turn be impowered to lift others along their way.

    We always have more strength in us than we realize, but without a desire and action following that desire, we go No where.

    Pauline Smith



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