Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dr JJ's Rule #2: Good, Evil, & Absolute Truth

In a previous article, JJ's 13 Rules for Living were shared. 

This week's blog post addresses Dr. JJ's RULE #2, which states:

Accede the reality of good, evil, and absolute truth. Consistently seek out what is true, good, and selfless and eschew that which is false, evil, and selfish by listening—and then hearkening to—the supernal and eternal edicts of conscience.

We live in a culture that often heralds moral relativity over the reality of good, evil, and absolute truth. This collective, postmodern, philosophical preference lies at the very foundation of all of our deepest and most perplexing familial, educational, and societal ills in the West and beyond. While temporarily convenient, any philosophy that puts one's own mercurial will and arbitrary desires above the laws of nature will, in the long-run, painfully punish its adherents.

Determining the color or fashion of our clothes—and other
related decisionsis typically a morally neutral decision.
Many of the choices we make each day are morally neutral. For example:

  • Should I purchase a black suit and striped tie or a blue suit and solid tie?
  • For my cardio routine, should I ride my bike, go for a run, or take a swim?
  • Should I buy or lease my next automobile?
Your decisions in such matters—and others like them—typically have no tangible moral implications or consequences.

Other choices, however, are morally charged. Your decisions in such matters will not only determine your long-term destiny, but are also likely to incur dramatic consequences (for good or ill) all along the way in your own life and the lives of those who are impacted by your decisions.

Simply stated, right choices lead to freedom and growth. Wrong choices lead to bondage and atrophy.   

You may have noticed that Freedom Focused does not delineate specifics in regards to moral matters. In other words, you will never hear us explicitly tell you what to do in relation to a specific moral dilemma. We believe such work is beyond our purview and belongs instead to friends, family members, managers, executives, ecclesiastical leaders, counselors, philosophers, moralists, activists, politicians, and most importantly—the CONSCIENCES of individuals. 

As Educators, our goal is not to tell you what to do;
Instead, we seek to refine your critical thinking skills and
expand your courage & capacity for moral reasoning & action.
As EDUCATORS, our job is not to tell you specifically what to think about, say, or do in your life and career. Our job is to teach correct principles in an effort to encourage and promote wise self-governance. In other words, our goal is to help you learn generally how to think, speak, and behave more honestly, authentically, logically, strategically, and morally in an effort to empower you to make better specific decisions that will lead to higher levels of FREEDOM and GROWTH.

Despite a myriad of diverse voices who will indefatigably attempt to convince you to the contrary, I declare my personal witness and professional attestation of the reality and existence of Absolute Truth. This means that a REAL right and a REAL wrong rooted in Universal (natural) Laws really does exist absolutely and beyond humankind's power to arbitrate, evade, negotiate, or revise.

We are absolutely powerless against Universal Laws of Nature. Our liberty and power lies in our freedom to choose whether or not we will respect these laws, or opt to disregard them. If we select the former pathway (obedience), naturally-occurring consequences will reward us with happiness and inner peace along with an incremental expansion of our own freedom, growth, and maturity over time. If we decide on the latter course (disobedience), naturally-occurring consequences will reward us with misery and despair along with an incremental diminution of the same over time.

This reality is usually obvious and universally accepted for PHYSICAL (scientific) laws like laws of gravity, force, and motion. When it comes to METAPHYSICAL (moral) laws of human behavior, this reality may be less obvious and more contested; but it is no less true. 

Majestic and all-powerful Laws of Nature reign Supreme
throughout our world, solar system, galaxy, universe, and our lives.
The CHOICE is mine and the choice is yours: "Will we obey or disobey Universal Laws of Nature?"   

The purpose of Freedom Focused and Self-Action Leadership (SAL) is to teach, influence, and inspire human beings to choose obedience to Universal Laws of Nature.

We hope that YOU will choose Freedom and Existential Growth over bondage and existential atrophy.

So then, what exactly are the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF NATURE as they relate to our thoughts, speech, and actions as self-action leaders?  

Great Question!     

Click HERE to buy Volume I of the Self-Action Leadership (SAL) Textbook, which covers the SAL Theory, including all the primal Laws and Corollaries of SAL.

SAL invites you to listen and hearken to your CONSCIENCE
Freedom Focused invites you to read, study, and internalize these 13 laws of Self-Action Leadership in conjunction with their 27 concomitant corollaries. 

As you pattern your life after these foundational principles of thought, speech, and action—and allow your CONSCIENCE to carefully guide you all along the way—I promise that you will, over time, reap a wonderful harvest of happiness, positivity, productivity, success, and inner peace.     

NOTE: This article is the 4th in a series of 22 articles on the subject of LIFE RULES.

Click HERE to access quick links to the other 21 articles.   

-Dr. JJ

September 22, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 231st Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 230 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

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