Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Psalms of Lina Marie

Chapter 12

Psalms of Lina Marie

My Beloved Bride
Lina Marie (née Tucker) Jensen
Bridal Picture, August 2008
It is with satisfaction, joy, and a enormous sense of personal fulfillment that I arrive at this final chapter of my romantic poems.


Because all of the poetry in this chapter is either inspired by or dedicated to my dear wife, Lina Marie Tucker, who, in conjunction with being my only sweetheart, precious lover, and wife of 15 years, is also my best friend, closest confidant, and greatest supporter.

As I have amply chronicled in the past, courting and winning Lina's heart did not come quickly or easily. 

Click HERE to read Dr. JJ's Rocky Road of Romance.  

Indeed, along the pathways of this unusually circuitous and painful—albeit richly rewarding—quest, I often felt like Jacob (Israel) of old who had to labor 14 long years for the hand of his cherished Rachel. My journey to Lina Marie Tucker was similarly long and laborious; it simply didn't come quickly or easily—nothing in life worth having does—something my dad once taught me: Nevertheless, because  I can, in hindsight, echo the sentiments of that great Prophet and Father of a mighty nation as recorded in the Holy Bible:

"And Jacob served [14] years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her" (Genesis 29:20).  

It took me 13 years from the time I first started dating at age 16 in August 1995 until the day I married Lina in August 2008. And like Jacob's patient wait for Rachel, it was worth all of the required labor!  

I proposed to Lina in a Restaurant across from the
King and Queen Towers in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, on
March 22, 2008.  I placed this sign at the base of the
Queen Tower and had her look through binoculars
immediately before getting down on one knee
officially pop the question and display her
engagement ring.  
Along the way, I was similarly inspired by Jacob's mother, Rebekah, whose beauty, character, and confidence made her the apple of Isaac's privileged eye and heart.

Throughout my teenage and young adult years, I often displayed on my bedroom wall a copy of a famous painting of Rebekah drawing water for Abraham's servant, Eliezer, and his camels. It was an intentional move on my part because I deeply desired to someday marry someone with the beauty, character, caring, capability, and confidence of Rebekah. In my mind and heart, anything less than Rebekah would be settling in the marriage department.

Despite these stirringly high standards, I succeeded spectacularly in somehow, someway convincing the lovely and remarkably Rebekah- and Rachel-like Lina Marie Tucker to take an eternal chance on me!   

As magical, mystical, and magnificent as ROMANCE can be for the individual and couple involved, it ultimately has an even high purpose than individual or relational joy, pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfilment. That higher purpose is, of course, PROCREATION, which makes it possible for even more people and their immortal souls to eventually experience the joys and wonders of romance... and all the other magnificent experiences, knowledge, and things available to us in this world—and beyond!

Lina and I in front of our Florida home
in 2022.

Fifteen (15) years into marriage and I'm still crazy about my Lina Marie. Not only does the ROMANCE continue and deepen, but our relationship is much richer and more mature than it was in 2008. Don't get me wrong... no one in this world has a perfect marriage; Lina and I are no exception. Under the best of circumstances marriage still requires work and selflessness to succeed. As we've mutually committed to such a lifestyle, it's worked out pretty well! Plus, making up after a disagreement or difficulty is divine! 

Perhaps some readers may be thinking: "This is all well-and-good, Dr. JJ; but why publish something as private as a love poem to one's intimate partner?"

Good Question, and my answer is two-fold.   

First, these poems are all appropriate for a general audience. In other words, details of our intimate relationship are not shared. Second, it is my sincere hope that whoever reads these poems might find inspiration that will influence and empower them to more fully realize the heavenly potential in their own lives and romantic relationships—including (and especially) their marriages.

After all, I was once just a young, jejune juvenile who was fortunate enough to be introduced to the work of Byron, Poe, Shakespeare, Shelley, and Wordsworth, who collectively influenced and inspired me a great deal!

While my work may never be appraised as being on-par with such masters, I have nonetheless derived an enormous amount of pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfillment from following my heart to make the attempt.  



