Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Breaking Personal Records

Today I broke a personal record. 

          It was on a stationary bike at my local gym.

                     I gave a complete and total effort in the attempt.

                              It was enormously satisfying.

Self-action leaders are always focused primarily on
Intra-personal competition, meaning competition with oneself.

In my experience, there are few things more rewarding or fulfilling than doing better than your previous best at something. Accomplishing such a feat is, in my view, the summum bonum (the ultimate good) of intra-personal competition.

What is INTRA-personal competition, you ask? 

Intra-personal competition refers to competition with yourself—in contrast to competing against othersand is the essence of Self-Action Leadership. As a self-action leader, the goal is never primarily to beat someone else at something, even thought that may be a secondary or tertiary intention. The primary purpose of Self-Action Leadership is—and always will beto learn, grow, and progress PERSONALLY, which often involves eclipsing your own best performances from the past.

Unfortunately, we live in a world that is often overly obsessed with inter-personal competition, meaning competition with other people. In this culture, beating others and finishing #1 is viewed as being very important, if not essential. This pessimistic cultural paradigm may even posture second place as being "the first loser," with third, fourth, and fifth place, etc., carrying even lesser status.  

There is nothing inherently wrong with interpersonal competition. It can serve a variety of positive purposes, including spurring a self-action leader to become more intra-personally competitive. 

A primal problem with inter-personal competition, however, is that with very few exceptions there is always going to be someone bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, fitter, or more talented, attractive, or wealthy than YOU are. As such, if you spend too much time comparing yourself to others, you will find yourself perpetually distracted and/or disappointed in your own self-achievement, which not only hampers your individual performance, but is a sure-fire recipe for unhappiness.

In the wise and insightful words of Theodore Roosevelt: 

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

 Theodore Roosevelt

I learned this lesson the hard way back in high school and college as a competitive cross-country and track middle distance athlete.

Click HERE to read my prep athletic story

Fortunately, I did learn my lesson, and am now much more content with focusing on intra-personal competition as opposed to inter-personal competition. This fact helped make this morning's personal record all the sweeter because I wasn't competing against anyone else except my own previous best performances. 

So... what record did I break?

I broke my personal record (PR) for 10 kilometers peddled on a stationary bike at the local gym where I work out.  I joined the local gym about two months ago after moving to Florida. When I first started timing myself at the 10k distance, my initial best time was approximately 17 minutes and 30 seconds. But bit-by-bit, I got faster, stronger, lighter, and more ambitious and confident. As I did, my times got incrementally faster.

My goal today was to break 16-minutes for 10K. My previous best was 16:04. I gave it a complete effort from start-to-finish—man it always feels AMAZING to "leave it all on the track" like that—and managed to set a new personal record and just barely achieve my goal of breaking 16-minutes in the process.

What was my time?

15 minutes and 58 seconds (15:58.67 to be exact)—a 90 second improvement over my best effort just two months ago.

While playing this intra-personal "game" with myself over the past two months, I have gotten in better shape and lost nearly 10 pounds of COVID-19 and MOVING fat. I also feel stronger and healthier than I did after the prolonged moving process I experienced in January, February, and March of this year as we relocated from New Mexico to South Florida.  

Throughout this process, I had a lot of FUN using my IMAGINATION.

How did I do that?

In my mind's eye, I continually viewed myself as a world-class biker breaking actual world records. In truth, my personal best is far afield of any real world records, and always will be. But oh the fun I had in the process of focusing on my own personal improvement, health, and fitness along the way!

So while it may not have been a world-class performance when compared to elite bikers, it was unquestionably a Jordan-class performance when compared to my previous best efforts, which, as it turns out, has the potential to provide a similar positive psychological experience to my psyche. And I felt like a million bucks as a result.   

This experience—and the fun, satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy engendered thereby—is a classic example of a Self-Action Leadership exercise or endeavor. The goal of SAL is much more than merely getting better at something. Its purpose is to find creative ways to enjoy the process of self-improvement and have as much fun along the way as possible. Hard work doesn't always have to be drudgery. There are things we can do and steps we can take to sweeten the difficulty of a challenge, journey, or other opportunity. In the words of Mary Poppins: In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. Find the fun, and the job becomes a game.

