Wednesday, July 31, 2024

YOUR World


Chapter 10

YOUR World 

As far as we can scientifically ascertain, all human beings physically reside in this world—a planet we know as "Earth." Astronomically speaking, our world is located in a solar system belonging to the Milky Way galaxy—home to hundreds of billions of stars and planets. The Milky Way, in turn, is one of approximately 65 other galaxies belonging to our "Local Group," which resides in the Virgo Supercluster of galaxies. The Virgo Supercluster is part of an even larger supercluster known as "Laniakea," which is home to some 100,000 galaxies. Laniakea is one of some 10 million other superclusters in the known universe. 

Suffice it to say, the "known" universe is breathtakingly expansive and unfathomably large and is filled with an almost innumerable quantity of heavenly bodies, each of which are made up of enormous amounts of all kinds of different gas, matter, and substance.  

And then there are the potential unknown universes and/or other "unknown unknowns" about both physical realities that exist "out there."  

Analogous to this stunning and incomprehensibly vast physical reality, each one of us also inhabits a singular metaphysical world of our own. YOUR individual world consists of all the elements and variables that make up your unique SELF. These variables include your: ancestry, race, culture, genetic makeup, mimetic heritage, strengths, weaknesses, skills, talents, fears, hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, personality, etc.

In short, YOUR WORLD consists of your physical body in conjunction with everything else about you. 

        This includes everything in your past.   

All human beings possess similar anatomical elements. For example, most of us have two eyes, two ears, ten fingers and ten toes, a heart, liver, and two kidneys, etc. On the other hand, we all possess unique physical characteristics. To wit: there are many different body sizes, shapes, colors, and capacities. As a result of these differences, no two people look, sound, speak, act, or are exactly the same—not even identical twins. 

Metaphysically speaking, our respective makeups possess similar general elements and variables, but unique individual characteristics and experiences. Consequently, some people dwell lightyears ahead (or behind) other people existentially speaking. This phenomenon and reality explains, in part, why, despite living on the same planet as each other, we all occupy different physical spaces and experience such divergent life events and diverse career trajectories.

It is a wondrous thing to contemplate that throughout the incomprehensibly vast universe, there is no other metaphysical world exactly like YOURS. You are, therefore, a truly singular being with incredibly unique characteristics, infinite worth, and unlimited potential. 

There are two primary forces that influence what kind of world you live in and where that world is placed within the world (EARTH). 

The first force involves SAL variables you cannot control, such as: your genes and memes (at birth), other people's thoughts, speech, and actions, geopolitics, macroeconomics, the weather, tall trees toppling in obscure forests, etc.   

The second force comes from SAL life variables you can control, such as: your own attitude, thoughts, speech, actions, attitudes, and beliefs.  

With this in mind, it is now time to introduce Law 4 of the SAL Theory, which states that: Every human being is a self-leader and, by extension, the sovereign ruler of his or her own metaphysical world.  

Law 4

Every human being is a self-leader and, by extension,
the sovereign ruler of his or her own metaphysical world.

All human beings are self-leaders. 

Life has granted each of us the right and privilege of self-sovereignty to rule over our own metaphysical world (or life) as we see fit. This means that whether you know it or not, like it or not, or want to be or not, YOU are a self-leader. 

The question, therefore, should never be: am I a self-leader. The questions should always be: what kind of a self-leader am I and how effective am I at leading myself?

This sovereign leadership position over your SELF, which comes by virtue of your existence as a human being, makes YOU responsible for the long-term direction of your life. 

As the sovereign ruler of your world, you continually make decisions that determine your destiny. 


Decisions Determine Destiny 

 ~ DDD  ~

In addition to determining your long-term destiny, decisions are also the driving force behind Existential Growth and existential atrophy all along the way. Correct (or right) decisions lead to Existential Growth. Incorrect (or wrong) decisions lead to existential atrophy. 

