Wednesday, July 26, 2023

POEMS of Love & Romance


Chapter 11

POEMS of Love & Romance

There are always two sides to everything in this world. ROMANCE—which has the potential for providing us with so much fulfillment, joy, and pleasure—likewise carries the possibility of enormous grief and pain. 

As I have amply chronicled, my journey to Lina was interesting and adventurous; but it was also very challenging and painful.

Along the way, I wrote a great many poems on the subject of ROMANCE. 

Some of these works were driven by my imagination's concoctions of "My Future Bride," and some of them were inspired by the many beautiful, wonderful, and virtuous young women I had the privilege of associating with and/or dating before I met Lina. This chapter includes the poems I wrote in the lead-up to meeting my Lina Marie. Then, in next week's chapter, I will share the poems and sonnets I specifically wrote to, about, and/or for Lina herself.  

Click HERE to read Dr. JJ's Rocky Road of Romance.  

My bride, Lina Marie (née Tucker) Jensen
is the Paragon of Perfection to me.
Next week's chapter's poems
are all dedicated to her.
The Paragon of Perfection   

She walks with pure nobility,
A queen of wit and grace,
She's majesty personified,
And light shines from her face.

My eyes are dazzled by her beauty,
Her figure makes my head swim,
Though all of that is nigh eclipsed,
By who she is within.

Aside from talent, brains, and class,
And a great attitude,
She has a Kantian good will,
Yet never plays the prude.

The wisdom that she cultivates,
The questions that she fields,
All this is pure evidence of,
The power that she wields.

And when my person and my soul,
In unity doth meet,
With her whose soul I love the most,
There's nothing else so sweet!

'Tis like a mingling with the Gods,
To be with one so pure,
The essence of our union sweet,
Is Godly love, I'm sure!

Lina Marie (née Tucker) Jensen
Bridal pics, August 2008
My Future Bride   

Sitting by the water's side,
I think about my future bride,
And fill my mind with her sweet soul,
Reflecting on my connubial goal,
And just how tender, pure, and sweet,
Will be the day I get to meet
That woman and my angel too,
Toward whom I'll always be true,
And how I'll bask in each moment
That God foreknowingly hath sent.
Such thoughts are just as sweet and pure
As this river and it's verdure.

The Soul's Beauty

Ah!  The sight
Of she so fair:
Her lips, her face,
Her fragranced air;
Her fitly form
And soft smooth touch,
Her silken hair
And other such...
Hath stole my senses,
Yet more sweet,
Is when my soul 
With hers did meet;
For while beauty fair ignites a fire,
Soul's goodness if my heart's desire—
That lasts beyond the external face,
To lifelong bliss and eternal grace.  

The Nameless Belle   

Although I've yet to learn your name,
Your picture casts a certain light,
That on my face a radiance rests,
A piece of heaven to my sight!

Amidst the throngs of gals I see,
All through this great vicinity,
Your lovely face, my eyes do fix,
And wish your heart and soul to see.

Oh how I wish that I could meet
Your mind and wit and all that be,
I shan't refrain, but just entreat,
With hope that you smile back at me.

And if you do, you'll ne'er regret,
And whether love or passion blooms,
You'll gain a friend, who's a poet,
And share life's odorless perfumes.

Hence this shall be my season's goal,
Yea, here's a Christmas wish I jingle,
That with your gorgeous, lovely soul,
I yet shall meet and mingle!  (1, 2)

I Wonder   

I wonder if she thinks of me
Like I do think of her.

I wonder if she feels for me
As if I were her sir.

I wonder if inside she feels
A love sprung up within.

I wonder if she yearns for me
Like I do yearn to win
Her heart and hand,
And tender touch,
And a sweet kiss upon,
Her rose-red lips so pure and sweet,
There couldn't be a better treat,
For this young lad of amorous passion,
I'd love her like love had gone out of fashion,
And spoil her deep with sweet, tender kisses,
And snuggling and cuddling and other such blisses,
And when we grew tired, we'd love all the more,
As we furthered our journey to see what's in store,
Oh, my blessed (put name here), to you I will thank,
For into your heart have I drowned, yes, I've sank,
Into a magical ocean so pure,
That ever, forever I'll always be sure,
That you are the one that is perfect for me,
And both you and me,
Together shall see,
Into the future
And eternity,
That thanks to our choices,
We'll always be free,

A Picture of Her Soul   

If I could have a picture of her soul,
I'd hang it on my wall amidst the rest,
And find light from the central piece had stole,
The glory from among the outward best.
And as it shone most brightly on the wall,
I'd notice that a flame would soon be lit,
And all around the picture soon would fall,
As fire engulfed the room and all in it.
And as the flames took hold upon the house,
I'd wonder what had happened to the frame,
And picture of her worth in heaven's blouse,
Would it too be destroyed within the flame?
Then I found an answer to my query,
As I saw the portrait rise above the smoke,
The sight of it was extraordinary,
A pure heavenly vision to this bloke.
That night I learned where beauty really lies,
As I saw her majesty light up the skies.  

