Wednesday, August 10, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article VII: Core Paradigms

A PARADIGM is a belief or way of looking at something
This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE VII: Core Paradigms.   

Freedom Focused is guided by, and operates under the auspices of, the following CORE PARADIGMS:

  • The most authentic kind of leadership is LEADERSHIP by EXAMPLE.
  • Comprehending and consistently adhering to TRUE PRINCIPLES is the only pathway to authentic change and long-term success, freedom, and Existential Growth.  
  • REPETITION is the key to the reception, acquisition, and retention of all knowledge and skills.
  • The Quality of the Individual Corporate Citizen is Supreme (1). Organizational results are a mathematically precise, qualitative extension of the collective synergy engendered by the individual self-leadership and self-management decisions of each agent within the organization.  
  • Human Capital, or The People, are an
    organization's most valuable asset.
     is, and always will be, our most valuable asset at Freedom Focused.
  • Extra-organizational CULTURAL LITERACY and interpersonal APTITUDE is as important as intra-organizational knowledge, proficiency, and functionality.  
  • Corporate success (or failure) is an outgrowth of the success (or failure) of individuals, groups, teams, departments, divisions, organizations, and companies to become high-functioning Self-Directed and Self-Managed Work Teams. Such work teams require:
    • A high degree of Self-Action Leadership exercised by each individual.
    • Respect of authority of subordinates.
    • Respect, recognition, affirmation, fair treatment, and effective utilization by superiors of the education, skills, personality, and worthy ideas of subordinates.  
    • A primal understanding and visceral conception that human beings are, in the long-run, fa more influenced by example, kindness, empathy, and compassion than they are by criticism, nagging, or punishment.  
  • At Freedom Focused, merit is King.
    Freedom Focused is a corporate MERITOCRACY; it embraces and operates on the following meritocratic principles:
    • Upon being hired, each Agent receives superior remuneration to one's previous employ as a reward for outstanding merit demonstrated in one's previous positions of entrepreneurialism, employ, education, etc. (See Article X, Section 10.8.2,, & 
    • Salary raises over time are based primarily on merit-based accomplishment.
    • Hierarchical promotions are made primarily on the past achievement and performance merits (both quantitative and qualitative) of an agent under promotional consideration, and only secondarily on issues of seniority (e.g. time at job, accredited degrees held, certification status, etc.).
    • Extended positions of formal "tenure" do not, nor will they ever, exist at Freedom Focused. All positions within the organization, from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on down to the newest hire, are subject to periodic, merit-based renewal, probation, or termination procedures (See Article X, Sections 2 and 3 for more information about hiring and term renewal procedures).  

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE eight (8): Agent Code of Conduct.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Agent Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

August 10, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 278th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 107th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 277 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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