Wednesday, October 12, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article X: Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures

This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE X: Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures.

10.1.  Amending the Constitution

10.1.1  Prior to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) reaching eight (8) full-time members and the Inspector Generalship (IGS) reaching three (3) full-time members, the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) may be amended at the sole discretion and judgment of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in consultation with other Agents and/or outside consultants. Members of the ELT and others may suggest and/or petition the CEO regarding revisions and amendments, but the final decision to add, amend, or revise rests solely with the CEO. 

10.1.2.  Upon hiring the eighth (8th) full-time member of the ELT and the third (3rd) member of the IGS, Constitutional revision(s) may be considered by the CEO, ELT, or IGS. Any such revisions are then submitted to the IGS for consideration and review. If the IGS determines the revision or amendment is in harmony with both the letter and spirit of the FFCC, it will approve said revision for a vote. Constitutional revisions may then be authorized and ratified by the assent of the CEO and a three-fourths (3/4ths) "Yea" vote of the ELT.  

10.1.3.  The Inspector General's Office (viz. IGS and staff) is responsible for recording and documenting all additions, amendments, and revisions of the FFCC over time.  

10.2.  Corporate Uniforms

10.2.1.  All Freedom Focused Agents will wear approved uniforms when conducting business or otherwise engaged in official corporate operating procedures. Exceptions to this overarching rule will be made on an as-needed or as-determined basis at the discretion of leaders and managers up the chain-of-command. 

10.2.1.  Each Agent will be issued two different uniforms for each CORPS in which he or she is a member. The first uniform will consist of a Standard Work Uniform (SWU), also referred to as one's informal uniform. The second uniform will consist of a Formal Dress Uniform (FDU), also referred to as one's formal uniform. SWUs will be worn for all in-hour, on-campus operations unless otherwise directed by leaders and managers up the chain-of-command. FDUs will be worn for all external, client- or media-based operations unless otherwise directed by leaders and managers up the chain-of-command.

10.2.3.  Standard Work Uniforms (SWUs) will be patterned after the following color schemas:

  • FIRST CORPSExecutive Officers (EOs) wear solid black bottoms (pants/skirts) with solid white, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preference of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must also be solid black in color
  • SECOND CORPSFacilitating Managers (FMs) wear solid Freedom Focused-tan-colored bottoms (pants/skirts) with solid Freedom Focused-crimson-colored, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short-or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be Freedom Focused-crimson in color.
  • THIRD CORPSProfessional Trainers & Consultants (PTCs) wear solid navy-blue bottoms (pants/skirts) with light-blue, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be navy-blue in color. 
  • FOURTH CORPSAction Builders (ABs) wear solid, dark-green bottoms (pants/skirts) with FF-tan, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be dark-green in color. 
10.2.4.  Formal Dress Uniforms (FDUs) will be patterned after the following color schemas:

  • FIRST CORPSExecutive Officers (EOs) wear solid black bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid black jacket, and a solid tie colored black, FF-crimson, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be black in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes).
  • SECOND CORPSFacilitating Managers (FMs) wear solid, FF-crimson bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid FF-crimson jacket, and a solid tie colored FF-crimson, FF-tan, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be FF-crimson in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes)
  •  THIRD CORPSProfessional Trainers and Consultants (PTCs) wear solid navy-blue bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a long-sleeved, solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid navy-blue jacket, and a solid tie colored navy-blue, light-blue, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be navy-blue in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes). 
  • FOURTH CORPSAction Builders (ABs) wear dark-green bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a long-sleeved, solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid dark-green jacket, and a solid tie colored dark green, FF-tan, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be dark-green in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes). 
10.2.5.  Outward Display of Corps & Rank Insignias and Achievement Medals  Standard Work (SW) Uniforms  CORPS insignia patches are worn on the left pocket of one's SWU. Only one CORPS patch may be displayed at a time, and must match the uniform one is wearing. CORPS patches will feature the following insignias for the following CORPS:
  • Silver Eagle—Leadership CORPS
  • Golden Eagle—Management CORPS
  • Silver Fox—Training & Consulting CORPS
  • Golden Fox—Construction CORPS  Rank Insignia patches are worn on the left pocket of one's SWU.  Small, lightweight, rectangular patches (1.25 x 0.50 inch) are affixed (three across) immediately above an Agent's right pocket, and will include: The American Flag, The Florida Flag, and the Freedom Focused Flag. If an Agent works in a different State and/or Nation than Florida or the USA, the flag of the State and Nation where the agent works will also be displayed two across and centered below the other three flags.  Small, lightweight, rectangular patches (1.25 x 0.50 inch) are affixed and stacked (three across) immediately above the left shirt pocket. The bottom line of patches will include, from left-to-right: the SAL Master Challenge Medal (or honorary medal of commensurate status), an employee's terminal accredited academic degree(s), and one's Corporate Numeration Designation (CND). All other official FF accreditations, certifications, or medals of achievement or status will then be stacked (three across) above the bottom line of patches in the order received. Medals designating membership and rank in additional CORPS may also be worn in this same fashion.  If an Agent runs out of room and has additional medals to display, he or she may begin additional stacks of three below one's rank insignia patch.  Future additions to SWUs must be canonized in the FFCC prior to display on any SWU.

