Now that ALL 13 ARTICLES of the FFCC are available, we can include QUICK LINKS to the entire document in one blog post. These links can be found below. Following the links you will find the full constitutional document in its unabridged entirety.
The Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution
ARTICLE I: Corporate Vision & Mission
ARTICLE III: Corporate Motto, Mascot, Slogan, & Symbols
ARTICLE IV: Corporate Colors, Flag, Salute, Oath of Office & Pledges of Allegiance
ARTICLE IV (Continued): Corporate Anthem
ARTICLE V: Organizational Pillars
ARTICLE VI: Corporate Values & Standards
ARTICLE VIII: Agent Code of Conduct
ARTICLE IX: Statues of Authority, Chains-of-Command, and Organizational Structures
ARTICLE X: Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
ARTICLE XII: Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
ARTICLE XIII: Dr. JJ's 13 Rules
The Unabridged
Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution
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William Gladstone (1809-189 |
"The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man."
—William Ewart Gladstone, FRS, FSS
"Nations, States, Communities, Corporations, Organizations, Schools, Families, and Individuals everywhere would do well to follow the example of America's Founding Fathers by establishing similar, principle-centered documents for the guidance and governance of their own lives and the entities they build and lead."
Dr. JJ
—Jordan R. Jensen, Ed.D.
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SAL Around the World is our Goal at Freedom Focused |
"We the Agents of Freedom Focused Corporation, in order to become a more perfect organization, establish this Constitution—in concert with the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model—to promote the Existential Growth and Freedom of individuals and organizations everywhere. This we do in an ongoing effort to transform Western Culture and influence Global Mores through the development of individual and organizational character, capacity, and leadership rooted in True Principles anchored in Universal Law."
Corporate Vision & Mission
Freedom Focused VISION
Freedom Focused MISSION
To qualitatively change Western Culture to more fully reflect our Governing Values, which include:
- Personal Responsibility
- Integrity
- Hard Work
- Freedom
- Growth
- Service
We accomplish our mission by filling the world with SELF-ACTION LEADERS.
Corporate RULES
Rule 1: I am always Responsible.
It may not always be my fault, but if it is my problem, it is my responsibility to take ownership of the situation and create solutions.
Rule 2: Integrity is Everything.
I am continually honest with—and true to—others. Just as importantly, I am continually honest with (and true to) myself.
Rule 3: I Want to Be Here.
I work at Freedom Focused because it is where I want to work. If I ever lose that desire, I am at complete liberty to work elsewhere.
Rule 4: I Animate and Personify Self-Action Leadership.
Both inside and outside of the organization, I animate the essence of the SAL Theory, Model, and Philosophy in my appearance, attitude, conduct, and relations. The SAL Textbook is my secular guide to living and working. Freedom Focused is a synergistic sum of its parts, and I am a vital part of that sum.
Rule 5: Elite Followership precedes elite Leadership.
As a FF Agent, I have a deep respect for authority and continually seek to promote, support, honor, and learn from my supervisors at every level of the organization.
Rule 6: Elite Leadership is Servant Leadership.
FF is a T.E.A.M. of teams. As a FF Supervisor, I appreciate and recognize the vital contributions and worth of my subordinates. I promote open dialogue in an effort to seek the input and feedback of subordinates in making wise decisions that benefit everyone involved.
Rule 7: The Gold Standard is my Standard.
At every level and in every endeavor, my standard is EXCELLENCE and my planning, preparation, patience, and performance is ELITE. In setting expectations, I never overpromise and underdeliver; I always underpromise and overdeliver.
Rule 8: I am Proud to Be a FF Agent, and I live to Build, Serve, and Teach.
As a FF Agent, my primary motivator is not money or personal aggrandizement. I value being part of an organization that cares about me and the world-at-large. I take positive pride in my affiliation with FF. As an active expression of my gratitude for the opportunity to be part of this unique company, I live and work to make a positive difference in the lives of those I serve both inside and outside of the organization. My family, community, nation, and world are better places because I live and work at Freedom Focused.
Corporate Motto, Mascot, Slogan, Symbols, & Anthem
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The Motto of the United States E Pluribus Unum is Latin It means: "out of many, one." |
Freedom Focused MOTTO
- Truth
- Conscience
- Order
- Discipline
- Duty
- Beauty
- First Corps: Executive LEADERS
- Second Corps: Organizational MANAGERS
- Third Corps: Educational TRAINERS
- Fourth Corps: Functional BUILDERS
Corporate Colors, Flag, Salute, Oath of Office, Pledgers of Allegiance, and Anthem
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Dr. JJ demonstrating the Freedom Focused Corporate Salute |
Corporate Oath of Office
"To my utmost capacity, and on the sacred altar of my honor as a human being, self-action leader, and soldier of freedom, I solemnly swear to magnify the role of ———State Position———in a never-ending quest to preserve, protect, defend, uphold, and exemplify the principles and practices of the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model in my life and career.
"I further swear to preserve, protect, defend, uphold, and exemplify the Freedom Focused Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This I do of my own volition in a committed and never-ending quest to seek after Truth, hearken to conscience, build and maintain order, and discipline my mind, body, and spirit in the faithful attendance of the duty I hold to myself, my faith, my significant other, my family, my friends, my team and organization, my community, my state, my country, and the world-at-large, so help me God (or "Serendipity" -- Agents may choose between these two terms for one's personal swearing-in ceremony)."
Pledges of Allegiance
Freedom Focused is an American Company headquartered in the Southeastern United States. All FF Agents who are American citizens are encouraged to swear allegiance to the United States of America, and so pledge that allegiance at official company meetings and other designated corporate events (including official work days) where the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance will be individually or collectively recited as follows:I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Florida flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Florida, one state under God, one and indivisible.
As a token, reminder, and renewal of one's oath of office, all Agents are expected to continually pledge their personal and professional allegiance to the Freedom Focused flag at official company meetings and other designated corporate events, including official daily work days. At all such times, the FF Pledge of Allegiance will be individually or collectively recited as follows:
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The Freedom Focused Corporate FLAG |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Corporation of Freedom Focused; and to our Constitution, for which we stand, one organization, Providentially endowed, indivisible, with endless growth and freedom for all.
Verse 1I'm Freedom Focused,
I love liberty!
I'm free from tyrants, terror,
Pride and jealousy!