The tender kiss of lips so sweet,
   The sweet smell of my precious dear,
Her saintly presence is a treat,
   Oh how I love to have her near!

Of all the girls that I have thought,
   Were better than the rest for me,
Among all those for whom I sought,
   I knew that still I'd not met She.

For every time I'd like a lass,
   There'd be a deep and inner sense,
That though this woman was first class,
   Eventually she'd be past tense.

How painful and how deep the smart,
   When each time I would bid adieu,
Or be shut down, my bleeding heart,
   Did ever long to just meet YOU!  

There was no shortcut through the years,
   The price was set, I had to choose,
The game was mine to win or lose,
   The cost to win: time, sweat, blood, tears!

It seems now like a dream to me,
   As I reflect upon that choice,
That proved to shape my destiny,
   And led me unto thy sweet voice.

May God be thanked for faith and will,
   And the power that lifted me,
And made my natural self the kill,
   'Pon altars of eternity.  

Worth It 

When I meet my bride,
I shall know it; and she
Lina doing homework in her
dorm room at Georgia Tech
Shall sense it like palpable rain,
As it falls down from Heaven,
Like glistening leaven,
Assuaging and healing my pain.

Oh the years that I worked,
With Her sweet soul in mind,
Trying hard not to slip or to fall,
Working hard to improve,
Yes, I watched every move,
For I knew what was best above all!

Yet the price I must buy
Seemed so dauntingly high,
And without her face singed in my eyes,
I often would wonder,
Had the deal gone under?
I was always aloof of the Prize!

For we never supposed
Long before I proposed,
How great I would often be tried.
But with Father's own blessing,
My soul kept progressing,
Past gulfs that seemed endlessly wide!

And so often it seemed,
As I wrestled and dreamed
Of the battles in which I took part,
That success only dallied,
While rejections rallied,
Vestigially vexing my heart!

After never succeeding,
My heart always bleeding,
I wondered if all was in vain?
How could I rekindle
The flame that would dwindle,
And turn so much loss into gain?

And there were those times,
When the umptieth woman
Made it clear that she wanted no more
Of my face or my presence,
Unmistakable evidence
That far outweighed any implore!

Yet something remained,
Though my soul often pained,
All through those vexatious years.
He managed to handle,
Kept relighting my candle,
And managed the worst of my fears.

He kept me prepared,
While my burden He shared,
So that when she'd finally meet me,
She'd feel it and ponder,
No longer look yonder,
For there in the flesh would I be!

Lina's work Christmas
Party 2017
Then we'd both understand
That the pain had been planned,
With His loving Hand there to guide it.
And humbly we'd say
As we knelt down to pray,
Thank You Father above; it was worth it!

Then something amusing
Will grace our perusing
As we contemplate all that had passed.
And we'll sigh several sighs,
Wipe a tear from both eyes,
And hold onto each other fast!

And midst sunset's grandeur
I'll view her with candor,
And recognize something anew.
Though her looks still a prize,
Always thrilling my eyes,
Yet my eyes cannot see what's most true...

For the purest of gems
Isn't found in her face,
Though a breathtaking face she possesses;
For when beauty's bright glimmer,
With old age grows dimmer,
Her spirit my soul still caresses!

Thus when youth's bloom is fading,
I'll still be awaiting
The best time of all to arrive.
After so many years,
Filled with joy and with tears,
We'll never have been so alive!

Living for one another
More than sister or brother
In a bond that shall always abide.
More in love than ever,
We'll forge through forever,
Eternally we'll be side-be-side!

Sonnet 11  (Pure Unsullied Sweetness)

She is a Princess; when I'm around Her
I cannot feel less than a prince—a king—
Endowed with a rich virtue apt to stir
In my bosom a pure light, which doth bring
Out the best gifts of my nature; indeed,
Inside of me I find a man renewed,
A soul prepared like soil for a seed,
To thrive and grow a crop that is imbued
With Heaven's light exposing its goodness,
And richly flowing back unto the two
Of us to whom the sweet harvest doth bless,
As daily its rich nutrients renew:
   Giving strength to run the race to its end,
   A task quite possible with one's best friend!