10.2.6.  Formal Dress Uniforms (FDUs)  Agent's will display their CORPS pin on one's right lapel.  Agents will display their Rank Insignia pin on one's left lapel.  No other decorations will be worn on one's FDU.  

10.3.  Policies & Procedures Governing Hiring & Firing

10.3.1.  Hiring decisions must be approved by an Agent's Executive Officer (EO) and two additional EOs directly up the chain-of-command. ELT and ELB members must approve all Executive hires with the CEO (non-executive, staff-oriented hires excepted) and further ratify said hires with a 3/4ths vote of the ELT. All hiring procedures must comply with established laws of the land and internal directives established by the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Inspector Generalship (IGS)—or the CEO prior to the establishment of an official HRD or IGS. 

10.3.2.  Firing decisions must be approved by the Agent's EO and two additional EOs directly up the chain-of-command. All firing procedures must comply with established laws of the land and internal directives established by the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Inspector Generalship (IGS)—or equivalent authority (viz. CEO) prior to the establishment of an official HRD or IGS.  

10.3.3.  Firings of ELT, ELB, or IGS members must be approved by the CEO and a 3/4ths majority vote of the ELT.

10.3.4.  The CEO may be fired by a 3/4ths majority vote of the ELT.

10.3.5.  Upon being fired, a former Agent must wait a set period of time before re-applying to another position at Freedom Focused. These moratoriums differ from CORPS to CORPS as follows:

  • A terminated Action Builder (AB) must wait one (1) year before reapplying to another Freedom Focused position.
  • A terminated Professional Training Consultant (PTC) must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another FF position. 
  • A terminated Facilitating Manager on Levels 1-4 must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another FF position. A terminated FM on Levels 5-6 must wait three (3) years. 
  • A terminated Executive Officer on Levels 1-4 must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another position at FF. A terminated EO on Levels 5-6 must wait three (3) years.  
  • A terminated Agent of any kind of Levels seven (7) or eight (8) must wait five (5) years before reapplying to another position at FF. Such a person may, however, reapply for a non-executive position as an AB, FM, or PTC after a period of three (3) years following one's termination.  

10.4.  Hiring Prerequisites 

10.4.1.  Prior to being hired, all applicants for positions as Executive Officers (EOs) and Facilitating Managers (FMs) on Levels 5-8 will complete and/or pass the following ten (10) tasks and/or tests:

1. Complete the SAL Master Challenge and receive a medal and diploma within 13 months of being hired, or provide proof of commensurate knowledge and achievement.

2. Pass an integrity test.*

3. Complete a 5-day SAL, Leadership, and Management Basic Training course and pass a final exam as administered, graded, and/or judged by the Training Facilitator.  

4. Pass a 100-question SAL Theory & Model test with a score of 80% or higher. 

5. Pass a 100-question FFCC test with a score of 75% or higher.  

6. Pass a 500-question Intelligence and Cultural Literacy test with a score of 75% or higher.

7. Create/compile a 25-page (minimum) image- and textual-rich dossier detailing why applicant seeks and merits an Executive leadership or management position at Freedom Focused. 

8. Pass three (3) separate interviews conducted by one's would-be Executive Officer (EO) and two (2) Executive Officers directly up the chain-of-command.

9. Complete all relevant paperwork and other procedures (i.e. background checks, etc.) that may be required by the HRD and/or IGS.      

10. Within 13-months of being hired, read thirteen (13) books from the official SAL Reference Library and complete one (1) 500-word (minimum) reflection paper about what you learned from each book.  