Organizational Pillars
Organizational Pillars
INTERNAL Values & Standards
- A continual quest to develop world-class Agents (i.e. leaders, managers, trainers, and builders) who produce high-functioning and synergistic Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT).
- High levels of intra-organizational knowledge of—and respect and appreciation for—the SAL Theory & Model and the Freedom Focused Declaration of Independence and Constitution in conjunction with related concepts, structures, functions, and processes.
- High levels of extra-organizational cultural literacy among Agents.
- World-class excellence of individuals, teams, departments, and the organization-at-large.
- The highest levels of honesty, integrity, transparency, and communication.
- Acquisition and retention of top-tier leaders, managers, trainers, and employees through stringent hiring policies, ongoing internal training and development initiatives, exemplary mentoring and role modeling, and conscientious accountability procedures.
- Production and distribution of ample and regular rewards and recognition for authentic achievement.
- Construction and consistent maintenance of superior facilities, grounds, tools, technology, processes, troubleshooting, R&D, etc.
Freedom Focused exists to meet the SAL-related educational and training needs of its customer and clients in superior fashion borne of an undeviating commitment to the Freedom Focused Corporate Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We accomplish this by diligently and conscientiously establishing a corporate culture that exemplifies and/or accomplishes the following:
- World-class Agent character, education, personality, skills, and results
- World-class pedagogical content
- World-class instructional facilitation
- World-class products and services
- World-class customer satisfaction
- All-inclusive outreach to a United States (primary), Western (secondary), and global (tertiary) clientele based on a first-come, first-serve, customer-demand basis.
- Holistic professionalism among all Agents and across all organizational Units
- Nonpareil global image and reputation
Core Paradigms
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A PARADIGM is a belief or way of looking at something |
Freedom Focused is guided by, and operates under the auspices of, the following CORE PARADIGMS:
- The most authentic kind of leadership is LEADERSHIP by EXAMPLE.
- Comprehending and consistently adhering to TRUE PRINCIPLES is the only pathway to authentic change and long-term success, freedom, and Existential Growth.
- REPETITION is the key to the reception, acquisition, and retention of all knowledge and skills.
- The Quality of the Individual Corporate Citizen is Supreme (1). Organizational results are a mathematically precise, qualitative extension of the collective synergy engendered by the individual self-leadership and self-management decisions of each agent within the organization.
HUMAN CAPITAL is, and always will be, our most valuable asset at Freedom Focused.Human Capital, or The People, are an
organization's most valuable asset.
- Extra-organizational CULTURAL LITERACY and interpersonal APTITUDE is as important as intra-organizational knowledge, proficiency, and functionality.
- Corporate success (or failure) is an outgrowth of the success (or failure) of individuals, groups, teams, departments, divisions, organizations, and companies to become high-functioning Self-Directed and Self-Managed Work Teams. Such work teams require:
- A high degree of Self-Action Leadership exercised by each individual.
- Respect of authority of subordinates.
- Respect, recognition, affirmation, fair treatment, and effective utilization by superiors of the education, skills, personality, and worthy ideas of subordinates.
- A primal understanding and visceral conception that human beings are, in the long-run, fa more influenced by example, kindness, empathy, and compassion than they are by criticism, nagging, or punishment.
Freedom Focused is a corporate MERITOCRACY; it embraces and operates on the following meritocratic principles:At Freedom Focused, merit is King.
- Upon being hired, each Agent receives superior remuneration to one's previous employ as a reward for outstanding merit demonstrated in one's previous positions of entrepreneurialism, employ, education, etc. (See Article X, Section 10.8.2,, &
- Salary raises over time are based primarily on merit-based accomplishment.
- Hierarchical promotions are made primarily on the past achievement and performance merits (both quantitative and qualitative) of an agent under promotional consideration, and only secondarily on issues of seniority (e.g. time at job, accredited degrees held, certification status, etc.).
- Extended positions of formal "tenure" do not, nor will they ever, exist at Freedom Focused. All positions within the organization, from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on down to the newest hire, are subject to periodic, merit-based renewal, probation, or termination procedures (See Article X, Sections 2 and 3 for more information about hiring and term renewal procedures).
Agent Code of Conduct
- When conducting business as an Agent or representative of Freedom Focused Corporation, persons at all levels will demonstrate world-class INTEGRITY, DECORUM, MODESTY, and PROFESSIONALISM in speech, action, dress, grooming, attitude, demeanor, and disposition.
- All Agents are expected to continually exemplify the attributes and affirmations contained in the Freedom Focused (FF) Oath of Office in a good-faith effort to realize the FF Vision by accomplishing the FF Mission.
- When not conducting official business as an Agent or representative of Freedom Focused, individuals are invited and encouraged to be law abiding citizens who wisely continue to uphold the FF Corporate Motto by exemplifying the principles and tenets of the SAL Theory & Model in heed of one's conscience in all of one's personal decisions and interpersonal interactions and relationships. This invitation is extended in the spirit of the great truism taught by Gandhi: "You cannot do right in one department of life whilst attempting to do wrong in another department; life is one indivisible whole." Knowing that one's personal decisions influence and affect one's professional work, we expect our Agents and representatives to govern themselves wisely, discreetly, and morally (to the best of their ability) wherever they are and whatever they are doing.
All Freedom Focused Agents will refrain from using illegal drugs of any kind. Infractions of this policy will result in immediate termination. Issues arising from the use of legal drugs that negatively impact an Agent's job performance will be addressed with disciplinary measures (up to and including termination) and will be levied at the discretion of an Agent's supervising officers.FF Agents are sharp, honest, proactive
professional, and results-oriented.
- Freedom Focused Agents are expected to be law-abiding citizens of whatever nation, state, county, and municipality, etc., in which they reside. Extra-organizational legal indictments will result in interorganizational disciplinary measures (up to and including termination) at the discretion of the Inspector General's Office in consultation with one's supervising officers.
Statutes of Authority, Chains-of-Command, &
Organizational Structures
9. The Absolute Authority and Categorical Supremacy of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC).
9.1. All Corporate Power and Authority is vested in the FREEDOM FOCUSED CORPORATE CONSTITUTION (FFCC).
9.2.1. The practical power and authority vested in the FFCC will be personified, facilitated, and exercised by three (3) separate, co-equal, branches of authority. These three branches include: the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO), the EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM (ELT), and the INSPECTOR GENERALSHIP (IGS).
