Wednesday, August 31, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article VIII: Agent Code of Conduct

This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE VIII: Agent Code of Conduct.

  • When conducting business as an Agent or representative of Freedom Focused Corporation, persons at all levels will demonstrate world-class INTEGRITY, DECORUMMODESTY, and PROFESSIONALISM in speech, action, dress, grooming, attitude, demeanor, and disposition.
  • When not conducting official business as an Agent or representative of Freedom Focused, individuals are invited and encouraged to be law abiding citizens who wisely continue to uphold the FF Corporate Motto by exemplifying the principles and tenets of the SAL Theory & Model in heed of one's conscience in all of one's personal decisions and interpersonal interactions and relationships. This invitation is extended in the spirit of the great truism taught by Gandhi: "You cannot do right in one department of life whilst attempting to do wrong in another department; life is one indivisible whole." Knowing that one's personal decisions influence and affect one's professional work, we expect our Agents and representatives to govern themselves wisely, discreetly, and morally (to the best of their ability) wherever they are and whatever they are doing.
  • FF Agents are sharp, honest, proactive
    professional, and results-oriented.

    All Freedom Focused Agents will refrain from using illegal drugs of any kind. Infractions of this policy will result in immediate termination. Issues arising from the use of legal drugs that negatively impact an Agent's job performance will be addressed with disciplinary measures (up to and including termination) and will be levied at the discretion of an Agent's supervising officers.  
  • Freedom Focused Agents are expected to be law-abiding citizens of whatever nation, state, county, and municipality, etc., in which they reside. Extra-organizational legal indictments will result in interorganizational disciplinary measures (up to and including termination) at the discretion of the Inspector General's Office in consultation with one's supervising officers.  

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE nine (9): Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Agent Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

August 31, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 281st Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 110th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 280 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Dr. JJ's Psychotherapeutic Review after 7 Counseling Sessions

As regular readers of the Freedom Focused blog will recall, I recently returned to PSYCHOTHERAPY for the first time since 2018.

Click HERE to read about my decision to seek out professional counseling services in June 2022.

It was the 8th time in my life I had sought out professional counseling for mental and emotional-related issues.

And I'm so glad that I did!

Yesterday, I had my seventh and final session of this recent round of therapy with my new, online counselor (psychotherapist).

Why was it my last session, at least for now? What was it that made session #7 my lucky last appointment with my counselor?

Good question, and the answer is this...

Because by the time of my seventh session, I had accomplished the goals I had set out for this—my 8th round of counseling to date in my life and career. 

Therapy has, once again, helped me become unstuck. If—
or, more likely, when—I become stuck again, I will return again
to therapy, like I have time-and-time again throughout my life. 
In other words, to paraphrase Dr. M. Scott Peck, whereas I had found myself stuck back in June, I was able to get "unstuck" through the seven professional counseling sessions and the important work I personally invested throughout the process.

It took SEVEN (7) sessions to achieve the targeted objectives I laid out for myself when I entered therapy for the 8th time back in June. And now I am both doing and feeling much better than I was when I began therapy. 

When will I return to therapy for my 9th go-round, you ask?

Another good question!

The answer is this: if—or more likely when—I find myself stuck again. In other words: 

"Whenever I need to go back into therapy."

This latest round of psychotherapy was a new experience and adventure for me because it was the first time I had ever taken the Telehealth, or virtual counseling, route. This means I never met my counselor in-person, although our online ZOOM sessions provided the next-best alternative. In hindsight, I do think in-person counseling is the best option—the IDEAL—when that option is available to you. Nevertheless, my wife's work benefits' package has an excellence virtual option, so I decided to give virtual counseling a try and it ended up working out quite well. In some ways it was even preferable to traditional in-person counseling because I didn't have to travel, which made it possible to conduct each session from the comfort of my own home office. Moreover, each session still proved to be very personal—similar to the dynamic that exists in traditional, face-to-face psychotherapy.

My latest round of psychotherapy involved Telehealth,
something that was new to me.  
The counselor I decided to work with was wonderful. She was kind, thoughtful, knowledgeable, empathetic, and encouraging—all the qualities you want in a quality mental health professional. A young woman—younger than me—she is still in the earlier stages of her career. In some ways that was a concern for me because younger professionals bring less experience and experience-gleaned wisdom to the table than older counselors who have been "in the saddle" longer. On the other hand, younger counselors tend to bring an energy and enthusiasm to the relationship and therapeutic process that you don't always get with older, more experienced professionals.

