Chapter 3
What is Self-Action Leadership
In BOOK the FIRST, Chapter One, Self-Action Leadership (SAL) was loosely defined as: "taking complete personal responsibility for your thoughts, speech, and actions—and any consequences engendered thereby."
This chapter expands upon this definition by providing additional contour and nuance to the holistic nature of SAL as a comprehensive personal leadership paradigm and toolbox. It further illuminates the potential SAL has to transform your life when properly learned and applied.
Self-Action Leadership is a new theory of personal leadership development. As the previous chapter discussed, SAL is hewn out of the ore of existing academic and philosophical theories (i.e. self-leadership, action research, existentialism, and autoethnography).
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Dr. JJ at age 7 circa 1987 |
Conceptually speaking, Self-Action Leadership (SAL) is substantively analogous to self-leadership (S-L) theory, which was pioneered in the early 1980s by Charles C. Manz. Despite these substance similarities, SAL introduces original theoretical constructs in the form of a theory and a model that are both unique from S-L theory. In addition, SAL invokes a moral imperative that S-L implies, but does not explicitly mandate.
With this in mind, SAL is defined more specifically as: morally informed self-leadership that is action-oriented, focused on long-term results, and aimed at a continual rise in the Existential Growth of self and others.
Existential Growth will be defined in greater detail later in this book. For now, I invite you to reflect back upon the its basic definition from BOOK the FIRST, Chapter One, which is: the growth, progress, and maturation of one's holistic potential.
While the ultimate goal of self-leadership may be to succeed, or to win (whatever the cost), the ultimate goal of Self-Action Leadership is to do the right thing at the right time for the right reasons with the understanding that in the end, right makes might, (1) not the other way around. Unlike S-L, SAL explicitly requires that one's actions bring about the best long-term benefits and results for everyone involved in a situation—even if a measure of pain must be suffered in the short run to bring about noble ends. In the words of a former U.S. Congressman and member of the House of Representatives from the State of South Carolina:
"Jesus lost a voice vote to a guy named Barabbus. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. Dietrich Bonhoffer was put to death. Abraham Lincoln lost more races than he won. How you conduct yourself matters. We [live] in a society, in a culture, that values winning ... [including] cheating to win [and] getting away with committing penalties. ... [That is the wrong approach because] the way we do things matters. ... Winning is [not] the ultimate objective. ... The ultimate objective is to lead an honorable life." (2)
SAL is designed to assist us in leading honorable lives. As human beings, we are imperfect, and that's okay—as long as we are striving to gradually and steadily improve over time and do our best to avoid hurting other people in the process. Sadly, however, some self-leaders are genuinely evil people who intentionally do bad things and commit terrible atrocities for selfish and self-serving purposes.
Truth be told, some of the most effective self-leaders throughout history have also been some of the worst human beings on the planet. Adolf Hitler is perhaps the most classic and cliché historical example of this nefarious phenomenon. As an unusually talented, disciplined, and remarkably capable self-leader and influencer of others, the fiendish führer of the Third Reich successfully employed a variety of self-leadership-oriented "cognitive and behavioral strategies" (3) in pursuit of his ambitious and aggressive military and geopolitical objectives.
The problem with Hilter was, of course, that his actions were self-centered, immoral, and ruthlessly violent. The result of this extraordinary, yet utterly evil, self-leadership practice was the bloodiest war and the deadliest genocide in human history.
Simply stated, SAL provides the moral compass that S-L theory alone lacks. Thus, SAL empowers you to not just permanently succeed, but to benefit others and help them to permanently succeed in the process. Then, when your time in this world is up—a reality we all face eventually—you can leave behind a lasting legacy that will make those who knew you proud. Such a legacy will continue to positively impact whomever you leave behind.
S-L can help you to do great (or terrible) things.
SAL, on the other hand, can empower you to become great by doing good.