* Integrity tests are to be designed and scored by hiring officer(s) who will determine whether an applicant passes or fails. All integrity tests and testing methods must be approved by the Human Resources Department and Inspector Generalship, or a C-Level Leader (in absence of an HRD and/or IGS) and must not require any speech or actions on the part of an applicant that could reasonably considered to be inappropriate, illegal, unethical, or otherwise ill-advised or unwise.  

10.4.2.  Prior to being hired, all applicants for positions as Professional Trainers and Consultants will complete and/or pass the following ten (10) tasks and/or tests:

1. Complete the SAL Master Challenge to receive a medal and diploma within 13 months of being hired, or provide proof of commensurate knowledge and achievement. 

2. Pass an integrity test.*

3. Complete a 5-day SAL, Training, and Consulting Basic Training Course and pass a final exam consisting of a 15-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute training exercises in front of a live audience.

4. Pass a 100-question SAL Theory & Model test with a score of 80% or higher.

5. Pass a 500-question Intelligence and Cultural Literacy test with a score of 75% or higher.  

6. Write a 1,500 word (minimum) essay detailing why applicant seeks a training and consulting career at Freedom Focused. 

7. Create/compile a 10-page (minimum) image- and textually-rich dossier detailing why applicant seeks and merits a training and consulting position at Freedom Focused.  

8. Pass three (3) separate interviews conducted by one's would-be Executive Officer and two (2) Executive Officers directly up the chain-of-command.

9. Complete all relevant paperwork and other procedures (i.e. background checks, etc.) that may be required by the HRD and the IGS.  

10. Within 13-months of being hired:   

  • Within 13-months of being hired, read thirteen (13) books from the official SAL Reference Library and complete one (1) 500-word (minimum) reflection paper about what you learned from each book.  
  • Memorize and demonstrate near-perfect recitation of thirteen (13) poems and 13 quotes from the SAL book (26 total memorizations). 

* Integrity tests are to be designed and scored by hiring officer(s) who will determine whether an applicant passes or fails. All integrity tests and testing methods must be approved by the Human Resources Department and Inspector Generalship, or a C-Level Leader (in absence of an HRD and/or IGS) and must not require any speech or actions on the part of an applicant that could reasonably considered to be inappropriate, illegal, unethical, or otherwise ill-advised or unwise.  

10.4.3.  Prior to being hired, all applicants for Action Builder (AB) positions in the Construction CORPS will complete and pass the following eight (8) tasks and/or tests.  

1. Complete the SAL Master Challenge to receive a medal and diploma, or provide proof of commensurate knowledge and achievement. 

2. Pass an integrity test.*

3. Write a 500-word essay detailing why applicant seeks an action building career at Freedom Focused. 

4. Create/compile a 5-page (minimum) image- and textual-rich dossier detailing why applicant merits a position at Freedom Focused, and specifically what one would add to the corporation if hired.  

5. Pass any additional tests administered at the hiring discretion of one's CORPS Commanders and Unit Supervisors (EOs and FMs). 

6. Pass three (3) separate interviews conducted by one's would-be Executive Officer and two (2) Executive Officers directly up the chain-of-command.

7. Complete all relevant paperwork and other procedures (i.e. background checks, etc.) that are required by the HRD and IGS.  

8. Within 13-months of being hired, read thirteen (13) books from the official SAL Reference Library and complete one (1) 500-word (minimum) reflection paper about what you learned from each book.  

10.4.4.  Applicants for positions involving custodial, grounds-keeping, and physical construction projects are encouraged, but NOT required to earn the SAL-MC and/or take/pass and/or complete any of the other applicant requirements or tests prior to being employed by Freedom Focused. Such applicants must, however, still meet all other corporate and/or legal requirements as set forth by the HRD and IGS.  

10.4.5.  Custodial, ground-keeping, construction, plumbing, electrical, technology, and other, related functions may be completed by non-FF-employed contract workers at the discretion of FF authority heads up the chain-of-command.  