So, it's a trade-off. 

Dermatillomania is an anxiety disorder
I've struggled with for most of my life.
It manifests itself by biting, picking, 
or pulling at one's own skin.
I was willing to take the risk of working with a younger counselor because I have had positive experiences counseling with younger therapists in the past. My experience has taught me that oftentimes the added energy, enthusiasm, passion, and sincerity can help compensate for whatever experience one lacks; not always, mind you—but often.  

I chose to work with a woman because most of my counselors in the past have been female and I have learned over time that I feel more comfortable working with women than men in a psychotherapeutic setting and environment. This is, of course, just a personal preference of mine. There are many GREAT male mental health care providers; I have had some excellent ones myself.  

As I mentioned in my article about my return to therapy back in June, I mentioned "DERMATILLOMANIA" as one of the issues I desired to work on in this latest round of therapy.

Well... I am pleased to announce that I have received much help with this affliction over the course of my counseling sessions, so much so that as I type this today, I have ZERO band-aids on my fingers and thumbs and my ten digits look and feel healthier than they have in many months. More importantly, I feel more desirous and motivated to continue this positive progress indefinitely into the future. Whereas I was once a slave to the impulses of dermatillomania, I am now a FREE man capable of choosing to have clean, nicely groomed fingers.

And that is what being Freedom Focused is all about... increasing your personal FREEDOM through Self-Action Leadership.  

And if I get stuck again—which I might—I am prepared to return to therapy again. 

Dr. JJ's post-counseling Dermatillomania-FREE fingertips. 
This picture of personal FREEDOM was taken on 8-22-22.
Click HERE to read about the ring on Dr. JJ's right finger
After all, I've already been to counseling on eight (8) different occasions throughout my life so far. If I need to make a 9th, 10th, or 11th trip in the future, I am humbly prepared to do just that.  

In addition to dermatillomania, I was able to address and receive help with some other issues I had been struggling with as well. In every particular, I have made progress and achieved growth, and am happier and less stressed out as a result. 

What a deal!  

Specifically, my new counselor introduced me to a couple of different therapeutic methods with which I was previously unaware.

Dr. Russ Harris's book detailing Acceptance &
Behavior Therapy 
or just ACT for short.  Click
HERE to buy Dr. Harris's Book shown above.
The first was Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT, which is championed by a gifted Australian mental health professional named Dr. Russ Harris. ACT can be utilized to address a host of different mental and/or emotional difficulties. It is designed to help an individual to accept difficult circumstances and realities in their lives and then take positive, VALUE-based actions that lead one to more desirable emotions and results in the future. ACT refers to these positive, value-based actions as "TOWARD" moves and their opposite behaviors as "AWAY" moves. 

The second therapy I learned about is SCAMP—which is an acronym that stands for sensory, cognitive, affective, motor, and place—and is a tool specifically designed to help individuals like me who seek to address issues like dermatillomania (skin picking/pulling) or trichotillomania (hair pulling). SCAMP aims to focus one's attention on the different triggers that lead a person to pick at one's skin (dermatillomania) or pull out one's hair (trichotillomania) prior to developing a plan filled with new coping strategies that replace the unwanted behavior.   

These explanations are brief and cursory—more like textbook definitions of ACT and SCAMP. Obviously, there is a lot more to both of these therapeutic methods than a one-paragraph description. For those interested in learning more about ACT or SCAMP, some great information exists online.

Click HERE to learn more about ACT.

Click HERE to learn more about SCAMP.   

Dr. Russ Harris—an Australian mental health professional and leading voice in the ACT movement—recently released a new edition of his book out that goes into great detail on the whys and hows of ACT. He also has a lot of helpful videos on YouTube that explain more about this relatively new and unique brand of therapy.

Click HERE to access Dr. Russ Harris's YouTube Videos on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Dr. Harris is an extremely gifted therapist and communicator. I highly recommend his work to anyone who is struggling with anything—not only for its therapeutic benefits, but also for the quality of his unique personality and accompanying personal approach, which I found to be unusually calming, comforting, and soothing—a key component of ACT.

Enhancing Your Mental and Emotional Heath by SIMPLIFYING

The time has come for the Bugler to play
"Taps" on Dr. JJ's Cub Scouting career, and
my mental health is grateful for the bugler! 