"In every job that must be done there is an element of fun. Find the fun and the job becomes a game."

 Mary Poppins 

When work becomes fun, you might argue that it is no longer work. So, the question now is... How might YOU get creative about your own work (or workouts). What might you do to add a little (or a lot) of fun to your own personal or professional responsibilities and pursuits, and thereby make them more enjoyable? Additionally, what might you do to focus more intently on intra-personal competition and less squarely on interpersonal competition as you do your job and work with and associate with others?

I promise you that focusing more on these two principles will go a long way to helping you be more happy, successful, and fulfilled as a self-action leader at both home and work. Moreover, it is certain to make you more competitive with others along the way... if that is what you desire. After all, UCLA's unprecedented success under Coach John Wooden was not achieved by focusing primarily on beating other teams. Wooden always tried to focus his players' attention on being their personal best and giving their all and then letting the score take care of itself. Wooden was actually more pleased with a loss than a win—if his players gave more effort in the loss. And just look at what happened to the Bruins win and loss record as a result!  

Dr. JJ

April 28, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Disciplining Your Disappointment

Life is full of disappointments.

No matter who you are, where you were born, or what your circumstances are or aren't in your life and career, I would argue that the statement above would ring true for virtually everyone who has ever lived. 

And ironically, those who are the most successful are often those who have experienced the most disappointments along the way. In fact, a primal reason such persons are so successful is usually because they were willing to try (and fail) at a lot of things along the pathways of their personal or professional ascent. It's the old "Babe Ruth" phenomenon. In other words, if you are going to hit a lot of home runs, you are almost certainly going to have a lot of strikeouts along the way.

Speaking of baseball, one of the best metaphors for the reality of disappointment in life is the baseball statistic of batting average. It is a great metaphor because while the numbers/percentages will vary, the concept itself is applicable to virtually all life arenas and career fields.

Most professional baseball players hit less than a .300 batting average—and they are the best in the world at their craft. That means most players only get a hit once in every three times they are up to bat. Even the very best batters don't hit much higher than .300, meaning they still get "OUT" a lot more than they get a hit.  

Consider another sport: Basketball.  The greatest player who ever dribbled was Michael Jordan, who famously said: 

"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career; I have lost over 300 games. Twenty-six (26) times I was trusted to take the game-winning shot—and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed."

 Michael Jordan 

Lincoln with McClellan and his staff at Antietam.
Perhaps no American President faced more disappointments,
failures, frustrations, and dangers than Abraham Lincoln.
Yet he is viewed today as our most successful president!

Jenkin Lloyd Jones, a minister and veteran of the American Civil-War (Union), once put it this way:

"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed. The fact is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to just be people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey... delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."  

My own, well-chronicled personal and professional journeys have been fraught with failures, disappointments, and delays, as previous blogposts have amply illustrated as follows...

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's struggles with OCD, Anxiety, and Depression.

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen Career Crucibles

Click HERE to read about Dr. Jensen's Difficulties Dating in his article, My Rocky Road of Romance 

So what's the point? 

The point is that no one—and I mean no one—gets a free pass to authentic success. There may be exceptions to fame and riches (e.g. those who inherit or luck-into money or the limelight); but there is a BIG difference between fame and riches and authentic success. And I for one would infinitely prefer authentic success to unearned fame or riches.  

If you don't believe this is true, just ask anyone who has achieved any kind of authentic success over long periods of time in their life or career—and they'll provide you with a long list of failures, disappointments, and delays that they experienced along the way. While it is true that some people become authentically successful a lot faster than others, everyone ends up facing their fair share of ups and downs along the way. And often a person's greatest disappointments and failures come after one is already supposedly successful (like an MVP who continues to strike out or an already successful professional who faces a devastating setback). So while no one's story is exactly the same, all stories of authentic success share significantly similar patterns and themes.  

That's just the way things are.

Thus, if you desire to be authentically successful, you must learn to DISCIPLINE YOUR DISAPPOINTMENT.* If you don't learn and develop this critical skill, then you will eventually be overcome by frustration and discouragement and you will give up! 

Self-action leaders don't ever give up.