She Was   

She was...

An angelic figure of embryonic divinity,
A guileless goddess of perfect pristinity,
My unmatched match throughout all eternity...

This girl that I met just today.  

The Cyclical Essence
of Love in Adolescence

The cyclical essence
Of love in adolescence,
Oft invades the presence
Of an unsuspecting lot.
The always-foolish lad,
And the ever-clueless dame,
Deny that they are had,
By an ever-present game.
They feel quite enraptured
By the person that has captured
Their heart, which soon has fractured
That organ called the brain!
It all seems rather pleasant
While the epinephrine flows,
But the couple never dreameth
Where the madness often goes:
To the place it often ends—
in heartache, ill, and stew—
As they moan and grown and cry and howl
All day and all night through.
Then firm resolves are plainly made
With anger at the wheel,
Before they turn and start again
To replay the whole spiel!  (3)

I Dream About She   

Alone with my thoughts, I dream about she;
And all of the joy that she brings unto me,
Her very existence inspires me to be:
The greatest man here, or in eternity!

Her presence I long for, her touch I adore,
Oh how this far distance maketh my heart sore,
And longing and wishing to be at her door,
I sit and I ponder just what is in store!

Then dreaming and hoping I put down my fears,
And set my mind working to face pain and tears,
Decide once and always I'll conquer the years:
I'll dedicate hands, heart, eyes, loins, head, and ears!

There's nothing more precious than my (put name here),
My love for her's deathless, I'm her greatest fan,
With her in my thoughts, I'll do all that I can,
To strive for the best that's alive in this man!

Oh dear God in Heaven, please smile upon,
The union between us, which so soon will dawn,
I promise to cherish forever beyond,
Through the tears of all years; I'll always go on!

And it shall be easy with her by my side,
Though pain shall so often interrupt our ride,
Yet we'll e'er push onward, destroying all pride,
Through the falling and rising of life's daily tide.

Oh, THANK YOU my Love for with me being one,
This journey's been hard and this journey's been fun.
And we've had some daughters and more than one son,
And now heaven's bounty through Christ we have won!

Through all of eternity I can't wait to share,
With you whom I cherish, a woman so fair,
I'll love you forever, and always I'll care,
For you more than anyone else anywhere!  

Her Tender Smile   

The sweetness of her tender smile
Ignites my soul with true love's fire;
I gaze into her face awhile,
And swoon before my heart's desire!

Her Kiss is Bliss   

Her kiss is bliss,
Her touch, divine,
And how I miss,
And how I pine,
When we're apart,
It makes my heart
Give thanks to God
That she is mine!  

Love's Undulations   

The kiss of bliss is worth the smart,
The pain and angst that wrings the heart,
For once true love has made its start,
Your bound to take both sweet and tart,
And see the thing clear to the end.


For those who do,
Rewards are fat,
These words are true,
And that is that!

Saints Like She   

Eclipsing youth with maturation,
   Rarely matched throughout all time,
My heart and soul finds saturation,
   In love's ardent, aged rhyme.

Love for pure ennobled virtue,
   Though the rose be barely blooming,
Such a vision, never I knew,
   Like a blessed omen looming.

Looming o'er my humble spirit,
   Seeking God's most prized possession,
Deep respect, no doubt I fear it,
   Yet I make this last confession...

My whole life I'd night surrender,
   Through all years of mortal dwelling,
For the victory of her tender
   Heart and soul, this vow 'tis telling!

And gives voice to my intention:
   Royalty she'll be to me,
And with God's profound invention,
   I shall prove a king to She.

Minus constant, loving action,
   All this speech proves vanity,
Fails to verify a fraction,
   Of a true sincerity.

Hence, my humble, heartfelt pleading,
   Asks of her a chance to prove,
From this point I'll start a-seeding,
   Sowing seeds of my true love!

