Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Space Travel as Existential Metaphor


Chapter 2

Space Travel: An Existential Metaphor

President John F. Kennedy
"We do not go to space because it is easy;
we do it because it is hard."

President John F. Kennedy

I have always been fascinated by astronomy and space exploration and travel. My wonder and awe of our world's "Final Frontier" began as a young boy gazing up into the majestic star-filled heavens while living (and sometimes camping) in the remote deserts and mountains of the rural Four Corners area of the United States—where I was born and raised. 

As I grew older and began learning more of the known scientific verities of astronomy, my fascination grew even more. Though I was born 10 years and 31 days after Neil Armstrong and his fellow astronauts first set foot on the Moon, I was well aware of the courageous and adventurous spirit that fueled a space shuttle program that was alive and well-respected in my country. Despite an early 21st Century cessation and lull of space initiatives, it warms my heart and stirs my soul to know that spirit has been reinvigorated with public and private plans to return to the Moon and then embark even further to the planet Mars.

American author and lecturer, Marianne Williamson, once pointed out that: "Americans [in general] are not that big on philosophy," but that "we're very big on action ... once we understand the reason for it." (1) This action-oriented quality was instrumental in my country's quest to put a man (and eventually a woman) on the moon and return them safely again to Earth. 

 "That's one small step for man;
one giant leap for mankind."

Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong

As a space exploration enthusiast, it is a joy to live in the great Sunshine State of Florida, not far from Cape Canaveral where many rocket and shuttle launches have taken place in the past. My son Tucker was in fifth grade this past year and recently visited Kennedy Space Center on a field trip sponsored by the public elementary school he attends; and he loved it!

Cape Canaveral is also home to Patrick Space Force base.

I used to live in the Houston, Texas area. On more than one occasion, I have been to NASA's Mission Control Center, located in the southeastern corner of the Houston metropolitan area. As I walked around the Saturn V rocket and viewed the original Mission Control room—precisely as it appeared when Neil Armstrong and his colleagues first set foot on the moon—my spirit felt reverent and subdued by the profundity of what had taken place there in July 1969.  

I know of few other things that better personify the ambition, greatness, nobility, and vision of humanity than the highly intelligent, skilled, and dedicated men and women who seek to explore outer space. Such persons literally "shoot for the stars"! It is to them and their honor and glory—and all the leaders and personnel who made their journeys possible—that I dedicate the SAL THEORY, in hopes that everyone who will ever read this book might metaphorically "shoot for the stars" in their unique ways in their own educations, careers, and lives.  

Some hold the view that space exploration should not be a priority in a country's national consciousness. Why? Because, the detractors say, it diverts people's attention from the many problems that human beings face right here on Earth. 

At Freedom Focused, we strongly disagree.

We believe there are few scientific undertakings more beneficial to Earth-life than good-faith efforts to explore that which lies beyond its surface. To begin with, consider the many Earth-based technological advancements derived from the study and exploration of outer space. For example, LASIK eye surgery, specialized firefighting equipment, artificial limbs, freeze drying food processing, and shock absorbers used in making skyscrapers safer in earthquakes; these are just a few of the technologies developed in part by space explorers. 

Then there is the expansion—and sometimes explosion—of new scientific knowledge obtained through the study of space travel and by otherwise applying the scientific method to astronomical unknowns. 

And don't forget the ways in which space exploration bolsters the ambition, competitive spirit, and vision of those in the rising generation who seek to build upon the aeronautical and astronomical achievements of previous generations. For example, one of my wife's former college roommates at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), studied aerospace engineering and is now an aeronautical engineer. After completing her engineering degree, she got a job working for Elon Musk's ambitious company, SpaceX, which is dedicated to proliferating space travel and exploration in the private sector. 

We are proud of her!

We hope many other boys and girls will study hard in school, nurture their ambitions to explore the "Final Frontier," and then follow in Sarah's footsteps to pursue similar careers in a never-ending quest to make further progress as a global community in the vital arena of space study, exploration, and now defense as well through the United States Space Force.  

There is also the sense of national—and international—credibility and pride that stems from a nation and world's commitment to explore the seemingly unreachable. All told, there are few things that elevate individual and collective ambition and progress more than when a society sees its best and brightest undertake tasks that seem impossibly difficult. Such endeavors inspire the rest of us to greater heights in our own personal spheres of education, exploration, contribution, and influence.  

Though I was only six (6) years old at the time, I can still remember watching my country's President, Ronald Regan, address the nation on television following the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986. I was attending kindergarten in Monticello Elementary School in Utah at the time and I'll never forget the sobering emotions I felt as I listened to the leader of the Free World share the terrible news of that unprecedented space tragedy. 

President Ronald Reagan
Said Reagan in this televised speech from the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office at the White House:

"I want to say something to the schoolchildren of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle's take-off. I know it's hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all a part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we'll continue to follow them." (2)

There is something great and noble about the human spirit's desire to explore the unexplored, as well as the courage, ingenuity, and intelligence that is required to venture forth into distant realms of the unknown, especially when the potential for accident, failure, pain, and even tragedy are unusually high. The SAL Theory introduced in this book is rooted in the ennobling human virtues of ambition, bravery, and hard work that space explorers have always exemplified and personified.

I have chosen the metaphor of space travel because I hope it will inspire readers to courageously explore the outer realms of their own Existential Potential—their own personal "Final Frontier"—whereby they might, in the inspiring words of John Gillespie Magee, Jr., as quoted by Reagan at the end of his Challenger speech: "Slip ... the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God." (3)

The Value of a Good Theory

The late professor, Clayton M. Christensen, who spent most of his career at the Harvard Business School, was one of the world's foremost thinkers and theorists on business management and innovation. As a theorist, Dr. Christensen argued persuasively for the usefulness of theory to inform our actions and decision-making processes.  

Wrote he: 

"A good theory doesn't change its mind: it doesn't apply only to some companies or people, and not to others. It is a general statement of what causes what, and why. ... You don't want to have to go through multiple marriages to learn how to be a good spouse. Or wait until your last child has grown to master parenthood. This is why theory can be so valuable: it can explain what will happen, even before you experience it. ... Without theory, we're at sea without a sextant. If we can't see beyond what's close by, we're relying on chance—on the currents of life—to guide us. Good theory helps people steer to good decisions—not just in business, but in life, too." (4)

As you proceed through BOOKS the FOURTH and FIFTH of this comprehensive Life Leadership textbook, I encourage you to not merely read the words, but to diligently study and carefully consider the material and the THEORY and MODEL undergirding it. And remember: the better you understand the SAL Theory, the more empowered and motivated you will be to apply the SAL Model later on.

Then, to further illustrate the practical efficacy and long-term value of these two academic frameworks, I share several true stories of real-life self-action leaders—including myself—who have earned significant success, growth, and freedom by learning, internalizing, and then applying the SAL Theory and Model in their educations, careers, and lives. These narratives are included in BOOK the SIXTH and powerfully illustrate the power and miracle of SAL in the everyday lives of real human beings. 

But first comes the THEORY.

The Self-Action Leadership Theory is presented herein as 13 postulated laws and their concomitant corollaries. Before proceeding with the theory itself, it bears reviewing the definitions of these three terms. 