10.5.  Integrity Pledge

10.5.1.  Prior to taking one's Oath of Office, ALL applicants must verbally affirm and sign an Integrity Pledge that will bind them to an honor code that includes: telling the truth, upholding the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC), striving to live according to the principles and practices outlined in the SAL Theory & Model, and committing to doing one's best work in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous exhortation:
"If a [person] is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'"

—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

10.6.  Oaths of Office 

10.6.1.  Upon being hired, all corporate Agents (on-up-to-and-including the CEO) will take an Oath of Office by raising one's right hand, placing one's left hand on a copy of the FFCC and SAL Theory & Model, and affirming (repeating aloud) the following:
I, (state your name), do hereby enter into the position of, (state your position), in Freedom Focused Corporation, and thereby assume all the duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of my office. In so doing, I solemnly swear that I will, to the best of my knowledge and ability, support, protect, defend, and exemplify the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model and the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution. This I do of my own volition, in true faith and allegiance to my colleagues and teams, without any mental reservation, furtive agenda, or evasive intent. I hereby attest that I will faithfully and effectively discharge all the duties of my office in a never-ending pursuit of and quest after Existential Growth, personal freedom, organizational excellence, and positive, widespread cultural change.  

10.6.2.  Oaths of Office are administered by an Agent's direct report Executive Officer (EO), or higher EO directly up one's chain-of-command.  

10.6.3.  Oaths of Office are administered privately at the time of one's hiring, and then again—ceremoniously—at the Annual Freedom Focused Training and Awards Conference and Symposium (AFFTACS) at corporate headquarters in South Florida in late January of the year (or the following year, as will usually be the case). Regardless when an employee was hired during a calendar year, one's official Term of Office/Service will not begin until the first day of February (Feb. 1st) of that year (or the following year, whichever comes first).  

10.7.  Terms of Service and Term Limits

10.7.1.  All Agents will serve in their assigned positions and functions for set periods of time (terms), measured in years.  

10.7.2.  All terms will begin on the first day of February following one's hiring/swearing-in ceremony at the Annual Freedom Focused Training and Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS).  

10.7.3.  Terms and term limits for different Agents/CORPS are as follows:    

  • CEO: One term = five (5) years. Term limit = three (3) terms for a total of fifteen (15) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.  
  • ELT and ELB members: One term = four (4) years. Term limit = five (5) terms for a total of twenty (20) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.  
  • IGS Members: One term = twenty-five (25) years. Term limit: one (1) term, served consecutively or cumulatively.
  • All other Executive Officers (EOs) and Facilitating Managers (FMs): One term = three (3) years. Term limit: eight (8) terms for a total of twenty-four (24) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.  
  • Professional Trainers and Consultants (PTCs) and Action Builders (ABs): One term = two (2) years. Term limit: no limit.  
  • New Hires (at all levels): 1-year probationary period after which they will either enter into an official term-contract or be relieved of their position.   

10.7.4.  At the end of each term, an Agent will receive a formal performance review from one's direct report Executive Officer (EO).  The CEO's performance review will be conducted by the ELT and presented to the IGS for review and recording.  Additional performance reviews will be conducted annually by Executive Officers (EOs) and Facilitating Managers (FMs). Note: An end-of-term review counts/doubles as an Agent's annual review.  Under normal circumstances, formal review periods for all Agents will take place in the first three weeks of January preceding the Annual Freedom Focused Training & Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS).  No Executive Officer (EO) will conduct performance reviews for more than four (4) Agents (those under his or her direct supervision).  

10.7.5.  Formal ranking systems should NOT be used as part of performance reviews. Leaders and managers already informally rank their subordinates in their own minds and hearts based on their experiences working with given Agents. While formal rankings might motivate and/or massage the egos of highly ranked Agents, they demotivate and may even discourage those ranked average or below, which, in-turn, hinders the quality of both the individual work and teamwork in a given unit.

10.7.6.  As part of an Agent's Annual Performance Review (APR), each Agent must pass a SELF-REVIEW whereby he or she lays his or her performance and integrity of the past year (or term) before the judge of one's own conscience.

10.7.7.  Successful self-reviews are finalized by an Agent signing a written affidavit affirming that he or she has lived up to his or her Oath of Office during his or her previous term in office, and that he or she promises to continue to do so throughout the balance of the new year (or one's new term) in office.  

10.7.8.  Failed SELF-REVIEWS signal an Agent's voluntary act of resignation for unsatisfactory performance and/or integrity.