9.3.1. The Chief Executive Officer is the premier figurehead and primary visionary and voice at Freedom Focused. He or she serves as the principle director and supervising Agent of all Freedom Focused activities and initiatives, ensuring they are undertaken in accordance with the spirit of the law as enumerated in the FFCC.
9.3.2. A Freedom Focused CEO must be at least 45 years of age and have an accredited Doctoral degree in a relevant field of study — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged and voted on by the ELT.
9.3.3. A CEO's term of service is FIVE (5) years.
9.3.4. A CEO may serve for a maximum of three (3) terms or fifteen (15) total years (consecutively or interspersed).
9.3.5. At the end of a CEO's first or second term of service, he or she will decide whether to serve another term or step down and nominate another candidate for CEO. If a second or third term is sought, it may be secured by a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT. If a 75% affirmative vote by the ELT is not secured, additional candidate[s] will be nominated by members of the ELT and additional votes will be taken until a 75% affirmative vote is secured.
9.3.6. Upon the completion of a CEO's third term, or upon his or her voluntary resignation, an outgoing CEO will nominate a replacement candidate from the ELT to become the new CEO. That nominee will then be voted on by the ELT. If that nominee is approved by a three-fourths (75%) vote of the ELT, he or she becomes the new CEO. If that nominee is not approved by a 75% affirmative vote of the ELT, the outgoing CEO will continue to nominate additional nominees from the ELT until a 75% affirmative vote of the ELT is secured.
9.3.7. A new CEO received his or her Oath of Office from the Inspector General (IG).
9.3.8. A CEO possesses the authority to hire and fire at will at any level of the organization.
9.3.9. The ELT or IGS may reverse a CEO's hiring or firing decision by a three-fourths (75%) majority vote.
9.4.1. The Executive Leadership Team (ELT), consisting of C-Level Leaders, reports to, assists, and upon the attainment of a body of EIGHT (8) full-time members, serves as a co-equal executive branch to balance the power and authority of the CEO and Inspector Generalship (IGS).
9.4.2. A full ELT consists of 13 full-time executives. Ten (10) of these members serve as C-Level Executive Officers under the supervision of two (2) Executive Supervisors (the President and Chief Operating Officer [COO]), who serve under the direct supervision of the CEO — who supervises the entire body, but does not vote as a member of the body. This executive chain-of-command and organizational structure is formatted as follows:
Note: CND = Corporate Numeration Designation
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO)...............................................CND: 1.1
PRESIDENT..................................................................................CND: 1.2
- Chief Training & Consulting Officer (CTCO)......................CND: 1.3
- Executive Leadership Board (ELB) Chief (ELBC)..............CND: 1.4
- Chief Sales & Marketing Officer (CSMO)...........................CND: 1.4
- Chief Research & Development Officer (CRDO)................CND: 1.4
- Chief Philanthropy Officer (CPHO)
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER (COO)....................................CND: 1.2
- Chief Facilities Officer (CFACO).........................................CND: 1.3
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)..............................................CND: 1.4
- Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)............................CND: 1.4
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)..........................................CND: 1.4
- Chief Legal Officer (CLO)....................................................CND: 1.4
9.5.1. The Inspector Generalship (IGS) consists of a minimum of THREE (3) and a maximum of SEVEN (7) accredited Juris Doctors at least 40 years of age.
9.5.2. The Inspector Generalship (IGS) is established upon the ELT's attainment of a body of at least EIGHT (8) members. The IGS serves as a co-equal executive branch to balance the power and authority of the CEO and ELT.
9.5.3. The Senior member of the IGS is known as the INSPECTOR GENERAL.
9.5.4. Junior members of the IGS are known as INSPECTOR DIRECTORs (ID).
9.5.5. Lieutenant Inspector Directors are known as ASSOCIATE INSPECTORs (AI). Like IDs, AIs must have an accredited Juris Doctorate degree.
9.5.6. Associate Inspector's assistants are known as INSPECTOR ASSISTANTs (IA). IAs must have an accredited bachelor's degree — or demonstrate commensurate knowledge, experience, and intellectual acumen.
9.5.7. Seniority of the IGS begins with the IG and continues in descending order with each ID based on the date of his or her initial appointment (swearing-in) to the IGS (longer-serving IDs have seniority over shorter-serving IDs).
9.5.8. The CEO nominates all candidates for IG and ID. A CEO's nomination is confirmed by a three-fourths (75%) affirmative vote of the ELT.
9.5.9. Corporate Numeration Designation (CND) of the IGS is as follows:
- Inspector General (IG): 1.2
- Inspector Director (ID): 1.3
- Associate Inspector (AI): 3.5
- Inspector Assistant (IA): 5.5
- Company 1....................PreNK (Pre-natal [parent prep] and preschool-age students)
- Company 2....................Elementary School (K-5th grade)
- Company 3....................Intermediate School (Grades 6-8)
- Company 4....................High School (Grades 9-12)
- Company 5....................College (Undergraduate Students)
- Company 6....................Graduate Studies (Graduate Students)
- Company 7....................Individuals
- Company 8....................Families
- Company 9....................Mental & Physical Health & Wellness
- Company 10..................Humanitarian Aid
- Company 11....................Private Sector
- Company 12....................Public Sector
- Company 13....................Community Outreach
Note: Community Outreach is primarily focused on helping the homeless get the help, medical and dental attention, psychological and psychiatric counseling, and education they need to enter or re-enter the work force.
- Agent = 1 self-action leader (Agent maximum = 1 Agent).......................................CND Level 8
- Group = 1-5 Agents (Group maximum = 5 Agents)..................................................CND Level 7
- Team = 1-5 Groups (Team maximum = 25 Agents)..................................................CND Level 6
- Department = 1-5 Teams (Department maximum = 125 Agents)..............................CND Level 5
- Division = 1-5 Departments (Division maximum = 625 Agents)..............................CND Level 4
- Organization = 1-5 Divisions (Organizational maximum = 3,125 Agents)...............CND Level 3
- Company = 1-5 Organizations (Company maximum = 15,625 Agents)...................CND Level 2
- Corporation = 1-13 Companies (Corporation maximum = 203,125 Agents)............CND Level 1
9.12.3. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) serves as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO)—or Corps Commander (CC)—of the Leadership Corps.