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Sam Houston 1793-1863 |
"I have but one maxim:
Contrasting the Lives of Hitler and Mandela
To better illustrate the difference between morally-neutral self-leadership and morally-informed Self-Action Leadership, it is illustrative to compare and contrast the lives and political careers of Adolf Hitler and Nelson Mandela. Ironically and surprisingly, these two men's dramatically divergent journeys through life actually resembled each other in several significant ways in their earlier years. To wit: both men felt ostracized and marginalized as young men. Both held personal and political grudges for real or perceived injustices inflicted on them by other people and groups. Both were intelligent, capable, and highly driven men who were passionate about their respective countries' potential for greatness. Both worked assiduously and fought bravely and passionately in an effort to bring about national changes. Then, to top it all off, both men were imprisoned for violently fomenting civil unrest.
The profound moral divergence that ultimately separated these two historical figures lasting legacies began to unfold during the time they spent serving their respective prison sentences. Hitler used his time in jail to let his bitterness fester and ferment, leading him to write a book—Mein Kampf ("My Struggle")—wherein he outlined his philosophy of Aryan racial supremacy, anti-Semitism, and German nationalism, power, expansionism, and global domination.Mandela, who served a much longer prison sentence than Hitler, allowed his heart to soften during the nearly three decades he spent behind bars. Guided by the principles of self-reliance and personal power championed in William Ernest Henley's classic poem—Invictus, which is a Latin term that means "unconquered," "unsubdued," or "invincible"—Mandela charted a whole new course for his life that he pursued with integrity and nobility for the remainder of his days.
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul." (4)
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South African flag painted on a wall |
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Nations from throughout the British Commonwealth and the rest of the world paused to pay their respects to the internationally admired, renowned, and respected Nelson Mandela. |
Mandela, on the other hand, who had become an international hero—even a legend—passed away peacefully of natural causes incident to old age in 2013 at age 95. After his body lay honorably in State for two days, he was given an official State Funeral attended by representatives from nearly a hundred nations, including Prime Ministers David Cameron, Stephen Harper, and Tony Abbot of the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, respectively, President Barack Obama of the United States, and former U.S. Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
"Do what is right; let the consequence follow.Battle for freedom in spirit and might;And with stout hearts look ye forth till tomorrow.God will protect you; then do what is right!" (5)
"What interest, zest, or excitement can there be in achieving the right way, unless we are enabled to feel that the wrong way is also a possible and a natural way, — nay, more, a menacing and an imminent way? And what sense can there be in condemning ourselves for taking the wrong way, unless we need have done nothing of the sort, unless the right way was open to us as well? I cannot understand the willingness to act, no matter how we feel, without the belief that acts are really good and bad." (6)
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Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965 |
The reality of truth—and the existence of right and wrong—is indeed an incontrovertible fact. It is also an inconvenient reality that is perennially out of style with much of humanity. This is why countless human beings—including all of us to some extent—seek incessantly, albeit fruitlessly, to escape its penetrating presence throughout our culture, society, world, and universe.
You don't have to embrace a specific ideology or vote a certain party line to recognize the existence of physical and metaphysical truisms that transcend politics and philosophy. Nor do you have to belong to a certain religious faith or attend a specific church to accede the existence of a categorical moral dichotomy differentiating right from wrong. What you do have to do is listen to your Conscience, which can serve as an existential guide pointing the way to TRUTH to all who are willing to listen. Then, when you know what is good, right, and true, you can choose to think about, say, and do what is right while eschewing what is wrong to the best of your finite ability and capacity.
The goal, therefore, is not PERFECTION; perfection is not possible. Instead of perfection, the aim is to exhibit a real intent to pay close attention to whatever your Conscience is commanding you to do and then seek to carry out those commands to the very best of your imperfect ability. And when you fall short, or choose to disregard your Conscience, which we all do to varying degrees, you must be willing to rectify the deleterious consequences of your speech or actions to the best of your ability and then continually strive to improve upon your past performances.If you follow this course, your Conscience will become sharper over time and YOU will gradually become a better person as a result. If you abandon this course, your conscience will become progressively duller until it becomes muted, and YOUR moral and ethical capacity will gradually deteriorate as a result.
If right and wrong are real, then good and evil also exist as real forces and polar opposites of each other. If this is true, what exactly are "GOOD" and "EVIL," and how do you define them?
