Monday, January 5, 2015

The Self-Action Leadership Master Challenge

Imagine having only ONE goal that would provide on-going self-improvement throughout the entire year.  What would such a New Year's Resolution look like?

Are YOU...

Interested in a New Year's Resolution that is different from all the others you've tried in the past?

Searching for a goal that is ambitious, yet realistic?

Looking for a doable opportunity that could make a REAL difference in your personal and professional life in 2015?

If so, you have come to the right place!

Freedom Focused is proud to introduce a SPECIAL New Year's Resolution for 2015 that will provide you with the following:
  • Page-turning reading material throughout the year     
  • 25 doable requirements that will enhance your self-awareness, personal vision, and lead to personal change.
  • A medal and diploma as tangible recognition for your personal success upon completion. 

Welcome to the Self-Action Leadership Master Challenge!

The SAL Master Challenge consists of 25 Self-Action Leadership exercises that accompany your reading of the book, Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal & Professional Freedom.  In coming chapters of the book, you will begin noticing these exercises show up one-at-a-time throughout the remainder of the text.     

Self-Action Leadership Master Challenge Requirements

  1. Find an Accountability Partner (e.g., spouse, family member, friend, supervisor, colleague, mentor). Review with them the SAL Master Challenge requirements. Invite them to be a witness to your efforts and serve as your accountability partner.
  2. Read all five sections of the book.
  3. Complete the 25 SAL Challenge Exercises throughout the book.
  4. Share the book—and what you have learned and experienced—with three people who have not yet read it. Invite and encourage them to read it and complete the SAL Challenge.
  5. Submit a copy of your Self-Declaration of Independence and Self-Constitution along with your completed requirement sheet, including initials & signatures, to Freedom Focused. If you wish to keep these documents personal, you may submit a 10-page paper in lieu thereof. The paper should discuss what you have learned about SAL and how you are applying it in your life.

To print a hard copy of these requirements, click on the image below, save the file on your computer (right click), and then print.

Detailed explanations of a Self-Declaration of Independence and Self-Constitution are provided in Book the Third to come later on this year--and in May when the hardcopy book is published.

Upon receipt of your completed requirement sheet and deliverables from requirement five (5), a member of the Freedom Focused faculty will review your work and verify your completion of the established requirements. Upon passing this faculty review, you will receive your SAL Master medal and diploma in the mail at no charge to you. Your name will also be added to the SAL Hall of Fame located online at the Freedom Focused website where it will remain indefinitely as a virtual recognition and reminder of your hard work and accomplishment.

That's it! We invite you to accept the SAL Master Challenge in 2015 as part of your never-ending pursuit of world-class personal and professional development.  We also invite you to share this challenge with your friends so they can benefit too.

Next blog post ~ Friday, January 9; SAL book Chapter 16: The Power of Personal Experience

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