The key difference between a self-leader and a self-action leader is the latter's commitment to making correct (or right) choices. Thus, self-leaders who do their best to think about, say, and do what is right—and avoid thinking, saying, and doing what is wrong—become self-action leaders by virtue of their intent.

Corollary 4.1

Self-leaders who do their best to think about, say, and do what is
right—and avoid thinking, saying, and doing what is wrong
become SELF-ACTION LEADERS by virtue of their intent.  

The essence of this entire Life Leadership textbook is found in the GOOD NEWS that self-leaders (all of us) possess the capacity to consciously graduate from the base level of self-leadership to a fundamentally higher level of existential activity and pursuit, namely: Self-Action Leadership. 

To graduate from "self-leader" status and qualify for the title of "Self-Action Leader," YOU must demonstrate an authentic desire and willingness to think about, say, and do what is right over an extended period of time. This is formally accomplished by completing the SAL Master Challenge and committing to continue onward in that line of living and being for the rest of your life.  

This doesn't mean you have to be perfect.

        No self-action leader is perfect.

It does mean that you possess an authentic and genuine desire to do what is right and help others to do the same. To prove both authentic and genuine, said desires must be demonstrated "in action" over time. Thus, the proverbial "proof" (authenticity) really is in the "pudding" (actions over time). 

It also means that when you do screw up (and all self-action leaders do), you are willing and committed to make a good-faith effort to make appropriate restitution for your misdeeds and then strive earnestly and sincerely to improve in the future. 

It has oft been said that, to err is human. And it is no secret that all of us mess up from time-to-time—sometimes egregiously so. The principle and practice of Self-Action Leadership exists to empower self-leaders to rise above their errors and sins to become something existentially greater and metaphysically mightier than they would be if left to their own directionless devices.  

Existential Worth

SAL categorically acknowledges that every self-leader on the Planet (all of us) possesses limitless worth and potential—and therefore absolute intrinsic Existential Equality. Thus, we introduce Law #5 of the SAL Theory, as follows: All human beings possess equal, innate, and infinite Existential Worth in conjunction with their unlimited potential for Existential Growth.  

Law 5

All human beings possess equal, innate, and infinite Existential Worth,
in conjunction with their unlimited potential for Existential Growth

This equality of worth is fundamental, self-evident, universal, and absolutely vital to a comprehensive understanding of SAL. This holism of this inclusivity extends to all genders, races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, ideologies, lifestyles, life choices, etc. In the inspired words of Thomas Jefferson in the American Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are created equal.  

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all [people] are created equal."  

Thomas Jefferson

Part of understanding what Existential Equality is, is understanding what it isn't

Existential Equality does not mean all human beings are the same. In fact, no two human beings among the many billions who have lived on the Earth are (or ever will be) the same; this is simply a self-evident fact. And thank goodness for this fact! After all, how boring would it be if any of us were exactly the same?

Existential Equality also does not mean that all human choices, lifestyles, and pathways lead to the same levels of Existential Growth. 

Existential Equality further does not mean that all human beings have the same opportunity to learn about their potential for Existential Growth. It also does not mean that all those who do learn about SAL will choose to embrace it and become self-action leaders. Sadly, a great many choose existential atrophy and mediocrity over the advancement and growth of which they are capable. As a result, some human beings will always be more existentially advanced than others. 

We are all different. 

        That's what makes us unique. 

For example, women can have babies; men cannot. And let's face it—some people are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, wealthier, healthier, and perhaps even better looking than others. (1) Moreover, some persons have greater access to education, finances, resources, opportunities, and safety than others. 

In all of these senses—and countless more—no one is literally and precisely equal to anyone else. Absolute, holistic equality spanning every imaginable variable is not only impossible, but undesirable. Imagine how awfully achromatic and and dreadfully dull life would be if everyone was a clone of the person standing next to them? Only an extreme narcissist—or worse—would want to live in such a world.

Earlier in this text is a statement that bears repeating here, as follows:

Self-action leaders understand the ultimate futility in comparing themselves with others. Instead of worrying incessantly how they stack up against their fellows, they recognize and embrace the wisdom of Theodore Roosevelt, who wisely noted that: Comparison is the thief of joy.

