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A Letter to AMERICA & the WORLD |
To my Home Country I Love
and to My Home Planet I Care a Great Deal About:
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A Letter to America and the World From Jordan R. Jensen, Ed.D. |
As a teenager, I became obsessed with concepts of influence and leadership, which developed into an increasingly deep desire to impact other people in positive, productive, meaningful, transformative, and lasting ways.
As a young adult in my twenties, this sense of individual duty and metaphysical weight of personal mandate—in addition to the authentic desires of my heart—became specific and clear: I was to model, teach, proliferate, and promote PERSONAL LEADERSHIP and CHARACTER EDUCATION to students of all ages, everywhere... for as long as I lived.
I have spent the past 20 years doing everything I could think of that would accomplish this overarching objective within a framework of my unique personality, individual circumstances, personal aptitudes and proclivities, and of course limitations as well.
These efforts—or in other words, my career resume to date—include the following:
- Earned a bachelor's degree in English from Utah Valley University in 2003.
- Trained middle school, high school, and collegiate students around the U.S. (in 10 different States) on personal leadership topics from 2003-2009.
- Wrote and published a 300-page book on Personal Leadership for a teenage/young adult audience in 2005-06.
- Trained thousands of adult professionals throughout the U.S. (44 States), the UK (9 Counties), and Canada (5 Provinces) on a variety of communication, management, leadership, and other professional soft skill topics from 2007-2016.
Taught a year of high school English (and character education) in a large public high school in Houston, Texas (2009-2010) and spent four years as a part-time substitute teacher (and character educator) in Cobb County, Georgia (2006-2009).The FIFTH (5th) iteration/edition
of the SAL Textbook
Published in 2015
- Earned a Doctoral degree in Education from Fielding Graduate University in 2013.
- Developed an original Theory & Model of Personal Leadership and Character Development called Self-Action Leadership (SAL) as part of my Doctoral dissertation research.
- Wrote and/or self-published five (5) different complete iterations of a comprehensive personal leadership TEXTBOOK based on the SAL Theory and Model in 2005, 2007 (unpublished manuscript), 2012 (dissertation), 2013, and 2015.
- Divided the SAL Textbook into TWO (2) separate volumes (iteration #6) for publication by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2018.
- Wrote four academic journal articles on the SAL Theory and Model that were published in the Journal of Leadership & Management in 2015, 2018, and 2020.
- Published a variety of other articles and book chapters or sections in academic textbooks, journals, and other periodicals.
- Started a blog in 2013, in which I have published 343 articles to-date.
- Reached out to tens of thousands of leaders, educators, teachers, coaches, and others over 20 long years in an effort to promote the message of SAL.
Life is full of surprises, and things rarely turn out exactly the way you expect them to.
For me, the biggest surprise of the past two decades has been the lack of response I have gotten for this diligent expenditure of calculated, determined, and focused effort. This dearth of response has not been for any lack of trying on my part. Indeed, I have spent tens of thousands of hours and reached out to tens of thousands of leaders, educators, and others in a tireless effort to spread the message of SAL. For a variety of reasons (known and unknown) the "seeds of SAL" have, to-date, almost entirely fallen upon stoney ground, withered in the heat, or been gulped up by passing birds.
A beloved baseball movie, Field of Dreams, famously promotes the mantra that, "If you build it; people will come." I've always believed in this mantra. While not many people have come to embrace the SAL Theory and Model yet, I remain confident it is only a matter of time before they do. This confidence stems from the fact that SAL principles and practices have transformed my own life and career in remarkably positive and productive ways, so I know it can similarly help countless others as well.
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Dr. JJ's letter to America & the World |
Thus, when/as others are ready, SAL and I will be waiting for them.
Fortunately, life has taught me to be a patient man.
While the external results from these ongoing efforts have been negligible to-date, my internal growth, maturation, and preparation has continued unabated all throughout the process. Much of this metaphysical magic has occurred along the way as I've courageously confronted challenges I never expected to face, such as serving as a stay-at-home-dad for a significant chunk of my most productive career years (ages 36-44 and counting), and managing various forms of mental and emotional illness since my early teen years.
Thus, for the past 35 years, my own life has been under operation in the real-world laboratory of SAL instruction, development, and transformation, and the internal results speak for themselves—even though the external successes remain largely forthcoming. In addition to practicing what I preach, I have over long periods of time, steadily become what I preach—however imperfectly; and I'll be the first to admit I've still got a long way to go along my own never-ending journey of "Existential Growth," which is a term that refers to one's holistic personal, professional, and moral progress as a human being.