9.12.4. Leaders at the Division Level (and above) must be at least 35 years of age and possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited university — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by Human Resources in consultation with EOs involved in a hiring decision.
9.12.5. The primary function of Leaders is to develop and supervise other leaders, managers, trainers, and builders they are called to serve, direct, and lead. Their primary focus is the "People" in their units. They teach, train, coach, mentor, guide, direct, and SERVE those they lead. They initiate and facilitate individual and collective goal setting within their units and serve as a liaison between those they lead and the leaders to whom they report. The objective of leaders is to influence their subordinates to remain focused on the Freedom Focused Vision and Mission in conjunction with the SAL Theory and Model as it relates to their own personal and professional progress and Existential Growth.
9.12.6. The secondary function of Leaders is to assist Managers, Trainers, and Builders by facilitating work processes related to the FF Vision and Mission, their own positional stewardships, and other targeted objectives within one's Group and other units. At all times, and at all places where they may be, Leaders stand ready to help out in whatever ways may be needed to get the job done within their designated Group and other units.
9.12.7. The LEADERSHIP CORPS is commanded by a Level 1.1 CEO. A Corporation consists of separate Companies (up to 13 total). Rank Insignia: Six (6) silver arrows in a silver quiver. A single diamond is also set on the quiver to further designate the CEOs status as Corps Commander of the Leadership Corps (FF FIRST CORPS).
9.12.8. The CEO directly supervises, and is directly assisted by, the President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). The President and COO are designated as Level 1.2 Executives. Rank Insignia: Five (5) silver arrows in a silver quiver. The COO also has a ruby set onto one's silver quiver to designate his or her status as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO)—or Corps Commander—of the Facilitating Manager Corps—or MANAGEMENT CORPS (FF SECOND CORPS).
9.12.9. The President and COO directly supervise, and are directly assisted by members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). ELT members are designated as Level 1.3 Executives (CTCO & CFACO) and Level 1.4 Executives (ELBC, CSMO, CRDO, and CPO, which serve under the President; and the CFO, CHRO, CTO, and CLO, which serve under the COO). Rank Insignia: Four (4) silver arrows in a silver quiver. ELT members who also serve as Senior Commanding Officers (SCOs)—or Corps Commanders (CCs)—as in the case of the CTCO (FF THIRD CORPS) and CFACO (FF FOURTH CORPS) also have a sapphire (CTCO) or emerald (CFACO) set onto one's silver quiver to further designate his or her status as a Corps Commander.
9.12.10. Each Company is dedicated to one of the 13 Freedom Focused Arenas of Stewardship and is commanded by a CND 2 Executive Vice President (EVP) and member of the Executive Leadership Board (ELB). A Company consists of 1-5 Organizations and up to 15,625 Agents. Rank Insignia: Three (3) silver arrows in a silver quiver.
9.12.11. Each Organization is commanded by a CND 3 Senior Vice President (SVP). An Organization consists of 1-5 Divisions and up to 3.125 Agents. Rank Insignia: Two (2) silver arrows in a silver quiver.
9.12.12. Each Division is commanded by a CND 4 Junior Vice President (JVP). A Division consists of 1-5 Departments and up to 625 Agents. Rank Insignia: One (1) silver arrow in a silver quiver.
9.12.13. Each Department is commanded by a CND 5 Director. Each Department consists of 1-5 Teams and up to 125 Agents. Rank Insignia: Silver Quiver with zero (0) arrows.
9.12.14. Each Team is commanded by a CND 6 Captain. Each team consists of 1-5 Groups and up to 25 Agents. Rank Insignia: Golden quiver with two (2) golden arrows.
9.12.15. Each Group is commanded by a CND 7 Group Leader (GL). Each Group consists of 1-5 Agents. Rank Insignia: Golden quiver with one (1) golden arrow.
9.12.16. Each Agent is commanded by a CND 8 self-action leader. Rank Insignia: Gold Quiver with zero (0) arrows. All Freedom Focused Agents are considered self-action leaders, and therefore receive a gold quiver insignia pin following their completion of basic training—even if they end up wearing a different insignia for their functional position.
9.12.17. When an Agent is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality work in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new Agents will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove an Agent's black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of an Agent's worthiness to have it removed. A new Agent has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.
9.12.18. Executive Officers may hire deputies/lieutenants, specialists, administrative assistants, and other staff members on an as-needed basis with the approval of one's superior officer and Human Resources. HR has oversight over all hiring decisions throughout the Corporation and will work closely with Executive Officers and Managers in making hiring and firing decisions. Once a candidate has been approved by HR, final decisions regarding hiring rest with Executive Officers and Managers.
9.12.19. Unit Executive Officers possess veto power over all decisions made at lower levels within their hierarchical line of authority and jurisdiction. The IGS can veto the decision of any Executive Officer deemed to contravene the letter or spirit of the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC).
9.13. SECOND CORPS: Management
9.13.1. Corps Insignia: Silver or Gold Target. Corps Logo: Golden Eagle. Corps Gemstone: Ruby
9.13.2. The MANAGEMENT CORPS consist of Facilitating Managers (FM's). These "Managers" are responsible for managing and supervising the work processes and procedures of the Corporation, Companies, Organizations, Departments, Teams, and Groups they are assigned to supervise.
Note: ALL Freedom Focused Agents are technically part of the Management Team because everyone is expected to be a self-action leader who effectively regulates, disciplines, and otherwise manages oneself. Thus, individual Agents are responsible for effectively managing themselves according to the principles and practices outlined in the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) and the Self-Action Leadership Theory and Model.
9.13.3. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) serves as the Senior Commanding Officer (SCO) or Corps Commander (CC) of the Management Corps, also known as the Freedom Focused SECOND CORPS.
9.13.4. Managers at the Division level and up must be at least 30 years of age and possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited university—or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by Human Resources in consultation with EOs making the final hiring decision.
9.13.5. The hiring and promotion of managers will be done by the Executive Officers within each unit with the approval of EOs two (2) hierarchical levels above the unit at hand.
9.13.6. Larger units may have multiple managers perform different functions within a single unit. Multiple managers within the same unit will carry the same official rank and CND. However, Executive Officers have the authority to assign differing functions, objectives, tasks, authority, and unofficial hierarchical rank among various managers within his or her unit.