Noun:  A principle that is put forth and assumed to be true.

Verb:  To put forth a principle that is assumed to be true. 


A generalization based on a fact or event perceived to be recurrent. (5)


A proposition that follows from, and is often appended to, one already proved." (6)


Bust of President Kennedy on the US 50 cent piece
I have often been inspired by the leadership of President John F. Kennedy and others like him who chose to make space exploration a high national priority in my country, the United States of America. JFK's leadership demonstrated tremendous courage, foresight, and vision. The benefits of this ambition have been varied and wondrous. Farsighted wisdom demands we continue our exploration of space because of our troubles at home, not curtail our astronomical ambitions as an ill-advised excuse to solve them. 

In the late 1950s and 60s, astronauts from the Soviet Union transformed science fiction into reality when they launched the first man-made satellite, then an animal (a dog named Laika), and finally a human being into orbit. Then, a little over a decade later, in 1969, American astronauts landed a man on the moon and returned it safely again to Earth. These unprecedented achievements were catalysts in generating the unprecedented development, innovation, production, and prosperity of all the decades to follow. 

Just as brave astronauts have courageously explored what lies beyond our planet home for the past 70 years, I hope YOU will choose to explore the outer limits of your own potential. Just as there is no greater astronomical ambition than to explore the Final Frontier, there is no greater ambition than to aim for the highest levels of Existential Growth attainable by human beings.

We therefore invite YOU to begin your own metaphorical and metaphysical journey into outer space—a journey of Existential Growth—that can, in the ambitious and animated words of Buzz Lightyear, eventually take you "to infinity, and beyond!" (7)

The Self-Action Leadership Theory

The Self-Action Leadership Theory is defined as: a comprehensive academic theory of self-leadership and character development rooted in atmospheric and astronomical science and metaphor. 


A comprehensive academic theory of self-leadership and character development
rooted in atmospheric and astronomical science and metaphor. 

The remainder of BOOK the FOURTH is dedicated to a detailed explication of the SAL Theory. Before diving into all the details of this new theory of self-leadership and character development, we invite you to scan and review the theory's postulated Laws and Corollaries in a cursory and summarized manner below.


LAW 1.  Absolute Truth with a capital "T" exists in the form of immutable and irrevocable Universal Laws. These laws consistently, predictably, and omnipotently govern both the physical and metaphysical worlds, including the natural consequences of human decisions.  

            Corollary 1.1.  Truth often appears paradoxical.

            Corollary 1.2.  Situational exigencies arise that necessitate legitimate exceptions to virtually every rule of Universal Laws.

                    Corollary 1.2.1.  Legitimate "Exceptions to the Rule" do not violate Universal Laws. They operate harmoniously, albeit paradoxically, within multi-dimensionalities of the laws.

LAW 2.  There is a categorical division and a universal distinction between right and wrong.

            Corollary 2.1.  Right choices consist of thoughts, speech, and actions that lead to the long-term health, happiness, and Existential Growth of all people (and other living things) impacted thereby.  

            Corollary 2.2.  Wrong choices consist of thoughts, speech, and actions that lead to the long-term sickness, misery, and existential atrophy of all people (and other living things) impacted thereby. 

LAW 3.  All human beings enter the world with an inner light and compass in the form of a metaphysical conscience that prompts them to think, say, and do what is right; and to avoid thinking, speaking, or doing what is wrong.

            Corollary 3.1.  Your conscience is sharpened of dulled over time in direct proportion to the adherence, or lack thereof, that you grant it.    

LAW 4.  Every human being is a self-leader and, by extension, the sovereign ruler of his or own metaphysical world.

            Corollary 4.1.  Self-leaders who think, say, and do what is right—and avoid thinking, saying, and doing what is wrong—become self-action leaders by virtue of their intent. 

LAW 5.  All human beings possess equal, innate, and infinite Existential Worth in conjunction with unlimited potential for Existential Growth.

LAW 6.  All human beings possess the liberty to choose their thoughts, speech, actions, attitudes, and beliefs.  

            Corollary 6.1.  All thoughts, words, and actions create naturally occurring consequences over time.

            Corollary 6.2.  You cannot arbitrarily determine long-term consequences; they are governed by Universal Laws.
            Corollary 6.3.  Naturally occurring consequences are no respecter of persons.

            Corollary 6.4.  In the long-run, naturally occurring consequences shape your physical and metaphysical world. 

            Corollary 6.5.  The results of naturally occurring consequences often take time to measure. (8)

            Corollary 6.6.  Your Self-Action Leadership capacity and potential carries internal and external variables in the form of benefits and limitations.  

LAW 7.  You are responsible for the design of your metaphysical world and the long-term direction of your life.  

LAW 8.  Long-term solutions to most of your problems are found inside, not outside, of your       metaphysical world (i.e. your mind, heart, and spirit).  

LAW 9.  Existential Gravity exists to inhibit Existential Growth and influence the onset of existential atrophy. 


            Corollary 9.1.  Self-action leaders possess power to transcend Existential Gravity over time through Self-Action Leadership.

            Corollary 9.2.  As higher levels of Existential Growth are reached, Existential Gravity is commensurately transcended.

            Corollary 9.3.  As Existential Gravity is transcended, your journey towards higher levels of Existential Growth becomes generally easier.  

LAW 10.  Self-action leaders are capable of unlimited Existential Growth and/or existential atrophy.

            Corollary 10.1.  Existential Growth is measurable and consists of nine (9) different metaphysical levels (or stages) of ontological development and achievement analogous to nine (9) different levels of Earth's atmosphere and outer space, as follows:

Earth's Atmospheric Layers                                Levels of Existential Growth

Layer 1:  Earth's Surface                                    Level 1:  Education Stage
Layer 2:  Troposphere                                        Level 2:  Beginner's Stage
Layer 3:  Stratosphere                                        Level 3:  Practitioner's Stage
Layer 4:  Mesosphere                                         Level 4:  Refining Stage
Layer 5:  Ionosphere                                           Level 5:  Polishing Stage
Layer 6:  Thermosphere                                      Level 6:  SAL-Actualization Stage
Layer 7:  Exosphere                                            Level 7:  Leadership Stage
Layer 8:  Outer Space                                         Level 8:  Self-Transcendence Stage
Layer 9:  Astronomical bodies beyond Earth      Level 8:  Creation Stage
                (i.e. moon, planets, stars, etc.)

            Corollary 10.2.  Like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, levels of Existential Growth must be attained progressively, and in order, beginning at the bottom level.  

            Corollary 10.3.  Existential Growth cannot be given away, traded for, or purchased; it must always be earned.

            Corollary 10.4.  Earning Existential Growth is challenging. It requires great efforts consistently expended over time, and often engenders pain along the way. 

            Corollary 10.5.  Existential atrophy can occur after rising to any of the first seven levels of Existential Growth. Self-action leaders who reach Level 8 are assumably safe from this same risk of regression.

            Corollary 10.6.  A SAL lowerarchy of existential atrophy and regression exists as an inverse of the SAL Hierarchy. Self-leaders who choose to think, say, and do things that are wrong, evil, or destructive regress down the SAL lowerarchy.