Sonnet 12  (Prepossessed Beauty)

Her beauty is prepossessed, and I think
That perhaps 'fore the world was I adored
Her o'er others, as mine eyes they did drink
In the sweet fairness of She; my heart soared,
Augmenting the meaning of life to come,
Where I would meet her and fall into love—
Transfixed I'd be—considering the sum
Of all that She is, sent down from above.
Such goodness, and such beauty, I would find
Her worth to surpass all other pursuits,
With a face and a form to match her mind,
I'm still at a loss to measure the fruits,
   Yet to spring forth from such a connection,
   Gifting me sweet e'erlasting reflection. 

Sonnet 13  (A Cornocopic Concatenation)

A cornucopic concatenation
Was triggered for me one fine Georgia fall,
Ushering in a delayed elation,
Catharcting some former ingested gall.
What was it? Power, or money, or fame?
Nay! It was something far longer lasting,
A subject summed up in just one word: Dame!
A friend who could help bring life everlasting,
And oh! What wonder it brought to my world!
So poignantly contrasting times of yore,
An unbroken streak of fortune unfurled,
Unlatching at last the lock to that door!
   Browning made his point; and did so quite well,
   My life's now been kissed, as I'm here to tell!  (1)

Early on in our relationship—when we were still just friends—Lina mentioned to me that she liked limerick poems. It will come as no surprise then, that I wrote several of them for her!

Sweet Lass from Homestead 

There once was a sweet lass from Homestead,
My South Florida girlfriend
climbing a palm tree
Who became a Georgia Tech Coed,
Where a lad from Utah,
Met and fell in awe,
Now sweet thoughts of Her swirl in his head. 

Genius of Beauty 

I once met a genius of beauty,
A brilliant and talented cutie,
Whose keen sense of fashion,
And life filled with passion,
Has caught my attention most truly.

Girl Named Lina 

There once was a girl named Lina,
Who's mind was akin to Athena,  (2)
With pure soul and heart,
Lina at her dorm room computer
And her beauty, like art,
Now my heart's docked in Her marina!

Finest of Girls 

I now date the finest of Girls,
Who makes my heart do flips and twirls,
So proud to be her sir,
I'm so in love with Her,
Her worth's beyond diamonds or pearls!

Exquisitely Cast 

I love her to a depth ne'er plunged before,
Midst all gals known in days of yore,
With Lina at church in 2007
Her character's a thing well wrought,
For such a lass I've always sought,
Whose beauty, though exquisitely cast,
Yet somehow, is still surpassed
By Who she is on the inside:
A Queen, a goddess, who doth abide
So pure within the realms of truth
And virtue, I must say, forsooth,
That in her presence I feel a prince!
An heir to a throne that doth evince
That I could ne'er settle for less
Than a true Princess: the very best!
A true Princess indeed You are,
Like a pure, rare gem mined from afar,
For whom I'm searched my whole world through,
Just to find someone like YOU!
A search that's oft been a troublesome trek,
Wherein I've sometimes felt shipwrecked,
Or moored upon a desert isle,
Bereft of a rare and royal smile,
Or a soft, sweet kiss, or a tender touch,
A comforting hug, or other such,
So natural in a Gal like You:
So pure, so precious, and so true!

And now to your sheer pulchritude,
Which ranks among the best I've viewed,
Your pure silk hair and soft smooth skin:
A color that's pure perfection!
Your feminine figure dazzles me,
All adding to the ecstasy
That fills my heart when I behold
Your perfect form, like perfect gold!
A smile that shineth like the sun,
Your lighted eyes make you the One
Gal I seek in the world,
Let flags of my heart now be unfurled,
With bended knee I humbly bow
In deep respect I do know now,
That you're the right woman for me,
Being yours sets my young heart free!

Sum and Substance 

Whenever I am in her presence,
I find it hard not to sit and stare,
Not just because she is so pretty,
But because of something deep down
Inside of her that draws me in
With Lina on South Beach
March 2007
Like a bee to the most precious
And gorgeous of Roses!