          When necessary, they wisely change course; but they never give up.

As such, we must learn to discipline our disappointment so we are strong enough to persist until we succeed when the going gets rough. And it's not a matter of if the going will get rough. It's a matter of when it's going to get rough, and just how rough things will get before we achieve a given objective.

So... how exactly do you discipline your disappointment? 

Good question!  

I suggest THRE (3) habits to practice that will empower your own capacity for DYD. 

Disciplining your Disappointment
throughout your journey prepares
you for success at the finish line.
Habit #1: Learn to expect that difficult, disappointing, and negative outcomes will occur in your life and career.

Habit #2Study the lives of authentically successful men and women.

Habit #3Continually affirm key statements rooted in both positivity and reality.

Let's take these three habits one-at-a-time... 

Habit #1:  Learn to expect that difficult, disappointing, and negative outcomes will occur in your life and career.

Practicing this habit will make it so you are less surprised when troubles do come. DO NOT confuse this habit with a cloudy outlook or pessimistic attitude. You should always "go to the plate" expecting to get on base—or even hit a home run. But being conscious of reality will help you manage the disappointment of the inevitable strike-outs. And remember that practice does not make perfect; practice makes progress. While we should always be aiming toward the ideal of perfection, we must likewise train ourselves to find joy and satisfaction in each imperfect, albeit progressive step of the journey.  

Habit #2:  Study the lives of authentically successful men and women.

Being conscious of the challenges that great people endured to get where they are will help you realize that your own challenges are "normal" and "okay." In addition, your will find perpetual inspiration from authentically successful men and women who were able to overcome their difficulties to earn great success.   

Habit #3:  Affirm key statements rooted in both positivity and reality.

Affirmations are powerful. Whatever you consistently tell yourself (believe) about yourself will have a strong influence on your daily results and ultimate outcomes in life. For example, when you go to the plate (literally or figuratively), think, subvocalize, and/or say things to yourself like: "I am an outstanding baseball player"; "I am going to hit a home run"; "I am going to make this pitcher wish he had thrown a different pitch to and/or faced a different batter than me."  Then, when things turn out differently than you had affirmed and hoped, encourage and re-affirm yourself with statements like: "It's okay; this happens to the best of 'em. I'll nail it next time by (fill-in-the-blank behavioral change)"; "I still don't have as many strikes as Babe Ruth!"; and "I'm so glad I'm not afraid to try."   

Unless you are an airline pilot, surgeon, or something where a simple mistake could prove deadly, the purpose of your life and career is not to hit 1.000. After all, hitting 1.000 is virtually impossible! The goal is to try and get as many hits as possible while effectively managing your emotions and disciplining your action-plans when you do strike-out.

By continually aiming for the positive while remaining ever-rooted in the reality of each moment (good or bad), self-action leaders can find themselves consistently rising to their potential. And in the process, you may just find that your own personal or professional batting average will end up being very competitive!  

Dr. JJ

April 21, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

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* 2000. Jim Rohn. Building Your Network Marketing Business (CD)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Taking Pride in Doing the Right Thing

In the short run, a team, organization, or other entity can lie, cheat, and manipulate its way to a competitive advantage. 

But in the LONG run, the marketplace inevitably discovers liars, cheaters, and manipulators over time, and punishes them commensurately to their crimes—not necessarily in a court of law, but certainly in the court of public opinion and the buyer's guild. 

As such, it makes sense to develop an organizational culture up front that values doing the right thing early and always. And it is in the interest of everyone in the organization to take positive pride in consistently following that pathway.

What does it mean to do the right thing

The answer to this question will almost certainly depend on who you ask. And in truth, the right thing or action will sometimes legitimately differ from person-to-person and from situation-to-situation based on reasonably differing preferences and priorities. Thus, "situational ethics" does have a place in the overall calculus of moral reasoning. As such, there are often "exceptions to the rule" (see SAL Theory Corollary 1.3). 

However, without the aid of conscience and the guide of certain moral absolutes serving as immovable loadstars in moral matters, "situational ethics" can quickly become a slippery slope wending a person or organization down into the throes of moral entropy, organizational atrophy, and even financial failure.