        SAL lowerarchy:  Nine (9) regressive stages of existential atrophy.

                                    Level -1.  Discouragement & Deception Stage
                                    Level -2.  Deconstruction Stage
                                    Level -3.  Mischief Stage
                                    Level -4.  Damage and Violence Stage
                                    Level -5.  Corruption and Perversion Stage
                                    Level -6.  Propaganda Stage
                                    Level -7.  Pied Piper Stage
                                    Level -8.  Self-Descendence
                                    Level -9.  Self-Destruction Stage

LAW 11.  Universal Laws determine the price of Existential Growth.

            Corollary 11.1.  Universal Laws apply to everyone; they are no respecter of persons. 

            Corollary 11.2.  You cannot change, cheat, or circumvent Universal Laws.

            Corollary 11.3.  Universal Laws create human benefits.

            Corollary 11.4.  Universal Laws create human limitations.

LAW 12.  Humility before Universal Laws is a prerequisite to authentic Existential Growth.

            Corollary 12.1.  Honesty, integrity, and self-awareness comprise humility.

LAW 13.  Your influence on others over time is directly proportional to the control you consistently wield over your own thoughts, speech, and actions.  

The less control you have over your own thoughts, speech, 
and actions, the less influence you have on other people.

The more control you have over your thoughts, speech, and
actions, the more influence you have on other people.

In Your Journal

  • Do you think there is value in investing time, money, effort, resources, and human capital on space exploration and studying the Universe? Why or why not?
  • What kinds of long-range personal and professional goals could you set in your life that would metaphorically compare to the ambitious exploration of the Moon, Mars, or beyond?
  • How might comparing your personal and professional journey to the exploration of space benefit you in your education, career, and life?  

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 391st Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 201st consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 390 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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Chapter 2 Notes

1. Williamson, M. (1992). A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. New York, NY: Harper Perennial. Page xix.

2.  Reagan, R. (1986). President Reagan's Challenger Disaster Speech - 1/28/86. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Reagan Foundation. URL:

3.  The closing words of Reagan’s speech following the space shuttle Challenger disaster, which were borrowed from the opening and closing lines of the poem, High Flight, by John Gillespie Magee, Jr., a pilot officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Gillespie was killed in a plane crash in England in December 1941.

4.  Christensen, C. M., Allworth, J., and Dillon, K. (2012). How Will You Measure Your Life. HarperCollins: New York, NY, page 12, 14, and 17.

5.  New Oxford American Dictionary, Mac OS electronic version.

6.  Ibid.  

7.  Toy Story (1995). Pixar Animation Studios & Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by John Lasseter. Written by John Lasseter, et al.

8.  Smith, H. W. (1994). The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management: Proven Strategies for Increased Productivity and Inner Peace. New York, NY: Warner Books. Direct quote (“Results often take time to measure”) from page 145.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

A Metaphysical Theory of Everything

Book the Fourth

The Self-Action Leadership THEORY

Dedicated to...

President John F. Kennedy

And the courageous and visionary men and women (past, present, and future) of NASA and other organizations committed to the study and exploration of the Final Frontier.

Nine (9) Levels of Earth's Atmosphere and Outer Space

Nine (9) Levels of Existential Growth

Chapter 1

A Metaphysical Theory of Everything 

In the last century, Albert Einstein forever altered mankind's understanding of physics and astronomy when he discovered his famous "Theory of Relativity." The formula for his theory states that energy (E) is equal to mass (M) multiplied by the speed of light (C) squared. In shorthand, the well-known equation reads: E = mc squared.

This groundbreaking theory forever changed and clarified our understanding of the astronomical relationship between space and time. It also further expanded our comprehension of gravity and the vital role it plays in the cosmos.  

Einstein's theory of relativity, introduced in 1905, signaled a quantum leap for mankind in terms of our understanding of how the Universe operates. It was also an important step forward in achieving an even greater and more elusive goal of physicists; namely: the discovery of a physical "Theory of Everything." 

A scientific theory of everything is related to "String Theory" and is sometimes referred to as a "Final Theory," a "Master Theory," or an "Ultimate Theory." These various titles are all used to describe the same thing: a single mathematical theory and formula that would, in one equation, capture the physical ontology and governing principles of operation of everything in the known, physical Universe. The pursuit of such a profound, yet mysterious theory is perhaps the ultimate ambition of 21st Century physicists and astronomers. 

I have always been fascinated by the concept of a physical theory of everything. I am not a physicist and lack the desire, inclination, knowledge, and talent to pursue this quest myself. I am, however, a metaphysicist with a great deal of passion and proclivity to discover and delineate an analogous theory in the metaphysical realms of human freedom and existential growth and development. That is why I have spent my entire life and career-to-date (since age eight) diligently reading, studying, searching, researching, and otherwise racking my brain in search of concrete answers to the following question: what would a philosophical-natured, self-help based, Existential Growth-oriented, metaphysical Theory of Everything look like?

The SAL Theory
The Self-Action Leadership (SAL) THEORY and MODEL introduced in BOOKS the FOURTH and FIFTH of this comprehensive Life Leadership textbook are the results of my focused and visionary efforts to answer this question over the past 40 years. 

This SAL Textbook is my attempt to produce just such a formula or equation in the form of a comprehensive theory and model. 

I don't claim to have perfectly achieved such an ambitious and difficult undertaking. Moreover, I'm confident that myself and others will continually improve upon, clarify, and otherwise further refine and perfect this work in years and decades to come. 

I am, nevertheless, proud of the work I have produced thus far and give glory and credit to the Almighty for continually assisting me with both the practical resources to undertake the project and the majestic menagerie of metaphysical insights needed to complete such a mammoth and meticulous academic and literary undertaking. Organizing and articulating this work has been unspeakably pleasurable, rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling to me personally. Indeed, despite any and all of the accompanying difficulties, I have enjoyed the process immensely and feel so grateful for the opportunity to have embarked upon this special work. 

In producing this massive tome, I have gone to great length to do my due diligence and avoid skipping steps and cutting corners in an honest effort to give you—SAL readers, students, practitioners, and scholars—the best product and highest quality material possible. I sincerely hope that YOU will find the material to be as beneficial to your education, career, and life as I have. 

If there's one preeminent lesson I continue to learn over-and-over again as I've pursued this work, it is this: there is nothing inherently or particularly special about me; but everything is special about the principles and practices laid out and put forth in this work. As such, any human being who diligently studies, earnestly learns, and then conscientiously applies these principles will eventually grow to realize the grandest levels of their personal and professional freedom, growth, and potential.

This fact and reality is a powerful reminder that True Principles rooted in Universal Laws reign supreme throughout this world and the Universe in which we reside. Culture, fashion, preference, and styles come-and-go over the years, decades, and centuries; but TRUE PRINCIPLES ultimately govern both the physical and metaphysical worlds—and they never change. Thus, the more things change, the more things stay the same! The verity and virtue of this fact fills my soul with a deep humility before the immovable and irrevocable physical and metaphysical laws of nature and the Universe. 