9.13.7. The primary function of Managers at ALL levels is to assist the Leaders in meeting targeted objectives by supervising and facilitating the work undertaken by Trainers and Builders in the Groups, Teams, Departments, Divisions, Organizations, Companies, and the Corporation they manage. Their work involves the management of policies, procedures, tasks, processes, schedules, goals, etc. Their primary focus and stewardship should be on the "Processes and Things" in their unit.
9.13.8. The secondary function of Managers is to assist Leaders in developing other Managers, Trainers, and Action Builders within their designated unit[s]. They serve as a liaison between the Leaders and the Trainers and Builders. Like Leaders, Managers stand ready to help out in whatever ways may be needed to get the job done within their designated Group and units.
9.13.9. Corporation Managers supervise at the Corporation level (CND 1.5). Their function is to manage "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in the Corporation and to assist the CEO and ELT as requested and assigned. Rank Insignia: Silver target with five rubies placed in three rows — with two rubies on the top row, one ruby on the target's bullseye, and two rubies placed on the bottom row perfectly aligned and parallel with the top row.
9.13.10. Company Managers supervise at the Company level (CND 2). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Companies and to assist Executive Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. A Company consists of 1-5 Organizations. Rank Insignia: Silver target with four rubies — two on the top row and two on the bottom row perfectly aligned and parallel with the top row — that form a square.
9.13.11. Organization Managers supervise at the Organizational level (CND 3). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their organizations and to assist Senior Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. An Organization consists of 1-5 Divisions. Rank Insignia: Silver target with three rubies — one ruby at the center-top of the target and two rubies at the bottom corners of the target to form a triangle.
9.13.12. Division Managers supervise at the Division level (CND 4). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Divisions and to assist Junior Vice Presidents as requested and assigned. Each Division consists of 1-5 Departments. Rank Insignia: Silver target with two rubies placed parallel to each other in line with the bullseye, but evenly spaced in between the bullseye and the edge of the target.
9.13.13. Department Managers supervise at the Department level (CND 5). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Departments and to assist Department Directors as requested and assigned. Each Department consists of 1-5 Teams. Rank Insignia: Silver target with one ruby placed in the bullseye position.
9.13.14. Team Managers supervise at the Team level (CND 6). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) on their Teams and to assist Team Captains as requested and assigned. Each Team consists of 1-5 Groups. Rank Insignia: Silver Target with zero rubies.
9.13.15. Group Managers supervise at the Group level (CND 7). Their function is to manage the "Things" (i.e. policies, procedures, processes, tasks, schedules, goals, etc.) in their Groups and to assist Group leaders as requested and assigned. Each Group consists of 1-5 Agents. Rank Insignia: Gold target with one ruby set in the target's bullseye.
9.13.16. Agents supervise at the individual self-action leader level (CND 8). Their function is to take complete responsibility for one's own self-management and to assist Group managers and Group Leaders as requested and assigned. Rank Insignia: Gold target with zero rubies. All Freedom Focused Agents are considered self-action leaders, and therefore receive a gold quiver insignia pin following their completion of basic training—even if they end up wearing a different insignia for their functional position.
9.13.17. When an Agent is hired, he or she received a solid "Black Bar" non-medal measuring the same dimensions (1.25 x 0.50 inch) of other official FF medals and should be displayed above the right pocket of one's work uniform. At the discretion of one's direct reports (EO and FM), he or she may have one's black bar removed upon demonstrating FF-quality work in conjunction with an independent willingness to be competent, proactive, cooperative, dignified, reliable, and respectful. All new Agents will wear his or her black bar non-medal for a minimum of six (6) months after being hired. Supervisors up the chain-of-command have authority to remove an Agent's black bar at any time after the six-month mark depending on a supervisor's judgement of an Agent's worthiness to have it removed. A new Agent has one (1) year to earn the right to have one's black bar removed by an EO or FM (usually a new hire's direct supervisor). If, at the end of one full year, the black bar has not yet been cleared for removal from one's uniform, the Agent will be relieved of his or her position and employ.
9.14. THIRD CORPS: The Professional Training & Consulting Corps (PTCC)
9.14.1. Corps Insignia: Arrow. Corps Logo: Silver Fox. Corps Gemstone: Sapphire
9.14.2. The Professional Training & Consulting Corps consists of Professional Trainers & Consultants (PTCs). These "Trainers" and "Consultants" are responsible for facilitating training programs, giving speeches, providing consulting work externally for clients and customers, and leading internal training seminars and workshops for corporate Agents and units.
9.14.3. The Chief Training and Consulting Officer (CTCO) is a member of the ELT, carries a Corporate Numeration Designation (CND) of 1.3, and serves as the CORPS COMMANDER of the Professional Training & Consulting Corps (PTCC), also known as the Freedom Focused THIRD CORPS.
9.14.4. Trainers and Consultants must be at least 30 years of age and have a bachelor's degree from an accredited University — or demonstrate commensurate personal and career education, competency, and achievement as judged by EOs making the hiring decision.
Note: This age-standard may be lowered for individual courses that require less life and career experience to properly and effectively facilitate (viz. youth and young adult training courses) or for other, relevant reasons. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the CTCO.
Corporate By-Laws & Operating Procedures
10.1. Amending the Constitution
10.1.1 Prior to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) reaching eight (8) full-time members and the Inspector Generalship (IGS) reaching three (3) full-time members, the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution (FFCC) may be amended at the sole discretion and judgment of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in consultation with other Agents and/or outside consultants. Members of the ELT and others may suggest and/or petition the CEO regarding revisions and amendments, but the final decision to add, amend, or revise rests solely with the CEO.
10.1.2. Upon hiring the eighth (8th) full-time member of the ELT and the third (3rd) member of the IGS, Constitutional revision(s) may be considered by the CEO, ELT, or IGS. Any such revisions are then submitted to the IGS for consideration and review. If the IGS determines the revision or amendment is in harmony with both the letter and spirit of the FFCC, it will approve said revision for a vote. Constitutional revisions may then be authorized and ratified by the assent of the CEO and a three-fourths (3/4ths) "Yea" vote of the ELT.
10.1.3. The Inspector General's Office (viz. IGS and staff) is responsible for recording and documenting all additions, amendments, and revisions of the FFCC over time.
10.2. Corporate Uniforms
10.2.1. All Freedom Focused Agents will wear approved uniforms when conducting business or otherwise engaged in official corporate operating procedures. Exceptions to this overarching rule will be made on an as-needed or as-determined basis at the discretion of leaders and managers up the chain-of-command.