"Comparison is the Thief of Joy."  

Theodore Roosevelt

So what if you are bigger, stronger, faster, smarter, wealthier, healthier, or better looking than someone else, or vice versa? What really matters in the long run is not what you have or acquire, or who you know, but rather what you are—what you are steadily becoming, and the direction you are currently headed in your life. And the GOOD NEWS is that everyone is a human being with infinite existential (intrinsic) worth and potential; moreover, everyone has an opportunity to become something better than they presently are—and that is the essence of both Existential Worth and Existential Equality.  


Everyone has an opportunity to become something better than they presently are. 

The SAL Theory and Model are based on Existential Equality—not to be confused with holistic sameness. From a purely existential (intrinsic) standpoint, I am no better than you and you are no better than me. 

That is the way things really are.

You and I are no doubt different from each other, and thank goodness for those interesting, valuable, and potentially synergistic differences! 

Existentially speaking, we are all
potential royalty.
It's also true that I am better at some things than you; and you are better at some things than me. However, neither of us is superior or inferior to each other in an intrinsic, existential sense.

Properly understood, this great and vital truth engenders a deep and profound respect and reverence for all human beings. In the words of the preacher, William Godwin: There is a reverence that we owe to everything in human shape

"There is a reverence that we owe to
everything in human shape."  

William Godwin

As members of one great human family, we all have the same blood flowing through our veins as King Tut, Alexander the Great, Queen Elizabeth II—or any other monarch, politician, military commander, philosopher, scientist, artist, or celebrity who has ever held earthly power or influence. Whether or not we choose to live up to our noble birthright depends on what we decide to think about, say, and do throughout our lives. 

Existential Growth is not a birthright; it is a grand potentiality that must be earned through sacrifice and effort, which is then further empowered and magnified by Serendipity. 

Unfortunately, a tremendous gap often exists between a person's Existential Potential and the kinetic results (Existential Growth) one actually achieves in one's life. In other words, human beings don't always rise to their full potential. Manyso very many—limit their freedom and growth through the poor exercise of their personal liberty.

Others fall short because they lack the basic physical and human resources required to rise beyond lower levels of human actualization. 

But beware of the error of thinking that any human being—no matter who that human being may be—is somehow existentially superior or inferior to another. In this one particular—Existential Worth—we are all magnificently equal. 

The perpetual question nevertheless remains: will you live up to your Existential Potential?

        Will I live up to mine?  

Along our journey of self-actualization and Existential Growth, we must all be cautious of undeserved self-praise. At the same time, we must also avoid the erroneous notion that we are capable of anything less than unfathomable greatness. This paradox—like any paradox—can be a challenging cognitive binary to sort through.

But like most paradoxes; it is true. 

Beware, therefore, of the pride produced by thinking or believing you are something or someone greater than you really are. At the same time, don't be deceived by the myopic myth that you don't matter. YOU do matter... a great deal, as do I—and everyone else on this planet—more so, I believe, than any of us can fully comprehend.  


Beware the pride of thinking you are more than you really are. 
But don't be deceived by the myth that you don't matter. 

One of the greatest paradoxes of truth is that human beings are both nothing and everything at the same time. The wisest among us are careful to never lose sight of either side of this dichotomous truth (paradox). Whenever a human being combines humility (our nothingness) with an accurate conception of one's actual potential (our everythingness), it is only a matter of time before that person achieves authentic greatness.  

Influence vs. Control

A key component of SAL Theory involves recognizing what you can and cannot control.

Most of what exists in life, the world, and the universe, is beyond your and my immediate control. 

For example, YOU cannot control what other people think about, say, do, or believe. You also cannot control the weather, macroeconomics, geopolitics, scientific verities, Universal Laws, very big rocks rolling off of very high cliffs, and quite frankly—nearly everything else in the world and universe!