An additional benefit I derived from my time in therapy was coming to the realization that it was time to simplify my life by resigning my post as a Cub Scout Den Leader.

I recently got a new service assignment at Church; I now have three different callings in my local congregation. That is in addition to being a stay-at-home Dad to a nine (9), seven (7), and four (4) year-old. Then there is this weekly blog that I publish. Suffice it to say, all of these responsibilities had become too much for me to handle, not so much physically speaking, but psychologically and emotionally speaking. As I was working through my therapeutic sessions and homework, it dawned on me that something had to give/go if I wanted to maximize my own happiness and mental hygiene. 

That something was Cub Scouting.

As a dad, I will still support my kids in the scouting program for as long as they remain involved; but trying to be a Den Leader in addition to everything else I currently have on my plate was starting to make me a little CRAZY. 

Dorothy Rasmussen Adams
While self-action leaders are ambitious, hard-working, and determined individuals, they also "Know Themselves" (Socrates), including their limits. Such self-knowledge includes an understanding of when it becomes necessary to say "No."

As I was contemplating the decision to resign from Scouting, I thought about my sweet, Great Aunt Dorothy Adams (1910-1998). When I was in high school, I did some manual labor for Aunt Dorothy at her Ranch. We became fast friends and I grew to absolutely adore this ambitious, courageous, and driven woman, leader, and personal relative of mine.

Aunt Dorothy was no slouch. Nay; that is too weak... Aunt Dorothy was probably the most service-oriented, caring, and proactive person in the history of my hometown of Monticello, Utah. No wonder she was a recipient of the Citizen of the Year award in my hometown, among other honors, accolades, admiration, and praise she received throughout her life. 

Thanks to Aunt Dorothy, Monticello has a hospital (where I was born in 1979), a swimming pool (where I spent countless hours as a boy with my cousins and friends), a library (where I spent many additional cherished hours reading and studying in my youth), and a Pioneer Park that all citizens were able to enjoy on special occasions—or any other time of the year. And these were just a few of her many projects and accomplishments. Suffice it to say, she was the epitome of a "doer" and a "go-getter."

Despite her obviously busy-bee nature and temperament, she would often repeat a mantra that seemed somewhat counterintuitive to her otherwise ambitious nature. The mantra was:

"You can always say 'NO.'" 

In life, you can always say "No."
I don't remember exactly how many times she said this to me... "Jordan: You can always say 'NO,'" but it was definitely more than once or twice, which is partly why I remember it so well.

At the time, I thought it was kind of an interesting thing for someone like her to say because it seemed to me that she never said "No" to anything! What made it even more interesting is that she kept repeating it to me on a number of different occasions—as if to drill it into my long-term memory for future use in my own life and career.  

As I reflect back on this experience, it dawns on me that there was probably a time (or perhaps several times) throughout Aunt Dorothy's long and productive life when she found herself in the same situation I find myself in right now—too many things to think about and do—and she realized she would have to say "NO" to someone or something in order to restore her own happiness and sanity. And perhaps sensing a kindred spirit of ambition and drive in me, I suppose she wanted to help prepare me for those times in my life when I would likewise need to take a step back and minimize or simplify. 

Whatever her own past experiences or intentions, her lesson and mantra were not lost on me, and I put it to good use a few weeks ago when I decided to let go of Cub Scouting. It was one of the best decisions I've made this year, and I credit it as one of the key takeaways and positive developments of this latest round of professional counseling.

Thus, the benefits of counseling are not always directly related to what you and your counselor specifically address in your therapy sessions. Sometimes the benefits are indirect, peripheral, or perhaps even seemingly unrelated to your explicitly stated therapeutic goals. In other words, some benefits of psychotherapy have a clear and identifiable cause-and-effect relationship, while other benefits come packaged in the serendipitous wrapping of grace and mercy. And the key to unlocking this seemingly magical serendipity in therapy is to courageously, proactively, and willingly seek it out and commit to the hard work that accompanies it.

Transparency and TRUTH—with oneself
and others—is a key component of
Have you ever wondered why I choose to be so transparent about my struggles with mental illness and other challenges I've faced throughout my life?

