Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Universal Laws Set the Price


Chapter 24

Universal Laws Set the Price 

Law 11 of the SAL Theory states: Universal Laws determine the price of Existential Growth.

LAW 11

Universal Laws determine the price of Existential Growth.

Any meaningful achievement or acquisition comes with a price in time, effort, and often money and other resources.

The same is true of Existential Growth. 

Rex Buckley Jensen
Circa 1979
Around the time of JJ's Birth
As my father taught me: Nothing in life worth having comes fast or easy

"Nothing in life worth having comes fast or easy."

Rex Buckley Jensen
(Dr. JJ's Dad)

The price that Life and Universal Laws place upon any given achievement or acquisition—including Existential Growth—will differ from person-to-person based on each individual's singularly unique SAL Variables Quotient. As a result, what may be easy and affordable for one person may be hard and expensive for another, and vice versa.

Nevertheless, achieving the highest levels of Existential Growth is both possible and challenging for everyone; and that is precisely what makes its acquisition so unspeakably satisfying, rewarding, and fulfilling. 

Thus, the greater the price, the more valuable the achievement or acquisition.

In conjunction with this great truth, it is worth noting that difficulty and ease are absolutely relative to your own ability, or lack thereof, to do or accomplish something. As such, there really is no such thing as "hard" or "easy"; only your capacity—or lack thereof—to do. 

SAL Mantra

There's no such thing as "hard" or "easy"; only your capacity—or lack thereof—to do.

Corollary 11.1 states: You cannot cheat or circumvent Universal Laws.


You cannot cheat or circumvent Universal Laws

Universal Laws refer to natural laws of physics and metaphysics. They must be respected and obeyed to avoid devastating consequences. 

For example, you can choose to disregard the laws of entropy, gravity, leverage, mass, motion, mechanics, torque, etc, but that does not change their reality and presence in our world and universe; nor does it preclude the consequences that flow naturally from ignoring them.  

According to Corollary 11.2, these Universal Laws apply to everyone and everything; they are no respecter of persons


Universal Laws apply to everyone and everything; they are no respecter of persons. 

Universal Laws don't care whether
you are a PRINCE or a PAUPER
In other words, Universal Laws don't care who you are. 

It doesn't matter if you are the President of the United States, the Queen of England, an ordinary "Joe Citizen," or an obscure homeless person on the street. 

Regardless who you are, the consequences of your thoughts, speech, and actions are ultimately determined by the omnipotent decrees of Universal Laws. No one is absolved of these consequences, which flow naturally from the decrees of the Law. 

While it may often seem like certain individuals avoid or escape these consequences—especially in the short run—the proverbial "hens" always come home to roost in the long run. In the process, they expose the hucksters and imposters who lack integrity and vindicate the authentic and genuine who were honest and true.  

According to Corollary 11.3 and 11.4: Universal Laws create human benefits (11.3) and limitations (11.4).


Universal Laws create human limitations.

There are some things in this world that human beings simply cannot do, at least not yet. For example, we are currently unable to travel at the speed of light, fully cure cancer and AIDS, and scientifically prove whether or not there is life on other planets, whether God exists and intervenes in our lives (or not), or if life continues after death. 

Furthermore, people are limited in what they can individually accomplish. In other words, no matter what a motivational speaker might tell you, you can't do anything and everything you put your mind to. 

One of life's great challenges is differentiating between perceived and actual limitations and potential. While your potential for Existential Growth is unlimited, it does not translate into omniscience or omnipotence in this world.  

A KEY COMPONENT of SAL is and always will be Self Awareness

The better you know yourself, the better you'll accurately comprehend your strengths, weaknesses, and potential. This self-awareness and knowledge will empower you to minimize or eliminate your weaknesses and maximize your strengths. Just as importantly, it will empower you to see yourself as you really are, rather than merely what you suppose you are, or hope that you might someday become.  

In this world, it does little good to over-cultivate the idea that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

It's much wiser to recognize your particular aptitudes and talents and then focus carefully and work diligently on realizing your authentic and realistic potential within a framework of the very real limitations that we all face in life because of Universal Laws to which we are all subject.

For example, I am naturally tall and slender with small bones and lean muscles—an ectomorph. As a result, I will never be a world champion weight lifter—no matter how positively I think, what training techniques and substances I use (or abuse), or how hard I work and train. 

I can, of course, always become stronger and improve my own weight lifting performances over time, but it's unrealistic to expect that I could ever compete with a motivated mesomorph—someone born with a stout, large-muscled body well suited for weight lifting. 

On the other hand, as an experienced and skilled middle-distance runner, no champion weight lifter is ever going to beat me in a mile race when I am in top shape. 

As a self-action leader, it is vital to remember that no one can do everything well, but everyone can do something well. 

SAL Mantra

No one can do everything well.

But everyone can do something well. 

Intelligent self-action leaders discover what their unique gifts and talents are as early as possible and then focus most of their time and energy on developing those capabilities to the best of their abilities. By maximizing the capacity of their unique aptitudes and skill-sets, they are able to effectively serve others and contribute meaningfully to their families, organizations, communities, nations, and even the world-at-large. 

The bad news is that Universal Laws do place very real limitations upon us. The good news is that they also produce stunning benefits, as we learn in Corollary 11.3.  


Universal Laws create human benefits.

To illustrate these benefits, consider the law of gravity.

In some ways, gravity is limiting. It precludes you from jumping off high cliffs without incurring serious injury or death. On the other hand, properly respecting and working with gravity enables you to do all sorts of exciting things that would be impossible without gravity, such as: flying, skydiving, hang-gliding, bungee-jumping, cliff diving/jumping into water, etc. 

The important thing to remember about Universal Laws is that they are intractable, intransigent, and irrevocable. We cannot change the ones that already exist and we cannot create new ones out of human whole cloth. We can only learn about the real and present ones and then choose to respect and obey them.

If we do, we will find that the Laws are some of our best friends.

If we do not, we will discover that the Laws are our worst enemy; and they do not forgive.

As the self-appointed SAL Guy, I am profoundly grateful for my knowledge of and humility before Universal Laws of physics and metaphysics. This knowledge and humility helps keep me safe, secure, and successful.

I therefore bow on bended knee in humble obeisance and sincere reverence before their existence and omnipotent power.  

In Your Journal

Think about something you deeply desire to achieve or acquire personally or professionally as you answer the following questions...
  • What are some of the Universal Laws involved in your own personal and professional goals?
  • What price in time and effort have these Laws set to achieve your goals?
  • To what extent do you believe you are willing to pay that price?  

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 417th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 226th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 416 FF Blog Articles 

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Chapter 25 Notes

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