The only thing you can control is your own thoughts, speech, actions, and beliefs. 

Your influence over others will therefore always be rooted in what you do (or don't do) to manage and lead yourself. Hence, your primary focus should always target self-change. Once your own life and house are in order, you can embark further in an effort to teach, coach, mentor, and influence others. 

But we all must be careful and cautious to not get the order mixed up! 

Influence differs from control in the same way that leadership differs from self-leadership. As a leader, you possess the potential to influence others, but as a self-leader, you can actually control yourself. This difference between self-leadership (control) and leadership (influence) is one of the reasons I am so passionate about Self-Action Leadership.

SAL is something I can actually control.  

In humble recognition of the myriad spectrum of people and things I cannot control in this world and universe, it's pretty exciting to know there is at least one thing (being) I can control—and that is myself.  

Change Yourself

Try not, my friend, to change what's life,
For life cannot be changed.
And trying only brings you strife
And leaves you nigh deranged.

Instead, work hard to change YOURSELF,
And as you do you'll find,
Growth, happiness, and wond'rous wealth,
Including peace of mind.

And neither try to change another,
That e'er ends in a mess;
Try instead to serve your brother,
With examples of goodness.

The only things you can truly control in this world are your own thoughts, words, actions, and beliefs. 

That's it!

Everything and everyone else in the universe you can only accept as is, or attempt to impact or influence by virtue of your own SAL actions and example. 

At Freedom Focused, it is our sincere hope and prayer that you'll choose to study and practice SAL for the purpose of becoming all you are capable of becoming and exert a positive impact and influence on others along the way. 

I have intentionally ordered the five elements of control—thoughts, speech, actions, attitudes, and beliefs—to begin with THOUGHTS. This is because thoughts are the seeds of the other four. Thoughts, therefore, are a primary catalyst of everything we ever say, do, feel, and believe. One of your greatest concerns as a self-action leader, therefore, must be to carefully guard your thoughts.  

 "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of his thoughts."  

James Allen

"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit;
sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."  

William James

 "More than all your enemies,
an undisciplined mind does greater harm."  


 "When you rule your mind, you rule your world."  

Imelda Shanklin

You are Sovereign

While your overall power and influence might seem small in this world, remember that YOU still hold the title of Supreme Commander of your own metaphysical world, and no one can ever take that title away from you—unless you choose to give it up through voluntary abdication. 

This fact makes YOU the King, Queen, President, Premier, Prime Minister, Emperor, Field Marshall, Admiral, General, CEO, Executive Director, Captain, Major, Colonel, Chairman/Chairwoman of the Board, etc.—you can pick your own preferred title—of your own world.

Within the realms of this personal title and authority lies enormous power and capacity to design your world, fulfill your potential, and realize your destiny. 

In the stirring words of the poet, William Ernest Henley:


William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
   Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
   For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
   I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
   My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
   Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
   Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
   How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
   I am the captain of my soul. (2)

I sincerely hope that this poem stirs within your mind, heart, and soul a deepened sense of the personal power and authority that YOU possess as the sovereign ruler of your own metaphysical world.

On the flip side, I caution you to avoid overestimating this power. Self-action leaders understand that no matter how strong or capable they may be as individuals, they will always be more successful as they wisely accept the blessings of Serendipity and caringly cultivate positive and quality relationships with other people.

Thus, while there are indeed times when you will need an "unconquerable soul" whose head is "unbowed," there will be other times when humble submission to truth and reality will be just as important. 

Self-Action Leaders are STRONG; yes!

        But they are also submissive to common sense, conscience, and principle.  

Combine both strength and submission in the right amounts and you will be unstoppable in the long-run.

In other words, SAL is not about doing everything for yourself. SAL is about wisely making smart moves in every area of your life to not only maximize your self-leadership capacity and potential, but to simultaneously unlock the profound additional aid that comes from getting others on your side and in your corner as well as maximizing a continual flow of Serendipitous blessings fortuitously your way.  