10.7.9.  An Agent who has come to the end of his or her term that is able (as per term limits) and desirous to serve another term, and who passes his or her Annual Performance Review (APR) and SELF-REVIEW may enter a new term by re-taking the Freedom Focused Oath of Office

10.8.  Disciplinary Procedures and Termination

10.8.1.  All Agents, including the CEO, will maintain one's employment on a "Three STRIKES and you're out" basis.  STRIKES represent serious errors in judgment or severe performance issues, not gentle gaffes or minor miscues. However, they may be levied for a pattern or string of minor miscues or gentle gaffes that go unresolved over an unreasonable amount of time.  STRIKES are levied at the sole discretion of one's direct report Executive Officer or Facilitating Manager, or any other EO or FM up the chain-of-command. An ELT may levy a STRIKE upon a CEO by a three-fourths (3/4ths) vote of its body.  Agents can appeal a STRIKE to a higher supervisor, who may, after review, either uphold or repeal the STRIKE at his/her discretion.  Appeals may continue up the chain-of-command with the Inspector Generalship (IGS) serving as the final court of appeal. Appeals rejected by the IGS will result in an additional STRIKE being levied against the defendant.  Appeals may only rise to the level of the IGS if the appealing Agent has zero STRIKES on one's record. This is because an Agent with one (1) or two (2) previous STRIKES risks involuntary termination by the IGS if its body should deny one's appeal (see Agents with one (1) or two (2) previous STRIKES can therefore appeal a second or third STRIKE only up to a Level 7 (CND 2.0) Executive Officer (EO) or Facilitating Manager (FM).  Executive Officers (EOs) or Facilitating Managers (FMs) may expunge a STRIKE from an Agent's record when an Agent demonstrates exemplary improvement and outstanding work performances over an extended period of time (three [3] months minimum) following one's receipt of a STRIKE. In the case of an unusually significant achievement or positive contribution, a Level 5-8 (CND 1-4) Executive Officer (EO) or Facilitating Manager (FM) may expunge an Agent's STRIKE without the three (3) month minimum passage of time. 

10.8.2.  Executive Officers (EOs) at any level may independently make decisions regarding one's inter-unit policies, procedures, and disciplinary measures granted said decision(s) do not violate the letter or spirit of the FFCC or the policies and procedures or any other EOs directly up one's chain-of-command.  Infractions of this policy will be addressed and dealt with by Executive Officers (EOs) up the chain-of-command, and, where necessary, will involve the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Inspector Generalship (IGS).  

10.8.3.  Any Agent can be "Fired at Will" during the first three months of one's employment. If an Agent is still employed at one's three (3) month mark, that Agent earns the right to his or her first STRIKE, meaning he or she can no longer be fired before an official STRIKE is issues by an Executive Officer (EO) up the chain-of-command. If an Agent is still employed at one's six (6) month mark, that Agent earns the right to his or her second (2nd) STRIKE. If an Agent is still employed at one's nine (9) month mark, that Agent earns the right to his or her third (3rd) STRIKE.

10.8.4.  A termination may be appealed to the Inspector Generalship (IGS). Employees whose termination is under review by the IGS will be placed on unpaid administrative leave until a judgment has been made on their case. 

10.9.  Fiscal Policies

10.9.1.  Freedom Focused is a for-profit corporation. It values the right to earn and turn a profit by providing valuable goods and/or services to customers and clients willing to remit a fee commensurate to the perceived value of those goods and/or services.  

10.9.2.  Freedom Focused values providing superior compensation to its employees and contractors. All employees and contractors will be paid a minimum of 13% above the median salary for analogous functions within the training and consulting industry.

10.9.3.  Responsibility and authority for determining salary medians within the training and consulting industry rests with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  

10.9.4.  Freedom Focused embraces a flattened and limited corporate hierarchical remuneration paradigm. No Agent (including the CEO) will ever receive a base salary in excess of thirteen (13) times the median income of all Freedom Focused Agents.  Responsibility for determining the median salary at Freedom Focused at any given point in time rests with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  This flattened and limited standard of remuneration applies only to base salaries. It does not apply to commissions or performance-related bonuses, all of which will be divvied out on a strictly meritocratic (performance-based) basis. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is in charge of determining commissions and bonuses. The Inspector Generalship (IGS) has oversight over the CFO in this and all other matters.  

10.9.5.  Royalties paid out for books, videos, program and seminar booklets, or any other publications (e.g. SAL Textbooks) will NOT be remitted to any individual or group authors, but will be paid directly to Freedom Focused Corporation. Authors may receive awards, cash bonuses, royalty benchmark payments, or other "perks" at the discretion of the CFO. The IGS has oversight over the CFO in this and all other matters.  

