Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Construction Metaphor


 Chapter 3

A Construction Metaphor

A young JJ in the back of Dad's truck next to his chainsaw
getting wood up the mountain near our home in Monticello, Utah

All of my life, I have been fascinated by construction of all kinds. My dad was, among other things, a general contractor by profession. From ages three to seven, during the time I lived in southeastern Utah, I eagerly accompanied Dad everywhere I could. I was especially excited to tag along if he was heading somewhere that involved heavy machinery, power tools, lumber, concrete, bricks and mortar, or the hardware store. At age seven, my career plan was to someday be a builder—just like Dad.

While I did not end up pursuing a career in construction, architecture, or engineering, my interest in certain principles and processes pursuant to these subjects is alive and well to this day.  

Nature's wonders, including the famous
Delicate Arch in Utah, were the closest
things to a skyscraper that I grew up near.
Something else I've always been enamored with is city skylines and the skyscrapers that form them. 

Growing up in a tiny rural community in the middle of the sparsely inhabited, mountainous deserts of the Four Corners area of the United States, skyscrapers were nowhere to be found—unless you consider mammoth rock formations (e.g. Shiprock, Agathla Peak, Delicate Arch, Natural Bridges, etc.) to be skyscrapers. Perhaps this geographic isolation from urban areas further fueled my fervor to eventually visit what were, for me, elusive cityscapes—an ambition I vigorously pursued as a young adult adult.  

Over the years, I've had the extraordinary opportunity to visit nearly every metropolitan area in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. From the magnificent dome of St. Paul's Cathedral in London to the cavernous city centers of Lower and Midtown Manhattan; from the unique urban sprawls of Chicago and Toronto to the endless beach condominium towers of Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties in Florida; and from the spectacular southern skylines of Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and Miami, to the wondrous West Coast cityscapes of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Vancouver, I have been continually entranced with and thrilled by such sights.  

With my kids in Dubai, UAE.
January 2025
Recently, my family and I traveled to the Middle East where we had the chance to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Doha, Qatar. Touring these ultra-modern cities—including the tallest building in the world at the time (Burj Khalifa)—was icing on top of the cake of this lifelong hobby of mine—and I know that similar modern marvels exist throughout the world, and more especially in East Asia and Indonesia. 

What a marvelous time to be alive! 

This lifelong interest in construction and skyscrapers led me to design the SAL Model using high-rise construction as a metaphor. Just as there are certain physical laws, principles, and practices of architecture and engineering that apply to the sound construction of building, bridges, dams, and homes, there are likewise certain metaphysical laws, principles, and practices of Self-Action Leadership that govern Existential Growth and successful long-term living. 

The SAL Model provides YOU and me with the incredible opportunity to envision, design, engineer, and then build your own life and/or career. What could be more exciting and engaging than developing and then directing your own destiny?  

SAR and SAL Projects

The purpose of the SAL Model is to identify disciplines and establish habits that will empower your ability to conduct Self-Action Research in your life and career. 

What is Self-Action Research, or SAR? 

Simply stated, SAR is action research applied by, to, and for YOURSELF.

As you may recall from BOOK the THIRD, Chapter 2, action research (AR) refers to: A four-step cyclical process of identifying and strategically solving problems. By way of review, action research also involves "four core processes." (1)

These four processes include:

Process 1PLANNING            Deciding how to deal with a problem.

Process 2ACTING                  Implementing your plan.             

Process 3OBSERVING          Paying attention and recording what is happening.

Process 4REFLECTING       Analyzing outcomes and revising plans for another cycle of acting. (2) 

Self-Action Research, or SAR, is the application of action research to the self. It is directly related to SAL and is defined as: action research applied by, to, and for the self to gain self-awareness, aid self-improvement, and solve personal problems


Action research applied by, to, and for the self to gain self-awareness,

aid self-improvement, and solve personal problems.  

The purpose of Self-Action Research is to strategically apply SAL principles in an effort to achieve specific, targeted objectives related to your own character development and personal growth. Self-action leaders can do this by engaging in a SAR project, which is defined as: A self-led research experiment or project aimed at increasing self-awareness, aiding self-improvement, and solving personal problems

SAR Project

A self-led research experiment or project aimed at increasing self-awareness, aiding

self-improvement, solving personal problems, and bolstering Existential Growth.

Like any action research project or initiative, the goal of SAR is to learn, improve, and grow by strategically applying the four (4) core processes of AR to the self. A SAR Project is similar to a SAL Project, which is defined as: A self-led personal initiative aimed at achieving long-term objectives in the domain of Existential Growth for self and others

SAL Project

A self-led personal initiative aimed at achieving long-term objectives

in the domain of Existential Growth for self and others.  

These definitions are similar in their substance and desired ends. There are, however, important distinctions between the two. In the 2017 academic journal article introducing the SAL Model in the Journal of Leadership and Management, my colleagues and I clarified the difference between SAR and SAL Projects thusly: 

"In a sense, SAR projects are conceptually indistinct from SAL projects because in both cases, the end goal is always to do what is right in the pursuit of long-term existential growth for oneself and others. The main differentiating factor between the two involves time frames. For example, SAR projects primarily deal with micro issues and goals that can often be addressed and completed (or solved) in relatively short periods of time (e.g., days, weeks, and months). SAL projects, on the other hand, deal primarily with macro issues that usually take much longer periods of time to address and complete, or solve (e.g., years, decades, or more). As such, SAR projects are more akin to short- and mid-term goals, while SAL projects focus on longer-term goals in support of one's personal and professional statements of vision and mission. SAR projects, therefore, serve as smaller, piecemeal initiatives within a context of much larger SAL endeavors. (3)

Another way of conceptualizing these terms is to view YOUR LIFE as one grand SAL Project that can then be filled with a variety of SAR Projects that facilitate your ongoing quest for Existential Growth (4). Or, you might view life as being filled with a few (or several) overarching and extremely important SAL Projects, each one of which is then broken down into a variety of smaller SAR Projects that collectively serve as the engine driving your long-term progress upwards into the higher levels of the SAL Hierarchy. 