I hereby introduce the SAL Theory and Model in hopes that as many people as possible will demonstrate a willingness to learn the principles and apply the practices presented herein. I hope that YOU and those you love and care for will choose to become all you are capable of becoming by earning as much Existential Freedom and Growth as possible throughout your lives—and experience a full measure of the satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment that accompanies existential transformations—both personally and professionally.   

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life in the 21st Century, and betwixt the endless and often hectic details and minutia of daily living, it is easy to lose perspective of who YOU really are, and what YOU are really capable of as a member of the human race. As a result too many of us are often "half-hearted creatures ... far too easily pleased fooling around with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us." We are "like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because [we] cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at sea." (1)

All of us—myself included—have spent our share of time "making mud pies" when something far greater rests on the horizon of our potential. Nevertheless, YOU can choose at any moment to start afresh, with a renewed commitment to True Principles rooted in Universal Laws. Indeed, it's time for YOU to start developing the habits of an Existential CHAMPION and courageously leave the shore on a journey to find and board  "Your Ship of Destiny" rather than continuing to lay lethargically on the shore meandering miserably as you impatiently wait for your "Ship to come in."

My friend, I have news for you: your ship is never going to come in by itself.

YOU have to face your fears and invest the effort required to go out and meet your ship!

There is no other way. 

You are, of course, always at liberty to remain on the shore making mud pies for the rest of your life and/or career. After all, no one can force you to grow or progress. YOU have to want it for yourself. I hope that you will decide that you want it.

When I contemplate the intrinsic value, worth, and Existential Equality of every human mind, heart, and spirit, my soul is filled with a profound reverence for the incalculable worth of the human race; this includes each and every human being who has—or ever will—draw breath in this world. In the midst of such contemplations, I'm reminded of one of my core beliefs: that ALL human beings possess a spark of divinity within.

In the sobering, yet inspiring words of one writer: 

"It is a serious thing to live in a society [where] ... the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship. ... It is the light of [our] overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal." (2)

I wrote this textbook with the sincere desire and express purpose of opening up YOUR eyes to your own unlimited and incomprehensible potential for Existential Growth and freedom. In addition, it is my earnest wish for YOU to see the endless opportunities you have to serve and otherwise contribute meaningfully to the lives of others all along the way—and to enjoy the indescribable joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, and inner peace that follows those who dedicate their lives to higher purposes than themselves alone. 

To properly serve and bless others, however, YOU must first be in proper working order yourself. Anyone who learns about and diligently applies the True Principles and sound practices contained in this text will evolve into a fit Servant Leader (3) who is prepared to make the world a better place because of their presence and influence.

Are YOU ready for Basic Training?

        If so...

                Then read on!

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 390th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 200th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 389 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

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Chapter 1 Notes

1.  Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory. As quoted in Dorsett, L.W., Editor (1996). The Essential C.S. Lewis. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 362.

2.  Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory. As quoted in Dorsett, L.W., Editor (1996). The Essential C.S. Lewis. New York, NY: Touchstone. Page 369.

3.  Greenleaf, R. (1977). Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness. New York, NY: Paulist Press.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tale of an Average IRONMAN

No matter who you are, life is full of disappointments

Fortunately, as long as you keep on trying, there will inevitably be some wins along the way.  

Thus, HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL for all of us!

Walden Pond, Concord, MA; April 2012
I didn't qualify for the Boston Marathon,
but I did get to visit Walden Pond nearby,
which, to an English major, is a little like Heaven.
Today's blog shares a true story of a series of disappointments I have faced with regards to IRONMAN 70.3 (half) triathlon competitions, a much-needed recent win, and the HOPE that hearkens forever into the future—like a phoenix rising from the ashes of unmet expectations—in the form of my hesitant, yet determined entry into a FULL IRONMAN 140.6 race this coming November 2nd. 

A decade ago, before I started doing triathlons, I faced a similar series of disappointments with the MARATHON racing distance.

My goal was to qualify for the elite and famous Boston Marathon. But after completing the 26.2-mile distance 13 times between the years 2011 and 2014, my failure rate was 100%. 

I ran the fastest marathon of my life in Jackson, Mississippi in January 2012, but my time of 3 hours and 19 minutes was still nine (9) minutes too slow for my age group qualifying time.  

October 2018 in Raleigh, NC w/Lina and Tyler.
I didn't get to compete in the IRONMAN 70.3,
but I did get to see some of the sights!
Here we are in front of a monument to three
U.S. Presidents in downtown Raleigh.
I never did get to race in Boston; although I did go there in 2012 to cheer my older brother on, who did qualify.

Way to go JOE!  

This was neither the first nor the last time in my life that Joe would summit a feat of fitness and athleticism that managed to elude me... to his credit and congratulations! 

My IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon trials have been of a different nature. For a variety of different reasons, I've faced difficulties making it to the race itself!

The first IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon I signed up for was scheduled for October 2018 in Wilmington, North Carolina. I enjoyed training for this competition near our home in Texas and was looking forward to race day in North Carolina.

Then, on September 14, 2018, Hurricane Florence—a Category 4 storm with sustained winds of 130 mph—pummelled the Wilmington area, dumping up to 30 inches of rain in the vicinity. 

Suffice it to say, my race was canceled!

May 3, 2019
Dr. JJ at the start of the Bike leg of the
the St. George IRONMAN 70.3 course.

I was disappointed, but with plane tickets and a hotel room already purchased, our newborn son, Tyler, accompanied Lina and me on a weekend holiday to North Carolina. It was a nice trip, but I felt very lazy and lethargic meandering about as a casual tourist instead of doggedly pursuing 70.3 miles of swimming, biking, and running.  

The following year, I signed up for an IRONMAN 70.3 in St. George, Utah, scheduled for early May 2019. This race went through as scheduled and my first attempt at the 70.3 distance went well, but slowly! My enthusiasm for these events invariably exceeds my finishing time! I am, at best, an above average IRONMAN. While elite athletes complete the 70.3 distance in under four (4) hours, and semi-elite athletes complete it in under five (5) hours, it took me seven (7) hours and 23 minutes to finish the same distance.

Let's be clear: I'm not winning any awards at these events. I do, however, proudly accept my "Finisher's Medal" and costly food and swag (these events aren't cheap). And I'll tell you what... there is nothing quite as satisfying as completing such a grueling event in the hot sun, crossing the finish line, receiving your well-deserved "Finisher's Medal," and then grabbing an ice cold bottle of water and pouring it carelessly over your head and then shaking it like a dog while basking in the cool grandeur of that brisk H20 trickling majestically over your dehydrated, exhausted, and overheated body. 

You can, of course, pour a cold bottle of water over your head anywhere at anytime if you really want to. But I promise you will never be able to replicate the same rush of pleasure and satisfaction from the act unless you do so in the hot sun after an incredibly grueling event like an IRONMAN triathlon!

Donning my participant's hat and finisher's
medal after completing my first
IRONMAN 70.3 in St. George, Utah. 
There are some things in life that you simply have to do firsthand to fully appreciate the experience, and this is one of them! I had a similar experience with a can of ice cold Coca Cola 13 miles into a trail marathon in the mountains of Palo Alto, California back in 2011.