10.2.1. Each Agent will be issued two different uniforms for each CORPS in which he or she is a member. The first uniform will consist of a Standard Work Uniform (SWU), also referred to as one's informal uniform. The second uniform will consist of a Formal Dress Uniform (FDU), also referred to as one's formal uniform. SWUs will be worn for all in-hour, on-campus operations unless otherwise directed by leaders and managers up the chain-of-command. FDUs will be worn for all external, client- or media-based operations unless otherwise directed by leaders and managers up the chain-of-command.
10.2.3. Standard Work Uniforms (SWUs) will be patterned after the following color schemas:
- FIRST CORPS—Executive Officers (EOs) wear solid black bottoms (pants/skirts) with solid white, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preference of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must also be solid black in color
- SECOND CORPS—Facilitating Managers (FMs) wear solid Freedom Focused-tan-colored bottoms (pants/skirts) with solid Freedom Focused-crimson-colored, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short-or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be Freedom Focused-crimson in color.
- THIRD CORPS—Professional Trainers & Consultants (PTCs) wear solid navy-blue bottoms (pants/skirts) with light-blue, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be navy-blue in color.
- FOURTH CORPS—Action Builders (ABs) wear solid, dark-green bottoms (pants/skirts) with FF-tan, button-up, collared tops (shirts/blouses). Tops may be short- or long-sleeved based on the personal dress preferences of the Agent. Shoes, socks, and belts must be dark-green in color.
- FIRST CORPS—Executive Officers (EOs) wear solid black bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid black jacket, and a solid tie colored black, FF-crimson, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be black in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes).
- SECOND CORPS—Facilitating Managers (FMs) wear solid, FF-crimson bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid FF-crimson jacket, and a solid tie colored FF-crimson, FF-tan, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be FF-crimson in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes)
- THIRD CORPS—Professional Trainers and Consultants (PTCs) wear solid navy-blue bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a long-sleeved, solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid navy-blue jacket, and a solid tie colored navy-blue, light-blue, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be navy-blue in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes).
- FOURTH CORPS—Action Builders (ABs) wear dark-green bottoms (pants/skirts/dresses), a long-sleeved, solid white, button-up, collared dress shirt or blouse, a solid dark-green jacket, and a solid tie colored dark green, FF-tan, or gold. Shoes, socks, and belts must be dark-green in color, formal in appearance, and polishable (shoes).
- Silver Eagle—Leadership CORPS
- Golden Eagle—Management CORPS
- Silver Fox—Training & Consulting CORPS
- Golden Fox—Construction CORPS
10.3. Policies & Procedures Governing Hiring & Firing
10.3.1. Hiring decisions must be approved by an Agent's Executive Officer (EO) and two additional EOs directly up the chain-of-command. ELT and ELB members must approve all Executive hires with the CEO (non-executive, staff-oriented hires excepted) and further ratify said hires with a 3/4ths vote of the ELT. All hiring procedures must comply with established laws of the land and internal directives established by the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Inspector Generalship (IGS)—or the CEO prior to the establishment of an official HRD or IGS.
10.3.2. Firing decisions must be approved by the Agent's EO and two additional EOs directly up the chain-of-command. All firing procedures must comply with established laws of the land and internal directives established by the Human Resources Department (HRD) and the Inspector Generalship (IGS)—or equivalent authority (viz. CEO) prior to the establishment of an official HRD or IGS.
10.3.3. Firings of ELT, ELB, or IGS members must be approved by the CEO and a 3/4ths majority vote of the ELT.
10.3.4. The CEO may be fired by a 3/4ths majority vote of the ELT.
10.3.5. Upon being fired, a former Agent must wait a set period of time before re-applying to another position at Freedom Focused. These moratoriums differ from CORPS to CORPS as follows:
- A terminated Action Builder (AB) must wait one (1) year before reapplying to another Freedom Focused position.
- A terminated Professional Training Consultant (PTC) must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another FF position.
- A terminated Facilitating Manager on Levels 1-4 must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another FF position. A terminated FM on Levels 5-6 must wait three (3) years.
- A terminated Executive Officer on Levels 1-4 must wait two (2) years before reapplying to another position at FF. A terminated EO on Levels 5-6 must wait three (3) years.
- A terminated Agent of any kind of Levels seven (7) or eight (8) must wait five (5) years before reapplying to another position at FF. Such a person may, however, reapply for a non-executive position as an AB, FM, or PTC after a period of three (3) years following one's termination.
10.4. Hiring Prerequisites
10.4.1. Prior to being hired, all applicants for positions as Executive Officers (EOs) and Facilitating Managers (FMs) on Levels 5-8 will complete and/or pass the following ten (10) tasks and/or tests:
1. Complete the SAL Master Challenge and receive a medal and diploma within 13 months of being hired, or provide proof of commensurate knowledge and achievement.
2. Pass an integrity test.*
3. Complete a 5-day SAL, Leadership, and Management Basic Training course and pass a final exam as administered, graded, and/or judged by the Training Facilitator.
4. Pass a 100-question SAL Theory & Model test with a score of 80% or higher.
5. Pass a 100-question FFCC test with a score of 75% or higher.
6. Pass a 500-question Intelligence and Cultural Literacy test with a score of 75% or higher.
7. Create/compile a 25-page (minimum) image- and textual-rich dossier detailing why applicant seeks and merits an Executive leadership or management position at Freedom Focused.
8. Pass three (3) separate interviews conducted by one's would-be Executive Officer (EO) and two (2) Executive Officers directly up the chain-of-command.
9. Complete all relevant paperwork and other procedures (i.e. background checks, etc.) that may be required by the HRD and/or IGS.
10. Within 13-months of being hired, read thirteen (13) books from the official SAL Reference Library and complete one (1) 500-word (minimum) reflection paper about what you learned from each book.
* Integrity tests are to be designed and scored by hiring officer(s) who will determine whether an applicant passes or fails. All integrity tests and testing methods must be approved by the Human Resources Department and Inspector Generalship, or a C-Level Leader (in absence of an HRD and/or IGS) and must not require any speech or actions on the part of an applicant that could reasonably considered to be inappropriate, illegal, unethical, or otherwise ill-advised or unwise.
