Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Author's Note on the 7th Edition


This textbook is divided into two separate volumes as follows:

VOLUME IThe Self-Action Leadership Theory—contains prefacing information for the complete work and the first four book sections, which are referred to as "Books" (i.e. Book the First, Book the Second, etc.) in the Dickensian style of A Tale of Two Cities.

VOLUME IIThe Self-Action Leadership Model—contains the last four book sections and appendices for the combined work.

This textbook is an amalgamated revision of my doctoral dissertation and other papers I wrote as a graduate student at Fielding Graduate University during the years 2009-2013. It is also an expanded revision of several books published before and after the completion of my dissertation. These books include:

  1.  I Am Sovereign: The Power of Personal Leadership  (self-published by Booksurge in 2006)
  2.  Leaders for Life: The Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Personal Leadership (unpublished manuscript completed in 2007)
  3. Self-Action Leadership: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Self-Leadership Through Action Research in Support of a Pedagogy of Personal Leadership (Doctoral Dissertation, 2013, ProQuest UMI number #3592738)
  4. Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Everything (self-published by authorHouse in 2013)
  5. Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom (self-published by authorHouse in 2015). 
  6. Self-Action Leadership: A Theoretical Framework for Existential Growth (Volume I)
  7. Self-Action Leadership: An Action Research-Based Character Development Model (Volume II)(Published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2019)
This present version of the SAL Textbook is the Seventh (7th) Edition. 

The following pictures display earlier editions of the SAL Textbook, thus chronicling the 22-year journey I have spent developing, organizing, composing, refining, augmenting, and polishing the material into the comprehensive work you now hold in your hands.

First Edition

Booksurge Publishing, 2006

                                                                         Second Edition
                                                                                Unpublished Manuscript, 2007

This book originally had a publisher, but he dishonestly reneged on our signed contract, thus leaving the manuscript—a comprehensive revision of the I Am Sovereign book for teenagers—unpublished to this day. 

Third Edition
Doctoral Disseration, 2013
ProQuest UMI #3592738

Fourth Edition
authorHouse Publishing, 2013

Fifth Edition
authorHouse Publishing, 2015

Sixth Edition
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019

Seventh Edition
Serial Publication online at the Freedom Focused Blog, 2023-2025
Palmetto Publishing, 2025

How to Use this Life Leadership Textbook

In a bunch of different ways, this is an unusual book, especially given the time periods in which is has been published to date. Its author designed the text with an express intent to be different—and to be used differently—than other books.

First, it is not meant to be read once and then given away, or sold, or put up on the shelf to collect dust. It's not that kind of book.

This book is meant to be read, studied, and/or referenced over-and-over-and-over again throughout the rest of your life. In other words, it is intended to be used by anyone and everyone in much the same way as religious believers use scripture. Please do not misunderstand: this book is not scripture, nor does it have a divine author; although its thoroughly mortal author does credit Divine Sources for inspiring and otherwise lighting up his mind, heart, and spirit with the desire, capacity, energy, intellect, motivation, and endurance to see the enormous project through to fruition.

No, this book is not scripture. But it is like scripture in terms of its intended usage, which is early, often, and always by anyone and everyone who finds its contents authentic, comforting, educational, encouraging, insightful, instructive, motivating, true, and useful. By supping regularly (even daily) from its pages, its author promises residual benefits in the personal, professional, mental, emotional, social, and existential (spiritual) realms of your life and work.  

Second, in addition to reading, studying, returning continually to, and referencing as needed, this book is further designed to serve as a Life Leadership Journal and personal leadership "Training Diary." 

Third, this book includes the SAL Master Challenge. This challenge will be introduced later on in the text. It involves 25 homework assignments that accompany the material in the book. We challenge YOU to accept this challenge whereby YOU can officially become a self-action leader. 

It is the author's sincere hope, prayer, and desire, that this book will eventually serve as the cornerstone of happiness, success, freedom, growth, and inner peace for countless individuals throughout his home planet, Earth. 

Here's to SAL, today, tomorrow, and FOREVER!

Freedom Focused


Self-Action Leadership

Throughout this book, the acronym SAL is used to refer to Self-Action Leadership.

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 353rd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 169th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 352 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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