Like a mountain climber seeks out
Everest's elusive peak,
I seek Her hand, and
   Her heart,
               And LOVE...
To be one with Her,
   And commune with Her spirit.

If I were a champion athlete,
   She would be the world record.

If I were a politician,
   She would be the office of President.

If I were an artist,
   She would be the Mona Lisa,
      Or even the Sistine Chapel.

If I were a royal heir,
South Beach
March 2007
   Or even if I wasn't,
Still, she is a Princess
   Whose blood is bluer
      Than the aqua waters of
         Miami Beach or the
            Florida Keys
Near her
   Childhood home.

Whose heart is not easily won;
No true Princess's ever is.
But perhaps with a true knight's valor,
And a chivalric
      Over time,
I might win
   The fairest gift in all the world:
Her eternal
      Affection, and

This Woman is a Queen,
   Whose elegant gowns,
        And gold and jewel-bedecked adornments;
            Whose scepter and throne,
                Castles and land,
                    Entourage and army,
                        Power and influence,
                            Beauty and grace,
Are all as mere tinsel
   On the Christmas Tree
        Of Her virtue,
                Intellect, and


Words are but dull,
   Empty, and
Means of capturing the
   Celestial essence of Her noble Being.

Nay, nothing in mortal realms
   Can ever compose a worthy description
      Of Her,
Least of all

Wordsmith though I may be,
Still I sense my utter fallibility,
And my profound failure
To paint a literary likeness
      Of a Being so
         Divinely conceived!

The effort is like trying to reconstruct
   The Twin Towers
      With Tonka Toys

Well might a kindergartner attempt
   To mingle with the mind of Hawking,

Or my laughably
   Lanky an
      Limited limbs
Put themselves forth to swim the vast Pacific,
   Or traverse it in a canoe!

Such is any attempt of mine to
   Articulate the worth of
Of which any price,
   No matter how high,
      Would still be too low
         In estimating
            HER value!

    I must try!

I must make use of all means at my disposal,
   Paltry and pathetic though such means may be.


Though I will always fall short
   Of the goal,
I will never cease to
In making
   The attempt!

Though my efforts will
I shall never
      The Quest
To capture the
         Beauty, and
            Majestic celestiality
Of the lovely,
    Pure, and
        Precious WOMAN
          I have grown to love

Behold, the
   Consummate magnificence of...


Sweetest of Them All 

Of all sweet gifts that God can give,
She's by far the sweetest of them all!
For her I'd die; what's more I would live
And each day answer Heaven's call.
A nobler Woman I've never seen;
A prettier Being I've ne'er beheld!
I'm humbled before such a Queen.
Soon to be Sealed with God's own weld.
Amidst all of life's blissful joys,
She remains to me first and foremost,
E'en above our girls and boys,
Of She above all will I boast!
For as a steadfast, hopeful youth,
I daydreamed of one like She,
Yet hard it has been in truth
To see Her tangible actuality,
To think that somewhere in Earth's wide space
A precious woman is becoming
A spirit more beautiful than her face—
So gorgeous—my senses are numbing
In preparation to take it all in:
The glory of merging my life

Another Failed Attempt 

There is nothing sweeter than my precious Lady,
Oh, how I've longed to meet her!
And from Her acquire the key into Her life and heart
That opens up our world
To where life really begins!
Thank God for giving me the strength
To grow grace-by-grace
Into a man of stature
This precious Woman,
   This royal Princess,
      This Goddess-like being of
To me...
Unmatchéd majesty!
This Lady of
   The utmost elegance
Possessing a:
Heart of gold,
     A brain of brilliance,
          The patience of Job,
               The selflessness, goodness, and honor of Rebekah,
          The wisdom of Deborah,
     The kindness and forgiveness of Christ,
And the beauty and purity of Rachel.
With a soul filled with pure passion borne of
Then least of all her amazing traits—
At least in terms of moral import—
Comes one of my favorite ones.
Though 'tis mere icing on the cake
When compared with her
There still remains...
My own Aphrodite!
And though I often try to capture in words
The majesty of she of whom I love so much,
I always fall so terribly short,
God hath forever blessed me to be
One with
My eternal Companion,
     My Lady,
          My Wife,
               My Sweetheart,
          My Joy,
     My Friend
My Joy and my Queen.