So how does a person or organization balance the paradoxical (seemingly conflicting) reality and importance of both moral absolutes and situational ethics in one's life and career. That is a tricky question and is not always easy to answer. Nevertheless, Freedom Focused offers some core insights aimed at assisting any honest seeker of truth in the matter. 

"Do what is right, let the consequence follow" (-Anon)
Truth seekers quest after TRUE PRINCIPLES rooted in natural (or Universal) laws because they serve as general guides to right thinking, speaking, and doing. 

At Freedom Focused, we define true principles as: 

"Principles of personal conduct rooted in Universal Laws that lead to long-term happiness, fulfillment, inner peace, and Existential Growth."

Universal Laws, in-turn, are defined as:

"Natural laws that define reality and govern all naturally occurring forces throughout the universe (physical laws), as well as all long-term consequences of individual and organizational decisions (metaphysical laws)."

True principles help us determine what right actions are. They lead us to think, say, and do things that are RIGHT, while false principle lead us to say and do things that are WRONG. But what is the definition of "Right" and "wrong"?

Freedom Focused can help us in this regard as well, as follows:

: Thoughts, speech, and actions that result in positive and constructive long-term consequences for self and others.  

WRONG: Thoughts, speech, and actions that result in negative and destructive long-term consequences for self and others.

The KEY phrase in both of these definitions is, of course, "Long-Term."

At Freedom Focused, our agents take PRIDE in consistently doing the RIGHT things. And when we do something that is wrong (either individually or collectively) which we all do from time-to-time, we take action to remedy and rectify any negative consequences of our speech or actions and then immediately change course. Those are our social mores and corporate culture.  

PRIDE is an interesting word.

Positive Pride in Achievement
It can connote both positive and negative states of being or feeling. For example, a positive element of pride would involve feelings of joy and personal satisfaction at having given one's best effort or achieved something of significance, like graduating from college or landing one's first big job. Another example might involve PRIDE IN DOING THE RIGHT THING as mentioned above.  

Pride can also have a negative connotation, as when a person pridefully rejects sound reason, good advice, or warning signs by proceeding to speak or act in ways that harm oneself or others.

Why do we as human beings exhibit negative pride when the results of doing so inevitably prove injurious? Probably the biggest reason is because we don't want to admit that we are misguided, naïve, or wrong. But what is so bad about admitting that we were misguided, naïve, or wrong... if we actually are?

Why does our pride sometimes get so caught up in being (seeming) right instead of figuring out what actually is right? Especially when pride can lead us down into disaster, destruction, and despair while humility can lead us to the promised land of whatever we are endeavoring to achieve? 

I have learned from personal experience that if I am, in fact, wrong about something, it is infinitely easier to just admit to myself (and where necessary, others) this fact and then change course than it is to continue to pridefully pursue a flawed course and thereby have to endure the retinue of rueful regrets and consequences concomitant thereto.

It's worth noting here that my personal self-action leadership journey has been FULL of occasions when I was misguided, naïve, or wrong. In fact, there have been so many such times throughout my life and career that I can't even remember—much less count—them all! And I still have moments like that—and will until the day I die—a fact which helps keep me humble and reliant on the wise counsel, good advice, and sound direction of others' whose perspectives transcend my own in a given area or on a certain matter.     

It takes courage to admit you were wrong,
and then reach out to someone else for help.
I admit it isn't always easy to admit I am wrong about something. But in my personal view, it's sooooooooooo much harder to endure the consequences of not doing so! If I am pursuing a flawed course—and I know it—what's the point in continuing on other than to feed the fire of my own ego? Where is the pride in avoiding all the disastrous consequences of being arrogantly prideful? 

Why not take more pride in doing the right (and smart) thing instead of holding on desperately to some negative form of selfish pride simply for ego's sake? Why not courageously confront a moment or two of agonizing difficulty involved in admitting you were wrong, get it over with quickly, and then move on with the baggage behind you?

Those who courageously follow this pathway will discover that such moments aren't as bad as they thought they would be—and once it's over, you can move forward to a better, happier, and more confident and successful existence. In the end, this course offers a far bigger reward than its up-front price—however difficult that price may seem to be (or feel like) in the moment.       