According to Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D., evil is a form of mental illness. In fact, he refers to evil as the "ultimate disease." (7) We agree with Peck; however, we believe that evil is more than a mere malaise of the mind that originates ultimately as a malevolent metaphysical manifestation in one's heart and soul.
EVIL drives thoughts, speech, and actions designed to purposely deceive, discourage, debase, damage, or destroy oneself or others. In its darkest shades, evil is akin an existential black hole, where all light (i.e. truth, goodness, kindness, honesty, etc.) is unable to escape.
GOODNESS, on the other hand, is marked by truth, light, transparency, and an accurate conception of oneself, others, and the world and universe beyond. It is further flagged by compassion and consideration, equality, fairness, kindness, and respect.Good actions are an outgrowth of the Golden Rule—treat others as you would want to be treated—and where appropriate/relevant, the Platinum Rule—treat others as they would want to be treated. (8)
Peck points out further that, "a mark of the [existentially] advanced is their awareness of their own laziness [and other weaknesses]." (9) In other words, the more goodness a person possesses, the more they will be able to recognize and acknowledge their own imperfections and shortcomings. It is a person's goodness that empowers him or her to detect and recognize whatever badness exists inside oneself. For this reason, it is the very best people (those possessing the most goodness and humility) who most clearly comprehend their own fallibility and foibles. They are also the quickest and sincerest in admitting this fact in both private and public.
Conversely, the more badness a person develops, the less attuned they become to their own badness. It is therefore goodness and its concomitant humility that detects, recognizes, and acknowledge badness in itself.
That is why people like Hitler rarely see themselves as being evil.
Badness leads to deception—and particularly self-deception—which leads one to deceive oneself that he or she is good, or at least not too bad, when in reality, they may have developed a lifestyle marked by debasement, deceit, and debauchery. The deeper and more entrenched one's evil, the more one will be blinded to one's own badness. Conversely, the purer one's goodness, the clearer one will be attuned to one's own imperfection.
Another way to contrast good and evil is to consider the difference between clarity and convolution. According to Peck, evil harbors a perpetual "desire to confuse," or otherwise obscure reality (10). Rightness or goodness, on the other hand, continuously seeks to clarify and illuminate things as they really were in the past, are in the present, and will be in the future.
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Everyone in the world needs SAL & Serendipity |
Evil begins to sprout when you follow up folly with intentional aims to deceive, discourage, debase, damage, or destroy yourself or others. (11) Anyone willing to accept responsibility for one's own thoughts, speech, actions, and the consequences engendered thereby can avoid evil, regardless of the errors of one's past.
It bears noting here that the purpose of this Life Leadership textbook is not to declare and proclaim what is right and wrong in every minute particular. Aside from the practical impossibility of such an attempt, we explicitly make no attempt to do so. Declarations and proclamations of moral and ethical rule-based behaviors is the purview of true religion and the integrity of individual minds. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once put it: nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. (12)
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A young Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 |
This book is not designed to dictate the particulars of every thought, word, or deed you could or should execute throughout your life and career; that is YOUR job! This book merely affirms that a real RIGHT and WRONG does in fact exist. We therefore encourages individuals everywhere to listen to their consciences for their own sakes and the sakes of everyone else whom they might impact or influence. As some colleagues and I wrote in an academic journal article, Dr. JJ and Freedom Focused always intend to:
"Leave precise policy questions to politicians, specific legal questions to lawyers and judges, technical queries concerning ethics and morals to ethicists and philosophers, and detailed "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots" to prophets, pastors, and pontiffs. Our goal is NOT ... to dictate detailed directives in every arena of choice. Our seminal intention is to teach correct principles—generally speaking—and then encourage (and hopefully inspire) wise self-governance among an extremely diverse audience of individuals and organizations as they move forward to confront the multifarious moral and practical decisions and dilemmas that continually creep into their everyday lives and organizations." (13)
SAL Mantra
Simply stated, right choices lead to freedom, growth, happiness, success, and inner peace. They also promote the development of character, capacity, and integrity.
Wrong choices lead to bondage, moral atrophy, misery, failure, and anxiety. They also promote the decay of character, capacity, and integrity.