Nevertheless, in the aggregate, the ongoing SAL experiment in my own life has been wonderfully successful. As a result, I don't merely teach or model SAL; I have become SAL. Indeed, you might say that I am SAL, a state of being that has infused my life and career with beauty, confidence, fulfillment, glory, honor, satisfaction, success, and perhaps most importantly, inner peace.
Notice that I don't include anything about perfection in the foregoing list of desirables. Indeed, I am still very much a work-in-progress—frustratingly so at times! But I've come far enough in my journey to know that it's worth risking everything in an all-chips in gamble on SAL in terms of what it can do for both me and others I love and care about.
Suffice it to say, I stand before you today as not only a living witness of the power of SAL in one's life and career, but a metaphysical personification thereof, which has turned me into a very rich man—particularly in the ways that matter most, like inner confidence and courage, quality family life and personal relationships, and ongoing peace of mind about my long-term future. These riches are so desirable and rewarding that I would not trade such internal credibility and confidence for all the external honors, positions, and monetary remuneration in the world.
After all, becoming is what SAL is all about in the end.
I taught my first personal leadership (forerunner of SAL) seminar at Lassiter High School in Marietta, Georgia in the fall of 2003 to a group of young student leaders.Perhaps you are wondering why I am going to just give all this valuable information away for FREE, and why now?
First off, from a practical standpoint, no one currently wants to buy the texts. They are quite expensive in their present, academic publishing format; unfortunately, most traditional textbooks are not cheap!
Moreover, in 2023, few people have the desire, much less the focus and self-discipline to read long and challenging books, no matter how interesting, helpful, or inexpensive they may be. I believe this will change in time, but it will take time—and likely some catalytic external triggering events—to usher in a cultural change capable of significantly altering this current cultural conundrum.
Perhaps publishing the information serially online will garner more attention to the material and its value in the lives of students of all ages. Who knows... it may even help me sell more hard copy books in the future. But this is a matter of mere secondary importance to me.
Because, my greatest desires for this work have never primarily involved money. Lucre is, at best, a fickle and fleeting friend. While it may "rank right up there with oxygen" (Zig Ziglar) in terms of its practical importance for basic survival, it really doesn't have any lasting meaning or value to me personally beyond meeting my temporary needs and providing me with freedom and opportunity in this world. In other words, money only matters to me if I don't have enough of it to survive and live comfortably. Since I have enough money to meet my basic needs and cover a few modest wants, it doesn't really matter that much to me anymore.
Furthermore, my self-valuation is not based on how much money I make. Rather, it is based on how productive I am in using my talents to accomplish meaningful work that benefits others—in conjunction with how moral my actions are all throughout the process. After all, productivity and moral conduct is where all authentic self-esteem comes from.Despite any and all of the cold (and shrugging) shoulders we have received over the years, our long-term vision at Freedom Focused has not changed, nor will it ever change.
Our VISION is to transform Western Culture to reflect the standards, values, and mores contained in the SAL Theory & Model.
It's a vision that is simple to state, but difficult—and incredibly time-consuming—to engage. This is not surprising, since all of us—myself included—are impatient and resistant to change to one degree or another. Nevertheless, I will not cease from stating our purpose and striving to engage it, come what may, to the end.
I continue to work steadily in faith that the message will eventually spread according to its destined time; and at this point in my life and career, I'm not overly concerned about what that timeline ends up being. Once again, life has taught me to be a patient man. My only real priority is that I continue true to the end in faithfully fulfilling my personal duty to simply be the best self-action leader I am capable of being. After all, the first lesson of SAL is that we cannot control anyone else but ourselves. And we usually have our hands full just trying to keep ourselves under control...I am a very instinctual leader, and about nine months ago it dawned on me that the time had come to ensure the SAL message is recorded ONLINE in its entirety where it will forever remain for those who will eventually seek it out in the future. After all, the hope of future readers is one of the things that has fueled my motivation to publish all these weekly blogs... 343-and-counting since 2013. Plus, I authentically LOVE my work, so regardless of the size of my audience at present, I genuinely enjoy what I do—and you can't put a price on the value of that!