Thus in ink it is now emblazoned:
Another failed attempt
To articulate the
Majesty of

A Perfect Match 

Somehow these two
   Just look right together.
In puzzle-like fashion
Their natural fit emerges
From photographic images
Like an artistic, fictional portrayal
Of lovers meant to be.
It's like they're siblings
   Or close cousins,
But of course they're not,
   What accounts for such a fit?
Though scholars may surmise the scene 
For hints of a logical explanation,
And poets may peruse
The nature of idyllic attraction,
Neither can justly ascribe
Or adequately articulate
The perfection of
Their match.

They just are:
A perfect,
   Natural match
A signal and sign
Of His eternal love.  



It's all summed up in the assessment and attitude
That I now possess a gem of all gemstones

It's seeing all other achievements
Wane in their luster
When compared
To the honor
Of being
Her sir.

It's seeing romance—the greatest conundrum,
Frustration, and challenge
Of my young life to date—
Work itself out miraculously
In the warmth of her embrace.

It's seeing the imprint of God's own Hand
   Yet Firmly
In a matter of such weighty importance.

It's being filled to overflowing
With my love for Him
And my lover for Her—
Consummating my everlasting affection—

Holding Hands 'Neath the Covers 

Of all sweet affection
Exchangéd between lovers,
There's nothing quite like
Holding hands 'neath the covers.

Concealed from others' eyes
It's more than mere show,
This token of true love
That's destined to grow.

While all things erotic may
Take place 'neath the sheet,
Even between strangers
Just met on the street.

Purchased with the lucre
Of lust's appetite,
And climax comes quickly—
A vice tricky to fight.

It lasts just a moment—
A swift, fleeting turn,
Thus anything greater
A person must earn!

Oh, the sweet tender molding
Of true lovers' hand-holding,
Takes time to engender
Such pure love to send her.

It can't be attained
Without pure faithfulness,
Mutually sworn—
The union to bless!

Yet it's worth the effort
In patience and time
Required to gain it
And make her heart mine!

Revealed by the sweet clasp 
Of my hand in hers
Where no one can see it;
I pray it endures!

I'll love her forever,
And e'er take her hand,
In light, dark, and shadow;
'Tis a privilege grand!

That plays a sweet melody
On my heart's strings;
A tune so endearing
It trumps most other things!

I'm Thankful for Pictures 

I'm thankful for pictures,
For pictures of She.
I'm thankful for romance,
And dates yet to be!

I'm glad I have eyes,
Two of them that can see,
That I might drink deeply
Of her sweet beauty!

A beauty that melts me
And brings my heart bliss!
Her gorgeous reflection,
Oh, how I do miss!

Her salty sea green eyes
And pure olive skin,
A brow that is so wise
It lights from within!

A face so well fashioned,
Her cheeks full of life,
With ears cuter than puppies
Yes... this is my Wife!

Her face lights my world,
Her form makes my heart race,
Her figure's a wonder
Bespeaking beauty's grace.

That makes Her an Angel,
And Goddess to my heart.
A Being that I loved
Right back from the start.

When I first laid eyes on
The wonder of She,
And since ne'er recovered,
So glad She chose me!

And now that she's away
Apart from my grasp,
I'm thankful for pictures,
Since I cannot clasp
Her form to my bosom,
And cuddle her close,
And tenderly kiss her:
The One I love most!

So until I see her
Again soon to come,
I'm thankful for pictures
Of my chosen One.

And til we meet again
I daily will pore,
O'er pictures of my Love,
The One I adore!

I'm thankful for pictures,
For pictures of She.
I'm thankful for pictures
Of She who loves me!

I'm thankful for two eyes,
That baskingly gaze
Upon the sweet Angel
Who's mine all my days.

I'm thankful for this
Blesséd blessing in life,
I'm thankful for pictures 
Of my precious Wife!

