Wednesday, October 19, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article XI: Long-Term Goals

This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE XI: Long-Term Goals.

11.1.  Our long-term goals at Freedom Focused are a direct extension of our Corporate Mission. They include gaining in-roads to, playing significant educational and training roles within, and ultimately creating positive widespread cultural shifts among all 13 Freedom Focused Arenas of Stewardship, which include:

  • Students
    • Company 1..................................PreNK  (1)
    • Company 2..................................Elementary School  (2)
    • Company 3..................................Intermediate School  (3)
    • Company 4..................................High School  (4)
    • Company 5..................................Collegiate Studies  (5)
    • Company 6..................................Graduate Studies  (6)
  • Citizenry
    • Company 7..................................Individuals
    • Company 8..................................Families
    • Company 9..................................Mental & Physical Heath
    • Company 10................................Humanitarian Aid  (7)
  • Organizations
    • Company 11.................................Private Sector
    • Company 12.................................Public Sector
    • Company 13.................................Community Outreach  (8)


1. Pre-natal and pre-kindergarten. This company focuses on the education and training of parents, soon-to-be parents, and future parents in an effort to train parents to effectively raise and prepare their toddlers and young children for the transition into pre-school and eventually regular, full-time schooling.  
2. Kindergarten - grade five (5)
3. Grades 6-8
4. Grades 9-12
5. Undergraduate collegiate students
6. Masters, doctoral, and post-doctoral students.
7. On the neighborhood, community, city, county, state, national, hemispheric, and global levels, with a focus aimed primarily at helping the homeless get the help, medical and dental attention, psychological and psychiatric care and counseling, and education and training they need to enter or re-enter the work force.
8.  Partners with community organizations that promote and support the well-being, education, and development of students and adults alike (e.g., Boys & Girls Clubs, after school programs, employment centers, etc.).

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE twelve (12): Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Agent Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

October 19, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 288th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 117th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 287 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

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Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

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