Well, it's pretty simple, really: I do it in hopes that my experiences—and the lessons I've learned and the growth I've experienced—might be helpful to someone else who may struggle similarly. After all, this is the 280th blog article I've published since 2013, and I still haven't made a penny off of it. Moreover, I've made next to nothing on my textbooks and seminars as well. Thousands upon thousands of hours of diligent focus and enthusiastic effort... and for what—if I'm still not making any money for my labors—other than an authentic desire to help others, be a positive influence, and make a meaningful difference in the world by pursuing my passion to organize and write?

My friends, in the famous words of M. Scott Peck, M.D... "Life is Difficult" ... and I would add "Painful" as well. But despite this ever-present and continually-pressing reality, there are principles we can learn and actions we can put into practice that will make it a little less difficult and a little less painful—or maybe even a LOT less difficult and a LOT less painful—in the long-run.

That's my goal in being so unusually transparent about my own, trying, and unique personal journey with mental illness and other life and career challenges. That's also the goal of this blog. And that's the goal of Self-Action Leadership and FREEDOM FOCUSED: to empower YOU and ME to become all we are capable of becoming in this life and world—by helping us circumvent avoidable pitfalls wherever possible and then navigate the unavoidable ones as painlessly and successfully as we can. 

At best, life is still difficult and painful
But it can be less so with SAL & Serendipity.
There will, of course, still be difficulty and pain. 

In the words of Wesley (of Princess Bride fame): 

"Life is pain, Highness! Anyone who says differently is selling something." (1)

Wesley (1) was right!

Truth is, I've never been very good at SALES. I've tried my hand at it for 25 years in a variety of different ways for all kinds of different products and services, and without fail, I have always ultimately failed. 

But if there is something I am good at, it is the TRUTH. And the truth of the matter is that, as the old saying goes: while pain may be inevitable, misery is optional.  

Never forget that, my friends...

PAIN is inevitable; but MISERY is optional.  

It is my hope and prayer that my efforts and sacrifices to seek out and then clearly articulate TRUTH—my own truth in conjunction with TRUTH itself—might prove beneficial to you in some small (or perhaps big) way.  

If it does, then I will not have lived in vain.  

Emily Dickinson
American Poet

In the inspired words of the great poet, Emily Dickinson...

"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can keep one life from aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto its nest again,
I shall not live in vain."

And in the inspirational verse of Dickinson's fellow 19th century America poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow...

"Lives of [others] all remind us
   We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
   Footprints on the sands of time;

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Footprints, that perhaps another,
   Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
   Seeing, shall take heart again.

"Let us, then, be up and doing,
   With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
   Learn to labor and to wait."

Dr. JJ

August 24, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 280th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 109th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 279 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

Notes: William Goldman wrote the screenplay for the famous 1987 movie, The Princess Bride.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Faith in Every Footstep: Walking in the Shadows of my Noble Ancestors

Final Resting Place of my son's fifth great grandparents—
and my fourth great-grandparents—in Nauvoo, Illinois, USA.
A wise man, who had some special insight into my life and past, once remarked to me that I, "have been blessed with a rich and an illustrious ancestry."

He was right! 

I recently had a chance to take my oldest son, Tucker, to visit Nauvoo, Illinois, where many of my ancestors—on both sides of my family—spent several years during the late 1830s and early 1840s.

It was a very special trip. 

The occasion was an extended family reunion for the posterity of Joseph Smith, Sr. (1771-1840) and Lucy Mack Smith (1775-1856)—my maternal fourth great-grandparents and my son Tucker's paternal fifth great-grandparents.  

Born at the outset of the American Revolution, Joseph and Lucy Smith's posterity now numbers in the tens of thousands and live all over the world. While only several hundred were able to attend the reunion in Nauvoo, all in attendance sensed the significance of the lives and legacies left by these two remarkable Americans who loved God and cherished their faith and FREEDOM as citizens of a newly formed United States.

My son, Tucker "Joseph" in front of Carthage Jail,
where Joseph & Hyrum Smith were murdered
by an armed mob on June 27, 1844.
I am proud of my forbears and their examples of courage, faith, fortitude, integrity, and endurance. Life on the expanding American frontier in the early-mid nineteenth century was challenging, at best. For religious reformers and restorers like the Smiths, it was often downright hellish—and even deadly—as two of Joseph and Lucy's sons (Joseph Jr. and Hyrum) discovered at the hands of an armed and angry mob in a frontier jail in Carthage, Illinois, on June 27, 1844.