If I am smart, I will candidly and courageously confess whenever I am in error and then immediately begin to pursue the correct course. But in order to accomplish that sometimes difficult feat, I must exercise HUMILITY. And as we all know, it's not always easy to be humble.  

What exactly is HUMILITY?  

At Freedom Focused, we define it as: "The ability to accurately see and graciously acknowledge the way things really are based on physical and metaphysical realities rooted in Universal Laws."

That's a mouthful; but in essence, humility means doing the RIGHT thing whenever we see and recognize TRUTH, whether we feel like it or not. That is not an easy thing to do! As a result, nobody is perfectly humble. I certainly am not! But we can always keep trying to see things more clearly—as they really are (instead of the way we wish they were)—and for those who do, the rewards of humility are immense over time. Moreover, the seeming rewards of holding on to one's pride amount to a pathetic pittance by comparison.    

At Freedom Focused, we take pride in doing the right thing. We recognize that however justified a person may feel in one's prideful feelings, it is unwise to speak or act pridefully. Why? Because in the long run, it is YOU that is inevitably hurt the most by your own pride. Thus, self-action leaders recognize that reality and facts must often trump their feelings, no matter how powerful or important one's feelings may be. In other words, self-action leaders discern the great truth that feelings are often momentary, fleeting, and impulsive; but True Principles and Universal Laws are immovable, irrevocable, and incontrovertible. Thus, they allow principles and laws to become their guiding North Star, rather than their emotions alone.  

The most successful organizations
effectively balance sound laws
with intentional & helpful mores

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.


If you absolutely insist on being prideful, try to be prideful about one thing and one thing alone... Take Pride in Doing the Right Thing! 

When a team or organization creates a culture that takes pride in doing the right thing, it actually becomes culturally shameful to do the wrong thing. And organizational or cultural mores that embrace consistently doing the right thing will prove more powerful and supportive than any formal rule, regulation, or punitive measure invoked by an authority figure. In the words of Èmile Durkheim, a French sociologist: "When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary; [but], when mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable."

"When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary;
[but], when mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable."

 Ãˆmile Durkheim 

Wise leaders and managers spend most of their time and energy seeking to model and teach mores that value, reinforce, and reward TAKING PRIDE IN DOING THE RIGHT THING while discouraging and, when necessary, disciplining speech and behavior that embraces negative elements of pride. Creating such mores can prove time- and labor-intensive. But those who persist and succeed enjoy massive success and enormous satisfaction in their work in the long-run.

Be like Coach John Wooden...
Take Pride in Doing the Right Thing
Such leaders become like legendary basketball coach, John Wooden—a true champion and person of sterling character and unimpeachable integrity—who won an unprecedented and mind-blowing TEN (10) National Championships as the Head Coach of UCLA's men's basketball team in the 1960s and 70s. And if you'd like to tap more fully into the wisdom of Coach Wooden, he wrote several books in retirement; you can find them at bookstores everywhere.      

What are you doing TODAY to teach and model TAKING PRIDE IN DOING THE RIGHT THING in your own relationships, family, team, organization, community, or nation? 


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Magic and Power of Synergy

You are probably familiar with the famous acronym T.E.A.M., which stands for: Together Everyone Achieves More

This cooperation cliche is often just that—a cliche. And while it makes a good classroom poster or workplace buzz word, rarely is it fully exposed for the priceless gem it really is. Indeed, there is enormous meaning and power in this simple statement. 

The acronym T.E.A.M is a simplistic encapsulation of another word that is likewise jam packed with meaning and power.

The word is: SYNERGY 

In the fields of leadership and human resources, SYNERGY is a term used to describe the possibilities and potential of human beings when they work together effectively and harmoniously. More specifically, it has been described as a process that unfolds when: "the whole [becomes] greater than the sum of its parts."* 

1 + 1 = 3 (or more)

According to Dr. Stephen R. Covey, when SYNERGY is unleashed, one plus one can equal more than two; and in some cases, much more than two. What exactly does that mean? It means that two or more people working well as a team can always accomplish more together than they ever could if they invested the same amount of time and effort separately

The phenomenon of SYNERGY can be seen in any relationship, group, team, department, organization, community, state, nation, or world when its respective members figure out how to work together effectively and harmoniously. Doing so is not always easy. But for those who succeed in spawning SYNERGY, any marriage, friendship, partnership, or any other kind of human relationship, team, or organization realizes heights that would be unattainable without it. Conversely, the absence of SYNERGY is just as noticeable, albeit in a negative sense. 

