Wednesday, February 23, 2022

JJ's 13 Rules for Living: A Review

Jordan R. Jensen, Ed.D.
Founder & CEO of Freedom Focused

Over the past several months, I have shared posts highlighting my 13 Rules for Living, which were inspired by Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for Life

These rules have had a significant influence and positive impact on my life and career. While I have not always followed them perfectly, much growth, progress, and maturity has resulted in making an honest and authentic attempt to live by the principles inherent in their edicts.  

Today's post provides a REVIEW of these 13 Rules, and provides a link to the corresponding article dedicated to each rule. These links are accessible below.  To view the unabridged list of these 13 rules, click HERE.    

JJ's 13 Rules for Living

Rule #1:  Self-Change

Rule #2:  Good, Evil, & Absolute Truth

Rule #3:  The Golden Mean

Rule #4:  Learn from Small Mistakes

Rule #5:  Never Insult or Contend

Rule #6:  Find Your True Voice & Help Others Find Theirs

Rule #7:  Accentuate the Positive & Eliminate the Negative

Rule #8:  The Only Real Failure is to Quit

Rule #9:  Triumph & Disaster

Rule 10:  Be a Creator, Not a Critic

Rule #11:  Be Grateful

Rule #12:  The Wise Use of Time & Money

Rule #13:  I Can't Do it Alone (Humility)

To view the unabridged list of these 13 rules, click HERE.   

Having finished sharing with you my 13 Rules for Life, it is now YOUR turn!

My guess is that you already have certain rules that you live by. But have you carefully, consciously, and conscientiously composed them yet? If not, NOW is the time to do so.

In next week's post, I will share some examples of life rules from others. In conjunction with sharing my own, you will have even more ideas to support your own efforts to establish your own rules for living.

NOTE: This article is the 16th in a series of 22 articles on the subject of LIFE RULES.

Click HERE to access quick links to the other 21 articles.   

Dr. JJ

February 23, 2022
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

Author's Note: This is the 253rd Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013. 

Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 252 FF Blog Articles.  


Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.  

And if you liked this blog post, please share it with your family, friends, colleagues, and students—and encourage them to sign up to receive future articles for FREE every Wednesday.

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