My son Tucker's middle name is "Joseph" in part to honor his fourth great-uncle who was martyred that fateful day in early summer, 1844. We both had the opportunity to visit the famous Carthage Jail where the dastardly deed was done to Joseph and Hyrum—my third great grandfather and Tucker's fourth great grandfather—over 178 years ago.  

Statues of Joseph & Hyrum Smith commemorating
their last ride out of Nauvoo on their way to Carthage Jail.
The persecution of early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has been well chronicled; a detailed retelling of that troubling and often tragic story is beyond the scope of this article. 

Suffice it to say, after being harassed, hunted, and hounded from New York to Pennsylvania to Ohio to Missouri, and then eventually to Illinois, Joseph Smith oversaw the building of a remarkable city of 12,000 inhabitants on the eastern shore of the mighty Mississippi. That made Nauvoo the largest city in the State of Illinois at the time (1844)—even larger than Chicago!

With my Mom and son in Nauvoo on the eastern shore of
the Mississippi. It was here that our ancestors crossed the
river to begin their 1,300 mile pioneer exodus to Utah.
After the Latter-Day Saints left for Utah, Nauvoo never regained the population it boasted in the mid-1840s. Today, 180 years later, only one-tenth as many people call Nauvoo, Illinois home. Chicago, on the other hand, passed Nauvoo in population about the time of the Saints' westward exodus, and the rest is, as they say, history! Today, Nauvoo has a population of 1,100 and Chicago is the third largest city and metropolitan area in the entire United States with approximately 3 million (city) and 10 million inhabitants (metro area), respectively.    

Of the thousands of settlers and emigrants that flocked to Nauvoo from 1839-1846, scores of them were my ancestors, and most of them were forced to leave their "Beautiful Place" (a Hebrew interpretation of the word "Nauvoo") in the years following the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. After crossing the Plains in what has since become known as the "Great Mormon Migration" along the famous "Mormon Pioneer Trail," my Smith ancestors and other progenitors settled in Salt Lake City, Utah and its environs. 

My hometown of Monticello, Utah, was settled in 1888 by Mormon Pioneers, one of which was my paternal, second great-grandfather (George Albert Adams [1864-1935]) whose family had initially been sent to settle Parowan, Utah, by Brigham Young, and then later directed by Church President, John Taylor, to settle San Juan County.  

Latter-Day Saints owe a debt of gratitude to
President Abraham Lincoln for his "hands-off"
policy towards Utah Mormons during the Civil War.
As bad as the persecution and forced removals of the Latter-Day Saints had been in New York, Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois, the crucibles my ancestors passed through had a significant silver lining. 

What was that you say?  

It was just this—their exodus from Missouri and Illinois enabled them to safely escape the unspeakable horrors of the American Civil War

If he had seen fit to do so, President Abraham Lincoln had the authority to force conscription upon the Latter-Day Saints—like the Polk Administration had done to the Mormon Pioneers during the Mexican-American War in 1846, which led to the formation of the famous "Mormon Battalion." The soldiers of the Mormon Battalion were blessed to avoid combat duty. Instead, they were ordered to blaze a trail of over 2,000 miles from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to San Diego, California, through some of the most arid and desolate landscapes in all of North America.

Long gone into far-off Utah Territory, my people were even more fortunate when the Civil War broke out 15 years later. Unlike James K. Polk, Abraham Lincoln's policy toward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was simple; said Lincoln: "You tell Brigham Young that if he will let me alone, then I will let him alone."

What a windfall for my ancestors, who, by the 1860s were almost all in Utah!

My maternal grandfather, great-grandfather, and
2nd great-grandfather pose for a picture in 1900.
My 2nd great-grandfather, Joseph F. Smith
(1838-1918) would have been of prime age to fight
in the Civil War. Because he lived in Utah, he—and all
of his family— remained safely out of the conflict.
I will forever be grateful for that policy of Abraham Lincoln's. The Civil War was a truly terrible, dreadful, and even colossal calamity—the likes of which our nation has never seen before or since—and I am so thankful my ancestors were able to avoid it entirely.  

If any of my direct ancestors had remained in Missouri or Illinois—instead of Utah—heaven only knows how many of them would have fought (and died) in that miserable war—and whose to say I would even be here today had that alternative version of history played out?

Things being what they were, literally ALL of my ancestors managed to entirely avoid the American Civil War, thereby helping to ensure I would be here today to write and speak about it.  