10.4.2. Prior to being hired, all applicants for positions as Professional Trainers and Consultants will complete and/or pass the following ten (10) tasks and/or tests:
1. Complete the SAL Master Challenge to receive a medal and diploma within 13 months of being hired, or provide proof of commensurate knowledge and achievement.
2. Pass an integrity test.*
3. Complete a 5-day SAL, Training, and Consulting Basic Training Course and pass a final exam consisting of a 15-minute, 30-minute, and 60-minute training exercises in front of a live audience.
4. Pass a 100-question SAL Theory & Model test with a score of 80% or higher.
5. Pass a 500-question Intelligence and Cultural Literacy test with a score of 75% or higher.
6. Write a 1,500 word (minimum) essay detailing why applicant seeks a training and consulting career at Freedom Focused.
7. Create/compile a 10-page (minimum) image- and textually-rich dossier detailing why applicant seeks and merits a training and consulting position at Freedom Focused.
8. Pass three (3) separate interviews conducted by one's would-be Executive Officer and two (2) Executive Officers directly up the chain-of-command.
9. Complete all relevant paperwork and other procedures (i.e. background checks, etc.) that may be required by the HRD and the IGS.
10. Within 13-months of being hired:
- Within 13-months of being hired, read thirteen (13) books from the official SAL Reference Library and complete one (1) 500-word (minimum) reflection paper about what you learned from each book.
- Memorize and demonstrate near-perfect recitation of thirteen (13) poems and 13 quotes from the SAL book (26 total memorizations).
* Integrity tests are to be designed and scored by hiring officer(s) who will determine whether an applicant passes or fails. All integrity tests and testing methods must be approved by the Human Resources Department and Inspector Generalship, or a C-Level Leader (in absence of an HRD and/or IGS) and must not require any speech or actions on the part of an applicant that could reasonably considered to be inappropriate, illegal, unethical, or otherwise ill-advised or unwise.
"If a [person] is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'"—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
10.6. Oaths of Office
I, (state your name), do hereby enter into the position of, (state your position), in Freedom Focused Corporation, and thereby assume all the duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of my office. In so doing, I solemnly swear that I will, to the best of my knowledge and ability, support, protect, defend, and exemplify the Self-Action Leadership Theory & Model and the Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution. This I do of my own volition, in true faith and allegiance to my colleagues and teams, without any mental reservation, furtive agenda, or evasive intent. I hereby attest that I will faithfully and effectively discharge all the duties of my office in a never-ending pursuit of and quest after Existential Growth, personal freedom, organizational excellence, and positive, widespread cultural change.
10.6.2. Oaths of Office are administered by an Agent's direct report Executive Officer (EO), or higher EO directly up one's chain-of-command.
10.6.3. Oaths of Office are administered privately at the time of one's hiring, and then again—ceremoniously—at the Annual Freedom Focused Training and Awards Conference and Symposium (AFFTACS) at corporate headquarters in South Florida in late January of the year (or the following year, as will usually be the case). Regardless when an employee was hired during a calendar year, one's official Term of Office/Service will not begin until the first day of February (Feb. 1st) of that year (or the following year, whichever comes first).
10.7. Terms of Service and Term Limits
10.7.1. All Agents will serve in their assigned positions and functions for set periods of time (terms), measured in years.
10.7.2. All terms will begin on the first day of February following one's hiring/swearing-in ceremony at the Annual Freedom Focused Training and Awards Conference & Symposium (AFFTACS).
10.7.3. Terms and term limits for different Agents/CORPS are as follows:
- CEO: One term = five (5) years. Term limit = three (3) terms for a total of fifteen (15) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.
- ELT and ELB members: One term = four (4) years. Term limit = five (5) terms for a total of twenty (20) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.
- IGS Members: One term = twenty-five (25) years. Term limit: one (1) term, served consecutively or cumulatively.
- All other Executive Officers (EOs) and Facilitating Managers (FMs): One term = three (3) years. Term limit: eight (8) terms for a total of twenty-four (24) years, served consecutively or cumulatively.
- Professional Trainers and Consultants (PTCs) and Action Builders (ABs): One term = two (2) years. Term limit: no limit.
- New Hires (at all levels): 1-year probationary period after which they will either enter into an official term-contract or be relieved of their position.
- Be sworn into new CORPS functions/positions
- Be recognized for achievements of the past year
- Identify benchmarks and set goals for the new year
- Receive relevant training relating to the SAL Theory & Model and the FFCC in conjunction with one's function and position.
- Attend the CEO's State of the Corporation Address
Long-Term Goals
11.1. Our long-term goals at Freedom Focused are a direct extension of our Corporate Mission. They include gaining in-roads to, playing significant educational and training roles within, and ultimately creating positive widespread cultural shifts among all 13 Freedom Focused Arenas of Stewardship, which include:
- Students
- Company 1..................................PreNK (1)
- Company 2..................................Elementary School (2)
- Company 3..................................Intermediate School (3)
- Company 4..................................High School (4)
- Company 5..................................Collegiate Studies (5)
- Company 6..................................Graduate Studies (6)
- Citizenry
- Company 7..................................Individuals
- Company 8..................................Families
- Company 9..................................Mental & Physical Heath
- Company 10................................Humanitarian Aid (7)
- Organizations
- Company 11.................................Private Sector
- Company 12.................................Public Sector
- Company 13.................................Community Outreach (8)
Projected Growth Trajectories &
Intended Revenue Streams
12.1. Freedom Focused is a for-profit organization that operates under a fiscally conservative paradigm that values preparation, profitability, prosperity, pragmatism, savings, philanthropy, and long-term fiscal viability, stability, and sustainability. Revenue sources include:
12.2. Short-Term Aims (1-13 years ~ 2020 - 2033)
- Textbook sales
- Speaker fees
- Seminar, training, workshop, speaking, and program receipts
- Consultation fees
- Educational program royalties
12.3. Mid-Term Aims (13-40 years ~ 2033 - 2060)
12.3.1. Establish accredited private K-12 schools with Freedom Focused-centric programs and cirrucula.
12.3.2. Develop a global youth (8-18) program (Freedom Focused Youth CORPS) dedicated to developing citizens who are committed to civic-minded Existential Growth and Freedom as described by President Theodore Roosevelt in his famous speech, Citizenship in a Republic.
12.3.3. Establish online and retail stores that sell Freedom Focused-related educational products, materials, and memorabilia.