10.9.6.  The Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) becomes fully operative on February 1, 2030. Beginning on this date, Freedom Focused will philanthropically sequester/invest ten (10) percent (%) of ALL corporate profits into the Community Outreach and Humanitarian Aid arms (Companies ten [10] and eleven [11]) of the Corporation. Decisions regarding the allocation, investment, and expenditure of these funds will be made by the Chief Philanthropic Officer (CPHO) in concert with the Executive Vice Presidents of the Humanitarian Aid Company, the Community Outreach Company, and the CFO—working under the direction of the ELB Chief, ELT, CEO, and as needed, the IGS.  

10.9.7.  Beginning on February 1, 2030, Freedom Focused will save three (3) percent (%) of ALL Corporate profits for rainy-day funds, future investments, and other long-term spending purposes. Specific allocations of this income into various investments and other expenditures will be determined by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and approved by the ELT under the direction of the CEO.  

10.9.8.  Freedom Focused will continuously maintain a zero-debt policy. No purchase, investment, contract, verbal promise, or handshake will ever be made that cannot be fully paid for up-front in cash.  

10.9.9.  Position/term renewals, awards, bonuses, pay raises, and all other perks and privileges of employment at Freedom Focused will be determined on an individual basis by each Agent's direct report Executive Officer (EO) and other, relevant leaders and managers up the chain-of-command.  

10.9.10.  Position/term renewals, pay raises, awards, and bonuses will, under normal circumstances, be determined and divvied out before, during, and immediately following the Annual Freedom Focused Training and Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS).  

10.10.  Legal Issues

10.10.1.  The Corporation, including the CEO, ELT, ELB, and all Agents within the hierarchy, will abide by the duly ordained LAWS of the city, county, state, nation, and world in which they reside and work.  

10.10.2.  All leaders, managers, and Agents (including the CEO and members of the ELT and IGS) will be placed on on-half paid, administrative leave upon the alleging of any legally incarcerate-able offense(s). This policy of partial-paid leave will continue until the completion of the legal process, upon which the alleged offender will either be exonerated and return to full-pay and standing in the company, or be indicted and summarily terminated.  

10.10.3.  If an Agent defendant is found "Not Guilty" of a legally incarcerate-able allegation, the other half of one's lost pay will be remitted in full.  

10.10.4.  All leaders, managers, and agents (including the CEO and members of the ELT and IGS) will be immediately terminated with no severance package upon being indicted for any legally incarcerate-able offenses.  

10.11.  Outsourcing and Corporate Expansion

10.11.1.  As a general rule, Freedom Focused will NOT outsource any of its training or consulting services. However, temporary exceptions to this rule may exist for up to two (2) years to provide time to hire and train permanent employee replacements.  

10.11.2.  Freedom Focused may acquire, but will NOT merge with—nor will it ever be acquired by—any other corporation or organization.  

10.11.3.  Freedom Focused will forever remain a privately held company. This statute ensures that the FFCC remains in tact in its original form and substance, thereby avoiding any foolish foraying into traditional corporate patterns of greed-induced profligacy and peril in the pursuit of profit. This statute will stand forever, so long as good men and women lead this company. It is therefore non-amendable by the CEO, ELT, or the IGS. It is veto-proof—and the very essence of what Freedom Focused Corporation is and stands for

Our long-term objective at Freedom Focused is not primarily monetary remuneration and prosperity, but the Existential Growth and expanded freedom of human beings and organizations everywhere. At Freedom Focused, money is a means to an end—not an end unto itself. In the end, money is meaningless to FF Agents beyond its essential practical utility as it relates to fiscal viability and sustainability, the creation and delivery of quality goods and services, and a perpetual contribution to positive and productive cultural change on a global scale.  

10.12.  Annual Freedom Focused Training & Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS)

10.12.1.  Once each year, during the last Tuesday-Saturday in January, all Freedom Focused Agents will gather at Corporate Headquarters in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA, for the Annual Freedom Focused Training & Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS). The purpose of this conference will be for Agents to:
  • Be sworn into new CORPS functions/positions
  • Be recognized for achievements of the past year
  • Identify benchmarks and set goals for the new year
  • Receive relevant training relating to the SAL Theory & Model and the FFCC in conjunction with one's function and position.  
  • Attend the CEO's State of the Corporation Address

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE eleven (11): Long-Term Goals.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Agent Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

October 12, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 287th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 116th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 286 FF Blog Articles.  


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