Since I have always been more interested in influence than in money, it makes sense I would take this action for the sake of everyone in my nation and world I love and care about both now and forevermore.
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The SAL Textbooks in their current, hardcopy format published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
It will take approximately two-and-a-half years to complete the serial publication of this 1,000-plus page work. At the end of this extensive undertaking, I will re-publish the revision (7th Edition) in a self-published format that will be much more affordable than it currently stands as a costly academic text. Perhaps that will further motivate others to buy hard copy texts for themselves and their children, students, and subordinates to read, study, work through, and benefit from.
Despite the tremendous complexity, detail, and nuance of this extensive and expansive academic work, my aim, focus, vision, and goals for it are simple and have never changed all these 20 years. The purpose remains to provide students of all ages with a comprehensive training handbook in personal leadership and character education. It's that simple in theory; and it's that difficult in practice.
As M. Scott Peck famously wrote: "Life is Difficult." (1)
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The online, serial publication of the SAL Textbooks begins next week |
Nevertheless, as perplexing and painful as life may be, none of us are destined to be miserable. As the old saying goes...
"Pain is inevitable; but misery is optional."
I have suffered a great deal of pain in my life. I'm sure you can relate! Some of my pain has been self-inflicted. Again, I'm sure you can relate!
Most of my pain, however, has been the result of various crosses I have been called upon to bear, such as OCD, depression, and personal (and career) stallings and setbacks. Despite suffering through my own lion share of pain, rarely have I been truly miserable in any pronounced or prolonged sense.
Because of SAL.
And that's the beauty and glory of this primal topic of inquiry and practice. SAL isn't going to erase all problems and pain from your life. But it will equip you with the principles and practices that will lead to growth, maturation, and progress over time—all of which will empower you to maximize your personal and professional potential to live a life of happiness, success, fulfillment, and inner peace.
To those precious few of you who are actually reading this letter on August 30, 2023, YOU are one of "the few and the proud" (even if you are not a Marine). I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being an "Early Adopter" of this creative, groundbreaking, and unprecedented work. Someday, when you are old and gray (or bald) and there are a billion hard copy SAL Textbook scattered around the globe in a hundred different languages—in the homes, schools, and organizations of all who desire authentic and holistic Existential Growth—you can tell your kids that you were reading Dr. JJ's blogs back in the day when he couldn't sell one of his textbooks to save his life! (SMILE)
And speaking of selling SAL Textbook, one of the most important lessons I've learned over the years is that I really don't need to sell it. Why not? Because the importance and value of the material is wholly self-evident to anyone who genuinely desires legitimate Existential Growth for themselves or their children, students, or subordinates AND is willing to earnestly seek it out.
And therein lies the rub... in the end, it's all about desire. In other words, educators and/or student-practitioners must sincerely want the information badly enough that they are willing to seek it out and proactively engage it. It's not something you can successfully shove down someone's throat anymore than you can force the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Quran down someone's throat.The message, of course, still has to be shared, which is what I've been doing rather diligently for the past 20 years, and what I will continue to do every Wednesday morning here on this blog for as long as I remain at the helm here at Freedom Focused, which is where I intend to be until at least the early 2040s.
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There is nothing inherently special about Dr. JJ But everything is special about SAL. What will YOU choose to do with it now that you have been granted full access? |
Whenever you do end up reading this letter or other portions of my work as the author of the SAL Theory and Model, I hope you find it to be as helpful and hopeful as I have in my own life and career. Because if you do, and if you are willing to back up your intentions with committed action over time, you are destined to be the recipient of unspeakable blessings, favors, opportunities, rewards, and successes to come.
I know this is true.
How do I know?
Because I have been, am, and will continue to be just such a recipient.
Remember: there is nothing inherently special about me; but everything is special about SAL principles and practices, including the lives and careers of all who choose to embrace them! Thus, the following question always lingers: will YOU choose to become a self-action leader? I sincerely hope that your answer to this question will be a resounding "YES"!
Yours in SAL...
Now &
—Dr. JJ
Author's Note: This is the 343rd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 162nd consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.
Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 342 FF Blog Articles
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL QUOTES
Click HERE for a complete listing of Freedom Focused SAL POEMS
Click HERE to access the FULL TEXT of Dr. JJ's Psalms of Life: A Poetry Collection
Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.
1. Life is Difficult is the opening line of M. Scott Peck's famous book, The Road Less Traveled.
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