As a self-action leader, remember that regardless of your circumstances, you remain sovereign over your thoughts, speech, actions, attitudes, and beliefs. This means that while you cannot always control what happens to you, you always have a say in how you respond to what happens to you. 

YOU can always control what you choose to do NEXT!

The determination of your destiny, therefore, lies in your life choices and your responses to life events (good or bad, triumphant or calamitous). According to Jack Canfield—of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame—events alone do not have to define you. Your response to an event can serve as a key and catalytic variable that determines the results you ultimately get in your life and career. 

Canfield's simple, SAL-oriented formula states that an EVENT (E) plus your RESPONSE (R) equals the OUTCOME (O). In shorthand or algebraic formatting, we have the following formula: E + R = O.

E + R = O

An EVENT plus your RESPONSE to that event, equals the OUTCOME. 

The message, glory, and opportunity of SAL is that we can control our responses to everything in life, and by so doing can choose who and what we will ultimately become. Life itself has given YOU and I this self-sovereignty. Whether or not we choose to claim it and thrive (or not) is up to us as individuals to decide.

There are many famous (and commonplace) examples of people who chose to abdicate their self-sovereignty on the altar of excuses. For example, consider President John F. Kennedy. When queried as to why he didn't demonstrate more self-control and discretion with regards to his infamous and serial philandering, he replied rather pathetically: "I just can't help it."

With all due respect to JFK—and he is worthy of respect in many regards (remember that the SAL Theory itself is, in part, dedicated to him)—this is a classic cop out and case of an otherwise highly capable, intelligent, and talented man who abdicated his self-sovereignty in exchange for indulging his adulterous urges. 

In truth, JFK could have helped himself. He could have gotten help from others. He could have received assistance from his Catholic faith and from petitioning a Higher Power. If he had wanted it badly enough, he could have ultimately overcome his weakness and chosen to be true to his wife. 

No matter how you try and spin it, the bottom line is this: JFK chose promiscuity over conjugal fidelity. 

SAL exists to remind us all of the POWER of CHOICES in our lives and careers—and to remind us all that we always have a choice.  

With this said, I am not suggesting the pathway of purity was easy for JFK, or anyone else for that matter. In President Kennedy's defense, temptations are often far more varied, available, and seductive for those who occupy high-profile positions; that is just a fact. Moreover, I doubt there has ever been a married man in the history of the world that has never had a lustful thought towards a woman who was not his wife. Such is human nature. But in the last analysis, these are just excuses, and self-action leaders don't make excuses for why they give in and fail; they seek out reasons for why they can overcome and succeed. 

The message of SAL is that all human beings possess the potential power to transcend destructive impulses, temperaments, and temptations if they want to badly enough and are willing to pay the high price that change demands. It is no secret that the price is often high to succeed in such endeavors. But for self-action leaders, they are more interested in making a commitment to pay the price—however high—than they are in bemoaning how high the price may be.

It all begins with a desire to transcend our baser natures. 

All along the way, we need to be willing to accept help from others and keep ourselves wide open to the bottomless well of Serendipity. 

But let's be clear about one thing: JFK didn't lack the ability to be faithful to his wife; he lacked the desire and the will to do so.  

Of course no one is perfect; but imperfections (which we all have) do not make us powerless to choose. Nor does it make you incapable of rising above adversity, temptation, tragedy, calamity, and even disaster. 

We all have shortcomings.

        I know I do!

In fact, I have enough weaknesses to keep me busy for the rest of my life; and I'll bet YOU do too!

But there is a BIG difference between making a mistake, admitting it, and then working diligently to improve and completely abdicating personal responsibility. Too often, people confuse "I won't" or "I don't want to," with "I can't."

There is a monumental difference between the two!

While the "I can't" credo is convenient, it is ultimately a fiction—the ultimate self-deception. 

Indeed, I don't begrudge JFK his weakness—I've got plenty of them myself—I just think it's too bad he decided to abdicate his self-sovereignty in his affairs (pun intended).

