Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Freedom Focused Upholds & Defends the U.S. Constitution


The time has come to officially go on the record in support of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Our support of these remarkable documents has always been deeply implicit in everything we have said or done at Freedom Focused; nevertheless, the perilous times in which we live demand that we make it explicit and unequivocal.  

At Freedom Focused, we believe in, support, and strive to uphold CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES, including those principles enshrined in our own nation's Constitution—even the U.S. Constitution.  

This is one reason why we have incorporated concepts of a Self-Declaration of Independence and Self-Constitution into our core curriculum as contained in the Self-Action Leadership (SAL) Model. We also function as an organization based on principles and practices explicitly outlined in our Corporate Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

Suffice it to say, we believe so strongly in CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES that we ourselves have willingly bound ourselves both individually and collectively to conduct ourselves based on the principles and practices consciously and intentionally set forth in written constitutions. In our view, it is the best possible way to live and operate as individuals, organizations, and nations. 

As such, we hereby proclaim our support of and willingness to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.   

At this precarious point in time in the history of the United States and world, we call upon all within the sound of our voice to support and strive to uphold CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES in whatever nation in which you live.  

Ben Franklin peeks down on Independence Hall,
where he and his colleagues held the great
Constitutional Convention of 1787.
As the author and founder of Freedom Focused as an organization, as well as the SAL Theory and Model which it sponsors, my own journey as the creator of this organization began in part by learning about and developing an admiration of and respect for the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of my country—The United States of America—as well as the remarkably creative, intelligent, talented, and visionary men who authored these august documents. 

At Freedom Focused, we believe their extraordinary feat—commonly referred to as the "Miracle at Philadelphia"—went beyond the realms of mere mortal genius to incorporate Divine inspiration. We further believe that the unprecedented peace, prosperity, and success of The United States of America over the past 235 years is due in large part to our collective willingness to abide by this foundational document.

The violent French Revolution and bloody reign
of terror that followed is an example of what occurs in a vacuum
of absent (or ignored) CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES. 
Sadly, CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES are increasingly falling out of favor in the prevailing culture of our national academics, media, and politics. More-and-more, extreme partisans on the left and right are prioritizing their political, cultural, and academic priorities above the Supreme Power of the Land since 1788 (the Constitution). And it isn't just extreme partisans who are guilty of this dismissiveness; high-profile politicians in the mainstream of both major U.S. political parties have increasingly demonstrated a willingness to disregard and flout the Constitution if and/or when it gets in the way of their personal and/or political agendas.   

Grievously, these partisans fail to comprehend that the Miracle of 1788 in North America is what prevented the U.S. from descending into the chaos and violence that erupted a year later across the Atlantic in Paris, France, in 1789. A continuation of this course is leading ominously toward Fren
Like the leadership of GEORGE WASHINGTON and
ABRAHAM LINCOLN, our times call for a true Patriot's FIX
ch Revolutionary-esque violence and chaos here in America in the 2020s—which extremists on both sides are increasingly willing to embrace as they feel stifled by existing systems and structures, including Constitutional edicts.  

Our historical embrace of CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES is what enabled and empowered the United States to not only become the greatest nation in the history of the world, but to do so—and then maintain said status—relatively peacefully. There were, of course, two obvious outlying exceptions to this pattern, which played out violently between 1775-1781 and then again on a much greater and more horrific scale from 1861-1865. Freedom Focused is concerned it may take another awful and bloody struggle to quell the aims of those who are presently rising up against our previously enshrined governing document.  

All Constitutions derive their power from the willing consent of the governed and those they choose to elect. Without this willing consent, a constitution is worth no more than the paper and ink used to print it. For many years now, the United States' Constitution has been steadily losing the currency of this consent, and with it, its power and authority. As this authority and power has atrophied, the steady rise of anarchists, antichrists, autocrats, mobs, and corporate and media oligarchs has gained momentum.

Freedom Focused foresees a great and terrible series of struggles in the near future throughout the United States and World. Whether this struggle ends up being a second civil war, a third world war, or some combination of the two, the immediate future does indeed look bleak. 

That is the bad news.  

Freedom Focused is optimistic that, come-what-may,
the future and destiny of the United States and world remains bright.
The GOOD NEWS is that we do not expect our nation to entirely dissolve. Though it may feel in coming days, weeks, months, and years as though we are wending our way precariously close to the precipice of complete dissolution and utter disaster, we foresee that wise men, women, and organizations throughout this nation and world will ultimately rise to the challenge and SAVE our Country and World from the abyss of darkness, despair, and destruction—and they will do so by adhering to and abiding by the same basic CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES that made us a great nation in the first place.   

At Freedom Focused, we aim to be among these leaders through our contributions to the fields of education and literature, beginning with this blog and the SAL Textbooks.   

Make no mistake: the price for the salvation of our nation will be high—much like the price for the termination of slavery in the 1860s and the defeat of fascism in the 1940s was costly. But the price must ultimately be paid. Once it has been paid, we predict that our nation and world will—phoenix-like—rise from the ashes of pending disasters to ultimately fill the full measure of our Divine creation.

Like Abraham Lincoln before me, I do not expect our house to fall—at least not entirely. Rather, I expect that our house will, in due time, cease to be divided—but not before a trial-by-fire the likes of which we have never before seen or experienced in our lifetimes.  

Abraham Lincoln

"A house divided against itself cannot stand.
I do not expect the Union to be dissolved  I do not expect the house to fall  but I do expect it will cease to be divided. ... [but not] until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed. 

Abraham Lincoln
Springfield, Illinois
June 16 1858

It's too bad that such dire calamities must arise to shake us out of our collective stupor. It's too bad it had to happen during the Napoleonic Wars and American Civil War in the nineteenth century and then again (twice) during the two World Wars of the twentieth century. But there is no better predictor of the future than the past, and for anyone who has carefully studied the past, it's pretty clear what is coming down the pike.

The coming crucibles and other trials-by-fire will inevitably separate the "sheep" from the proverbial "goats" in terms of those who will and will not support CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES in the future. Thus, we call upon citizens everywhere—for the safety of your lives and the salvation of your souls—to begin now (or continue to) align your thoughts, speech, and actions with said principles, that you may be found on the right side of history and prove yourselves to be both followers and leaders in the righteous struggle for authentic liberté, égalité, and fraternité—not to be confused with the bloodthirsty reign of terror and revenge historically associated with these three noble (albeit sometimes misused or misconstrued) and idealistic terms. Thus, may we ever aim towards genuine liberty, equality, brotherhood, and the FREEDOM attainable through the righteous pursuit thereof.   

Moving forward into the future, we encourage and invite everyone everywhere to carefully study CONSTITUTIONAL PRINCIPLES as well as the issues of the day and then follow your conscience in the process of voting as well as the exercise of your own freely selected thoughts, words, and deeds both private and public. Along the way, we exhort you in words of soberness to exercise heroic discretion and courage to do what is right while eschewing the coward's pathway of popularity and convenience. As you strive to support, promote, and trumpet true and virtuous principles wherever you go and with whomever you associate, you can join us in the great cause of FREEDOM—now and forevermore—and become a recipient of that cornucopia of blessings that flow so freely to all who enduringly embrace light and truth.      

Dr. JJ

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 355th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 170th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 354 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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