I've consumed my share of ice cold Coke's in my day; but none of them can compare to the delicious, refreshing, and magical one I poured down my gullet in the Palo Alto hills at mile 13 of a full trail marathon!  

It sounds like such a small and simple thing; and under normal circumstances, it would not stand out in your memory. But place it in a unique context and setting and it manages to morph into one of life's little gems of experience and memory you will cherish forever. 

Given the ironically addictive nature of these grueling endurance events, I decided to sign up for another 70.3 competition in Boulder, Colorado four months after St. George, in August 2019. However, this event ran into a family scheduling conflict, and since family ranks higher than triathlons on my life's list of priorities, I abandoned my 2019 racing plans in the Centennial State.   

The following year—2020—I was determined to compete in the Boulder 70.3 race I had missed out on in 2019.

Well, we all know what happened in 2020!

Despite an encouragingly strong training build-up that involved traversing picturesque desert landscapes and swimming in manmade lakes in the Land of Enchantment (New Mexico, where we lived at the time), the competition was canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, making it the second Boulder 70.3 event I had missed in as many years.

My son, Tyler, along the shores of Lake Brantley,
near Carlsbad, New Mexico. This was one of the
man-made reservoirs I trained in during
my buildup to Boulder.
It was very frustrating!

        And once again, disappointing.

I hope to someday make it to Boulder to compete in this triathlon that has eluded me not once, but twice!

In 2021, my family and I moved to South Florida from New Mexico and Texas. I say New Mexico and Texas because two different moving trucks hauled our stuff to South Florida: one from our apartment in New Mexico and one from our house in Texas.

It was a busy year!

        It was a busy couple of years, especially with a preschooler in-tow. 

Suffice it to say, I took a few years off from trying to tackle any more IRONMAN events, although I did participate in a couple of local sprint triathlons held on the gorgeous beaches and beautiful byways of the picturesque Atlantic Coast here in our new hometown in sunny South Florida.  

By 2020, I had signed up for FOUR (4) 70.3 triathlons while only participating in ONE (1) of them. This left me feeling disappointed and deflated. Perhaps that is part of the reason I didn't feel the fire to "give 'er another go" until this year (2024).

Starting in August 2023, my preschooler son, Tyler, began kindergarten. For the first time in my stay-at-home daddying career, all three of my kids would be in school all day at the same time. 

Triathlon OPPORTUNITY was knocking once again, and I was ready to OPEN the door!  

2024 Florida Gulf Coast
IRONMAN 70.3 Finish Line
Not wanting to travel too far away from home, I was able to find an IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon in Panama City Beach on the Florida Panhandle. With my best training-to-date under my belt, a much faster course than St. George, Utah, and no more hurricanes, pandemics, or scheduling conflicts standing in my way, I am pleased to report that I completed the Gulf Coast event this past Saturday in record time (for me), cutting one (1) hour and 28 minutes off my time from St. George in 2019.  

My goal had been to complete the 70.3 mile distance in under six hours. After giving it everything I had on the swim, bike, and run, in a total effort to achieve this goal, I was thrilled to accomplish it by seven full minutes, completing the course in 5 hours and 53 minutes. (1) That's what a flat course will do for you in comparison to a hilly one! I confess I was also much better prepared/trained for the running portion of the race than I had been in St. George and finished the half marathon portion of the race 40 minutes quicker than I had in Utah. 

After the many preceding difficulties and disappointments, it was incredibly rewarding, satisfying, and fulfilling to finally get a "WIN" at the 70.3 distance.

Now, I am enjoying taking a week-or-so off from my training to let my body (and mind) rest and recover from this intense competition. But you better believe I am also looking to the future and asking myself the question:

"What comes next?" 

Fortunately—or unfortunately; depending on how you look at it—a "half" IRONMAN triathlon has been known to be a "gateway drug" to a "full" IRONMAN triathlon, which, at 140.6 miles, is precisely twice as long.

It begins with a 2.4-mile swim.

        Then comes a 112-mile bike ride.

                Lastly is a full marathon—26.2 miles of running. 

Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy, right?

        Good grief!  

I used a SAL Daily Task Tracker to record my training for the
Gulf Coast IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon.  Swimming numbers represent minutes.
Biking and running numbers represent miles.  This tracker starts on January 1, 2024
and finishes the day of the triathlon, May 11, 2024, which is highlighted in YELLOW.

As you might imagine, I have been experiencing an internal dialogue/debate in recent weeks—a byproduct of my decision to ingest the 70.3 "Gateway Drug." However, unlike previous experiences with other endurance challenges, my decision to tackle a "full" IRONMAN 140.6 has not come as easily or readily, creating room for plenty for vacillation along the way.

First of all, there is the eye-popping distance itself. Anyone with any knowledge of said distance who possesses even an ounce of humility about one's own human limitations must think twice about taking such a leap into the abyss of such a daunting test of physical endurance. 

Then there is my age and station in life. At 44, I'm still a relatively young man, but I'm honest and self-aware enough to admit I lack the same "pep-in-my-step" and "fire-in-the-belly" that I had when I was, say 24 or 34.  

Lastly, there is a certain waning of my existential and social need to "prove my mettle" through such endeavors. Put a little more plainly: I don't care as much about what others think of me as I used to—which is one of the most wonderful symptoms and gifts of getting older! More accurately stated: I don't care as much what I think others might think of me as I used to—since, truth be known, most people don't think much at all about YOU, me, or anyone else other than themselves and their immediate dependents.

But I digress...

In spite of these "devils" on my shoulder—or "angels"... depending on how you look at it!—I remained conflicted by additional "angels" on my other shoulder—or "devils" ... depending on how you look at it!

For the sake of my presentation here, I am going to assume that it is, in fact, ANGELS who are doing the talking—although I'm sure many of my readers would swear they are devils!

Angel #1 highlighted for me the sense of sheer opportunity that lay before me—opportunity driven by the momentum I have built training for last Saturday's 70.3 competition in Panama City Beach.

In other words, why not put the training of the past many months to further use? Doing so would certainly be easier and more convenient than starting all over from square one at some nebulous date in the distant future. As the old adage goes:

There is no time like the PRESENT!  

Furthermore, as an average competitor in IRONMAN events, there is no pressure for me to finish in a certain time. Having recently completed the longest bike ride of my life to date (77 miles), a 20-mile treadmill run, and a mile swim with relative ease and very little post-workout soreness, I know objectively that I am already beginning to "have what it takes" to at least finish the 140.6 distance.

I don't have the natural talent or youth to become an elite competitor in the sport. And I further lack the time, energy, and desire to become a semi-elite competitor at the distance. I do, however, have enough desire, energy, and training time to finish a 140.6 without unduly impinging on any of my life's higher priorities.  

Angel #2 drew my attention to the opportunity I have to check such a mammoth achievement off of my life's "bucket list." While a "full" IRONMAN has not been on my bucket list until just recently, per se, I have been a lifelong enthusiast of distance-oriented endurance sports (i.e. cross-country, track & field, road racing, hiking, mountain biking, etc.). As such, the 140.6 triathlon distance has always been—at least in my own mind—the magnum opus of athletic competitions and personal goals. 