12.3.4. Establish holistic Fitness Centers focused on the existential training and development of the Eight Life Arenas of Self-Action Leadership (i.e. constitutional, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, social, moral, and financial).
12.3.5. Establish Comprehensive Counseling Centers focused on treating mental and emotional health issues and other maladies spanning the Eight Life Arenas of SAL.
12.3.6. Develop humanitarian and community outreach centers that work in concert with other organizations committed to relieving victims of natural and human-made disasters, decreasing preventable suffering, and addressing the pervasive plague of state, national, and global homelessness, addiction and substance abuse.
12.3.7. Form an independent motion picture studio, theatre troupe, and musical division (i.e. orchestra, band, etc.) to produce music, cinema, and other performing artistry aimed at furthering the Freedom Focused vision and mission.
12.3.8. Found, design, build, and enroll an endowed, accredited, private university (Freedom Focused University) in Palm Beach County, Florida, with satellite campuses and SAL Centers around the nation and world aimed at furthering our vision and mission by empowering university students of all ages with a world-class education in communication, critical thinking, statesmanship, and most importantly—Self-Action Leadership.
12.3.9. Found, design, build, and open the gates to SAL-LAND, a Disneyland-esque educational theme park that synthesizes elements of a community, park, library, school, classroom, home, laboratory, planetarium, theatre, etc., in Palm Beach County, Florida, with satellite parks throughout the nation and world. The goal of this theme park is to provide citizens from around the globe with an opportunity to engage in a variety of enjoyable and entertaining educational activities, challenges, and other opportunities aimed at helping people become more literate, numerate, culturally aware, historically informed, philosophically endowed, politically savvy, scientifically (and particularly astronomically) astute, SAL-literate, and spiritually sensitive.
12.4. Long-Term Legacy Aims (40-100 years ~ 2060 - 2120)
12.4.1. Sustain consistent financial viability and prosperity in perpetual pursuit of the Freedom Focused Vision and Mission.
12.4.2. Earn widespread cultural, literary, and performance accreditation for eclipsing postmodernism with the AGE of AUTHENTICISM.
12.4.3. Never cease to teach, model, exemplify, build, and serve in an effort to expand the message and meaning of SAL—and the miracle of Serendipity—wherever human beings reside throughout the world.
Dr. JJ's 13 Rules
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Dr. Jordan R. Jensen Founder, CEO, and Master Facilitator Freedom Focused LLC |
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Self-action leaders allow one's conscience to be one's guide |
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The goal of SAL is BALANCE |
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Self-Action Leaders are introspective and penitent before Universal Laws |
Never insult or contend. Focus instead on facts, positive elements of a situation or circumstance, and common beliefs in a never-ending effort to teach true principles and lift others to see broader vistas and obtain firmer footholds along life's continually treacherous physical and metaphysical journeys.
Find my true voice (discover who I really am) as soon as I can, develop that voice with all my heart, and then sing out shamelessly to the best of my ability and opportunities in a way that inspires and empowers others to do the same.RULE 7.
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A Freedom Focused Knight imbued by SAL |
Be wise as a scholar, but avoid sophistry and selfishness. Be strong and brave as an elite warrior, but do not profane or be vicious. Be clever as a fox and shrewd as a Hollywood actor or corporate lawyer, but never engage in deceit or manipulation. Be as skilled and precise as a world-class surgeon, but eschew ego. Be eloquent as a polished politician, but let my words ever speak the Truth in the sincere service of all human beings. Be ambitious and successful like the famous, but flee hedonism, concupiscence, and substance abuse. Fight, endure, and win like a world-champion athlete, but never mistakenly view myself a demigod. Use my God-given talents like a proactive and productive genius, but never dismiss, nor forget, the Source from whence they sprang.
In the end, the only real failure is to quit. Learn therefore to Labor and to Wait.** And remember that it is in my preparation, performance, and patience that I ultimately possess my soul (see Luke 21:19).
Develop reasoned responses to life's two great imposters—Triumph & Disaster.***RULE 10.
Be a DOER, not a drag; be a CREATOR, not a critic; be an EXAMPLE, not a judge.****
As a token of my commitment to be an example of a doer and a creator, pick up at least one piece of trash each day that I did not throw down, and read, write, recite, or do at least one thing each day that contributes to my own (or someone else's) personal wisdom, freedom, and Existential Growth.
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Self-Action Leaders everywhere have so much to be grateful for. |
Take nothing for granted, and in everything give THANKS.
RULE 12.
Spend all my time and money on things that will either directly or indirectly contribute to the acquisition of wisdom, freedom, and Existential Growth, the accumulation of worthy experiences, memories, and relationships, and the proactive pursuit of meaningful service to others.
Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. — Proverbs 4:7

Cultivating the paradox of my own
insignificance coupled with my limitless potential:
That is the essence of Rule 13.
RULE 13.

insignificance coupled with my limitless potential:
That is the essence of Rule 13.
Always remember that my own best efforts are insufficient to help me become all I am capable of becoming. I desperately need continual help from others and the omnipotent Power and Grace of the Almighty to fully engage the utmost existential transmutation of my body, mind, and spirit.
* "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" (Mohandas Gandhi).
** See Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem, A Psalm of Life (last stanza).
*** See Rudyard Kipling's poem, If.
**** "Be a light, not a judge" (Stephen R. Covey).
The Freedom Focused Corporate Constitution
ARTICLE I: Corporate Vision & Mission
ARTICLE III: Corporate Motto, Mascot, Slogan, & Symbols
ARTICLE IV: Corporate Colors, Flag, Salute, Oath of Office & Pledges of Allegiance
ARTICLE IV (Continued): Corporate Anthem
ARTICLE V: Organizational Pillars
ARTICLE VI: Corporate Values & Standards
ARTICLE VIII: Agent Code of Conduct
ARTICLE IX: Statues of Authority, Chains-of-Command, and Organizational Structures
ARTICLE X: Corporate By-Laws and Operating Procedures
ARTICLE XII: Projected Growth Trajectories and Intended Revenue Streams
—Dr. JJ
November 2, 2022Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA
Author's Note: This is the 290th Blog Post Published by Freedom Focused LLC since November 2013 and the 119th consecutive weekly blog published since August 31, 2020.
Click HERE for a compete listing of the other 289 FF Blog Articles.
Tune in NEXT Wednesday for another article on a Self-Action Leadership related topic.
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