Think about it for a second...

From your knowledge and experience, what is the smoothest running organization that provides the best customer experience and service? Whatever your answer to this question might be, that organization has almost certainly figured out how to create massive amounts of SYNERGY as a result of their leadership, culture, systems, and practices.

My personal answer to this question would be two fold: Buc-ees and QuickTrip convenient stores. And if you have any experience with either of these two convenient store chains, you know immediately what I am talking about.

The SYNERGY is so strong at Buc-ees that whenever I get within parking distance of its big, adorable beaver logo, I swear the heavens open and multitudes of angels begin to sing. I suppose the fact that I love convenient stores about three times more than the average person deserves some credit for this seeming angelic chorus; nevertheless, the SYNERGY is thick and strong wherever a Buc-ees is built. And I've had to face up to the fact that angels simply don't sing as loud or long at other convenient stores.  Although much smaller in scope, QuickTrip convenient stores offer similar service, quality, and cleanliness. Back in 2012, I had a chance to conduct a professional training seminar for QuickTrip at their Corporate Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was impressed at their facilities and the way they valued and treated their employees. The whole experience has remained a positive memory for me.      

What sets Buc-ees and QuickTrip apart from the hundreds of other convenient store brands throughout the United States and beyond? While there are many answers to this question (i.e. clean bathrooms, professional and efficient customer service, expansive customer-centric product selection, etc.), it is SYNERGY that ultimately drives the desirable outcomes that keep customers coming back again-and-again to these stores—and avoiding their competitors in favor of them.

The leadership, culture, systems, and best practices employed at Buc-ees and QuickTrip maximize the productivity and quality unleashed by their impressive array of human capital (managers and employees). They also tend to attract top talent because of their reputation for higher pay, standards of excellence, and brand supremacy. Yet, in the end, the people who work at Buc-ees and QuickTrip are just human beings like the rest of us. As such, the real difference can be explained in their capacity to consistently generate SYNERGY.  

SYNERGY is a driving force behind all above-average and superior team performances. And the same can be said of individual relationships, like marriages, friendships, and even business partnerships.

I never ceased to be amazed at the power of SYNERGY that has been unleashed in my personal marriage.

I do not have a perfect marriage; no one does. However, it is pretty good, and the productivity and progress that has occurred in our relationship, family, personal lives, and careers the past 13 years since Lina and I tied the knot on 8/8/08 has been a beautiful and productive experience. 

On our own, Lina and I each have individual talents, abilities, and capacities. Moreover, we are both capable of accomplishing significant things independent of each other.

However... as we have worked together effectively and harmoniously, the difference—meaning the surplus productivity, progress, and prosperity derived through cooperative SYNERGY—is noticeable and the results have been highly desirable in both of our lives.

In short, our mutual commitment to continually helping and serving each other as EQUAL PARTNERS has been an ongoing source of satisfaction, success, and of course—SYNERGY.

The united, proactive, and intentional convergence of our two separate lives, talent sets, educations, proclivities, and strengths has empowered us to get more done in less time, ease the stress and burdens of each other, and progress in our lives and careers far better and faster than we could ever have done all on our own. In fact, my own career wouldn't even exist—at least not in the same way—if it weren't for Lina's successful career. Moreover, Lina's career—to say nothing of our children's well being—would face a slew of added challenges and stresses if I was not able to be a stay-at-home Dad.

One specific, outlying, and memorable example of the power of synergy in our marriage took place shortly after we tied the knot in 2008. We were able to save $20,000 on tuition Lina's senior year of college (2008-09) at Georgia Tech because she was able to secure State residency by being married to me, a Georgia State resident. Later, Lina's successful career proved a primary driver of eliminating our combined student loan and business debt. 