For though woman ye are known,
   Yet a Saint ye are to me,
Since first sight of you I've grown
   Fonder of your unmatch'ed beauty!

Hair of silk and skin of olive,
   Clothe a most enchanting figure,
Covered so modesty may give,
   Evidence that you are pure!

Yes, my eyes they dance in wonder,
   As they view your comely presence,
Yet what threw my heart asunder,
   Was inner beauty's evanescence!

When compared to mortal glory,
   Inner Goddess-hood potential,
Tells to me a different story,
   Fills me with all things essential.

Full of deepened admiration,
   For this Princess 'fore my eyes,
An impassioned exclamation,
   Big as life, though quaint her size.

Though still young with life well 'fore her,
   She is destined yet to prove,
Noble greatness yet to enter,
   Hearts of men towards Christ she'll move!

As I waken from somnolence,
   Thoughts of such a woman linger,
Wond'ring 'bout all my life's events,
   At far side of future's finger.

Though the dream was not portentous,
   Of a living day to come,
And though I'm apt to be contentious,
   With a holy edict from...

A wise guide 'midst Heaven's plotting,
   Steering me towards other roads,
Teaching me of God's allotting,
   Gently showing me the codes...

Of my soul's true supplication,
   Guiding me towards future's bliss,
Sending forth my incantation,
   Leading to my chosen Miss.

Yet betimes for now and ever,
   When I view sweet Saints like She,
I will praise dear God forever,
   That a she like She liked me!

The Risk   

At once when in her eyes I gazed,
My heart did melt and I, amazed,
Took joy to see her tender glance,
I'm overjoyed I took the chance!

Love's Anxiety   

The anxious state of knowing not
   Just how She truly feels;
   My stomach turns, my mind it reels,
My soul's tied in a knot!

For her sweet kiss is perfect bliss;
   Her presence is sublime;
   Her voice is as a precious chime,
Oh, curse to lose all this!

For it to fail, Oh, thought depart!
   It pangs my inmost soul;
   This chilling angst doth take its toll,
And jolts my ardent heart!

To lose a love, while not the end,
   It smarts with poignant ache,
   Yet risk is always worth the take,
If not, why live my friend? 

For though it may not go your way,
   And though it breaks your heart;
   You're best prepped for the next start,
To do better another day!

This thought in mind doth ease the sting,
   But never takes away,
   The apprehension of the day,
That courtship's risk doth bring!

One must know pain to feel true joy,
   And so it's worth the trip,
   To launch upon the fateful ship,
Never being too shy or coy!

For if you always try again,
   One day you'll rise above;
   Your heart will meet your own true love,
You'll win at last and then...

You'll bask in true Love's holy state,
   And thank the Lord for all,
   En route to answering life's all,
With your eternal mate! 

And you'll embark on newfound lands,
   And tax your best efforts;
   You'll struggle through new pain that hurts,
And wade through love's quicksands.

But if you're brave and never let,
   Life's trials breech your vow,
   One day upon you're knees you'll bow,
'Fore God who ne'er forgets...

That those who give to Him their best,
   And love each other true,
   Will one day get an endless view,
And have eternal rest!

Whenever I Lay Eyes on She   

Whenever I lay eyes on She—
This lovely lass of destiny—
My heart doth pulse with panging angst,
The kind that makes me offer thanks,
For she of whom I love so deep,
Who thrills my heart and sweetens sleep,
Who's like a vision to my eye,
And gives me so much joy I sigh...
Oh, please dear Lord make me worthy,
Of this blesséd precious lady,
So that I can be the man who
Maketh her fondest dreams come true,
For what I want with all my soul's
To see her happy: that's my goal.
How fortune's filled my empty cup,
And raised my downcast spirits up,
For she is light and life to me,
God only has seniority,
And after all is said and done,
She be my first and only One!  