On the beach in Panama City, Florida
with my favorite fans: my three kids
and my "Chick" who digs it.
Angel #3 pointed out that the "chicks dig it"... or at least my Chick digs it. 

I learned this great truth 11 days ago when I posed an honest question to my wife, Lina. My question to her was simple and straightforward; I simply asked: "Do YOU think I should go for it (the FULL IRONMAN 140.6)?"

I confess that when I asked her this question, I was kind of hoping she would say: "You know, Jordan, I really don't care that much. Do what you want to do; I'll support you either way." 

But that isn't what she said.

Instead, without thinking much about it, she surprised me a bit by answering my simple question with an even simpler (one word) declarative: 


I should note here that my wife is eight years younger than me and looks 16 years younger than 44. Thus, I suppose it is possible that her answer stems from the fact that she still cares more about what other people think than I do. Or maybe she just likes her husband in the best shape possible and I tend to lose weight and look better when I'm training for a triathlon!

Whatever the reason/s, I'm not going to lie... her answer was compelling and persuasive! After all, she is unquestionably an Angel of a wife and friend; more importantly, she is my angel of a wife and friend. And while I may not care what the "chicks" (plural) think about me as much as I used to, I still care a great deal what my own "Chick" (singular) thinks about me!  

Cue music... channeling Chris Cagle's Country song here:

"Scars heal, glory fades
And all we're left with are the memories made, oh yea
Pain hurts, but only for a minute ...
Life is short so go on and live it
Cause the chicks dig it!  Oh yeah!'"

Yet even after Lina's terse and cogent answer, I still hesitated... for all the reasons enumerated above.

With my Aussie Mate,
Glen Robinson, after we had
completed the Florida IRONMAN 70.3.
Angel #4 is actually a living, breathing, human in the form of my Aussie mate and sometimes training partner from Down Under—Mr. Glen Robinson.

Born and raised in Australia, Glen and his wife, Rachel, are a very successful couple who have lived and worked all over the world and now spend most of their time near us in South Florida. Only a few years my elder, Glen is a true IRONMAN, having completed many of the 70.3 (half) and 140.6 (full) events over the years.

In his prime, Glen broke into the top one percent (worldwide) of IRONMAN competitors his age. In other words, he is a lot faster than I am—and especially so in the water, where I create a bit of a comical spectacle completing the vast majority of the distance on my back utilizing the elementary backstroke—a swimming stroke designed for ease and survival rather than speed. Nevertheless, it's lovely to be able to gaze up at the sky rather than peering down through dim, churning waters while trying to avoid swallowing too much H20!   

Glen never pressured me to get involved in triathlons with him, but the power and persuasion of his dedicated personal example has certainly inspired me in my own ongoing journey.

Thank YOU, Mate!      

In light of the ongoing ambivalence about whether or not to sign up for the 140.6, I suppose it was Angel #5 that finally tipped the scales for me in favor of just going for it. This fifth angel hearkens back nearly three decades into my past to the words of a wise man who gave me the following words of counsel about life all the way back in 1995 when I was just a sophomore in high school.

Said he: "I urge you to take advantage of every opportunity that you have been blessed with." 

The particular fellow who gave me this advice was no commonplace passerby in my life. He was a very spiritual and wise man whom I believe was divinely inspired in the things he shared with me that day nearly 30 years ago. As such, I have always taken his counsel very seriously in both my life and career. In doing so, I have never been led astray. Instead, I have been repeatedly blessed, favored, and prospered as I have followed his counsel, including this specific injunction to "take advantage of every opportunity [I] have been blessed with."   

JJ running cross-country for Joel E. Ferris High School 
in Spokane, Washington, at the GSL/BIG 9 Regional Meet 
held at Hangman Golf Course in Spokane in Oct. 1997.
I first put this counsel into action as a junior in high school back in 1997. Given the chance to move several states away from my home, parents, community, and friends in Utah, I took advantage of an opportunity to live with my oldest brother and his newlywed wife in Spokane, Washington, where I spent my senior year of high school and graduated from a school I only attended for a single year.

After winning an individual and team State Championship in cross-country in my classification in Utah as a Junior, the chance to move to Spokane—one of the more competitive high school distance running communities in the United States—as a senior was a wonderful opportunity that afforded me with many unique and specially-tailored experiences conducive to my long-term growth and progress as both an athlete and human being. 

The nine months I spent in Spokane proved to be a magnificent adventure that produced many memories I will always cherish.  

I am so grateful for the timely advice of this wise man and have zero regrets about following his counsel in this and many other times throughout my life and career. His prescient words have provided me with the fuel and passion necessary to do hard things, take calculated risks for personal and professional growth and success, and become far more than I would have become had I not boldly, confidently, and courageously followed his inspired direction. 

Along the way, I have discovered that I always learn, grow, and become more than I was before taking a "leap of faith" into the often frightening blackness of the unknown... and especially so when that leap of faith involves hard tasks that take a long time to complete.  

So there you have it...

        Two days ago, I officially registered for the "Full IRONMAN" 140.6 triathlon!

            I'll be taking the plunge November 2, 2024 in Panama City Beach, Florida. 

I will not impress anyone with my time in this upcoming race. While elite competitors will complete the grueling 140.6 miles in under eight hours' time, it will take me somewhere between 13-15 hours to finish. 

No matter!

I'm not tackling this new challenge to beat anyone or anything other than my own previous best performance, which is currently 77 miles on a bike and 70.3 miles in a triathlon competition. 

But there are, of course, other reasons I'm doing it.

I'm doing it to look better and feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—I feel GREAT right now because of all the quality physical exertion I have invested in myself the past five months.

I'm doing it to follow the sage advice I received as a youth—counsel that has so thoroughly benefitted me throughout my life and career.

I'm doing it for what I will experience and learn and become throughout the process.

I'm doing it because it will provide me with fantastic fodder for a future blog article!

I'm doing it because I hope to influence others to consider doing something extra challenging for their own personal or professional change, growth, and maturation.

I'm doing it because I know it will further bolster my resume and credibility (internally, socially, and professionally speaking).

And of course I'm doing it because my Chick digs it! 

Lastly, I'm doing it simply because I can!

I'm a firm believer that God sent each of His spirit children here to Earth to individually accomplish what we can... a resume full of personal accomplishments and service to others that, in the end, produces an extraordinarily singular and unique existential VITA unlike anyone else's. One of my life mantras is to live without regrets, and I think the greatest regret of all for me would be to arrive at the end of my allotted time on this planet only to realize I failed to rise to and otherwise fill the full measure of my divine creation and potential. 

What are some GOALS you hope to achieve
before YOU kick the bucket?
We are all created differently, of course. As such, I do not wish to insinuate that we all must complete a full IRONMAN triathlon before we kick the bucket. 

I just know it's something I need to do.  

I have always enjoyed the satisfaction, fulfillment, and even elation and euphoria that result from doing hard things that take a long time to complete. Such is another reason I've thrown my hat in the 140.6-mile ring.

This is also the reason why I've derived such enormous pleasure and fulfillment from my pursuit of writing a comprehensive TEXTBOOK for LIFE—a truly mammoth academic and literary undertaking that has involved 22-years and tens of thousands of hours of pondering, planning, research, development, organization, writing, revision, polishing, and perfecting on the subject of Self-Action Leadership and Character Development.  