Do you want your personal humanity to flourish or diminish? The choice is yours, but you cannot wish away the existence of right and wrong any more than you could wish away your own existence or the presence of Universal Laws in the world, solar system, or galaxy. Similarly, you cannot circumvent the consequences of your decisions any more than you can wish away the presence and reality of gravity, inertia, or motion.When the bells of conscience toll in your life, you owe it to yourself and your fellow human beings to think, speak, and act in ways that will contribute to the long-term well being of all whose lives may be affected by your decisions. In the words of Michael Faraday, that great nineteenth century English scientist: I will simply express my strong belief, that that point of self-education, which consists in teaching the mind to resist its desires and inclinations, until they are proved to be right, is the most important of all, not only in things of natural philosophy, but in every department of daily life.
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Michael Faraday 1791-1867 |
A sure way to distinguish between right and wrong choices is to observe the measure of their impact on your Existential Growth over time. Self-action leaders are not merely interested in getting better grades, improving their relationships, or making more money. Self-action leaders seek a comprehensive philosophy and an accompanying toolkit that addresses the full spectrum of human concerns, challenges, problems, and questions.
Self-action leaders don't just want to get something; they want to become something.
They seek holistic change and comprehensive growth that elevates, transforms, and transmutes their very existence—their very being—into something better and greater than it was before they embraced SAL; and they are willing to pay any price and exert any effort to achieve the difficult and elusive, yet unspeakably magnificent rewards that await.

- How have you defined truth in the past?
- Have the ideas in this chapter altered or otherwise influenced your previous conceptions of right, wrong, and truth? If so, how so?
- What past experiences have you had with your conscience?
- What do you believe your conscience is?
- What is something you could do TODAY to sharpen your conscience for the future.
—Dr. JJ
Author's Note: This is the 384th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 195th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.
Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 383 FF Blog Articles
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS
Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection
Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.
Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks
Chapter 3 Notes:
1. Lincoln, A. (1860). Cooper Union Address. February 27, 1860.
2. FoxNews. (2018). Martha MaCallum. The Story with Martha MacCallum.
Interview of Trey Gowdy. February 6, 2018.
3. Neck, C.P. & Houghton, J.D. (2006). Two Decades of Self-Leadership Theory and Research: Past Developments, Present Trends, and Future Possibilities. Journal of Managerial Psychology. Volume 21, Issue 4, p. 270-295. DOI 10.1108/02683940610663097. Page 270.
4. Invictus by William Ernest Henley. In Cook, R. J. (1958/1997). One Hundred and One Famous Poems: With a Prose Supplement (Revised Edition). Lincolnwood, IL: Contemporary Books. Page 95.
5. From Hymn #237, “Do What is Right.” Hymns of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 1985. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Company.
6. From James’ work, The Dilemma of Determinism (1884).
7. Peck, M.S. (1983). People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 264.
8. An extension of the Golden Rule, the Platinum Rule is an idea developed by personality expert Tony Alessandra. The Platinum Rule involves “treating others the way they want to be treated.” The Platinum Rule takes into account personality and other individual differences and preferences, which thereby prompt us to treat others in ways that are not only kind and compassionate (Golden Rule), but also considerate of another person’s individual styles and preferences. See Alessandra’s New Edition Relationship Strategies: Using the Platinum Rule to Create Instant Rapport. (Audio CDs). Nightingale Conant.
9. Peck, M.S. (1983). People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 264.
10. Ibid. Page 179.
11. See BOOK the FOURTH, Chapter 15 for more information on the Five D’s of the Dark Shadow—Deception, Discouragement, Debasement, Damage, and Destruction.
12. Ziff, L., Ed. (1985) Ralph Waldo Emerson: Selected Essays. New York, NY: Penguin Classics. A reference to a quote in his essay, Self-Reliance: "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." Page 178.
13. Jensen, Beaulieu, and Neck (2018). “The Self-Action Leadership Model: A Qualitative, Nomological Expansion of Self-Leadership Theory Rooted in Action Research.” Journal of Leadership and Management. 11(2018). Pgs. 10-30. ISSN: 2391-6087. Page 23.
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