To Think that I am Hers   

Oh what bliss
   Is in her kiss!
And how I miss
   Her tenderness
When I'm away
   E'en for a day,
I always pray
   To God above
To watch my Love—
   That Pure White Dove—
Whose beauty fair
   Who lights the air
      Up everywhere!
And her choice form
   Doth grace
      Each face
She sees
   From place
      To place.
Then bye
   And bye,
In my mind's eye,
   I catch a glimpse
      Of her
         And sigh...
To think
   That I
      Am Hers,
         Oh my!
Sweet Angel pure,
   I am quite sure
If I'll endure
   As her worthy sir,
That time will prove,
   When e'er we move,
Or what our groove,
   That you, my sweet
Blesséd Help Meet:
   My Greatest,
I'll ever have
   Whose love—like salve—
Has healed my heart—
   A brand new start
She did impart
   Her glorious art,
Transforming me
   Into a he
      Most blessed by She,
Whose sweet beauty
   Eclipsed only
By a spirit's free
   Enamored majesty,
And femininity,
I have known
   As I've grown
To be on my own

Heavenly Birds   

As the Birds in the Heavens
   Fly south o'er the sea,
So my ardent heart
   Flieth nigh unto Thee! 

Costly Habits, Golden Changes   

He casts his crowns into the coffers,
   Hoping that his purse will buy,
Then wonders why she never offers,
   Anything as she walks by.

So costly is his raging habit,
   Spent in such one-sided effort,
Tossed in vain into the ocean,
   Vainly spent 'spite true devotion!

And his tears that pour like rainfall,
   Sink in silent, unseen darkness,
Like the coins and jewels, they all
   Lose their value in such starkness!

Til one day when sad and downcast,
   This ardent boy became a man,
Lifting up his head to look past,
   All his fabled, foiled plans.

And with apathetic vigor
   He walked past all former losses,
Catching view of something bigger,
   Yielding humbly to his crosses.

Years gone by he viewed his treasure,
   Taking note of interest's blessings,
'Twas purely vain to try and measure
   Who he was, or count his pleasure.

Deep in sober contemplation,
   He thought back on days of yore,
His heart brim with sweet elation,
   He gave thanks to God who bore...

His soul on behalf of he,
   Preparing long his victory,
Yet all have choice, and all are free,
   How rich they'll get, and what they'll be.

It's all a willing gift from He;
   Bestowed 'pon every soul like thee,
Who cast their old man in the sea,
   To sink like cash spent foolishly.

So glad that I did make the choice,
   That was aligned with Thy true voice,
The gift Thou promised now is mine,
   Glad I chose the will that was Thine!

A Kiss in the Rain  

A lass knows I,
   Who's bye-and-bye,
      The finest lass around
And bestest of the best is this:
   The lass, she likes this clown!
The clown is me, just watch me dance,
   So sprightly through the rain,
As hand-in-hand, towards Her I glance,
   And watch her gaze remain...
All through the storm,
   Her sun-kissed form,
      Paused slowly facing me.
And then She's mute,
   And I've no words,
      Just hushed, silent are we.
Completely lost in her bright eyes,
   I wonder and I stare,
When then, just then,
   She puts her hand
      Straight up into the air!
Then 'pon my cheek
   Her hand doth grace
      While gazing silently;
Likewise my eyes drown in her face,
   That's so perfect to me.
Does this Woman know how beautiful,
   Or what angelic love,
She radiates to me and all?
   For Her, thank God above!
Our naked feet upon the sand,
   Reaching down I take her hand,
And raise it to my lips to touch,
   The fingers that I love so much.
Then gently do I touch Her face,
   And whisper in her ear:
"If Heaven really is a place,
   It's rarely been so near!"
Her soft tan hands caress my cheek,
   And wipe away my tears,
As prelude to the moment of
   The instant of the years...
When with her lips my lips do meet,
   Consuming all my fears!  

Forever to Enjoy   

I can hardly wait to kiss the lips
   Of my beloved, cherished Mate.
My hands will soon rest on her hips,
   A sensation to satiate
My ever longing for her touch,
   And bliss of her embrace.
I love to watch her sexy gait,
   As likewise I appreciate
The pure, sweet beauty of her face,
   How fortunate a man am I
To have such communion
   With One such as She!
I sit and watch the clouds dance by
   And contemplate our union,
That boasts a bliss that's rarely matched,
   And carries true love's joy,
Thank God almighty our love hatched,
   Forever to enjoy!  

Dr. JJ
July 26, 2023
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 337th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 157th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

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1.  A phrase from Shelley's poem Love's Philosophy

2.  I collaborated on this poem with a dear friend—Mildred Wongfrom Honolulu, Hawaii.  See visual below to see Mildred's notes.    
Mildred Wong's edits on my original poem.
As the poem itself reveals, I included several
of Mildred's excellent suggestions. 

3.  This poem was originally written when I was in high school, but was significantly revised later on in the mid 2000s.  

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