The SAL Model incorporates the four (4) core processes of action research into four (4) analogous stages of SAL-oriented action. These stages—and their 23 sub-stages (or step-habits)—of SAL are likened to the stages of building a skyscraper. They form a practicum aimed at helping you develop the character and habits that lead to Existential Growth. Thus, the SAL Model is defined as: A comprehensive academic model of Self-Action Leadership and character development rooted in action research theory and construction science and metaphor. 

SAL  Model

A comprehensive academic model of Self-Action Leadership and character development

rooted in action research theory and construction science and metaphor.  

Self-Action Leadership MODEL

FOUR (4) Stages and TWENTY-THREE (23) Sub-Stages (or Step Habits) of

Construction and Self-Action Leadership

Construction Process

STAGE 1: Pre-Construction

    Step 1:  Gathering Information

    Step 2:  Consultation

    Step 3:  Acquiring and allotting financial resources

    Step 4:  Obtaining approvals and permits

    Step 5:  Planning and scheduling

    Step 6:  Assembling a cohesive team and crew

    Step 7:  Drafting blueprints

STAGE 2: Building the Foundation

    Step 1:  Conducting geological surveys

    Step 2:  Drilling down to bedrock

    Step 3:  Anchoring concrete/steel piles to bedrock

    Step 4:  Pouring a steel-reinforced concrete slab

    Step 5:  Earthquake proofing

STAGE 3: Building the Superstructure

    Step 1:  Punctually showing up to the work site

    Step 2:  Concrete, steel, wood, glass, brick, mortar, and drywall

    Step 3:  Plumbing, wiring, and insulation

    Step 4:  Carpeting, painting, and interior

    Step 5:  Landscaping

STAGE 4: Maintenance and Upgrades

    Step 1:  Security

    Step 2:  Structural reviews, safety checks, and quality controls

    Step 3:  Maintenance

    Step 4:  Blueprints review

    Step 5:  Inventory and change recommendations

    Step 6:  Replacements, renovations, and upgrades

Construction Process

Self-Action Leadership Process

STAGE 1: Planning & Preparation

    Step-habit 1:  Self-education

    Step-habit 2:  Build relationships

    Step-habit 3:  Self-awareness

    Step-habit 4:  Self-organization

    Step-habit 5:  Self-recording

    Step-habit 6:  Self-oneness

    Step-habit 7:  Self-constitution

STAGE 2: Developing an Integrity-Based Character

    Step-habit 1:  Honesty

    Step-habit 2:  Humility

    Step-habit 3:  Reverence

    Step-habit 4:  Rectification

    Step-habit 5:  Service

STAGE 3: Taking Action

    Step-habit 1:  Self-discipline

    Step-habit 2:  Self-action in public

    Step-habit 3:  Self-action in private

    Step-habit 4:  World altering strategies*

    Step-habit 5:  Self- and natural rewards*

STAGE 4: Observation, Analysis, and Change

    Step-habit 1:  Self-observation*

    Step-habit 2:  Self-analysis

    Step-habit 3:  Self-renewal

    Step-habit 4:  Purpose examination*

    Step-habit 5:  External feedback

    Step-habit 6:  Self-alterations

*See Footnote 5

Self-Action Leadership Model

The remainder of BOOK the FIFTH will explain in detail what each of these four (4) stages and 23 step-habits entail.  

If you are ready to dive in and begin studying the nitty gritty of the SAL Model...

    Then keep reading!  

In Your Journal

  • What personal or professional challenges are you presently facing that might make a good Self-Action Research (SAR) Project within a larger Self-Action Leadership (SAL) initiative or objective?  
  • What do you want your own skyscraper (LIFE) to look like two, five, ten, twenty, or fifty years from now?  


Dr. JJ

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 428th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 236th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 427 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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Chapter 3 Notes

1.  Kuhne, G. W., & Quigley, B. A. (1997). Understanding and Using Action Research in Practice Settings. In A. B. Quigley & G. W. Kuhne (Eds.), Creating Practical Knowledge Through Action Research: Posing problems, Solving Problems, and Improving Daily Practice (Vol. 73, pp. 23-40). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Page 25.

2.  Ibid.

3.  Jensen, Beaulieu, and Neck (2018). “The Self-Action Leadership Model: A Qualitative, Nomological Expansion of Self-Leadership Theory Rooted in Action Research.” Journal of Leadership and Management. 11(2018). Pgs. 10-30. ISSN: 2391-6087. Page 17.

4.  An outstanding example of a venerable self-action leader who dedicated his life to Self-Action Research is Mohandas Gandhi. He wrote about his many SAR projects, or his “Experiments with Truth,” in an autobiography—a book I highly recommend to all self-action leaders.

5.  Neck C.P., and Manz, C.M. (2010). Mastering Self-Leadership: Empowering Yourself for Personal Excellence (Fifth Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pages 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 38. 

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         Chapter 9 Self-ONENESS Construction Stage 1.6:   Assembling a cohesive Team and Crew SAL Model Stage 1.6:   Self-Oneness Self-Onene...