The Make-Up Poem 

I didn't know holding her hand again
Would cause such an internal reaction.
Heart beating faster.....
Yearning for Hers to beat again in sync with mine.
Stomach fluttering...
Worrying She might not want me back.
The unspoken awkwardness of the first few moments of that planned picnic.
Worried like craze she might not be on the same page as me.

When . . .

Drawing closer in, 
I go out on the limb of my life,
Hoping with all of my soul that
The magnetism of True Love might once again
Bring us back together.

Then . . .

To the jubilance of both our souls
And countless generations yet to come,

Our lips join together softly
And passionately
In an affectionate token
And experience
Of the Heaven on Earth we have come to know together
During the past six months,
And I get the impression that
It may not be over

Her Unmatched Beauty* 

Sitting up four stories o'er-looking the beach,
Our Wedding Day
August 8, 2008
It seems I can almost feel Her reach
From the other side of the world,
As though She were right here curled
Up next to me on this lodging loft
With Her skin so soft
And softly
Brushing gently up against mine.
Oh, how I do pine
For this sweet angel's
So purely divine,
Who very soon will be mine!

Though it's only memory's pure apparition,
I cannot conceive a more precious cognition,
A visage kept sacred above any other,
More valued than father or sibling or mothing,
A Woman I value above my own flesh,
Whose body and soul with mine will soon enmesh.
For a spirit, mind, and heart as perfect as she,
I would do anything required of me.
So deep in my mind's eye, all day I shall stare,
Ever increasingly keenly aware
Of the unmatched beauty she offers to me,
With skin color of sand,
And sweet eyes like the sea!

* Composed on a hotel balcony in Daytona Beach, Florida, after dark.  I was in town teaching a professional seminar.  Lina was in Shanghai, China studying abroad.   

What a Magician! 

Dancing at our Wedding Reception
August 8, 2008
How is it
That as time goes on
I only love my GIRL

How is it
That the more time
I spend with HER,
The more I miss Her

How is it 
That a woman
   So beautiful,
Can just keep getting
      To me
With every passing
     And glance,
          And stare?

I say stare,
Because I can't
   Really help it.
My eyes catch hold
   Her gorgeous face,
      And sexy form,
And I'm completely
Beneath the spell that HER
   Beauty and
      Goodness and
         Intelligence has
            Cast upon me.

And oh!
   What a
               Spell it is!

Yes, what a
                      Is She!

Unique Perfection 

Her striking eyes of perfect class,
And soft look of unique perfection;
All things told this sweet, young lass
Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA
July 2017
Transcends all in my recollection.

Outward She radiates light,
Like a soft beam lathereth,
Her footsteps increase my sight,
As watching Her I gathereth
Inner strength inside my soul,
So inspired I am by HER,
Her dazzling charm has ta'en its toll,
Drawing me in closer.

Midst such magical delights,
In love I cannot help but fall,
Never have I seen such sights,
As Her eyes, form, face, and all.

Being amidst her glorious wonder,
I am honored and subdued,
In Her love I'm torn asunder,
And my soul with heav'n's imbued.

Mingling with her precious presence
Is an unsurpasséd pleasure,
Oh, sweet solid evanescence...
I'm in love beyond all measure!

Lina leaping in the air at South Beach
March 2007
My Favorite Floridian *

How sweet, how sure,
How tender and pure,
How beautiful inside and out
How unique and rare,
How stunningly fair,
How fun to learn all about.
She's special. She's fun.
She's brilliant. She's one
Girl that's captured my attention,
And on Christmas Day,
Though She is far away,
I think I will willingly mention...
How this fine Woman,
Somehow has caught,
The heart of this lad,
Who now likes her a lot!  

* This poem was one of several that I wrote to Lina as part of a Twelve Days of Christmas e-present in December 2006. She traveled home to South Florida to celebrate with her family. I remained in Atlanta at my cousin's where I lived at the time.  

My Baby's Face 

I love to see my Baby's face,
Queen Tower
Atlanta, Georgia
When visiting our special place.*

I love to see her figure fine,
And realize that she is mine.

