Book the Fourth
The Self-Action Leadership THEORY
President John F. Kennedy
And the courageous and visionary men and women (past, present, and future) of NASA and other organizations committed to the study and exploration of the Final Frontier.
Chapter 1
A Metaphysical Theory of Everything
This groundbreaking theory forever changed and clarified our understanding of the astronomical relationship between space and time. It also further expanded our comprehension of gravity and the vital role it plays in the cosmos.
Einstein's theory of relativity, introduced in 1905, signaled a quantum leap for mankind in terms of our understanding of how the Universe operates. It was also an important step forward in achieving an even greater and more elusive goal of physicists; namely: the discovery of a physical "Theory of Everything."
A scientific theory of everything is related to "String Theory" and is sometimes referred to as a "Final Theory," a "Master Theory," or an "Ultimate Theory." These various titles are all used to describe the same thing: a single mathematical theory and formula that would, in one equation, capture the physical ontology and governing principles of operation of everything in the known, physical Universe. The pursuit of such a profound, yet mysterious theory is perhaps the ultimate ambition of 21st Century physicists and astronomers.I have always been fascinated by the concept of a physical theory of everything. I am not a physicist and lack the desire, inclination, knowledge, and talent to pursue this quest myself. I am, however, a metaphysicist with a great deal of passion and proclivity to discover and delineate an analogous theory in the metaphysical realms of human freedom and existential growth and development. That is why I have spent my entire life and career-to-date (since age eight) diligently reading, studying, searching, researching, and otherwise racking my brain in search of concrete answers to the following question: what would a philosophical-natured, self-help based, Existential Growth-oriented, metaphysical Theory of Everything look like?
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The SAL Theory |
I don't claim to have perfectly achieved such an ambitious and difficult undertaking. Moreover, I'm confident that myself and others will continually improve upon, clarify, and otherwise further refine and perfect this work in years and decades to come.
I am, nevertheless, proud of the work I have produced thus far and give glory and credit to the Almighty for continually assisting me with both the practical resources to undertake the project and the majestic menagerie of metaphysical insights needed to complete such a mammoth and meticulous academic and literary undertaking. Organizing and articulating this work has been unspeakably pleasurable, rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling to me personally. Indeed, despite any and all of the accompanying difficulties, I have enjoyed the process immensely and feel so grateful for the opportunity to have embarked upon this special work.
In producing this massive tome, I have gone to great length to do my due diligence and avoid skipping steps and cutting corners in an honest effort to give you—SAL readers, students, practitioners, and scholars—the best product and highest quality material possible. I sincerely hope that YOU will find the material to be as beneficial to your education, career, and life as I have.
If there's one preeminent lesson I continue to learn over-and-over again as I've pursued this work, it is this: there is nothing inherently or particularly special about me; but everything is special about the principles and practices laid out and put forth in this work. As such, any human being who diligently studies, earnestly learns, and then conscientiously applies these principles will eventually grow to realize the grandest levels of their personal and professional freedom, growth, and potential.
This fact and reality is a powerful reminder that True Principles rooted in Universal Laws reign supreme throughout this world and the Universe in which we reside. Culture, fashion, preference, and styles come-and-go over the years, decades, and centuries; but TRUE PRINCIPLES ultimately govern both the physical and metaphysical worlds—and they never change. Thus, the more things change, the more things stay the same! The verity and virtue of this fact fills my soul with a deep humility before the immovable and irrevocable physical and metaphysical laws of nature and the Universe.I hereby introduce the SAL Theory and Model in hopes that as many people as possible will demonstrate a willingness to learn the principles and apply the practices presented herein. I hope that YOU and those you love and care for will choose to become all you are capable of becoming by earning as much Existential Freedom and Growth as possible throughout your lives—and experience a full measure of the satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment that accompanies existential transformations—both personally and professionally.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of life in the 21st Century, and betwixt the endless and often hectic details and minutia of daily living, it is easy to lose perspective of who YOU really are, and what YOU are really capable of as a member of the human race. As a result too many of us are often "half-hearted creatures ... far too easily pleased fooling around with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us." We are "like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because [we] cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea." (1)
All of us—myself included—have spent our share of time "making mud pies" when something far greater rests on the horizon of our potential. Nevertheless, YOU can choose at any moment to start afresh, with a renewed commitment to True Principles rooted in Universal Laws. Indeed, it's time for YOU to start developing the habits of an Existential CHAMPION and courageously leave the shore on a journey to find and board "Your Ship of Destiny" rather than continuing to lay lethargically on the shore meandering miserably as you impatiently wait for your "Ship to come in."
My friend, I have news for you: your ship is never going to come in by itself.YOU have to face your fears and invest the effort required to go out and meet your ship!
There is no other way.
You are, of course, always at liberty to remain on the shore making mud pies for the rest of your life and/or career. After all, no one can force you to grow or progress. YOU have to want it for yourself. I hope that you will decide that you want it.
When I contemplate the intrinsic value, worth, and Existential Equality of every human mind, heart, and spirit, my soul is filled with a profound reverence for the incalculable worth of the human race; this includes each and every human being who has—or ever will—draw breath in this world. In the midst of such contemplations, I'm reminded of one of my core beliefs: that ALL human beings possess a spark of divinity within.
In the sobering, yet inspiring words of one writer:
"It is a serious thing to live in a society [where] ... the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship. ... It is the light of [our] overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal." (2)
I wrote this textbook with the sincere desire and express purpose of opening up YOUR eyes to your own unlimited and incomprehensible potential for Existential Growth and freedom. In addition, it is my earnest wish for YOU to see the endless opportunities you have to serve and otherwise contribute meaningfully to the lives of others all along the way—and to enjoy the indescribable joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, and inner peace that follows those who dedicate their lives to higher purposes than themselves alone.
To properly serve and bless others, however, YOU must first be in proper working order yourself. Anyone who learns about and diligently applies the True Principles and sound practices contained in this text will evolve into a fit Servant Leader (3) who is prepared to make the world a better place because of their presence and influence.
Are YOU ready for Basic Training?
If so...
Then read on!
—Dr. JJ
Author's Note: This is the 390th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 200th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.
Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 389 FF Blog Articles
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS
Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection
Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.
Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks
Chapter 1 Notes
1. Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory. As quoted in Dorsett, L.W., Editor (1996). The Essential C.S. Lewis. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 362.
2. Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory. As quoted in Dorsett, L.W., Editor (1996). The Essential C.S. Lewis. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 369.
3. Greenleaf, R. (1977). Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. New York, NY: Paulist Press.
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