Wednesday, September 8, 2021

CONSTITUTION Article 13: Dr. JJ's 13 RULES for LIFE

Dr. Jordan R. Jensen
Founder, CEO, and Master Facilitator
Freedom Focused LLC
Last week, I introduced Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for Life.  

This week, as promised, I share my own, personal 13 Rules for Life. 

These rules have developed and evolved gradually over the space of several decades. I composed and refined them after spending tens of thousands of hours studying, practicing, and pondering the subject that we at Freedom Focused refer to as SELF-ACTION LEADERSHIP


The solutions to most of my problems lie inside, not outside of my world. If I wish to change the world, then I must be willing to acknowledge my personal shortcomings and errors and go to work to change myself.*

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #1

RULE 2. 

Self-action leaders allow one's
conscience to be one's guide
Accede the reality of good, evil, and absolute truth. Consistently seek out what is true, good, and selfless and eschew that which is false, evil, and selfish by listening—and then hearkening to—the supernal and eternal edicts of conscience.

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #2

The goal of SAL

Truth and virtue are rarely found in extremes, but in a balance between (or among) extremes—in the Golden Mean.

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #3

RULE 4. 

Self-Action Leaders are introspective 
and penitent before Universal Laws
Avoid costly errors and gross iniquity by learning from small mistakes and petty sins. 

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #4

RULE 5. 

Never insult or contend. Focus instead on facts, positive elements of a situation or circumstance, and common beliefs in a never-ending effort to teach true principles and lift others to see broader vistas and obtain firmer footholds along life's continually treacherous physical and metaphysical journeys.

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #5

RULE 6. 

Find my true voice (discover who I really am) as soon as I can, develop that voice with all my heart, and then sing out shamelessly to the best of my ability and opportunities in a way that inspires and empowers others to do the same.

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #6

RULE 7. 

A Freedom Focused Knight imbued by SAL

Be wise as a scholar, but avoid sophistry and selfishness. Be strong and brave as an elite warrior, but do not profane or be vicious. Be clever as a fox and shrewd as a Hollywood actor or corporate lawyer, but never engage in deceit or manipulation. Be as skilled and precise as a world-class surgeon, but eschew ego. Be eloquent as a polished politician, but let my words ever speak the Truth in the sincere service of all human beings. Be ambitious and successful like the famous, but flee hedonism, concupiscence, and substance abuse. Fight, endure, and win like a world-champion athlete, but never mistakenly view myself a demigod. Use my God-given talents like a proactive and productive genius, but never dismiss, nor forget, the Source from whence they sprang. 

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #7

RULE 8. 

In the end, the only real failure is to quit. Learn therefore to Labor and to Wait.** And remember that it is in my preparation, performance, and patience that I ultimately possess my soul (see Luke 21:19). 

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #8


Develop reasoned responses to life's two great imposters—Triumph & Disaster.***

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #9

RULE 10.

Be a DOER, not a drag; be a CREATOR, not a critic; be an EXAMPLE, not a judge.****

As a token of my commitment to be an example of a doer and a creator, pick up at least one piece of trash each day that I did not throw down, and read, write, recite, or do at least one thing each day that contributes to my own (or someone else's) personal wisdom, freedom, and Existential Growth. 

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #10

Self-Action Leaders everywhere have
so much to be grateful for.
RULE 11.

Take nothing for granted, and in everything give THANKS. 

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #11

RULE 12. 

Spend all my time and money on things that will either directly or indirectly contribute to the acquisition of wisdom, freedom, and Existential Growth, the accumulation of worthy experiences, memories, and relationships, and the proactive pursuit of meaningful service to others.  

Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. — Proverbs 4:7.

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #12

Cultivating the paradox of my own
insignificance coupled with my limitless potential
is the essence of Rule 13.
RULE 13.

Always remember that my own best efforts are insufficient to help me become all I am capable of becoming. I desperately need continual help from others and the omnipotent Power and Grace of the Almighty to fully engage the utmost existential transmutation of my body, mind, and spirit.  

Click HERE to access complete article on Rule #13


Beginning NEXT WEEK, I will dedicate ONE article to each of these rules. In so doing, it is my sincere hope that you might derive the same light and motivation from them that I have. More importantly, I hope it will get you to thinking about what your own "Rules for Life" are, and how you might animate them as fully as possible in your own education, career, and life.

Speaking of which, why not begin TODAY on a rough draft of your own rules for life? Time is ticking; what do you have to lose to get busy right now on this enormously worthwhile Life Leadership project?

Go for it!       

NOTE: This article is the 2nd in a series of 22 articles on the subject of LIFE RULES.

Click HERE to access quick links to the other 21 articles.   

-Dr. JJ

September 8, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 228th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 227 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

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Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks


*  "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" (Mohandas Gandhi).

**  See Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, A Psalm of Life (last stanza).

***  See Rudyard Kipling's poem, If

****  "Be a light, not a judge" (Stephen R. Covey). 

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