This precious Princess, oh, so rare!
I'm lost amidst a pleasant stare

At her angelic countenance,
That makes my inward spirit dance,

And sing and praise and shout and sight,
As cuddling close the clouds roll by.

A place of passing, prescient peace,
Portending joy that will not cease.

Through days of life and far beyond
This water dwelling in our pond,

Wherein the pool's reflecting trace,
On clear days paints for met the face

Of my best friend and lover true,
The Girl I've pledged my whole life to!

* Our special place was at the base of the King and Queen Towers in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Not So Strange 

How strange it is
   That they should come together,
Our Engagement Photo
Spring 2008
How is it that a 27-year old country boy
   With redneck roots,
      Poor grades,
And an even poorer
   Track Record
      With the ladies...
Should attract
   A 1590 SAT hottie from
      South Beach?
   Maybe not literally from SB,
      But close enough.

He, ironically, as formal as a British heir,
And she as casual as a refined cowgirl
   From the fly-overs.

She not looking for anything
   But friendship and fun,
      While he ardently pursued conjugality.

Yet, somehow, it still happened
   Over time.
And now they're the closest thing
   On God's green Earth
      To a Perfect

I s'pose that's cuz God had something
   To do with it.

And besides, deep down,
The roots of both ran a little country,
Wearing second-hand clothes,
   Fearing familial impecuniosity
      And jockeying for space and/or
Whatever prized pudding
   Might be in the fridge...
      But not for long!

And isn't it something
   How they both ultimately
      Want the same things?
And see eye-to-eye
   On what really matters?

No matter that they were raised
   On different sides of a continent.
They remain as similar 
   As they are different.

And the passion!

Such attraction's fiery draw'll
Make it difficult
   Deal and
      Seal to ever
Without even mentioning
Their fidelitous pledge
   To each other,
      The community,
         And to God—

So, I guess it's not really so strange
   After all.

I mean
   It works!
And like magic
   At that.

It must be divinely appointed.

It's me and Her.
   It's Her and me.
      It's us
And it's not so strange
   After all.  

Royal Blood 

Royal blood is hard to find,
A quest that's stretched my heart and mind.

So, it's not wonder, when I found
Her heart, once She had come around.

It filled my soul with pure delight,
And made love in my heart ignite!

To think that such a Princess fair,
Considers me as also rare!

'Tis a privileged state to dwell,
Methinks I've never felt so well

As when I find Her in my arms,
Or 'neath the spell of Her sweet charms.

With every kiss my lips are giv'n,
A precious little piece of Heav'n.

Each hug a glorious, sweet embrace,
To body—like to eyes—her face.

Her precious touch is home sweet bliss,
Augmented by each tender kiss.

And sometimes I just sit and stare,
In disbelief to be aware

That this sweet Woman's heart is mind:
A miracle from God divine!

The Lovely Lina Marie 

(Ode to Her Outer Beauty)

Our Wedding Day
Salt Lake City, Utah
Her gorgeous eyes and radiant smile,
I think perhaps I'll take a while,
And bask among the pleasant view,
Of all things glorious 'bout YOU!
Your pure sweet face and soft smooth hair,
Of catch me in an ardent stare,
And then there are the little things,
Like soft smooth hands and cool earrings.
I love the color of your skin,
A perfect olive that's within,
Such well-fashioned styled attire,
That's hot, yet ne'er doth cross the wire
Of pure sweet modesty's request,
Perhaps 'tis this that I love best!
A super figure and nice arms,
My knees get weak amidst such charms.
I love her sparing use of paint,*
Too much of it would only taint
The stunning natural looks She's got,
The stuff that cant' be sold or bought.
With lovely legs 'pon which She stands,
Her outer looks are simply grand!

* Makeup

Dr. JJ

August 2, 2023
Terra Nova, Newfoundland, CANADA

Author's Note: This is the 338th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 158th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

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1.  A reference and allusion to Robert Browning's famous poem, Sumum Bonum

2.  Greek goddess of wisdom.

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