What a blessing!  

Thus, it is, that Shakespeare rightly surmised that we humans are often wiser to "bear those ills we have, [rather] than fly to others that we know not of" (Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 89-90).

I am grateful for the examples my ancestors set for me. They were strong, courageous, and noble men and women who blazed pioneer trails, settled new communities in the mountains, deserts, and plains, and in more extreme cases, sacrificed their lives for their faith.

Amidst the deluge of derision, hate, and bitterness that so often fills our present culture and media, I am further grateful that my parents and grandparents never taught me to resent or (even) dislike the New Yorkers, Ohioans, Missourians, or Illinoisans who persecuted my ancestors. Instead, they directed my entire focus toward honoring and emulating the remarkable character that enabled my forbears to sacrifice so much and demonstrate so much patience, persistence, faith, and forgiveness.

I actually have a friend who is descended from some of the very Missourians who once hated and persecuted my ancestors. We play on a fantasy baseball league together and harbor no ill will towards each other. In fact, my friend is, like me, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which has grown from a paltry six members in Upstate New York in 1830 to nearly 17 million spread throughout nearly every nation on Earth in 2022.     

Standing next to statues of Hyrum Smith
(my third great grandfather) and Joseph Smith
(my third great uncle) outside of
Carthage Jail in Carthage, Illinois, USA.
One of the things I admire about my ancestors is their love of liberty and the incredible value they placed upon personal and organizational FREEDOM, including religious freedom. Indeed, when you examine my life and ancestry closely, it isn't hard to see why I have chosen to dedicate my life and career to these same values and IDEALS.

Indeed... is it really any wonder that I am so FREEDOM FOCUSED; focused, that is, on freedom?  

One of the things I came across during my time in Nauvoo was a reproduced pamphlet of the "Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States" by "General [Joseph] Smith"—who, in addition to serving as the Latter-Day Saints spiritual leader, was also commissioned as a Lieutenant General of the Nauvoo Legion (local militia).

Smith had the pamphlet published in early 1844 as a part of his campaign to run for President of the United States during that quadrennial election cycle. Had Joseph lived and pursued his campaign to full fruition, he would have faced off against James K. Polk—the eventual winner of the election who authorized the formation of the Mormon Battalion two years later.  Joseph Smith, of course, was murdered in late June 1844, so his name never made it to the ballot. Nevertheless, the publication of said pamphlet evinces the seriousness of Smith's intentions. While he knew his chances of actually winning were marginal at best, he was eager to bring greater attention to the ills and illegal treatment of his people. For better or for worse (remember how the Latter-Day Saints avoided the Civil War?) Smith's presidential aspirations were terminated at the end of a mobber's musket months before the election was held.  

Statue of Joseph Smith and his
successor—Brigham Young—
in Nauvoo, Illinois, USA.
I close this article with some excerpts from "General Smith's" "Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States." I do so as a means of endorsing said quotes in a good-faith effort to harmonize his statements—and others like them—in an ongoing effort to continually proliferate the message of personal growth, liberty, and freedom throughout our troubled, but still tenuously united, United States of America—and world.

In selecting these quotes, I have been careful to steer clear of Smith's specific political policies and views and focus instead on both the largeness and largesse of his heart as it relates to his fellow countrymen and fellowman as well as his desires for both their individual and collective happiness, prosperity, FREEDOM, and peace.  

"Born in a land of liberty, ... I ever feel a double anxiety for the happiness of all [people], both in time and in eternity. My cogitations like Daniel's, have for a long time troubled me, when I viewed the condition of men throughout the world, and more especially in [my homeland], where the Declaration of Independence "holds these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal: that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," but at the same time, some two or three millions of people are held as slaves for life, because the spirit in them is covered with a darker skin than ours: ...

Upstairs room in Carthage Jail where my third
great-grandfather (Hyrum Smith) and his younger brother,
Joseph Smith, were murdered by an armed mob at a little
past five o'clock p.m., on Thursday, June 27, 1844
"The wisdom, which ought to characterize the freest, wisest, and most noble nation of the nineteenth century, should, like the sun in his meridian splendor, warm every object beneath its rays: and the main efforts of her officers, who are nothing more or less than the servants of the people, ought to be directed to ameliorate the condition of all: black or white, bond or free; for the best of books says, "God hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on the face of the earth." ...

