Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dr. JJ's Rule #3: The Golden Mean

There is Beauty in Balance
In a previous article, JJ's 13 Rules for Living were shared. This week's blog post addresses Dr. JJ's RULE #3, which states:

Truth and virtue are rarely found in extremes, but in a balance between (or among) extremes—in the Golden Mean.

The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, taught that virtue (or "THE GOOD") is not found in extremes, but in a balance between (or among) extremes. This Aristotelian principle of balance has since become known as the GOLDEN MEAN.

At Freedom Focused, our aim is to embrace Aristotle's Golden Mean in everything we say and do.   


In recent years and decades, the United States of America—and other countries around the globe—have seen a growing political and cultural polarization stymie its/their collective social health and systemic functionality. As hyper-partisan candidates and citizens pursue increasingly extreme positions on both (and all) sides, divisiveness has abounded, negatively impacting everyone in one way or another.

Suffice it to say, perhaps nowhere is the philosophy of the Golden Mean needed more than in the politics of the twenty-first century.  

Freedom Focused is a non-political organization and does not endorse political candidates. We do, however, encourage everyone to become involved in the political process—if only to cast a vote—according to your own understanding of the issues and the dictates of your own conscience. We further encourage all citizens to become better educated on present political issues and historical events and political precedents. Doing so will serve to inform your knowledge- and conscience-based participation in the political process.  

I personally am not a member of any political party. However, as a concerned citizen, voter, and patriot who loves my country and seeks to be a good and honorable citizen of my homeland (and world), I strive to follow our advice as stated above. I therefore choose whom I will vote for based on my research, observations, and analysis of current issues, my understanding of past events and political precedents, and my personal priorities and beliefs.

There are times in a two-person race when both candidates are unpalatable to me for various reasons. In such circumstances, I always cast my vote for the candidate whom I believe will—all things considered—do the most good and the least harm in office. 

This "utilitarian-minded" voting approach is rooted in my desire to exercise what little political influence I possess as practically and realistically as possible in the present. I then concurrently seek to exemplify and promote the kind of balanced approach to politics that this article champions—something that politicians increasingly refuse to do themselves. When it comes to "contested issues" I seek to follow the advice of one leader who encouraged citizens to "moderate and unify"* rather than embrace partisan extremities and other tribalistic ideologies and behaviors.    

The GOLDEN MEAN and Everything Else in Life

Everything goes better when the "gears" of your life and
career are properly aligned, balanced, and greased.
The golden mean relates to more than just politics; it is applicable to everything in life. Freedom Focused agrees with Aristotle that self-action leaders ought to avoid extremities of any kind. While there is usually an exception to every rule, the fundamental principal of the Golden Mean is that wisdom is almost never found in extremes; but in a balance between (or among) extremes.

In every life arena—be it spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, recreational, etc.—we should strive to live lives marked by balance, discretion, moderation, and wisdom. Even inherently good or healthy things, such as exercise, nutrition, study, work, and wholesome recreational activities can be taken to unhealthy extremes that hinder one's personal freedom and growth and harm interpersonal relationships.

In illustration of this point, I am reminded of one of my favorite songs sung by the contemporary pop star, Bruno Mars. In his famous tune, Just the Way You Are, Bruno croons: "Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me."

As is the case with many romantic lyrics in music, they tend to get out of balance in order to underscore a highlighted emotion.  

Don't get me wrong... I love to kiss my wife as much as the next husband (and perhaps even more so), but kissing Lina all day long would not be good for her, me, or our relationship. While I firmly believe kissing is an essential ingredient in a successful romantic relationship or marriage, balance remains a key component in keeping those kisses as meaningful and special as possible. Indeed, too many kisses could in fact be as damaging and dangerous as not enough kisses.     

384-322 B.C.
How many friendships and marriages have been ruined by imbalance!

In a nation and world where legions of citizens are embracing extremes in fashion, style, culture, ideology, politics, fitness, nutrition, and virtually everything else, Freedom Focused champions a different approach that we—like Aristotle—believe is better and wiser in the long-run. This approach is spelled "B-A-L-A-N-C-E" and is illuminated by a philosophy and principle championed over two millennia ago by the great Greek philosopher Aristotle. 

Here's to living a golden life of happiness, prosperity, and inner peace through the philosophy of the Golden Mean.


NOTE: This article is the 5th in a series of 22 articles on the subject of LIFE RULES.

Click HERE to access quick links to the other 21 articles.   

-Dr. JJ

September 29, 2021
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 232nd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 231 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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* Oaks, D.H. (2021) Defending our Divinely Inspired Constitution (speech). 

1 comment:

  1. FYI: The golden mean is also used in art - a method to utilize proper placement of the focal point in a painting. It was an "old master" teaching and still used, if not taught, today. Great article.



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