This leadership and literary magnum opus of mine—founded on my doctoral research as presented in my 1,149-page dissertation published in 2013—has undergone SEVEN (7) complete iterations/drafts/editions/publications since 2005.

I've always had a thing about TEXTBOOKS.
Beginning in first grade, I began borrowing my older brothers'
high schooland later college—textbooks to admire, peruse, read, 
and copy out of. Suffice it to say, it's really no wonder that my greatest
career ambition was to eventually create one myself!
To say that I take pride in perpetually polishing my prose would be a ponderous understatement at this point. To add that I'm excited about this groundbreaking, new, SEVENTH EDITION would similarly understate the authentic yearnings of my mind, heart, and soul in the matter.

Scheduled to weigh in at a whopping 375,000 words, this TOME gives new meaning to the terms comprehensive and holistic. For a little perspective, that word count is 45% the length of the King James Bible and about 40% of the total literary output of my hero, even the Immortal Bard (Shakespeare).

Length, of course, does not itself translate into quality. I have, however, taken great pains over the course of seven comprehensive revisions to trim the fat without lacerating the muscle (substance) of the text, and thereby stand by the total word count as being both necessary and useful to any student or practitioner of the work.

One of life's greatest adventures is to foray into a tome full of 
fascinating information, knowledge, and wisdom. The SAL
Textbook provides an adventure of this nature that is uniquely
personal and full of opportunity "seeds" for your future.  
Perhaps it seems/sounds ironic—or even foolish—to produce such a long written work in an age and culture marked largely by short articles and brief abstracts, excerpts, posts, texts, and tweets. "Folks in the 21st Century lack the time and attention span to engage such a tome," some will inevitably argue. Or in the words of a successful businessman I respect: "People don't read long books." There is obviously some common sense and practicality to these arguments. But in the end, I respectfully disagree, and believe firmly that there is a place in the 21st Century for the SAL Life Leadership textbook. I further believe it will be its complexity, substance, and length that will, in-time, undergird its long-term success—in much the same way that Cervantes's tome, Don Quixote, or the Good Book's ponderous collection of 66 books ultimately passed the test of time in flying colors—and continue to serve the world as classics commonly opened up and read, studied, and internalized—despite their massive word counts.        

In addition to the considerable narrative detail and scholarly substance of the work, this Life Leadership textbook serves dually as a personal leadership journal, with extra space provided in every chapter where students and practitioners can take notes, answer questions, and produce original diary entries right in the textbook itself.    

The popular narrative sections detail THREE (3) of the most challenging aspects of my own unique SAL journey through life. Click on links below to read these online articles, which will also appear as chapters in the SEVENTH Edition of the SAL Textbook. 

OCD is Hell

Rocky Road of Romance

Career Crucibles

The SIXTH Edition of the SAL Textbook included two
separate volumes. The SEVENTH Edition consolidates
these into one, large, traditional TEXTBOOK.
This newest and latest edition will be packaged in a significantly different manner than its immediate predecessor, the 6th Edition, which was published in two volumes by Cambridge Scholars Publishers out of the UK in 2019.

Instead of two, highly priced 6x9-inch academic volumes costing 177 English pounds sterling (that's $217 US dollars), this brand new, cutting-edge, 8.5x11-inch double-columned, traditional textbook-formatted, SINGLE VOLUME will cost approximately one-fourth that price ($50-$65 US — which is cheap as modern textbooks go). Plus, instead of having to navigate two books, you will have access to the whole enchilada in a single volume—just like your math, science, English, or history textbook in school!

At Freedom Focused, we are very excited about it and will notify you when it is officially published sometime in 2026.

After rounding this journey SEVEN (7) complete times now (2005, 2007, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, and 2026), I feel as though I am nearing the summit of my own, individual, scholarly Mt. Everest, and I'll tell you, the air is extremely brisk, fresh, rare, and unprecedented up here! 

In the meantime, as we await hard copy publication in 2026, we are currently serially publishing the entire SAL Textbook online, right here on the Freedom Focused blog. I began this online, serial publication—one chapter at a time—last year on September 6, 2023. We are currently in BOOK the FOURTH, Chapter One (of eight total sub-books). This puts us about one-third through the complete work. We will finish this online, serial publication sometime next year (2025), after which we will begin the publication process in earnest with Palmetto Publishing out of South Carolina.  

So, if you'd like to get a sneak peak at the content that will eventually appear in this upcoming, ONE-VOLUME, grandaddy Life Leadership textbook, you can take in as little (or as much) as you'd like each Wednesday morning for zero cost.  

That's right!

          The online version is completely FREE to anyone and everyone who is interested in the work.  

I publish a new chapter or article every single week on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 Eastern Standard/Daylight Time at Each of these articles will remain accessible online for as long as the Internet lasts, which is one of the many wonderful and remarkable blessings of living in the Information Age. 

Self-action leaders consistently give
their best effort. The result is the opportunity
to live their best possible life.
I'm a firm believer that when we try our best to do what is right and give our finest effort in everything we aim to accomplish, that everything important to us will eventually work out in its time—or drop out of our lives in favor of something even better. (2) As I have engaged in this extraordinarily complicated, detailed, and lengthy, yet immensely satisfying and fulfilling work over the past 22 years, there have been two seemingly contradictory circumstances and forces at work all along the way. 

The first is that the work has received almost no external attention or outward success. In other words, despite any and all of my efforts to create, share, advertise, market, or otherwise promote it, and regardless of the fact that our troubled world desperately needs instruction and guidance in Self-Action Leadership and Character Development, my work has never managed to catch on with a broader audience. Despite the obvious need for the material in homes, schools, the workplace, communities, states, nations, and the world-at-large, there has simply never been any serious appetite for the work...

At least not yet

However, unlike those things that tend to naturally "drop out of our lives" when they aren't catching on or are destined to ultimately fail, this particular work has done the exact opposite—it has remained unapologetically and unrelentingly in the forefront of my life for over two decades, with zero sign of letting up.

TIMING, of course, is everything

I believe my "Boss" would not have let me spend 22 years of my life working on something if He did not eventually have plans for it. I also firmly believe that our nation and world is hungering after the things I share and teach in the SAL Life Leadership textbook. If my logic and reasoning is correct in this regard, it is only a matter of time before those who seek these things will be granted access thereto.  

I will forever be grateful to my Boss for the extraordinary opportunity and unspeakable grandeur of this highly personalized life and career blessing packaged so perfectly and uniquely for little ole me. I am grateful for this because of the work's long-term potential to help others; but I am also grateful because I have derived immense personal pleasure, satisfaction, fulfillment, enjoyment, and joy throughout the ongoing process of its complicated creation and piecemeal production and perpetual publication.

We all must do what we came
to this world to accomplish.
A great truth about human beings is this... 

Artists must create,

    Builders must build,

        Conductors must conduct,

            Directors must direct,

                Leaders must lead,

                    Managers must manage,

                        Musicians must play,

                            Singers must sing,

                                Speakers must speak,

                                    Teachers must teach, and...