"Unity is power, and when I reflect on the importance of it to the stability of all governments, I am astounded at the silly moves of persons and parties, to foment discord in order to ride into power on the current of popular excitement; nor am I less surprized [sic] at the stretches of power, or restrictions of right, which too often appear as acts of legislators, to pave the way to some favorite political schemes, as destitute of intrinsic merit, as a wolf's heart is of the milk of human kindness: a Frenchman would say, "prosque tout aimer richesses et pouvoir:" (almost all men like wealth and power). ...

The original door and bullet hole through
which my third great-grandfather was struck
and killed at Carthage Jail on June 27, 1844.
"No honest man can doubt for a moment, but the glory of American liberty, is on the wane; and, that calamity and confusion will sooner or later, destroy the peace of the people. ...

"In the United States the people are the government; and their united voice is the only sovereign that should rule; the only power that should be obeyed; and the only gentlemen who should be honored; at home and abroad; on the land and on the sea: Wherefore, were I the president of the United States, by the voice of a virtuous people, I would honor the old paths of the venerated fathers of freedom: I would walk in the tracks of the illustrious patriots, who carried the ark of the government upon their shoulders with an eye single to the glory of the people. ...

[I say] let there be universal peace. ... and let reason and friendship reign over the ruins of ignorance and barbarity; yea I would, as the universal friend of man, ... open the eyes; open the ears and open the hearts of all people, to behold and enjoy freedom, unadulterated freedom: ...

Standing next to the grave markers of: left-to-right:
Hyrum Smith, Emma Smith, and Joseph Smith, Jr.

With the highest esteem,
          I am a friend of virtue,
                      and of the people,
                      JOSEPH SMITH
Nauvoo, Illinois, February 7, 1844.

Dr. JJ

August 17, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 279th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 108th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 278 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

CONSTITUTION Article VII: Core Paradigms

A PARADIGM is a belief or way of looking at something
This week's post continues the publication of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution by sharing ARTICLE VII: Core Paradigms.   

Freedom Focused is guided by, and operates under the auspices of, the following CORE PARADIGMS:

  • The most authentic kind of leadership is LEADERSHIP by EXAMPLE.
  • Comprehending and consistently adhering to TRUE PRINCIPLES is the only pathway to authentic change and long-term success, freedom, and Existential Growth.  
  • REPETITION is the key to the reception, acquisition, and retention of all knowledge and skills.
  • The Quality of the Individual Corporate Citizen is Supreme (1). Organizational results are a mathematically precise, qualitative extension of the collective synergy engendered by the individual self-leadership and self-management decisions of each agent within the organization.  
  • Human Capital, or The People, are an
    organization's most valuable asset.
     is, and always will be, our most valuable asset at Freedom Focused.
  • Extra-organizational CULTURAL LITERACY and interpersonal APTITUDE is as important as intra-organizational knowledge, proficiency, and functionality.  
  • Corporate success (or failure) is an outgrowth of the success (or failure) of individuals, groups, teams, departments, divisions, organizations, and companies to become high-functioning Self-Directed and Self-Managed Work Teams. Such work teams require:
    • A high degree of Self-Action Leadership exercised by each individual.
    • Respect of authority of subordinates.
    • Respect, recognition, affirmation, fair treatment, and effective utilization by superiors of the education, skills, personality, and worthy ideas of subordinates.  
    • A primal understanding and visceral conception that human beings are, in the long-run, fa more influenced by example, kindness, empathy, and compassion than they are by criticism, nagging, or punishment.  
  • At Freedom Focused, merit is King.
    Freedom Focused is a corporate MERITOCRACY; it embraces and operates on the following meritocratic principles:
    • Upon being hired, each Agent receives superior remuneration to one's previous employ as a reward for outstanding merit demonstrated in one's previous positions of entrepreneurialism, employ, education, etc. (See Article X, Section 10.8.2,, & 
    • Salary raises over time are based primarily on merit-based accomplishment.
    • Hierarchical promotions are made primarily on the past achievement and performance merits (both quantitative and qualitative) of an agent under promotional consideration, and only secondarily on issues of seniority (e.g. time at job, accredited degrees held, certification status, etc.).
    • Extended positions of formal "tenure" do not, nor will they ever, exist at Freedom Focused. All positions within the organization, from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on down to the newest hire, are subject to periodic, merit-based renewal, probation, or termination procedures (See Article X, Sections 2 and 3 for more information about hiring and term renewal procedures).  