I feel safe in surmising that every human being who has ever lived has at least one or two natural inclinations they wish they didn't have, or that they would like to rid themselves of. 

I know I do!

I also know, however, from many personal experiences that purposeful effort can play a pivotal role in overcoming personal weaknesses and invite Serendipitous transformations of our very natures. In short, if we want it badly enough and are willing to persevere and accept help from others (as needed), real change can become your reality in any area of your life. Those who proclaim otherwise are usually operating from angles mired in deception and selfish motives (i.e. popularity, prestige, product, and profit).    


Anyone who'll work and wait
Ensures good fate.

Anyone who'll never quit
Avoids the pit.

Anyone who keeps her soul,
By never casting off his goal,
Sets up a plea
For destiny
That's touched
By Serendipity.

Will You?

Will I?

I guess we'll see...

But this I know,
Though vague it be,
That all of us
To be
The kind of folk
We'd most like to be.  

And in the end—
Deep down—
Each of us knows
That blame for failure
Truly goes
To every
Single soul
Who's free to choose
To win
Or lose—
No matter how the battles rage.
Come wind, come storm, come ice and hail,
You'll always get your due earned wage.

Will YOU prevail?
Fly high and FREE?
Beyond the grasp of gravity?
The choice is YOURS
To win,
Or lose—


Come what may, YOU are sovereign over your own life, and I am sovereign over mine because of our freedom to choose what we think about, say, do, and believe. 

I challenge you to memorize the poem below as a reminder of the enormous power and authority you have over your own world (life) as well as the profound potential you possess to positively influence the lives of others. 

May it inspire YOU to make the most of your existence—just like it has inspired me in mine.  

I am Sovereign of my own life and career.
Are YOU sovereign over yours?
I Am Sovereign

I am Sovereign!

Today I affirm that
I am the captain of my own life. 

I acknowledge that as such,
I am fully responsible for
My attitude,
        My decisions,
                My personal and professional results, and thus
My life's long-term

No one can take this power away from me,
Though if I choose, I can give it away to
Someone, or
        Something else.

This I will never do,
For their is but one me in all history,
And my one shot at life
I will not waste!

In the past I have Blamed
                                            Gamed, and

No more!

For now I know that I cannot control anyone
But myself.
Yet in that control—and
Aided by the grace and mercy of Serendipity—
I possess the power to
        Defy Existential Gravity,
                Create my world,
                        Design my destiny, and
                                Conquer the enemy within.

All along my journey toward




Someone—or something—is always in control of your life. If that someone or something is not YOU, then you are headed for a destination that is not of your choosing, the consequences of which are predictably grim. I challenge you to claim, or reclaim—and then rightfully exercise—the self-sovereignty that Life itself has endowed you with, and then use that power to pursue higher purposes for the everlasting benefit of yourself and others.  

In the inspiring words of Dan Zadra: The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses.  

 "The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.

No apologies or excuses."  

Dan Zadra

In Your Journal

  • Write a journal entry describing the current state of your own metaphysical world.
  • What do you need to do as a self-action leader to change and/or improve your metaphysical world?

  • What would you like your metaphysical world to look like five, ten, twenty, or fifty years from now?

  • What would you have to do, stop doing, or continue doing in order to create your ideal metaphysical world?

  • What excuses are you currently making that are preventing you from creating the kind of metaphysical world you desire for yourself and your loved ones?  How might you transform these excuses into possibilities and proactive plans for the future?

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 401st Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 210th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 400 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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Chapter 10 Notes

1.  Physical beauty, however, is subjective, and therefore in the eye of the beholder.

2.  Invictus (poem) by Henley, W.E. in Cook, R.J. (1926) One Hundred and One Famous Poems With a Prose Supplement. Chicago, IL: The Cable Company. Google Books edition. Page 95. 

3.  See Jack Canfield’s Maximizing Your Potential blog. The Formula that Puts You in Control of Success. URL: puts-you-in-control-of-success/

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