Writers must write, etc....

How blessed I have been with endless opportunities to do what I love most! 

Despite the SAL Textbook's failure to catch on with a broader audience so far, Life has Serendipitously provided me with ample time, space, and financial resources all along the way to continue crafting, creating, composing, revising, polishing, and perfecting the work not once, not twice, not thrice, but SEVEN complete times. And as a self-confessed perfectionist and tireless reviser of my work, believe me when I say it has gotten considerably better with each new edition.  

Dr. JJ with his kids: Kara, Tyler, and Tucker
Conroe, Texas; January 30, 2019.

Getting to personally raise my own kids as a 
dad has been an unexpected and challenging, 

but wonderful blessing in my life.

Another baffling phenomenon is Life's refusal to let me do anything other than this work in my career. And believe me when I say I have tried many, many, many times to do so!

I actually did have part- or full-time professional classroom teaching and/or professional training work opportunities until early 2016 when Lina and I decided I would go full-time as a stay-at-home dad.

At the time, I assumed my full-immersion in parenting would be short-lived. I had recently published the FIFTH Edition of the SAL Textbook and was optimistic it was "the one" that would finally catch on. 

When it failed to do so, I pursued over 100 different other potential career opportunities. These job openings included high school teaching positions, college and university faculty jobs, a career in Corporate America, and even a collegiate athletic coaching gig in cross-country and track & field.

In every case my education and resume merited strong consideration of my applications.

Yet in every single instance, I was rejected in favor of someone else and failed to land the opportunity.

The result of these failures has been as wonderful in the long-run as the failures were annoying in the short run. This is because it kept my schedule perpetually clear and open to not only raise my three kids up close and personal as a stay-at-home-dad, but also to continually pursue, polish, and perfect the SAL Textbook for Life Leadership—by far my career's greatest passion, pursuit, goal, and vision.

How blessed can a man possibly get?

The blessings of my wife's and my career, life, and family
have been rich, colorful, diverse, delicious, and manifold.
All along the way, my wife's career has blossomed most beautifully. Her hard wrought and well earned career success is a credit to her own remarkable and consistent exercise of SAL throughout her life. Moreover, her many wins at work have blessed and prospered our family immeasurably. One of the greatest of these blessings has been affording me all the time I need to continually perfect the SAL Textbook until the time is right for it to finally find an interested audience.    

Make no mistake... this cornucopia of rich and varied blessings along my journey has been accompanied with a commensurate degree of difficulty and disappointments—much like my experiences with the marathon and IRONMAN 70.3. But everything that has happened in the short run has benefitted my future in the long-run, and given me the very best of life's richest and most authentic opportunities all along the way. And someday, I'm gonna get a legit external win with my work—just like I finally got a "win" last Saturday with my personal record-breaking and goal achieving IRONMAN 70.3 success. 

Life is challenging; but life is also GOOD!
This extraordinarily unusual and unique professional journey has been both exasperatingly frustrating and exhilaratingly thrilling all at the same time! On the one hand, the normal and natural human being inside of me often feels unspeakable annoyance, irritation, and frustration that my work has taken so long to catch on with the very audiences it is capable of helping and serving. Yet, on the other hand, I routinely stop and pinch myself knowing how profoundly blessed and favored I am to get to spend all my time with the things that matter the most to me: my faith, my family, and my writing about things that matter.

There's nothing quite so wonderful
in one's career or life than TIME
FREEDOM, and it's difficult to
accurately ascertain is full value.
There is nothing quite as wonderful as TIME FREEDOM. Working within a framework of my family responsibilities, church callings, and other constraints, I've been blessed with lots of it all throughout my career.  As a result, I've been blessed to get to do exactly what I most wanted to do, which was to write a comprehensive LIFE LEADERSHIP textbook capable of transforming the lives and careers of anyone who seriously studies its principles and applies its practices.  

The pleasantly puzzling perplexity of it all has underscored for me time and again what I have always believed to be true: that while I am always free to make my own choices, I am not in charge of the big picture... not even close!  

My Boss is in charge.

I am merely a tool in His hands undertaking a work I believe He will eventually utilize in helping His children here upon the Earth in His way and in His time. As such, the proliferation and timing of the project always has been, is, and always will remain, in His control and purview. This fact is the most frustratingly magnificent thing in the entire universe! It is as frustrating as it is magnificent (in the short-run) and it is as magnificent as it is frustrating (in the long-run). 

But in the end, it will only be MAGNIFICENT... beyond measure!

In the meantime, it is terribly humbling to discover that—despite my very best efforts—I still have such little control outside of my own determined exercise of SAL. But this is, of course, a very good thing because the Boss can accomplish more with humble servants than he can with those who are overly reliant on their own, drastically limited human capital, capacity, and resources.

Moreover, those who demonstrate over time that they are sufficiently humble, submissive, and teachable are the ones who receive the most and best opportunities to pursue their own passion and serve in the most rewarding ways.  

I cannot, of course, prove that all these things—my beliefs—are true. But this much I can tell you: the confirming and corroborating evidence piling up so abundantly all around me for the past 44 years is so palpable and compelling in the affirmative that I'd be both a liar and a fool to ignore, deny, or otherwise attempt to explain away their existence, majesty, and power.

Thus, I'd bet my life on the veracity of these assumptions. In fact, you might well say I already have bet my life (and career) on them. Thus, the only viable option is to press forward in faith until the end, so that's what I've done, am doing, and will continue to do until my number in this world gets called and the Boss brings me home.  

As of a few weeks ago, I no longer send out weekly emails to "blog subscribers." As we enter our tenth year in the blogging business, the time has come to let folks practice a little SAL and stand on their own two feet in terms of their preferred personal traffic on our blog. 

However, I will, from time-to-time, send out personal emails to family members, friends, and colleagues for isolated posts, like this one—and like the one I will write after I complete the IRONMAN 140.6—and then later on following the hard copy publication of the SEVENTH Edition of the SAL Life Leadership Textbook approximately 18-24 months from now.

Spoiler Alert: The new title of the Seventh Edition will be: Self-Action Leadership: A Textbook and Journal for Life.

Stay tuned y'all! 

        And don't be afraid to try new—and hard—things YOURSELF.

                Until next time... 

Dr. JJ

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 389th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 199th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 388 FF Blog Articles 

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES  

Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS   

Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection

Click HERE for a complete listing of Self-Action Leadership Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Fitness, Heath, & Wellness Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Biographical & Historical Articles

Click HERE for a complete listing of Dr. JJ's Autobiographical Articles


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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1).  My time was officially 5:58.32.  However, I missed a turn early on in the race and had to backtrack, which cost me approximately five (5) minutes.  My time for the 1.2 mile swim was 52:55.  First transition was 7:30.  56-mile bike was 2 hours and 53 minutes.  Second transition was 6:09.  13.1 mile run was 1 hour and 53 minutes and 38 seconds.  

2. Benson, E.T. (1988). The Great CommandmentLove the Lord (speech). "When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives."


Seeds of Self-Help

    Chapter 2 Seeds of Self-Help   This chapter tells the story of my introductions to and experiences with the self-help and personal devel...