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE eight (8): Agent Code of Conduct.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Agent Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

August 10, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 278th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 107th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 277 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


At Freedom Focused, our VALUES & STANDARDS are divided into internal and external categories. In other words, we have standards and values that are organizational-centric and we have values and standards that are customer- and citizen-centric.

INTERNAL Values & Standards

Freedom Focused values the acquisition, development, and retention of highly intelligent, well-educated, culturally literate, and unusually capable, creative, and proactive SELF-ACTION LEADERS who know right from wrong and are committed to consistently choosing the right; whose dispositions and personalities fit well with their various teams and functions; whose integrity is beyond reproach; and whose continual commitment to abide by and perpetually personify the standards, tenets, principles, and practices of the SAL Theory and Model and Freedom Focused Corporate Declaration of Independence and Constitution is unquestioned.

At Freedom Focused, the GOLD Standard is the only standard.
That is, unless you want to strive for platinum or diamond.
To accomplish this lofty, all-encompassing objective, Freedom Focused herein establishes the HIGHEST STANDARDS—even our GOLDEN STANDARDS—of conduct, decorum, integrity, effort, performance, and results throughout ALL areas and corners of the organization. Freedom Focused exists to attract world-class professionals in every function and position who have previously demonstrated high levels of proficiency, dependability, character, and integrity who seek after further growth, freedom, leadership opportunities, and the chance to perform superior work born of outstanding education, genius, talent, creativity, and hard work. It also exists to train up new and fresh self-action leaders who are just beginning their careers and who authentically desire to serve others and make a meaningful difference in the world through their life's work. We accomplish this by striving diligently and conscientiously to establish a corporate culture that exemplifies and accomplishes the following:
  • A continual quest to develop world-class Agents (i.e. leaders, managers, trainers, and builders) who produce high-functioning and synergistic Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT). 
  • High levels of intra-organizational knowledge of—and respect and appreciation for—the SAL Theory & Model and the Freedom Focused Declaration of Independence and Constitution in conjunction with related concepts, structures, functions, and processes.
  • High levels of extra-organizational cultural literacy among Agents.
  • World-class excellence of individuals, teams, departments, and the organization-at-large.
  • The highest levels of honesty, integrity, transparency, and communication.
  • Acquisition and retention of top-tier leaders, managers, trainers, and employees through stringent hiring policies, ongoing internal training and development initiatives, exemplary mentoring and role modeling, and conscientious accountability procedures. 
  • Production and distribution of ample and regular rewards and recognition for authentic achievement.
  • Construction and consistent maintenance of superior facilities, grounds, tools, technology, processes, troubleshooting, R&D, etc.  

EXTERNAL Values & Standards
(Customer- and Citizen-centric)

Freedom Focused exists to meet the SAL-related educational and training needs of its customer and clients in superior fashion borne of an undeviating commitment to the Freedom Focused Corporate Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We accomplish this by diligently and conscientiously establishing a corporate culture that exemplifies and/or accomplishes the following:

  • World-class Agent character, education, personality, skills, and results
  • World-class pedagogical content
  • World-class instructional facilitation
  • World-class products and services
  • World-class customer satisfaction
  • All-inclusive outreach to a United States (primary), Western (secondary), and global (tertiary) clientele based on a first-come, first-serve, customer-demand basis.  
  • Holistic professionalism among all Agents and across all organizational Units
  • Nonpareil global image and reputation

Our presentation of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution will continue NEXT week with ARTICLE seven (7): Core Paradigms.

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Rules
  3. Oaths of Office
  4. Pledges of Allegiance and Corporate Anthem, Flag, and Salute
  5. Organizational Pillars
  6. Values and Standards
  7. Core Paradigms
  8. Code of Conduct
  9. Statues of Authority, Chains of Command, and Organizational Structure
  10. Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
  11. Long-term Goals
  12. Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
  13. Dr. JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Dr. JJ

August 3, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 277th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 106th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.   

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 276 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

To sign up, please email and say SUBSCRIBE, or just YES, and we will ensure you receive a link to each new blog article every Wednesday.  

Click HERE to learn more about Freedom Focused

Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Jordan Jensen

Click HERE to buy the SAL Textbooks

Seeds of Self-Help

    Chapter 2 Seeds of Self-Help   This chapter tells the story of my introductions to and experiences with the self-help and personal devel...