Bottom Line: we continually help each other, magnify each other's strengths, and minimize each other's weaknesses; and the result is the creation of a huge amount of productive SYNERGY in our personal lives, professional careers, and family relationships.  

One of my favorite things about the creation of SYNERGY is that we as individuals can avoid some of the things we least like to do by helping each other based on our unique, individual competencies and proclivities. For example, I am not very good at, nor do I like: cooking, managing money, and doing taxes. Lina is better at these activities and doesn't mind them the way I do. On the other hand, I focus more on doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and attending to yard work—and I am more than happy to oblige in these ways in order to avoid the aforementioned tasks.

We both, of course, still have to do our fair share of hard and/or unpleasant work tasks on a regular basis. For example, I still cook sometimes and Lina still does dishes from time-to-time. Nevertheless, by completely committing to our mutual lives together and continually helping each other until the work gets done, much time is saved and enormous amounts of SYNERGY is produced along the way. The result of this SYNERGY is that both Lina and I are farther ahead in our lives together than we could ever hope to be separately. For this, and many other reasons, I dearly love Lina, and enjoy being married to her. 

"Thee lift me and I'll lift thee; and we shall both ascend together."

 Old Quaker Proverb 

Marriage, of course, is not always readily possible (or even desirable) for everyone, and even when it is, it comes with a measure of adjustment and difficulty. But when it works—meaning, when two people mutually commit to making it work—it can be a truly magical, rewarding, and satisfying experience. And I have experienced enough of this magic to give thanks everyday to God for my wonderful wife and life partner. And I will do everything in my power until the day I die to nurture, cultivate, perpetuate, and prosper this sacred relationship.

Does this mean marriage is always easy for Lina and me. Of course not! Does it mean we never disagree? No! If two people in any relationship never disagree, I would wager at least one of the two is almost certainly not thinking for oneself, or is failing to consistently speak one's own mind on matters that arise. Nevertheless, despite any and all difficulties or issues that arise, we have mutually committed—and even covenanted—with each other and with God that we will always value the sacred union of our marriage above and beyond any disagreement, no matter how seemingly pressing or significant in the moment. This conscious, committed, and mutual dedication to this common cause has thus far enabled us to successfully navigate any bumps in the road, and everyone faces bumps in the road of marriage. Lina and I certainly have. That's just real life.

I could go on to detail other, different friendships, relationships, and business partnerships that have been similarly blessed by the magic and power of SYNERGY, but I think you get the point.  

In summary, consider some of the secrets and obstacles to SYNERGY, as follows:

I will add to this list the importance of never giving up when the cause is worthy or the relationship or team is worth saving—and more often than not, it is

Whatever relationships, teams, or organizations you find yourself a part of, aim for SYNERGY. While it is not always readily achieved, it is worth continually working towards, striving for, and never giving up on. Why? Because if you are willing to persistently and patiently pay the price over time, the rewards of SYNERGY are rich, highly desirable, and include payments of compound interest.  

Much of what I have learned about SYNERGY has been a result of personal experience as well as reading the work of Dr. Stephen R. Covey. Dr. Covey rightly teaches that NATURE itself is highly synergistic, and therefore provides us with a plentitude of natural examples of its genius that we can readily observe and apply. He also teaches the possibility of intra-personal SYNERGY, and suggests that the pursuit of SYNERGY within ourselves—created among the disparate parts of our own mind, heart, body, and spirit—is as desirable and important as the pursuit of SYNERGY among others with whom we live and work. This principle is a vital component of the SAL Theory and SAL Model, and invites self-action leaders to approach the leadership of their lives holistically with a balanced focus on all aspects of their nature (i.e. constitutional, spiritual, moral, mental, physical, emotional, social, and financial)

To bolster your own understanding of SYNERGY, I recommend you begin by reading about HABIT 6 in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. In conjunction with having read this article, studying Dr. Covey's work on SYNERGY will provide you with a springboard that will propel your understanding and application of this incredibly valuable personal and interpersonal phenomenon. When properly applied, you will begin to see your own relationships and organizations become further impacted by the magic and power of SYNERGY. And the results will be truly transformational and life-changing in the very best of ways.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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*  Covey, S.R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, NY: Fireside. Page 263.


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